Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 241 Rakshasa's Malice

Chapter 241 Rakshasa's Malice
"Boy, do you now think that I can't move you?" Having said this, Tang San didn't show the slightest timidity, Rakshashen couldn't help but said ruthlessly.

Tang San smiled slightly: "If you can move me, why bother talking to me at a distance now?"

It seems that he guessed right, Rakshasa really had some scruples and didn't attack him.In other words, after coming to this unknown space, all his abilities were banned, so the power of the Rakshasa God was also banned?
A gleam flashed in Tang San's blue eyes, and he looked at Rakshashen with meaningful eyes.

"Heh, I don't do anything just because I can't interfere with your spirit here, but it doesn't mean that I won't interfere with your body." Rakshasa God's purple-black ghost had a ferocious smile on his face. Full of malice made Tang San lower his eyes, "You have tampered with it."

This is an affirmative sentence.

Rakshasa laughed, "That's right! I've done something wrong, and I'm not afraid to tell you. What I'm waiting for now is only time!" He lowered his voice, "Tell me, if that little girl from the royal family sees my The 'lover' finally 'came alive', but what kind of expression will this seat really have?"

The other party's words have been made clear to this point, Tang San's face changed suddenly, and two big characters appeared in his mind——

Take home!

"Impossible, your evil divine power is repelling the origin of my Seagod's divine power." Even though he was a little flustered, Tang San still maintained his calm statement.

"尜尜尜, who knows?" Rakshasa just let out an ugly and piercing laugh meaningfully, and didn't tell Tang Sanming, Tang San couldn't judge whether the other party came prepared or just for bluff .

"Oh? I just said how Xiaoqi can't revive Tang San, a mere sea god. It turns out that Tang San's soul hides you who slipped through the net."

The ethereal female voice came from the void, and the purple-black grimace of the Rakshasa God trembled:

Tang San also raised his head in surprise to look at the pitch-black world around him, he didn't expect that there were still people there.

A rift opened in the pitch-black sky, and huge ripples churned in the endless void, as if something terrible was about to descend.

Tang San narrowed his eyes, and when he saw clearly the master who stirred up this huge wave, his pupils shrank slightly.

The woman was incompatible with the extreme darkness around her, and her whole body exuded a glistening white light. In this dark world without light, she became the most dazzling existence.

There was some banter on the indifferent and delicate face, but the silver eyes did not show the slightest turmoil, which was extremely inconsistent with the darkness around them, exuding a sacred aura, but unexpectedly, they were harmonious in this darkness, Like the son of chaos, the treasure of light and the darling of darkness.

Seeing that indifferent face, Tang San froze for a few seconds, as if he saw another person with the same indifferent facial features but with baby fat.

seven seven...

Qi Ye's silhouette was put on the woman, Tang San actually felt that there was no violation, but he was in a trance for only a second, and he realized the next moment that this mysterious woman who suddenly appeared was definitely related to Qi Qi.

"You are……"

The moment he saw the woman clearly, the grimace formed by the purple-black mist of the Rakshasa God trembled violently, and let out a beast-like scream from its mouth——

"Impossible! Why are you here?!"

"My sister is in trouble, of course I have to come and take a look." Ling Ye glanced lightly at the fussing Rakshasa God, and with a wave of Su Bai's hand, a green light instantly enveloped the Rakshasa God, and then Like pulling out weeds, with a grasp of the void, the entire ghost of Rakshasa God was pinched by Ling Ye, like throwing away garbage, the tightened five fingers opened slightly, and a space crack was opened in the void, Ling Ye directly Throw him in.

"Finally, there is you."

Ling Ye looked at Tang San, for some reason, Tang San suddenly felt a little nervous, just like an ugly daughter-in-law seeing her parents-in-law, feeling uneasy.

"You... are also Qiqi's relatives?" Tang San asked calmly, squeezing his hands tightly.

"That's right~" The silvery white under Ling Ye's eyes faded and turned into the original deep blue.The clear azure blue made Tang San feel good in his heart, and the string in his mind was no longer so tight.

The opponent is not hostile.

Compared with the inhuman indifference just now, he clearly felt that when the color of the mysterious woman's eyes faded from silver, she became more humane.But...he didn't see a trace of scrutiny inside...

"My name is Ling Ye, Ling Ye v Einzfeld, and from a macro perspective, I am Xiaoqi's biological sister. Although it is inappropriate to judge whether you are qualified to be my sister's partner now as a sister, but She is our younger sister after all, this blood relationship cannot be parted." Ling Ye sized Tang San up for a while before speaking slowly, without much obvious emotion in her tone.

"Qi Qi is sometimes stubborn, but she really values ​​her family the most." Mentioning Qi Ye, Tang San's eyes softened a lot. He thought of the scene where Qi Ye stood up to protect him, and the resurrection of Ah Yin. And the restoration of Tang Hao's arms and legs.

The corner of Ling Ye's mouth pressed, "Obviously." The girl would rather keep silent and use her source to warm up this kid to resist everything alone, rather than cause them trouble. He didn't attack Sister You Ye, but concentrated on deciphering the principle of the enchantment.So Xiao Qi still has a knife mouth and a tofu heart.

Ling Ye's eyes softened, and she slowly descended from the void, and at the same time changed the topic, "Just now Xiao Qi is not here, and this is your spirit space again, she doesn't know what we said, I also want to have a good talk with you Talk about us, Xiaoqi and other things."

Tang San was stunned for a moment, and said seriously: "Can I refuse?"

"What?" Ling Ye thought she had heard wrong.

Tang San's hands hanging on both sides of his body tightened: "I...I want to hear Qi Qi tell me personally, instead of knowing about her from other people's mouth..."

Ling Ye choked, but she didn't expect it to be because of this reason.


Ling Ye glanced at him in astonishment and couldn't help laughing: "Are you really... well-behaved and cute?"

However, speaking of it, it seems that there is another person who said the same thing...

The deep and handsome face flashed past in her mind, Ling Ye restrained her scrutiny, and said with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "Although I am very happy that you want to be accepted by her for Qi Qi's sake, but this matter is more than It’s about Qiqi alone, but it includes our other brothers and sisters, so you have to listen now if you don’t want to, because in the future, I may not remember these things, and I need you to guide Xiaoqi .”

Tang San looked slightly startled: "What does this mean?"

"Let me explain from the beginning, our existence and identity, anyway, the flow of time here is different from the outside world."

—— Digression——

Hey, I haven't been in a good mood these two days, it's really unlucky [deep sigh]

(End of this chapter)

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