Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 245 [Open the article and add updates~] Recommended for new pits! !

Chapter 245 [Open the article and add updates~] Recommended for new pits! !

Xinkeng's "The Host of Fast Transmigration is the Real Boss" is officially launched. The main character is sister You Ye. Every time Wenwen reaches 50 favorites, an update will be added~ Please accept and comment on the new pit~
The following brief introduction——

Linglingyao was very desperate. Originally, the host it had been secretly staring at for a long time was not bound, but was tied to a snake spirit that killed the host it admired.But seeing that the host is quite good-looking, I reluctantly used it╯^╰

Linglingyao: Our slogan is - conquer the male lead and go to the top! Get rid of the boss and kick the female lead!
You Ye raised an eyebrow: Oh.

Linglingyao: In view of the heavy grievances of the cannon fodder female supporting roles in the small world, you must do the mission down-to-earth as the host, successfully defeat the male protagonist, kill the boss, squeeze out the female protagonist, and become the female protagonist yourself! In this way, you To be resurrected!

Lingling Yao:! !What are you doing, spicy chicken host?Ahhhhh!The hero is gone!
You Ye crushed the antidote: Blame me?
Linglingyao: Telling you to attack is not to kill the hero!!

Later, Linglingyao has numbly watched her hot chicken host turn around and become a boss, swearing at the law, defying the female lead and beating the male lead.

[The male protagonist is alone, and the female protagonist has unusual three views.Face slaps, Su Shuang, brain burns, and dog blood fly together.This article rejects textual research, does not accept ky's personal identity, and does not like imprints.I'll fight you if you come! 】

ps: The little cutie who knows the truth about her sister should keep it secret~ Keep a sense of mystery~
(End of this chapter)

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