Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 259 Qualification Determination

Chapter 259 Qualification Determination
The so-called dark side of human nature, the original seven deadly sins - gluttony, greed, laziness, greed, arrogance, jealousy and rage, will be infinitely magnified in the place of inheritance, and one who is not careful may lose his heart, lose himself, and become A walking dead.

Before truly awakening the inheritance of the royal family, Qi Ye has been being chased, fled, and plundered, and there will be emotional experience in it. It is also here that Qi Ye truly understands what love is.

The reason why Ling Ye had not fully awakened her feelings for Hades was sealed was to conceal the fact that it was Qi Ye who had violated the royal family's rules.

Shen Ye and the others sealed Ling Ye's memory and feelings by taking advantage of the fact that they would be deprived of their qualifications if they were in love. Ling Ye, who has dealt with the Senate for several years, is more reliable.

Qi Ye has been involved in the turbulent space by the secret hand of the Senate since he was born, and he hasn't even awakened his ability and self, let alone inherited the memory of the royal family.

After she inherited the inherited memory, she naturally knew the rules of [God Sacrifice], but it was too late at this time, because she already had someone she liked with each other.As for the existence of "Dou Xing" blessed by the highest law, both of them have also awakened, and engraved each other's name with sacred characters under the collarbone and above the heart.

This is the partner recognized by [World], the "opposite star" blessed by the highest law.

Once before the [God Sacrifice], if a contemporary descendant of the direct blood violates the regulations, he will be automatically deemed to have given up his qualifications to run for succession to the royal throne. place to replace the original vacancy.

It was with this intention that the Senate let Ling Ye determine whether what he said was true or false. Once Ling Ye was denied, they would have a chance to stand up!
Under the fiery eyes of the Great Elder and the others, Ling Ye slowly walked under the floating and rotating light wheel, and a mechanical sound sounded in the hall——


"The ninth-generation pure-blooded descendant of the Einzfeld royal family——Ling Ye·V·Einzfeld." Ling Ye looked fearlessly at the halo that began to emit a faint white light in the sky.

【Please verify your identity】

Hearing this, Ling Ye raised her hand, stretched out her index finger, and gently closed her eyes. A silver light flashed across the fingertips, and a cracked mark appeared on the fingertips. Ling Ye frowned instantly.

hurts a little.

A drop of dark red blood slipped from the wound on the fingertip, was wrapped in white light, and was transmitted to the center of the light wheel for blood identification.

[Identity information confirmed - the blood reaction is the fifth princess of the ninth generation pure blood descendant of the Einzfeld royal family - Ling Ye·V·Einzfeld.Please advise. 】The mechanical voice explained.

The Great Elder concealed the excitement that could not be concealed in his eyes, and impatiently took a step forward and said, "Zhinao, I want to identify the qualifications of the five princesses for [God Sacrifice]!"

She can't wait to see Ling Ye step down! !

[Drip—identity information confirmation failed.I do not obey the orders of unidentified people who are not pure-bloods of the Einzfeld royal family. 】The mechanical voice mercilessly refuted the great elder's face.

damn it!
The Great Elder's face changed suddenly, and a trace of resentment leaked out of his eyes.

pure blood is pure blood
She didn't believe that if she wasn't pure blood, she wouldn't be able to get that supreme seat! !


Ling Ye lightly swept over the hideous and ugly face of the First Elder, and even Fan Ye, who was always indifferent, showed a trace of contempt in his eyes.

"As the fifth princess of the Einzfeld royal family, I order you to appraise whether I am qualified to participate in the [God Sacrifice]." Ling Ye ordered lightly.


[Command generation. 】

【Information Update——】

[Appraisal results - the fifth princess of the ninth generation of pure-blood descendants of the Einzfeld royal family - Ling Ye·V·Einzfeld has the qualifications to participate in the [God Sacrifice]. 】

"How is it possible!!" The third elder was the first to exclaim when he heard this unexpected result.

He took two steps forward in disbelief, and shouted anxiously: "She has already fallen in love with an outsider! How can she still have the qualification of [God Sacrifice]?!"

[Drip—I repeat again, do not accept or obey orders from unidentified personnel who are not pure blood descendants of the Einzfeld royal family. 】

"You!" The noble and self-reliant Third Elder was also mercilessly dismissed by Zhizhi, and his face turned red immediately.

"Oh? The words of the third elder are disrespectful to the royal family, right?" You Ye looked at the third elder who said that Ling Ye had no qualifications for [God Sacrifice]. He was different from the usual half-smile. The slightly crazy gaze of the third elder caused a burst of sparks to pop up in the air, and then defeated the third elder with the overwhelming sense of menace revealed in You Ye's invisible eyes.

And the momentum of the third elder's whole body suddenly weakened, and the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze.

He felt that standing in front of him was a demon that was grinding its teeth and was about to pounce on him and bite his throat.

Every minute, every second is waiting for him to show his flaws, and then tear him apart!

- off topic -

In the past few days, Moli has been on the night shift, so the update time has been fluctuating. Sometimes I am too tired to go home and go to bed. I would like to say sorry to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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