Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 264 The God Sacrifice Begins!

Chapter 264 The God Sacrifice Begins!
The opening of the [Divine Sacrifice] is a highly anticipated event in the Supreme Realm.

For a whole month, for a month, powerful and powerful people in the highest realm gathered here, most of them were family members and believers of the royal family, and many more had comprehended the law of the [Day], Dimensional travelers who are free from the law and governed by the highest law, they come from different realms, and they have also possessed thousands of brilliance.

But the same thing is that they are all people who understand the law.

All the elders of the Senate have long been waiting for the most open view on the observatory leading to the royal family sacrifice. This is the best view, even if they are jealous and resentful in their hearts, at this time of opening to the outside world, They will still unanimously withdraw their attitudes of contempt and anger.

After all, if they want to become a regular again, they still have a sense of proportion when it comes to the glory of the royal family.

The layout here is almost the same as that of Hakoniwa's super-large gift competition arena. The only difference is that every position in this super-large circular auditorium has a special formation, which can play a protective role at a certain time. .

As for viewing angle?
This is the sacrifice of the royal family, and they are not viewed as juggling clowns. They don't need to be seen as monkeys by others, they just let you be a witness.

Seeing that almost everyone had come, the Great Elder passed on a divine sense to the Sixth Elder who was in charge of the gate, and the Sixth Elder nodded knowingly at the Great Elder on the high watchtower, and pinched a formula in his hand , close the portal, no matter how late they will not wait.

After all, you are just a witness, not the protagonist, so why would they waste their precious time waiting for you little characters who haven't arrived yet?
Seeing that the Sixth Elder closed the portal, the First Elder stepped forward, overlooking the huge viewing field, and his majestic voice resounded strangely in everyone's ears——

"First of all, everyone is welcome to come and witness the opening ceremony of the [God Sacrifice] of the Einzfeld royal family, and witness the birth of the new king with us."

Hearing the female voice full of incomparable majesty in the ear, the voices of everyone's discussion stopped, the whole huge viewing field was silent, and even the whistling of the wind could not help but be quieted down.

The Great Elder glanced around with satisfaction, and continued: "[Sacred Sacrifice] is a sacrificial ceremony for the royal family to choose their fate in the past. It is recognized by the [World], and the highest law and we will witness the birth of the new king!"

After the words fell, the huge square in the center began to sink slowly with the gradually rising transparent steps. The huge altar suspended in the center, and the pillar that went straight to the sky without end was engraved with an unknown giant beast pattern—— The slender and huge body coiled around the column, and the long wings, which looked like angel wings, replaced the dragon horns and hung naturally on both sides.Like a snake but without scales, it is as smooth as jade.The limbs are like fins but have sharp claws, the wings and horns are like deer, and the silver head is like a dragon. There are small carvings in the eyes, and the crescent moon is like pupils. It is lifelike and seems to be shining.Its tail is like ice crystals. Although it is not a real body, you can still feel that its sharpness is definitely not low, because even if it is just a depicted pattern, you can still feel the force from the giant beast, a wave from ancient times. Ancient and noble, they can't help but want to kneel down and surrender from the depths of their souls.

There seemed to be ethereal music coming from a distance, and everyone looked up, only to see Shen Ye wearing a pure white sacrificial robe, with complicated golden patterns converging into the pattern of the unknown giant beast on the stone pillar, following in the air The air waves caused by the sound of the bouncing zither surged, and the sound waves seemed to condense into substance in the air, and a half-moon-shaped white sound wave spread to the audience centered on Shen Ye.

The melodious flute sounded, and the golden sound wave joined the white sound wave, weaving into a gold and white two-color sound wave.

Fan Ye lightly closed his eyes, and lightly put the golden jade flute to his lips, another completely different tune blended ingeniously with the guzheng played by Shen Ye.

The ethereal sound of the zither suddenly joined the ensemble of flute and zither sounds. Silver sound waves were plucked from the huge silver harp in Huang Ye's hands. His slender five fingers stroked the silver harp regularly, but the sound that came out However, the melody is not possessed by the original strings, but with another kind of wonderful power, which is pulled out by Huang Ye's hand to produce another kind of ethereal music.

The three kinds of music are intertwined, interwoven into a wonderful and sacred ancient ballad.

The unknown existence in the dark echoed the music played by the three of them, and the clouds in the sky began to be dominated by the Tongtian Pillar, forming a vortex, which seemed to be a sign of something important.

Two roads suddenly appeared at both ends of the altar. Facing the waves of the triple sound, You Ye and Ling Ye, who also wore pure white sacrificial dresses, suddenly appeared. Make a crisp accompaniment sound, and follow the rhythm of the sacred ballad.

Their fingertips drew obsessive arcs in the sky that shone with three-color sound waves, and when their wrists were turned, they brought red and blue dots of light, spinning on the altar, and the red and blue lights gradually became slender The light turned into a solid form and fell to the place where You Ye and Ling Ye stayed a second ago, as if they were drawing some pattern.

The silver-white and extremely purple long hair and skirt corners floated in the air swayed by the triplet, radiating light spots consistent with the hair color, while Ling Ye and You Ye danced towards each other, and the two sides were gorgeous The ends of the complicated skirts brushed past each other, but Ling Ye and You Ye didn't notice it at all, as if they were immersed in a rhythm, walking in strange and regular dance steps, gradually converging under their feet into a pair of ancient characters engraved on it. array.

In the end, Qi Ye's petite body suddenly appeared in the middle of Ling Ye and You Ye passing by again. He was wearing the same style of You Ye and Ling Ye's but completely different, dark sacrificial ceremony dress.

"Qiqi." The deep voice sounded from a dark and dim room, full of anxiety and worry.

"Don't worry, Ling Ye and the others are here." Another cold voice sounded, talking to that voice as if comforting.

"Hope nothing goes wrong," sighed the first voice.

When the elders saw Qi Ye who was dressed in pitch black, the First Elder's face suddenly became ferocious, and her beautiful face was deeply distorted by her into the ugly appearance of an evil spirit.

—— Digression——

See you next Tuesday~
(End of this chapter)

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