Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 289 Accepting Negotiations

Chapter 289 Accepting Negotiations
On the first day, the sea was still rising wildly.Officials dispatched people to investigate the situation, and the feedback they got was only sea water. I don’t know why, one hour, higher than one hour, even submerged to the borders of some countries, or the interior, and were forced to board oil tankers. Dwell on a stormy sea.

The next day, many coastal countries have been flooded by the soaring sea water more than half.

On the third day, more people took refuge on oil tankers, just like in the myth, when the world was about to be overwhelmed by the wrath of God, people brought all kinds of livestock with hope for the future, and took Human Noah's Ark.

On the fourth day, people suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon.That is, whenever the seawater floods a town, people think that the animals that have been left behind have nowhere to take refuge and can only meet the fate of death, those animals that have been sentenced to death by humans breathe freely in the seawater, Walking recklessly.

There was even a lady watching her pet alpaca, the grass mud horse, which she couldn't take with her, chewing her mouth like before, as if she was eating something, spreading her hooves in the noisy sea, and walking towards her.

"Huh?" The alpaca looked at the owner of the Twolegs puzzledly, and tilted its head.

Alpaca owner: "."


Some people questioned incomprehensibly, and even thought that the sea water was just an illusion, and those who were not afraid of death turned over the mast of the oil tanker, jumped into the sea, and drowned.

"Idiot, if it's an illusion, how could it hold up the tanker!"

Some people scolded the group of people who deceived themselves and wanted to die.

The people above discussed this phenomenon again, and Admiral Tenz, who had exchanged opinions with the emperor organization before, reported the first batch of things that had contacted the emperor organization with the god king, and the upper-level people immediately dispatched helicopters Go ask Professor Serizawa.

After Professor Serizawa expressed Tang San's meaning to the upper-level people, some leaders were furious.

"What?! Let us peacefully coexist in the same world as those monsters that stomped on us as easily as ants?! Impossible!"

Some radicals firmly opposed it.

Professor Serizawa was the least panicked one at this time.He clasped his fingers, propped his elbows on the table, and maintained a negotiating posture: "It's useless for you to tell me, if you want to talk, you can only talk to the Lord God King."

"Well, you can also choose to continue to build Noah's Ark to meet the wrath of the God King. But if those titan beasts who are obviously favored by the God King and his wife take the opportunity to encircle the territory, it is not waiting for the God King to come up with a peace If you use the method of dividing the land, it is also possible."

Professor Serizawa said almost ruthlessly, as if he didn't know about the increasing number of people dying everywhere.

"Serizawa, don't forget that you are also a member of mankind!" A leader thumped the table angrily.

Professor Serizawa was extremely calm, "Of course I am also a member of mankind. But I understand better that our resistance is powerless in front of that god king."

In fact, he also sees the growing number of people dying every day.He was also very heartbroken, and at the risk of being disrespectful, he asked Tang San if he could reduce the sacrifice.

And what did Tang San say?
He sat on the blue-gold Sea God Throne, held the Sea God Trident, looked at the projected crystal ball in front of him, and said lightly: "Sacrifice is inevitable. But if they are interested, I will change my mind." , to revive those who are dying. However, this depends on the sincerity of human beings.”

Tang San looked down at Professor Serizawa with extremely calm eyes: "And you can't tell the truth, and you can't disclose this matter to others in any form. You just need to know that God is not really ruthless. "

In the dark, Professor Serizawa felt something, as if pulling him, he could feel the existence of the dark.

He didn't know that it was Tang San, as a god king, restraining mortals' speech spirits, added on top of the laws of this world, absolute speech spirits.

Therefore, even if Professor Serizawa wants to help the human side, he is powerless and can only let them negotiate with sincerity.

Although some leaders were not sincere, they were also afraid of Tang San's power, afraid of the truth, and died in the ocean that would submerge the entire earth at some point.

So they expressed their willingness to send representatives to Professor Serizawa to talk to Tang San.

Professor Serizawa heaved a sigh of relief, and reported this matter to Tang San.

On the throne, Tang San smiled slightly: "Representative? No, I want them to talk in person."

Professor Serizawa's pupils shrunk.

Qi Ye, who was playing mobile games on the throne next to him, yawned leisurely, and put down the hot phone she was playing with.

After waiting for several days, is it finally time for the show?
(End of this chapter)

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