Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 294 Successfully escaped

Chapter 294 Successfully escaped
On the other side, hundreds of gods are all concentrated around the God Realm Center of the God Realm Committee.

Tang San pushed out with both hands, and pressed on the God Realm Center in front of him. In an instant, his whole body became brighter, and the incomparably huge divine power unreservedly transmitted into the God Realm Center.

Ji Dong, Lie Yan, Huo Yuhao, Zhou Weiqing, and Rong Nianbing followed closely behind. In their outer circle were the first-level gods, then the second-level gods, and the outermost circle was the third-level gods.All the gods released their divine power at the same time, injecting all their strength into the center of the God Realm.

Tang San's eyes turned golden at this time, through the center of the God Realm, his perception was instantly elevated to the extreme, as the number one God King, the Supreme God of the God Realm Committee.At this time, with the help of the gods, he seemed to have transformed into the entire God Realm, and the entire God Realm was controlled by him like his body.

The energy of space-time turbulence is extremely huge, otherwise it would be impossible to sweep away the God Realm, but at this moment, relying on the full strength of the gods, Tang San controlled the entire God Realm to shake slightly.

The energy in the space-time turbulence is extremely viscous, like a spider web, connecting the entire God Realm.

Even if all the power of the God Realm is concentrated, it is impossible to entrust this cobweb-like huge energy.And what Tang San is doing now is to loosen this spider web as much as possible.

In this way, once an outside force joins in, then he may immediately take the God Realm to the current control and break away from the turbulent flow of time and space.

The God Realm swayed gently, struggling in the turbulent flow of time and space.The emotions of the gods also began to become tense.

You know, launching such a breakaway is a huge consumption for the God Realm. If you can't get rid of it, this consumption will weaken the resistance of the God Realm to the turbulent flow of time and space. If you try more times, then , will accelerate the collapse of the God Realm.

"Here we come, get ready!" Tang San shouted suddenly.

As the controller of the center of the God Realm, his feelings are the most acute.He suddenly discovered that a suction force came from the side of the God Realm.This suction is so strong that the entire space-time turbulence is instantly deflected and deformed.

Under Tang San's control, the entire Douluo God Realm instantly burst into dazzling brilliance, thick divine power, blooming outwards, forcibly pushing away the turbulent flow of time and space wrapped around him, and quickly rushed towards that suction force.

That pulling force was indeed very strong, and it combined with the power of the God Realm almost instantly, and a suction force came, driving the God Realm outward.

Tang San's eyes widened, his own soul power was released without reservation, behind him, two rays of light flashed at the same time, the bright golden golden trident, and the dark red Shura sword appeared almost at the same time.

The two super artifacts also radiated radiance, pouring their own energy into Tang San's body in an endless stream.

"Boom—" God Realm slammed into the edge of space-time turbulence.

The energy of space-time turbulence itself is an existence full of destructive power, so that the outermost part is its toughest place, and only by rushing out of this encirclement can one escape from the turbulence.

The entire God Realm was violently shaken, and the hearts of all the gods were swaying. As the six masters of the center, including Tang San, the six people's bodies shone brightly at the same time.

Qi Ye in Blue Silver Castle also felt the shock.

The royal family is in charge of laws, and they are also very sensitive to bugs such as space-time turbulence.

For Qi Ye, who has lost the tearing space and crossed time and space, the turbulent flow of time and space is like a sweet pastry exuding fragrance, attracting her.

The next moment, Qi Ye's figure disappeared into the room, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared next to the center of the God Realm with bare feet.

Seeing Qi Ye appearing suddenly, Tang San, who was concentrating on putting his divine power into the center of the God Realm, felt turbulent for a while.

"Qiqi!" Tang San roared with blood on the corner of his mouth, and the mouth corners of the other five gods beside him also had dazzling blood.

Not enough, still not enough!
Qi Ye ignored Tang San, turned around, and in an instant, the long hair that had been gradually changing was soaked in the moonlight again, turning into a frosty color, flying wantonly in the air with the rising magic power of Qi Ye's body.

Qi Ye's eyes were empty, and a little silvery white flowed in her clear eyes, like another boundless sea of ​​bright stars.

Then, the sea of ​​stars condensed a huge magical power that could shatter countless stars.

In an instant, that huge magical power covered the other divine powers except Tang San and the other six gods, and chains formed by several pure white flames shot out from the void and stretched towards the center of the God Realm. Yes, there was a loud bang, as if something had been pulled.

Tang San, who sensed the situation in the outer layer of the God Realm, sensed what Qi Ye wanted to do, his face changed suddenly, and he didn't care what would happen if he was distracted at this time, because the divine consciousness was hard to separate at this time, and it ruthlessly bit him back.

"Qiqi! Don't let God Realm get close to the turbulent flow of time and space!"

Tang San almost roared, a mouthful of divine blood poured into his throat fiercely, and spit it out.

That's right, Qi Ye who appeared here was not helping Tang San and the others to push the God Realm away from the turbulent flow of time and space, but to narrow the distance between the two sides.

Qi Ye, whose spirit had already fallen into another mysterious realm, paused, and then retracted the chain connecting the God Realm and the turbulent flow of time and space.The chains converged into a huge windmill and began to spin.Just like the water wheel device behind the cruise ship, the wind force is used to push the water and push the ship forward.

Suddenly, the originally chaotic halo in the center of the entire God Realm suddenly changed, and everything suddenly became transparent.

The vast universe and the starlight all over the sky are projected in the center of the entire God Realm at this moment.

They succeeded!

- off topic -

The gods who were kept in the dark and didn't know that they had been ruthlessly cheated: ah!The Queen of God is so powerful!We need to work harder!
(End of this chapter)

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