My lord is a demon again

Chapter 659 Pregnant with your child

Chapter 659 Pregnant with your child

Hearing the sound of falling apart, the carport was instantly torn apart by internal force and scattered all over the ground.

Under the hazy moonlight, there was no man and woman having sex in the car as he had imagined, but only a snakeskin bag twisting its body.

It turned out to be a human trafficker!

Despite this, Xiao Wang remained extremely vigilant, ignited the primer with a bang, and then gently cut open the snakeskin bag with the tip of a knife.

A woman with her limbs bound was immediately displayed in front of his eyes.

"It's you!?" Xiao Wang couldn't help but screamed, and cut the rope on her body.

That woman turned out to be that Du Lian!

After Du Lian's limbs were unrestrained, she struggled to pull out the ball of paper in her mouth, and suddenly threw herself into Xiao Wang's arms.

"Woooo~~~My lord~~I~~"

Xiao Wang pushed the woman away and said, "Du Lian, what are you doing, why did you end up in such a mess? Didn't I let you run as far as you want? Why are you back again?"

"My lord~~ Wang Lang~~ I don't want to leave here, I don't want to leave you even if I die~ Wang Lang, I'm pregnant with your child~"

"What!!!!!!" Xiao Wang's head buzzed, as if someone had hit him hard with a stick, and he almost fainted.

"Wang Lang, I really wanted to run away at the beginning, but I was robbed and penniless. Where could I go? Later, I was arrested by human traffickers. Fortunately, I met you again, Wang Lang, we Look, it’s really a fate set by God, we are destined to be together~ I don’t want to part with you even if I die—”

"Enough is enough, shut up! Don't call me Wang Lang!"

"Wang Lang, I—"

"Shut up~~!" Xiao Wang grabbed Du Lian's collar anxiously, put the knife on his neck and said, "Do you believe that I killed you with one knife!?"

"I... believe... I believe..." As Du Lian was talking, her sobs suddenly became choked up, and tears dripped down her cheeks.

"Then what are you doing back here!?" Xiao Wang almost lost control, why is this woman so lingering, she thought she had lost the big trouble, but ran back for no reason.

"Wang Lang~I~~"

"Don't call me Wang Lang!" Xiao Wang slapped Du Lian's eyes with a slap.

"I..." Du Lian shook her body and passed out!

"Hey, wake up, Du Lian, Du Lian!"

Xiao Wang shook her shoulders vigorously a few times, but she didn't wake up.

Suddenly, there was a murderous aura!
A strong murderous aura came to the ground!

And has come behind him!
This speed is fast enough, and he can only notice it when he comes behind him, he must be a master.

"Who!" Xiao Wang turned around suddenly, and struck out the machete in his hand like lightning.

To deal with the master among the masters, one must seize the opportunity and annihilate them in one fell swoop, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Dang!" With a sound, the two short swords crossed to block his brave and invincible knife!

"Old~~big!" Xiao Wang exclaimed!
No matter how dark the night is, he can't recognize the person who came, but he personally found the two short and powerful Youlong daggers to be made by experts, how could he not recognize them?
It's just that Xiao Wang's face changed drastically at this time, as if he saw the end, and the boss didn't know when he appeared. I'm afraid that the matter between him and Du Lian can no longer be concealed.

"Boss, please, Boss, don't tell the truth, otherwise I will be finished. For Xin'er's sake, Boss, you must help me, otherwise, what will Xiner do in the future?" Ah boss~~"

(End of this chapter)

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