My lord is a demon again

Chapter 746 Vicious Woman

Chapter 746 Vicious Woman


After just one sip, I felt like my whole body was being burned. I put down the wine glass and said, "Why is this thing so heavy?"

"Hey, Your Majesty, good things have to be savored slowly. If you are in a hurry, it will be boring."

As Xiao Wang said, he also took out some barbecued wild game and red clay cakes, put them on the desk and said, "Your Majesty, I also got these for you. You can't eat them in the palace. Try something new."

Sikong Luo threw another cup in front of Xiao Wang and said, "What are you waiting for? Can I pour you wine?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, Your Majesty, I hereby respect you." Xiao Wang also poured a cup and drank it down, making his voice burst into flames.

It's been a long time since Sikong Luo drank wine and ate small dishes in such a comfortable way, and now with Xiao Wang's company, he felt quite quack.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, you should be serious about it. A few days ago, because you haven't recovered from your injury, I didn't press you."

"What? Your Majesty, what do you want to know?"

"Aren't you still pretending to be deaf and dumb? Naturally, it is why you have a tattoo of a double-headed poisonous scorpion on your back. That matter is still a mystery to me. Ye Siyang should be the one who killed that day." , why did you show up at the scene?"

When Xiao Wang saw that the emperor asked about this, he said nervously: "Your Majesty, I don't even think about it. I was framed by that woman!"

"That woman? Who is it?"

"Of course it's Du Lian, who else can there be besides her?"

"is her?!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, after the boss and I rescued her that day, we wanted to settle her down first and let her calm down. Who knew that everything was premeditated by her, such as being kidnapped, robbed of money, and sex. It's fake, it's obvious that she deliberately pretended to be robbed, and then gave her ministers a mist."

"Mixiang?" The extremely smart Sikong Luo understood the general idea at once, and said, "You slept with that woman afterward, but she tattooed you with a double-headed poisonous scorpion afterwards?"

"Quanzhong! Your majesty, you really are so smart and smart! Later, I was also led into that tent by her. When I went in, I just found that many people died inside, so I and that masked killer After fighting for a few times, he cut my clothes on the back with a knife and ran away. After that, I heard the call for help from outside, and many people rushed in and surrounded me. Only then did I know , I was fooled."

Sikong Luo muttered to himself: "Why did she do this? Who is ordering her to do this?"

"Your Majesty, could it be that she has a grudge because we forced her out of the palace and came back to take revenge on my minister?"

Sikong Luo patted Xiao Wang's head and said: "Idiot, this is impossible, she is a little woman, no matter how powerful she is, she is absolutely impossible to arrange things in such an orderly manner, this is obvious It's a deliberate plan, and someone must be instigating her."

"Hmph, that bitch, when I recover, I will definitely find her out and execute the Fa on the spot. It's all because we were too merciful at the beginning, and that's why we created such a disaster!"

"Don't worry, I don't think things are that simple, no matter how anxious you are, I'm afraid you will fall into someone's trap again."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I listen to you. By the way, Your Majesty, the old general came to see me two days ago and said that Your Majesty, you are drunk. What's going on?"

"Drunk? There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that he was a little drunk and just happened to be discovered by him. In fact, there's nothing wrong with it."

(End of this chapter)

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