Chapter 31

"Where is the wall?" Bingyu searched for a long time but couldn't find it, and ran out to see Master and Xiaohe.

"Over there." The master led the way.

"Wow——" Bingyu followed him around, and finally saw a wall that was different from the surrounding ones.

"But it still can't be opened." Xiao He touched for a long time and found that the wall was not movable.

"Is there still a mechanism?" The master thought for a while, and began to fumble around in the house.

"What are you looking for?" Bingyu was puzzled.

"See if there are any active organs?"

"Oh." So, the three of them started touching and touching together, and finally...

"Oh, this event is up!" Xiao He exclaimed excitedly.Everyone turned around suddenly...

"Die! You're a broken stick, what a fart!" Bingyu beat him violently.

"Hey, be gentle with the beauty." The master was a little upset.

"You little brat, what do you know, let's go!"

"Huh?" The master knelt down.

"What's the matter?" Bingyu also squatted down and looked in the direction the master was looking at, but found nothing.

"I feel like the floor tiles under my feet are empty." The expert moved his foot and felt it hard.

"Oh, it seems so!" Xiao He tapped, "Then the switch should be right below!"

"Get out of the way!" The master stood up, posing with a majestic and leading posture, scaring Bingyu and Xiaohe to run back.

With a "click", the brick opened, revealing a big golden toad inside.

"Hey—" the master turned around and found that there was no one behind him. "Hello—" I turned around and found...

"What are you guys doing outside?" The master clasped his hands tightly, in a posture about to explode.

"You said get out of the way!" Bingyu said aggrieved.As soon as the master showed his power just now, Xiao He and her went straight out of the house...

"Alright, alright, miss, let's go in quickly." Realizing that the situation was wrong, Xiao He grabbed Bingyu and ran inside.

"What a big golden statue!" Bingyu's eyes turned $$ again.

"Bang!" The master hit a chestnut without hesitation. "Think seriously!"

"Oh, I don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at all." Bingyu muttered, and reluctantly reached in to try to move the big toad.

"It's not moving! It's turning!" Another blow.

"Ouch!" Bingyu immediately covered the other side and began to spin vigorously.Left and left, it can’t turn, then right and right, ouch, why still can’t turn?Left, left, oops, is it the right?

"What are you doing?" The master finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Turn, but I can't turn..." Bingyu backed away again and again, for fear of being hit again.

"Trash!" The master waved her to get out of the way, and twisted the toad...

"You are a piece of trash! Why are you working so hard!" Bingyu was so angry that she punched and kicked the master.Hmph, I want revenge.

"Oh, miss, miss..." Xiao He was surprised to find that the wall was actually moving.

My dear mother, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has a spirit in the sky, so there really is a secret room!Bingyu was so shocked that her eyeballs fell out...

"Hmph!" The master waved his fist, but unfortunately he couldn't reach Bingyu with his height, he could only jump and jump, but couldn't hit it.

"Let's go, hahahaha, let's go in." Bingyu hurriedly said haha, and went in while dragging Xiao He.

(End of this chapter)

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