Chapter 37

Another five days passed...

"Yaotiao, what does shopkeeper He want to wake up?" Bingyu asked.

"Well, I don't know, it seems that he has taken some kind of medicine, but I don't know this kind of medicine for the time being, it seems to be a kind of incense from the Western Regions..." Yaoyao was thoughtful.

"Who is so cruel." Xiao He sighed.

"By the way, where's the master?" Bingyu found that this kid was always missing recently.

"Let's play on the street." Siji said, "Otherwise, let's go find it."

"Miss, I think we should go back quickly. I always feel a little scared for such an important thing." Xiao He said.

Well, actually, I've always wanted to say this, Xiao He, hello!Spend more money outside! (Why do you always have money!) Bingyu thought to herself.

"Well, get the master back, and we'll go back."

"Yes." Four Seasons said.

"I'll go too!" Yaoyao stood up, staring at the four seasons.

"Yaoyao, look at Butler He, Xiaohe and I will go look for it, and prepare the car for Siji." Bingyu pulled Xiaohe up, avoided Yaotiao's electric eye attack, and rushed out.

walking down the street...

"Wow——" That's great, the streets are still so spacious, the people are still so simple, the air is so fresh, the sky is so blue, so free—but... a trace of melancholy flashed across Bingyu's brows.

"What's wrong? Xiao...oh, son?" Xiao He asked with concern.

"I'm thinking that when I return to the palace, I will have to live that kind of restrained life again." Bingyu said dullly.

"Young Master..." Xiao He looked at Bingyu, but didn't know what to say.

"Let's find a master." Bingyu immediately cheered up and smiled.


The two walked for a long time, restaurants, steamed stuffed bun shops, and small restaurants, but they couldn't find a master anywhere.

"Where did he go?" Bingyu wondered.

"Will he not go with us?" Xiao He asked.

"Then you should tell us, at least say goodbye." Bingyu shook her hand, overturning Xiao He's thoughts.

"He shouldn't be in misfortune." Xiao He was startled.

"It's possible!" The two immediately panicked.

At this time, there was a clear and crisp sound of Tongsheng from behind, mixed with the cries of warblers and swallows.

"Beautiful sister——"

"Hey, guest officer, come on, oh, you bastard, go back to your mother!"

Bingyu and Xiaohe were dumbfounded, and found the figure of a master under the Cuihong Building...

"Sister, you look like my mother!" The master jumped up and hugged the beautiful woman's waist, buried his face in the beautiful woman's chest, and lifted his feet off the ground...

"High...hand..." Bingyu was quite frightened.

Xiao He was stunned on the spot.

"You son of a bitch, get lost wherever you came from! Don't affect your aunt's business!" The woman slapped the master off.

"Hmm..." Bingyu couldn't stop laughing secretly, not daring to disturb the good show, so she covered her mouth and kept laughing.

"Mother!" The master simply ignored him and pounced again. This time he didn't grasp well and pulled out the bellyband of the beautiful woman. As a result, a group of people immediately gathered and ran over frantically. The scene was completely similar to that of a bison. Almost run wild.

"Xiao He, kill—" Bingyu picked up Xiao He and rushed into the crowd.

"Ah—you little ghost—I'm dead—" a cry of Ying gradually disappeared in the voices of the people.

Bingyu was sullen, and saw the master's shoes, so she pulled them out regardless of the three-seven-two-one.

After a lot of struggle, Xiaohe and Bingyu struggled with each other, and finally...

"I... want to... break... break..." After struggling for a while, the master was already in the shape of a fried dough stick, and finally collapsed after saying this sentence...

(End of this chapter)

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