Chapter 47

I am a member of the Fifth Prince, from the very beginning.

But ever since I received that order, my whole life has changed. I also know that maybe my whole life is just to complete this task, and after that, I will die...

I pretended to be a down and out woman, in order to get close to him, someone who might be a threat to the Fifth Prince.When I looked up and saw his bright eyes, with a trace of warmth in his cold eyes, I knew, or, I would never be able to complete this task.

"I would like to be your killer." I said to him.It was autumn that day, just like my name, the leaves of Qiutong turned yellow and then fell, making a creaking sound when they fell to the ground, giving me a feeling of laziness in autumn.

He gazed into my eyes, and for a moment, I hoped, his gaze was more than just probing.Finally, he nodded and turned to leave.How I wish he could look at me for a while, even if it was just for a while.However, nothing happened.

From then on, I was the person who lived in the night—Hua Ying.

It wasn't until I met him that everything started to change.If it hadn't been for him, I might have lived entangled in my love and loyalty to my master until I died, or I would have died because of it.He is the third prince - Xiao Zhongheng.

I never expected the emperor's love, just like I never expected Yiran to love me.I feel that as long as I pay silently and love for him, then my life will be worth it.Zhongheng's love is very subtle. It was raining lightly in the afternoon when we first met. I don't even know how or when he fell in love with me. I don't know. All I know is myself, but I love His.This may be the nature of selfishness.

But no matter what, I was comforted in my heart, because although Yiran would bring all kinds of brothel girls to the palace for banquets every time, those women never entered the palace, and none of them repeated.Although, I am very envious that they can kiss him and kiss him, but after all, it is only a moment, not as good as me, even if they can't touch, they can always stay together. This may be my destiny.

That day, I still clearly remember that he returned home with a smile on his lips, he never smiled before.Then I said to Xing Chen: "Go, see where did that girl come from?" I thought it was just someone he met by chance who made him feel cute, but I didn't want to check it, so he was moved.At that moment, my world collapsed. Before that, even if he didn't have me in his heart, he didn't have anyone else, but now it's different.

I hate her for taking his heart so easily.However, I know that even without her, there will still be other women living in his heart, but it won't be me.

But all of this was known by the master.I started to report some false information for him, or simply hid in Chu Palace.I'm afraid to meet my master, I don't want to betray him, but I don't want to hurt Yiran even more.

One heavy rainy night, I heard Yiran and Zhongheng drinking, and Yiran was talking about her all the time. I suddenly felt a pain in my heart, so I rushed out to a restaurant and drank a lot of wine. I no longer know.When I woke up, I found Zhongheng sleeping next to me. He said that he would protect me for the rest of my life.

I ran out like crazy, what happened?My mind is dizzy and I can't think of anything, but why is it like this?I started to feel something strange in my lower body.In an instant, I understood that I could no longer be his woman in this life, why did God play tricks on me like this?

Later, he came to me, and I had no face to look at him again.He always thought that I was assassinated for him, but that was not the case at all.He said that he would promise me to Zhongheng.

At that moment, I looked up at him.I know that all of this is good for me. If I marry Zhongheng, I will no longer be a killer and live in fear for the rest of my life.This is his promise.It was only then that I realized that he had long known that I belonged to the Fifth Prince.

Taking advantage of the night, I escaped from the house.If you can't marry him, then it's the same to marry anyone.I changed my face and became a singer, under the pseudonym Suse, I hope I can always live cleanly.My singing voice has always been something I am proud of, but I was born humble and few people know about it.Now, become a diva, or be able to be better.

I didn't expect that soon, I would become the number one singer in the capital. To be honest, I am very proud of this title.At the very least, he may come to listen to my songs one day and regret missing a peerless singer like me.There, I met my senior sister, a woman with the same fate. I taught her martial arts, and she taught me the master's piano art.I often tell my senior sister about him, but never who he is.Finally one day, I told my senior sister that he has someone he likes.The senior sister was silent, and after a while, I told her that the person in his heart was Shen Bingyu.The senior sister didn't speak for a long time, I don't know what the senior sister was thinking, but after that, we didn't talk about this topic anymore.Later, another junior brother came, but the junior brother was not close to me, he liked the senior sister more.I thought, maybe, I was born cold.

What was even more unexpected was that Yiran actually found me, he said that he would take me into the palace.I almost suspected that I heard it wrong. When I looked up at him, I found that he had already forgotten me.I chuckled, it turned out that only I knew my love, and for him, I was just a casual passerby.I smiled and knelt down to thank Xie En, and followed him into the palace.Teased and kissed him like those women.It's just that he doesn't kiss me, which makes me a little confused.

When I saw Zhongheng, I instantly understood his intentions.It turned out that he was not the one who wanted to see me, and he still remembered me after all.This makes me feel relieved, at least, he still remembers me.

But I didn't expect that my whereabouts were finally exposed, and the Fifth Prince found me.It was only then that I found out that he had sent someone to take the drug that night.I didn't panic, the fifth prince really wanted to know who the person I killed was for, Yiran or Zhongheng?But I remain silent.For this reason, he arranged a banquet meticulously. Sadly, he didn't know that everyone had already begun to suspect him.I secretly replaced the poisoned wine at the banquet and painted it on my sword.I know that maybe tonight will be my memorial day.

Everything seems to be carefully arranged, but, the chess record that was originally written has an extra girl!Yiran actually brought her here.I don't know how far they've come, but I'm still in shock.Why did he take her with him?Did he promise her not to touch other women again?I suddenly despaired.It was this moment of despair that caused my impeccable swordsmanship to miss the best time. The second prince's sword pierced my heart, but at that moment, I wanted to laugh.

I saw Zhongheng rushing over in despair, and I wanted to tell him, you are so stupid, for a woman who doesn't love you at all.My hand was hit by a force, the sword flew out, my heart tightened, the sword was actually aimed at him!There is poison on the sword, I don't dare to think what will happen if I rub his skin?But he could easily dodge by falling backwards, but in order to protect her, he chose to lean over to hide the sword!

At that moment, I finally despaired and let go completely.Such a man, even if I miss him to the end, I'm afraid he won't remember me more.I was in Zhongheng's arms, struggling to take one last look at him. I reached out to him, hoping to shake his hand before I died, even for a second. I have never been in his house for so many years. shook his hand.But he always looked at me coldly, with a trace of pity, just like the first time he saw me.

I laughed, it turned out that this was the ending between me and him.

I saw Zhongheng's tears fall drop by drop on my body, they were so heavy, I felt pain when they hit my neck, his tears were so heavy!
This man who I have never loved in my life but has always loved me, if I had tried to fall in love with him, maybe everything would have changed today.

But nothing was useless, I lost consciousness very quickly, my body floated up like a feather, this feeling is really wonderful, is this going to another world?
(End of this chapter)

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