Shared Lovers: The Devil's Cute Girl

Chapter 526 Ending Chapter - Rose Paradise 6

Chapter 526 Finale - Rose Paradise 6
His Jie'er should always be smiling.

However, after meeting herself, although she has become very strong, she also loves to cry.

"Zimo... Promise me that you will always be by my side." Xia Jie'er took his arm, closed her eyes and said softly.

"it is good."

The reason why Gu Zimo agreed was just to give her a comfort.

Because he knew that that girl just wanted an answer that would make him feel at ease.

"Zimo, Grandpa Gu and the others must be worried about you, shall we tell them the address?" Xia Jieer raised her head and said with a smile.

"Not good!" Gu Zimo refused without even thinking about it. He shook his head gently and said, "Grandpa and mother will definitely let me go back to the hospital to lie down, but that place is too cold."

"For more than 20 years, the Gu family has never given up looking for a new heart. Sadly, there is no news at all." He hooked his lips in self-deprecating, and continued, "Since I met you, I have also inquired about this It’s just that it’s always a disappointment, not that I want to give up hope, but that I haven’t been given hope for so many years.”

Xia Jie'er buried her head in his arms, tears were falling unscrupulously, she murmured: "How could it be... there must be, there must be hope."

Gu Zimo twitched his lips helplessly: "Yes, there is still hope. Whenever I faint from a heart attack, you are my hope of waking up."

So I was able to last so long because you, the girl, were by my side.

"That's not good. I'm your lucky star. As long as I stay by your side for the rest of my life, you will wake me up." Xia Jie'er secretly wiped away her tears and said in a relaxed tone.

"Okay, I'll wake up..."

Gu Zimo's voice was very soft, his face became paler and paler, his forehead was constantly sweating, presumably he was enduring some kind of pain.

His heart was in severe pain, but he didn't snort, but frowned from time to time.


"Huh?" Xia Jie'er raised her head and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"Have I ever said that I love you very much?"

Xia Jieer grinned: "This is the first time I've said it~"

"Then did I tell you, my name is Gu Zimo?"

"Yes." Hearing this, she couldn't help but feel sour in her heart. When she mistakenly identified him as Gu Ziqi, it caused him to suffer a lot.

Xia Jie'er sniffed, sat up straight, looked at him quietly and said, "Your name is Gu Zimo, not Gu Shao, not Gu Ziqi, not anyone else, but Gu Zimo who loves me .In the future, I will never admit my mistake again, you are you, unique.”

Gu Zimo rubbed her head and curled his lips, "It's good to know."

The two sat side by side for a long time. Although they didn't talk much, they were happy to be together like this.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Zimo's head began to feel dizzy. He stretched out his hand to press his head, and said with what little consciousness he had left, "Girl, shall we play a game?"

Looking at his pale face, Xia Jie'er had a bad feeling in her heart, "What game? You know, I always lose when I play games with you."

"It's easy this time."

As Gu Zimo said, he took a ball of red thread from the side, handed it to her, and said softly, "Do you still remember when I said I would take you to a place?"

"Remember!" Xia Jie'er nodded, then pointed down, "Isn't it right here?"

Gu Zimo shook his head, then stood up, but just as he got up, he staggered and almost fell.

(End of this chapter)

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