Moe Cultivation Diary

Chapter 721 Official Opening

Chapter 721 Official Opening

"Good morning." In the early morning, in front of the school's shoe cabinet, Shiori looked at Kurumi calmly and said.

"I was really surprised, I thought Shiori would definitely ask for leave today." With a sweet smile, Kurumi tapped his chin with his right hand and said.

"Kangsan, I decided to save you, I won't let you kill again, and I won't let Mana kill you again" After yesterday, Shiori has become particularly strong psychologically...

"Is that so~"

"Save, can you really do it?" With a casual smile on the corner of his mouth, Kurumi said lightly, and stopped talking to Shiori, turned around and disappeared from sight.

Looking at the direction where Kurumi left, Shiori was in a complicated mood. Yesterday could be said to be the day that caused her the most serious emotional changes in recent times. Just after You Feng left, the abnormal changes also began to occur.

Shiori watched Mana kill Kurumi and dismember him... Tohka also gave up fighting Origami, and with her encouragement, she finally made up her mind to save Kurumi.

" didn't come either?" Walking to the classroom and sitting on a chair, Shiori looked at the two vacant seats, namely Kuangsan and Youfeng...

About Youfeng, I heard some information from Kotori yesterday, that he may be cooperating with a mysterious organization, and that date was simply a conspiracy to delay them, making Shiori's mood more complicated, a kind of being deceived Even though her behavior is equivalent to deceiving the other party...

"There is no trace of Yufeng in the school, is Kurumi still in the school..." Shiori murmured when he heard the message from the instrument in his ear.

This time it wasn't Kotori who came to communicate with her, but another acquaintance, Murasame Reine, and Kotori seemed to be absent from the ship for some reason.

"!" While thinking, purple and red colors enveloped the entire school, and the students around Shiori fell into a deep sleep without even struggling a few times.

"Can Shiori hear you?"

"If you need me, please come to the roof"

"I suggest you come here as soon as possible." At the same time, a voice sounded from the school's radio, followed by infiltrating laughter.

"... Shiori, let's go." Compared with the others, Tohka was much better, but it was difficult to stand still inside the barrier, she looked at Shiori and shouted in a low voice.

"...Tohka, take a rest here first." Struggling for a while, Shiori was already thinking about running to the roof, and had already received the information from Lingyin just now.

The wide-area enchantment weakens the life within the range, and who knows what will happen after a long time.

"Welcome, I've been waiting for you for a long time, Shiori" On the roof of the school, Kurumi was already wearing a spiritual costume, a gothic dress, and the colors of red and black were perfectly intertwined.

Her long black hair was braided into a long and short ponytail, her bangs covered her left eye, and her right eye was as deep as a black hole.

"The time-eating city is an enchantment that absorbs the time of people who step on my shadow. This is my time, and it can also be said to be my lifespan." Pulling away his bangs, revealing the other hidden eye, Kuang San smiled Said.

The hidden eyes are like golden clock dials, and the hour and minute hands are turning in reverse.

"My angel is very interesting, but it takes a lot of time to use it every time." Kurumi showed distress, but said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"So, sometimes add time like this"

"Hey, I am like this, Shiori, do you still want to save me, take back what you said this morning, it is not impossible for me to remove the barrier~"

"Get rid of the barrier, I won't give up on saving you either." Shiori closed his eyes and said silently.

"Hey, I'm really speechless for you." Sighing disappointed, Kuang San pointed to the sky with one hand and said with a slightly teasing expression.

"You should be familiar with this voice."

"Space quake alert" Shiori's expression froze, and he said in surprise, she had heard it more than once here.

"If a space quake occurs now, what will happen to this school~"

Above Kuang Sanzhi, the space began to distort gradually, the source became turbid, and the spherical distorted space seemed to explode at any time.

"..." Shiori struggled inwardly, what should he choose, if he didn't make a decision, the whole school would be affected.

While she was anxious, the sky dimmed for a while. It was different from the dimness of the space distortion, but a more gorgeous dark purple dyed the sky, and the space distortion returned to normal under the dark purple surround.

"Space shock, that is, the aftermath caused by breaking the boundary between realms, as long as the space becomes more solid and difficult to break, space shock will not occur." A voice came out flatly above the two of them. .

Looking at the source of the sound, even Kuang San couldn't help but pause for a moment, the sky is scattered with butterfly-purple starlight, which is even more brilliant in this time-eating city.

Long lavender hair fluttered, and a single double-layer butterfly wing over three meters flapped slowly, every time it flapped, it would cause the purple starlight to scatter.

There are silver iron chains on his hands and feet, and he is wearing a black dress imitating the form of a god. Only the waist and wrists have silver armor, and the rest are black dresses.

"You Feng!" Surprised and delighted, Shiori saw You Feng who stopped the space quake, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

"I remember you once said that you were on my side~ Now~" Looking at Youfeng, Kuangsan's eyes were cautious, she was always on guard against the existence named Youfeng.

"There have been some changes. If you don't stand against me, I won't be your enemy." You Feng said unnaturally, because of the accident, the original plan has been completely changed.

"What does it mean to stop me"

"It's just that your actions just happened to conflict with our plan. If there is a space shock right now, it's too stealthy." Once the space shock occurs, the plans of myself and others will even be postponed.

"Your plan..." Yufeng's words made Kurumi and Shiori fall into some kind of thinking at the same time.

"After snatching the display device technology, what are you going to do this time, You Feng?"

The temperature in the air rose slightly, and another figure appeared from the opposite side of the wind. The swaying feathers and burning sleeves formed a fantasy kimono shape, just like white feathers. The body was surrounded by flames. Inorganic horns like ghosts.

"Kotori?" The younger sister who suddenly appeared, still in the form of an elf, shocked Shiori again.

The door of "Shiori" x 2 was suddenly opened, and the half-elf Tohka and Origami in a mecha also appeared on the roof.

"..." Equipped with the mecha CR-UNIT, which is a step further than normal AST members, Takamiya Mana also came to the battlefield one step later.

"In this way, the staff is almost assembled."

 Obviously it should be updated, hey. I will write it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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