my wishful wolf

Chapter 106

Chapter 106
When Jing An heard that Dong Yan called him, he naturally didn't dare to neglect him, although he didn't know why Dong Yan called him, and felt uneasy, he still followed him immediately.

When Jing An arrived at Dong Yan's study room, he saw two servants standing at the door with their hands down. Seeing Jing An coming, he saluted and said, "Second Young Master is here." One of them pushed open the door, Jing An stepped in and saw Dong Yan sitting Behind the desk, looking down at the table, as if lost in thought.

Jing An entered, saluted and said: "Brother."

Hearing this, Dong Yan raised his eyes slightly, and said: "Sit." Jing An turned and sat on the chair next to him, and said, "I don't know what the big brother called me, what's the matter?" Dong Yan then said: "I didn't have time to ask you yesterday. You, think of it today, that Yao Yueniang, where is she from?"

Hearing Dong Yan's question, Jing An said: "It's from Pingchuan." Dong Yan said: "I just want to ask you, where did she live before? Who was there in the family?" Jing An then said: "She used to... really She’s not from Pingchuan, I met her on the way to’s a small place, I forgot what it’s called, and my parents are gone, only a younger brother.”

With a slight sneer on Dong Yan's face, he said: "You actually forgot where she was from?" Jing An originally didn't want to hide it from Dong Yan, but he just listened to Mrs. Xie's advice, so he had to do it, and he felt guilty at the bottom of his heart. However, thinking that if Dong Yan knew the inside story, it might make things worse, so he gritted his teeth and said, "It was my negligence, I don't remember."

Dong Yan laughed twice, and said lightly: "It's okay if you don't remember, I have my own way to make you remember." He said while looking at Jing An.

Jing An's heart sank, and he said: "Brother, what do you want?" Dong Yan said: "I don't even know where this woman came from, so I want to marry her, I just want to see what kind of means she used, It made my younger brother, who always had his eyes above the top, moved his mind."

Jing An couldn't sit still, so he got up and said: "Brother, she didn't do anything... it's just me... I've been pestering her since the beginning."

Dong Yan's eyes darkened, he clenched his hand on the table into a fist, pressed down slightly, and said in a deep voice, "You actually——you still have the face to say it."

For the sake of Yue'e, Jing An ignored herself and said: "Brother, she is really a good person. Even if everything is wrong, I did it. If it is a means, she has never used it on me, but I... ...for her... used some shameless methods." Jing An was anxious for a moment, and wanted to tell the story of Yue'e saving him in the past, but that happened in Ziyun County, if he told it, it would be It was even more inconvenient, so Jing An had no choice but to suffer.

Dong Yan looked at Jing An's hesitant to speak, and said: "You are confused by her, so naturally you can tell her everything, you don't need to worry, you also know that if I have the heart, there is nothing that can escape my eyes , Whether it’s true or not, good or bad, I’ll see clearly.” After speaking, he said, “What else do you have to say?”

Jing An slowly shook his head.Dong Yan said: "In that case, you go."

Jing An hesitated in every possible way, but in the end he left with worry, and immediately went out without eating lunch, Zhou Da picked him up, Jing An said in a low voice: "Go and check, is there anyone going to Ziyun County from Dali Temple today. "Zhou Da took the order.

Jing An went all the way to the yamen again, after much deliberation, he felt that something was wrong, so he immediately wrote a letter, summoned someone, and said: "Hurry up and send this letter to Hezhi County, Ziyun County." The soldiers took orders and came go.

Jing An sat and waited, and in the afternoon, Zhou Da came back and said: "Go back to Lord Marquis and find out the truth. Sure enough, someone from Dali Temple has left the city, saying that he is on business."

Jing An frowned secretly, and said: "It really is so..." After thinking for a while, he said, "Send a few people to watch them, if they are really going to Ziyun County, stop me! But there is nothing to do Make a show." Zhou Da said: "Master Hou, why did Dali Temple send people to Ziyun?" Jing An said: "I don't know why, but elder brother has doubts about Yueniang's identity, so we must investigate to the bottom of it." Zhou Da Said: "Master Hou, with the eldest son's temper, if you don't reciprocate when you see someone, I'm afraid you will become more suspicious, and maybe you will send more people."

Jing An said: "That's why I just asked people to stop them, and I did it quietly so that they would not be suspicious. I just wrote a letter to Hezhi County, Ziyun County, and told him some things. If those people arrive first, Hezhi County will do everything seamlessly, even if my eldest brother still has doubts, there is nothing he can do about it."

Zhou Da heard the words, so he went to pick out a few capable and smart players on weekdays, and gave orders, and those people took their orders and left quickly.

After doing these things, Jing An breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was still heavy.After thinking about it, I called someone to come again, and after giving detailed instructions, I stopped again.

At this moment, the day was going westward, Jing An thought of what he said to Yue'e, so he hurried out of the Yamen, got on his horse, and brought his people home.

Jing'an entered the door, this time he went to greet Mrs. Xie first, went inside to salute, said a few words before coming out, went to look for Yue'e, entered the east courtyard, and saw the silence inside.

Jing An had something in his heart, so he panicked when he saw this, and quickly walked in, seeing the maids standing with their hands bowed, looking calm, he felt relieved, and went all the way inward, when Xiao Kui came out, saw him coming, and saluted and said : "Master Hou is back." Jing An nodded and stepped in.

Jing An entered, but saw Yue'e was holding a book and was reading it carefully. Seeing her, Jing An immediately felt relieved, and said in a soft voice, "Yue'er,... what are you reading?"

Seeing him coming, Yue'e put down the book with a smile, and said, "You're back? I have nothing to do, so I just flipped through it to relieve boredom." Jing'an took a casual look, and looked familiar, and said, "This book So familiar."

Yue'e smiled and said, "Don't you know your own book? Haven't you read it?" Jing An used to only read people, so who cares about books?Hearing what Yue'e said, he took a closer look, and then remembered that it was the book on his desk, so he slapped his forehead and said, "I forgot, I don't usually like to read these, why, do you like to read it?" Although a little surprised that Yue'e actually Can read, but don't care.

Yue'e said: "I can only watch slowly, it's better than doing nothing." As she spoke, there was a trace of desolation in her eyes.

Hearing what she said, Jing An hugged her and said: "If you like to read it, I will find some good books for you. This one is not good." It was written by the former emperor on a whim, because the former emperor was sage, so the books passed down by him were enshrined as the standard for courtiers, and almost everyone had a copy. Although Jing An didn't like reading very much, he still kept a copy in his house.

Because Yue'e had nothing to do, she thought of reading books, but there were none in this room. Xiao Kui was serving Jing'an before, so she said: "My lady, when it comes to books, there are naturally a lot of books in the eldest son's place. You can read them all." I can't read it, but the eldest son's not very easy to borrow, but I remember that there was a copy in Lord Hou's house, but I just kept it, and I didn't see him read it."

Hearing this, Yue'e said, "But after all, it's in his room. Is it wrong to take it without authorization?" Xiaokui said, "I saw Lord Hou playing with that book in my spare time, so it must be nothing. What's more important, Lord Hou values ​​the lady so much, he won't care about those."

After Yue'e heard this, she asked Xiao Kui to ask. When Xiao Kui arrived in Jing An's room, the maids serving Jing An were naturally on good terms with her. Come out and give it to Xiaokui.

Xiaokui came back to Yue'e. Although the traditional Chinese characters were difficult to read, it was better than nothing. Yue'e saw that the book was beautifully bound, and it was obviously a good thing, so she struggled to read it word by word. , although the words of truth are strictly forbidden to be orthodox, and it is boring to read, it is better than doing nothing.

Jing An said: "They are all strategies for governing the country, strategies for a good minister... I read a few pages, and my eyes were dazzled..." Yue'e said: "The person who wrote this book seems to be an extraordinary person, indeed. It's because of his superior knowledge." Jing An said, "That's see..." As he spoke, he opened the pages of the book, pointed to a certain place, and said, "It's the late emperor."

Yue'e was taken aback, seeing that the two characters were "Qian Qi", she said, "It's weird, since it was written by the emperor, you actually say you can't read it?" To avoid suspicion, her voice also lowered.

Jing An didn't take it seriously, shook his head and said: "My eldest brother knows this book by heart, I read it once, and it's all right if I know what it's written in. He's a civil servant, so it's good to remember it. I'm a military officer, so what do you do with memorizing it? .”

After finishing speaking, he said: "I'll find you two interesting books to read some other day." Yue'e said: "What's interesting?" Then he said with a smile: "Of course it's good, you can take a closer look at that time."

Yue'e still didn't understand, Jing An coughed, afraid of offending her, so he changed the subject and said: "Are you feeling better, how about I take you to see Xiao Bao?"

Yue'e said: "I'm so bored, it's so good." Immediately, she asked for the cloak again, Jing An tied the belt for her, and when Yue'e went out, Xiaoha who was lying on the ground got up, wagging her tail and followed superior.

Yue'e turned her head and said, "Xiaoha, I'll be back as soon as I go, you stay here." Xiaoha groaned, took two steps forward, looked at Yue'e pitifully, Yue'e couldn't bear it, Jing An saw this, and said: "Simply take him out for a walk." Yue'e said: "Is that place far away?" Jing An said: "Because I am afraid of shocking the world, so I keep him outside, there is a way." Yue'e then said: "Take him with you Haha, I'm afraid he'll run away and lose it." Jing'an said, "It's better to tie him up with a rope, and he won't be afraid of losing it... But I see that he listens to you very much, he won't run around." Yue After hearing this, Chang'e hesitated for a while, after all, she still brought Xiaoha.

Jing An went out with Yue'e, Xiao Ha also hugged her, they got into the carriage together, the wheels rolled, and headed for the suburbs, Jing An leaned against Yue'e, Xiao Ha quietly crouched in front of the two of them, Jing An Said: "I just came back, there will be more things, wait for two days to be free, and it will be fine." Yue'e said: "No, you have your own business, of course you have to be busy." Jing An stretched out his hand and hugged him gently. He touched her shoulder and said: "I don't want to be busy with anything, I just want to be with you." Yue'e thought that he was going to be frivolous again, but Jing'an just hugged her tightly, except for kissing her temples and eyebrows from time to time. , but does nothing.

The journey was bumpy, until someone outside said: "Master Hou, we're here."

Only then did Jing An let go of Yue'e, straightened her cloak again, and said: "Be careful, it's windy here." He opened the curtain of the car and went out first, jumped to the ground, then hugged Yue'e down again, gently Put it down gently.Xiaoha also jumped down and had fun in the woods.

Yue'e stood still and looked around. It was indeed the suburbs, surrounded by trees, and she could faintly see a large manor in the woods.

Jing An took Yue'e's hand and walked towards the courtyard.

When they arrived at the gate of the courtyard, a servant had already heard the news in advance. He waited there and immediately opened the door to take the two of them in. However, he saw that the courtyard in front of him was very spacious. There was the sound of wild beasts roaring.

Yue'e was a little startled, and Jing An said: "Because my mother respects Buddha all the year round, I dare not keep Xiao Bao in the mansion, I just let these people look at it... I used to come to see it often, but I have been busy recently , I don’t know how big this little guy has grown.”

Saying that, the servant guarding the leopard opened the door, and just as the door opened, he heard a roar from inside, and a shadow rushed out quickly.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jing'an hugged Yue'e into his arms, Yue'e looked over hastily, but saw a little leopard that was almost reaching her thighs and was turning around.

Jing An said: "Are you surprised?" Yue'e shook her head, only looked at Xiao Bao, and said: "He has grown up." Seeing her happy, Jing An said: "Yes, I said that she is very well raised. All right." Yue'e nodded, Xiao Bao wanted to pounce over there, Jing An drank twice, Xiao Bao stopped, and stared at Yue'e with two round eyes, Yue'e saw this, and gently Shouted: "Little Storm, Little Storm? Do you still recognize me?"

Xiaobao looked at Yue'e, wandered in place, raised his head and made noise from time to time, his tail was like a snake, swaying back and forth, and after a while, he approached Yue'e.Although Jing An has been with this leopard for a long time, he knows that he will not take the initiative to hurt others, but because he cares about Yue'e deeply, he stands by Yue'e's side.

Yue'e looked at it for a while, then said: "It's nothing, I don't think he looks like he's going to hurt me." Jing An was worried, but Xiao Bao suddenly raised his head and yelled, and rushed towards Yue'e, Jing An was worried about Yue'e, and yelled angrily: "Bastard!" He was about to do it, but Yue'e hurriedly stopped him, saying: "Don't hurt him!" As soon as she was in a hurry to stop Jing'an, Xiao Bao rushed over, as if Like Xiaoha, she immediately threw herself at Yue'e, even though she was not yet an adult, she was already heavy enough, the force of her attack was so great that she threw Yue'e to the ground, Jing An rushed to grab her, but she heard Yue'e E laughed and said, "Xiao Bao!"

Jing An was startled, and quickly pulled the leopard's tail, Xiao Bao threw himself at Yue'e, Jing An fitted himself forward, and moved Xiao Bao's head and neck away, only to realize that this guy was actually throwing Yue'e, tongue He only licked her face, and kept rubbing his head on her neck and cheeks. Seeing this situation, he clearly recognized Yue'e as the old master.

Jing An was stunned, so he helped Yue'e up, Xiao Bao rubbed against Yue'e's leg, tilted his head and kept brushing his head from her leg, as if very intimate, Jing'an lightened her for Yue'e. She patted the dust on her body, but Yue'e just lowered her head and stroked Xiao Bao's forehead, and saw that he was squatting on the ground, his fur was light grayish yellow, but there were a few obvious black lines on the nape of his neck, his chest and abdomen were grayish white with some dark stripes, The tail is long, with a few black spots at the end, and it swings leisurely on the ground like a swimming snake.When she tilted her head and rubbed towards her, her eyes were closed, she was in an intimate manner, like a big cat, Yue'e couldn't help but be very happy.

At this moment, he heard the sound of fierce dog barking outside, Xiao Baoben was closing his eyes and acting like a baby, when he heard the sound, he suddenly jumped up.

(End of this chapter)

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