my wishful wolf

Chapter 11 Yang Jinling tells the past in detail

Chapter 11 Yang Jinling tells the past in detail

Jin Ling looked at Yue'e and said: "I told my sister-in-law before that life is different and fortune is different. It is also true. If at that time, the master of the Su family agreed to ask Doctor Su to leave my sister-in-law and her family behind, how could they be in that hell now?" where, what about those who suffer hardships?"

After hearing Jin Ling's words, Yue'e thought in her heart: So it's like this... At the beginning, she didn't know what happened to her family. The whole family lived here, but Wang Sihu bought the house. Later, her parents died, so she was taken as a daughter-in-law. account.She had already figured it out, but now she met Dr. Su Qing unexpectedly. According to Jin Ling, it should be that Dr. Su was also interested in her at that time, but it's a pity that the old man of the Su family disagreed, which led to the current situation.Thinking of Dr. Su's cold and indifferent look when we met just now, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Look at the man named Su Qing, he is really a hundred times better than Wang Sihu's shapeless slut, but it's a pity that he is not blessed, and "Yao Yueniang" is not blessed. If he marries Su Qing, look at his good character. , I'm afraid that I should be living a peaceful, peaceful and beautiful life now, even if the father-in-law is a bit more powerful, he will not be like the Wang family, one is like a hag, and the other is like an evil ghost.

It's just that resentment is useless, Yue'e thought for a while, and said: "At the beginning he refused to keep us, so what is there to say now, everyone is just passers-by."

Jin Ling said: "At the beginning it was only a short-term difference. Although Master Su disagreed, it was rare for Mr. Su to treat his sister-in-law... He insisted on going to a friend's house to borrow some money to help my sister-in-law's family, but it was a pity that Fourth Brother Wang I got the first one! Sister-in-law still hates Dr. Su in her heart? Back then, when Fourth Brother Wang took you home, Dr. Su got caught in the rain and was sad. After returning, he fell seriously ill and almost died."

This time Yue'e didn't expect it, she looked at Jin Ling and said, "Really..." Then she said, "It's just that we are not destined, even if we really died of illness, what's the use?" Then she lowered her head, Slightly melancholy: This Su Qing is really not a heartless person, but he is not married yet, so what should I say, he is already a member of the Wang family, is there any wishful thinking in his heart?Or maybe it's just that you haven't met the person you like... Why bother for others when you are in pain?

Jin Ling sighed: "This matter of destiny is really ingenious. Master Su also regrets not falling at this moment. If he had followed Doctor Su's wishes at the beginning, why are he so worried now? Every day the family went to Su's house to propose marriage I don't know how many matchmakers there are, and they have stepped on the threshold. The little doctor Su is as determined as he has eaten the weight, and he refuses to look at any of them. ..."

"Why is it so serious?" Yue'e was taken aback, and looked at Jin Ling, "He is too stubborn, so what's the use of being so persistent?"

Jin Ling leaned close to her ear and said in a low voice, "It's likely that my sister-in-law is still in my heart and I can't tolerate others."

Yue'e's face flushed, and she hurriedly said: "Probably not, I just passed by, and I saw his expression was cold, and he didn't even look at me, maybe there was another reason - probably his eyes were high, and he wanted to find a better one, so he kept looking for a better one. Procrastinating."

Jin Ling nodded, and said: "Sister-in-law, if Doctor Su listens to your words, I will feel ashamed. He did this for your own sake."

"What do you mean?" Yue'e asked in surprise.

Jin Ling said: "Sister-in-law, why are you so stupid? You can forget that three months ago, Little Doctor Su only said a word to you on the road. What does it have to do with you, that fourth brother Wang got angry and beat you up? At that time, my sister-in-law didn't get out of bed for two days. Is the scar healed and the pain forgotten? Since then, Su Even if the little doctor saw his sister-in-law, he acted as if he had never seen her before, if I hadn't pretended to have abdominal pain, he might not even be willing to stop."

Yue'e was stunned: It turns out that his attitude of seeming to see but not seeing is caused by this... Thinking of Su Qing's character, appearance and posture, he is really a gentleman, and thinking of his painstaking efforts to do this for Yueniang. Persistence, and feel pitiful and respectable, but it's a pity that she is now a married woman, so does he still have any hope in his heart?For men in ancient times, it was serious to marry a wife and have children early. This Su Qing can be regarded as a model among infatuated men.

She thought about it, although she had already made up her mind to leave the Wang family, but things still needed to be done step by step, and the road ahead was full of difficulties. Besides, even if she really left the Wang family, would Su Qing not mind that she had married? Pass the body?

She was upset for a while, and finally frowned and sighed, and said, "Forget it, it's really a crime..."

When Wang Sihu came back drunk at night, he held Yue'e in his arms, and kissed her face with his wine-smelling mouth. Pressed on the bed, she tore at her clothes again, and said vaguely: "I bought it back, it is my people... You, all of you can't eat it, I... let you look like you can't eat it... what?" Old Doctor Su, Young Doctor Su, neither!"

He stretched out his hand to grab Yue'e to avoid his own face, he smiled and said, "Did you think so?"

Yue'e hated to look at him, and said, "Sir, you are drunk."

Wang Sihu looked at her, and suddenly smiled coldly: "I'm drunk... er, I'm not drunk... You want to fool me, but you can't... Don't pretend to be polite and quiet in front of me, Do you still think about Su Qing in your heart?"

Yue'e was startled in her heart, and felt uncomfortable under his pressure, but she had to calmly say: "Master, if you are drunk, you should go to bed earlier."

Wang Sihu lowered his head, kissed her body, and said vaguely: "It's okay for you to think about it, it's useless to think about it, and it's not just me..." He held Yue'e's chest with his hands and squeezed hard. , Yue'e was in pain, and cried out, Wang Sihu laughed a few times, rubbing her body on her body, as if wanting to continue moving, Yue'e only felt as if a dead pig had been left on her body, heavy and disgusting, desperate Wang Sihu pushed Wang Sihu to the side with all his strength, and Wang Sihu groaned, fell to the side of the bed, moved his hands and feet for a while, and murmured to himself: "Little prostitute, come here..." The legs stretched and then stopped After all, he couldn't resist the alcohol and snored heavily.

Yue'e huddled in a corner, looked at Wang Sihu who was unconscious, her heart was beating wildly, and after a while, she tried to yell a few times, seeing that Wang Sihu didn't respond, she slowly crawled over.

(End of this chapter)

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