my wishful wolf

Chapter 116 Xie Dongyan personally enforces the family law

Chapter 116 Xie Dongyan personally enforces the family law
Yue'e took a closer look, and her face turned red immediately. It turned out that there was no writing on it, but only a picture. It was a picture of a man and a woman embracing each other. Embracing each other, it is obvious that they are doing that kind of unbearable thing, Yue'e is startled, and scrolls down a few pages, as expected, it is all this kind of erotic pictures, with different postures and details.

Yue'e's heart beat and her hands trembled, she quickly closed the pages of the book, flipped through the remaining few books, but seeing that it was still the same, she hurriedly made a stack and put it aside.

Xiaokui then said: "Master Hou is really caring. Knowing that my wife loves to read, I bought so many of them. It's a pity that the slaves can't read, otherwise they can gain some knowledge along with them."

Yue'e's face was still hot, fortunately Xiaokui didn't come to see it just now, otherwise it would be embarrassing.She wanted to tell Xiaokui to take the books and throw them away, but on second thought, she was wrong, so she had to put those books away first, put them inside her pillow, and said, "Don't let anyone touch these books." .” Xiaokui agreed.

Yue'e found this "Feng Wu Zhi" and read it for a while, then felt sleepy, went to bed and took a nap, and slept quietly until the afternoon, when she got up, she washed her face and dressed again, and asked casually: "The people in front haven't left yet?" Is it?" Xiaokui said: "People have already left one after another, and in half an hour, Lord Hou will be free to come." Yue'e's heart moved, but she pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Who asked him?" Xiaokui They also laughed.

Just as Xiaoha came in, wagging his tail non-stop, a layer of snow fell on his body, which looked shiny, Yue'e looked at it and asked, "Is it still snowing outside?" Xiaokui said, "It's already much smaller. It's a thick layer, and it was originally intended to be swept by the mother-in-law, so I didn't move it for fear of disturbing the mother-in-law to take a nap."

Yue'e was feeling sleepy, so she said, "Open the window, let me have a look." Xiaokui came and opened the window, and moved a stool in front of the window. Yue'e walked over and looked up. , Sure enough, I saw a world of glazed glass outside, covered in silver, with a cold air blowing towards my face, which made people feel refreshed.

Yue'e felt happy in her heart, and Xiaoha also ran out at this moment, having fun in the snow. Yue'e was looking happy, but saw two people coming in at the door. When Xiaoha saw it, she threw herself on the ground to save money The momentum was ready, the two people were startled and stopped, Yue'e hurriedly called Xiaoha, Xiaoha turned around, finally entered the room, and the two tried to enter the door.

Xiaokui closed the window, Yue'e turned around and sat down, the little girl outside picked up the person, hurried in and said, "Lady, madam, please come over."

Yue'e asked: "Do you know what's going on?" The girl said: "Just talk about important things."

Yue'e remembered that Mrs. Xie asked her to come over to talk at night, and she thought it was so, so she and Xiaokui came to Mrs. Xie's big room immediately, and the snow stopped. Someone inside said, "How dare you be stubborn!" It was Mrs. Xie's voice.Yue'e was startled, she had never heard such a harsh tone from her, she couldn't help but wondered, only then did she know that something had happened.

Seeing her coming, the girl reported: "Miss Yue has arrived." Inside said: "Tell her to come in."

Only then did Yue'e enter the door, and when she got inside, she was stunned suddenly, but she saw Mrs. Xie standing high above her, without a smile on her face, but she was serious.Xie Dongyan stood on the left side, saw her come in, glanced at her, then looked away.There was a person kneeling in front of Mrs. Xie, Yue'e saw that it was Jing An, she couldn't help being shocked.

And beside Jing An stood a servant, holding something that looked like a cane and a stick in his hand.

Yue'e's heart skipped a beat, for some reason, she stepped forward to salute, and said: "Yue Niang pays respects to Madam, I don't know Madam summoned me, what's the matter?"

Only then did Mrs. Xie speak out, and said: "Wai Li, Yue Niang, I just ask you, why did you offend Uncle An Guo today?" Rong Feng, what happened today was because Uncle An Guo wanted to be rude to me, and was forced to do so..." Jing An didn't wait for her to finish, and said: "Mother, even if there is a mistake, it is my fault alone. If there is any punishment, I will take it."

Mrs. Xie heard this, and said angrily: "You said it so lightly, what kind of person is Uncle Guo, and now the matter is brought to the empress, but can you settle it alone?"

Even though Jing An was kneeling, he still raised his head and said: "Mother, what's the harm in making a scene in front of the Emperor? Are we wrong? It must be Uncle An Guo who broke the law first."

Mrs. Xie trembled a little when she heard the words, and changed her complexion angrily, she said: "You ignorant rebellious son! No matter what crimes Uncle An Guo committed, he should be handed over to the Secretary for handling, how can you allow yourself to fight in private? ? Now, just because you are so arrogant and domineering, and you are the first to strike, even if you are very reasonable, there are only three points left, how dare you talk more?"

There is some truth in this statement, but thinking about the original situation, if you can bear it, then you must be a god, not to mention Jing'an loves Yue'e as much as you want, if you don't kill Anguo uncle on the spot, it is already a mistake Well, Uncle An Guo took his life for nothing.

Jing An said nothing.Mrs. Xie then looked at Yue'e, she slowed down her voice, and said: "Yue Niang, tell me the truth, what happened at that time, did you also hurt Uncle An?" Jing An stretched out his hand and pulled her skirt , Yue'e lowered her eyes and said: "I did do it." Jing An frowned and looked at Yue'e.

Mrs. Xie said: "At that time, was he close to you?" Yue'e was puzzled, but Jing An said: "Mother! How can he be as stupid as a pig or dog!"

Mrs. Xie scolded: "Shut up and say one more thing, that Faxu is not just for display!"

Jing An looked at Yue'e, Yue'e seemed to be aware of it, and said: "Fortunately, Lord Hou arrived in time, he is not bad."

Mrs. Xie nodded and said: "I know you are a good boy and strong, so you won't suffer much... But, after all, Uncle An Guo is lustful, and he is known on the street. You share the same room with him and say Going out... It's inevitable that some people will make irresponsible remarks, and now Uncle An only says that you seduced him first. Although I don't believe it, it's just because he is pulling you and being pestered by him, after all, it's outrageous. He said, if you don't give him an explanation, you will bring this matter before the emperor. The reputation of Yuntian Xie Mansion cannot be tarnished in the slightest, and it is about this kind of matter... Sigh, if you are the official wife of Xie Mansion, then Uncle An Guo didn't dare to be so rude, but now...Yue Niang, although I can't do it, I can only endure the pain, I want to calm things down in my heart, and just follow what Uncle An Guo said, and send you and him..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Jing'an said angrily: "Mother, don't do this!"

Yue'e was also startled, her heart turned a thousand times, and she was speechless for a while.

After Madam Xie finished speaking, she looked at Yue'e, then at Xie Jing'an, and seeing that he was in a hurry to speak, she said slowly: "Is it possible that what I just said is insignificant?" , the man nodded and said: "The villain obeys orders." He also said: "Second Young Master, I have offended you!" The family law man raised the rattan stick high up, pointed at Jing An's back, and pulled it down forcefully.

Yue'e felt something faintly in her heart, she was startled when she saw this, she turned her head and saw that the rattan stick landed on Jing An's back, but it was not straight, it was like a whip, pressing hard on Jing An's back , making a loud muffled sound, which made people shudder.And Jing An's body trembled violently, obviously in extreme pain, but he didn't make a sound.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xie looked at Yue'e again, and said, "This is also a way to bear the pain and take care of the overall situation. Yue Niang, what do you think?" In the hands of his uncle, with his tiger-wolf temperament, he was afraid that within three days, he would be tortured to death.

Jing An next to him raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Mother, don't ask her, I will definitely not give her to Uncle An!"

Mrs. Xie glanced at him and said lightly, "Do it!"

The servant pulled down the rattan stick again, Jing An leaned forward, but knelt up again and said: "Mother, even if you beat me to death, you will not allow Yue Niang to leave."

Mrs. Xie snorted and said, "I'm afraid the beating won't hurt!"

The servant trembled, gritted his teeth, exerted all his strength, and pulled down hard. At the same time, he heard Dong Yan hurriedly say: "Mother, please be merciful." On Jing An's body, hugging him.

The man who started the family law used all his strength, but he couldn't hold back for a while, he pulled down quickly, Jing An noticed it, immediately hugged Yue'e's waist, hugged her sideways, hugged her tightly, bowed hard Shengsheng received that rattan stick again, the moment the rattan stick left his body, the white clothes behind him were already faintly bleeding.

All the people in the hall held their breath and did not dare to make a sound.

Yue'e originally had her eyes closed, but she only opened them when she was hugged by Jing An, but she saw Jing An gritting her teeth to endure the pain, with sweat faintly visible on her forehead, Yue'e said tremblingly: "Master Hou..." Jing An smiled at her , Said: "It's nothing, actually it doesn't hurt at all, don't worry."

Yue'e closed her eyes, feeling like a knife was twisting her heart, for some reason she only felt sore nose, and said: "Why don't you just send me out." Jing An said: "Yes." Yue'e opened her eyes and looked at him, Jing An smiled He said, "After I die, I can send you wherever I want."

Yue'e burst into tears and was speechless for a while.

Mrs. Xie said: "Pull this rebellious son out to me, send him to the ancestral hall, and beat him with [-] vine whips slowly to see if he repents." Jing An raised his head and said quietly: "Mother, how much do you want to beat me?" The whip is fine, but you are not allowed to send Yueniang out. If the mother refuses to obey and insists on sending her out, then don't blame the child for making the capital restless! It's making a fuss!"

Mrs. Xie couldn't sit still when she heard the words, she slapped the table and got up, and angrily said: "You scoundrel, you are really rebellious, I knew that you would give birth to such a bastard who disregards the family tradition and forgets everything, so I strangled you to death at the beginning. Good! Since you are so strong, I will fulfill you, come, someone, take the second son to the ancestral hall, and have fifty rattan whips on you! Those who dare to show mercy, you will know what will happen to you!"

Hearing this, Yue'e hurriedly got out of Jing An's arms, knelt down on both knees, and also knelt on the ground, saying: "Madam, I would like to go to the uncle's mansion! Please don't punish Lord Hou." Jing An turned to stare at her , said: "How dare you!" Yue'e bit her lip and tremblingly said: "Are you an idiot? If you hit so many, you are really half dead! At that time, I..." Jing An also whispered: "These count What, you look down on me too much, you can't even survive these things, I pretend to be your husband."

Even though life is at stake at this moment, Jing An and Yue'e look at each other with their eyes facing each other, whispering softly, one intends to defend and the other fights to the death, but they are extremely charming and lingering.

Although he spoke in a low voice, but the hall was too quiet, everyone could hear him clearly.

Mrs. Xie looked at the two people below, the corners of her mouth moved, but she remained calm. Dong Yan, who was beside her, watched this quietly, and suddenly said: "Mother."

Mrs. Xie turned her head to look at Dong Yan, and said lightly: "What do you think, don't you want to intercede for him too?" Dong Yan said, "How dare you, my child." Mrs. Xie said, "That's all, I thought my two children They are all ignorant, if you are like him, I have no hope, since you don’t need to say anything, just go to the ancestral hall by yourself, and you will die before your ancestors, but you will be clean.”

After Dong Yan heard this, he knelt down and said, "Mother Rong, although Jing'an was wrong, it was also because of my ineffective supervision, so I dare not intercede for him. The rattan stick, give me twenty, or I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it."

Mrs. Xie said angrily when she heard the words: "Shut up, you want to conspire with him and drive me to death?" Jing An also said: "Brother, you don't have to do that!" Dong Yan didn't look at him, but said beggingly: Mother..." Mrs. Xie said with a sneer: "Okay, you two are brothers, no matter what, if you are willing to accept it, then you will be twenty and he will be fifty! What do you think?"

Jing An hastily said: "Mother, eldest brother has always behaved dignifiedly and did not show any disrespect. What's more, fortunately he dissuaded him in time, otherwise Uncle An Guo was beaten to death by me. Just one for me."

When Madam Xie heard this, she said coldly again: "I thought you were delusional and confused to the end, but I didn't expect you to still have three hearts! If that's the case, take him there!"

The servants next to him wanted to bring Jing'an, Xie Dongyan hurriedly got up when he saw this, and said: "In that case, please allow me to do it myself to enforce the family law."

(End of this chapter)

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