my wishful wolf

Chapter 132 Finding Suspects and Chaos

Chapter 132 Finding Suspects and Chaos

The tiles were sharp and cut the skin on Mrs. Xie's neck, and her hands were covered with blood, which was very wet and slippery. In addition, the time was too long, and her hands gradually became numb, and it was almost impossible to hold the tiles.

Yue'e still stood still, looking at Mrs. Xie without blinking, but saw her eyes flicker, thoughtful, and said after a while: "Very good." She raised her eyebrows and smiled, and said to Yue'e: "It's a pity, Even if you kill me, he is dead."

I don't know where outside, there was a muffled sound from a distance, and the feet trembled a little. The three people in the room swayed slightly, Yue'e was startled, and didn't know what happened, but Mrs. Xie laughed loudly and said: "Haha , the big thing is done!"

Yue'e stretched out her hand to grab her neck, pushed her against the wall, and said, "What did you say?!" Mrs. Xie said, "The sound just now was the sound of gunpowder igniting. That little bastard might have been blown up right now. There is no dead body, ha, ha ha..."

Yue'e felt a chill from head to toe, and said in a trembling voice: "What did you say? Say it again."

Mrs. Xie said: "If the little bastard hadn't taken the bait, then the gunpowder would not have been ignited. In this know, it's ridiculous that you tried your best to save him but failed in the end. Isn't it ridiculous?"

Yue'e's mind went into a daze, she unexpectedly thought of Jing'an's face, his few words echoed back and forth in her heart, instantly vivid.

Yue'e's eyes flickered, her heart ached like twisting, she couldn't restrain herself for a moment, her whole body was empty, she couldn't hold the porcelain piece, she let go of her hand, the porcelain piece fell to the ground with a clatter, fell to pieces and shattered, Madam Xie took a step back, her eyes were fierce. With a flash of sternness, he shouted decisively: "Hui Shan, kill her!"

When Yue'e turned her head, she saw the evil monk Hui Shan grinned ferociously, stepped forward, and grabbed it with a hand as big as a cattail fan.

Yue'e's heart was ashamed, and for a moment she was like a man of wood and stone, completely motionless, only thinking repeatedly in her mind: "Dead? Is he dead? Is he... really dead?"

——Jing An really fell into a trick and died?What was the cause of that bang?But this matter had to start from that night when Dongyan led people to rescue Jing'an.

Let's talk about Dongyan's troops arriving, those men in black saw that they had nowhere to go, and they killed themselves one after another. Jing'an Dongyan couldn't catch him, and he didn't survive. At this moment, Zhou Da and others from outside also came in. It turned out that they had heard the movement before, I was going to come in to rescue, but unexpectedly someone outside also invaded.

Seeing the failure, these people all committed suicide and died, Jing An secretly hated, but he couldn't help it, so he had to salute Dong Yan and said: "Brother, why did you come here suddenly?" Dong Yan frowned and said: "It's not because of you!" He paused to see the mess of corpses on the ground, and said: "Before I came earlier, I sent someone to inform Lord Zhengqing that although some people took the opportunity to make trouble, you must not leave this prison cell, otherwise, there will be no one to live, and this matter is not serious." Easy to say."

Jing An nodded and said: "Thank you, big brother." He was feeling weak at the moment, Dong Yan saw that his expression was not right, so he stepped forward to help him, and the general beside Dong Yan said: "Is Second Young Master all right?" Jing An said : "I just got poisoned by that little thief, I think it's not a big deal."

Dong Yan was worried after all, so he hurriedly asked someone to pass on to the doctor again, and then he said to Jing An: "This is Captain Jiang Fangjiang, Master Yunqi. Fortunately, I met halfway, so I borrowed these soldiers to come here, otherwise , I'm afraid I can't save you."

Jing An had to hold on, and thanked Jiang Fang, Jiang Fang glanced at him, and hurriedly returned the gift.He said to Dong Yan again: "Brother, you are being polite. As long as the second young master is fine."

Jing An saw that he was tall, with a hulking back, a majestic appearance, bright eyebrows, and a big beard on his chin, which made him even more heroic. He also had a knife on his waist and was dressed in a military uniform. He was indeed an extraordinary person. Said: "Brother Jiang looks so familiar."

Dong Yan said: "Confused! Master Jiang has been to the Hou Mansion several times before, and you have met... Have you forgotten it?" When he said this, he gave Jing An a look.

Why do you think Dongyan is annoyed again?It turns out that Captain Yunqi Jiang Fang and Dong Yan have always been on good terms, Jiang Fang naturally went to and from the Xie Mansion, and met Jing An three or two times, but every time he saw Jing An, he would always be with some concubine Hu Tianhu The ground's teasing, style is very nonsense.

Fortunately, although Jiang Fang is a military officer, he is very gentlemanly, never saying anything in front of Dong Yan, just pretending not to see those beautiful scenes of spending time and drinking, so Dong Yan loves him more and more.

Jing An didn't know why Dong Yan was annoyed, so he had to apologize embarrassingly.Jiang Fang is just modest.Not a moment later, Zhengqing of Dali Temple rushed over with his people, seeing the scene was so messy, he hurriedly asked, Dongyan told the whole story, after a while the doctor also arrived, and took Jing'an's pulse, it turned out that he was suffering from a severe blindness In severe cases, people become unconscious, and in light cases, their hands and feet become numb and they cannot move. It usually takes three or four hours to return to normal.

Master Zhengqing asked about the situation, and he couldn't stay in this cell, but Jing An was an "important person", and he couldn't let him go easily, so he moved Jing An to an empty room in Dali Temple, and sent many soldiers watch.

Fang Dongyan thanked Jiang Fang, and Jiang Fang left with his troops.Lord Zhengqing asked Dong Yan again, and there was such a mess, and it was already dawn when the matter was settled.

Dong Yan didn't have time to go home, knowing that there would be an interrogation that day, and the surprise attack by those mysterious people last night, I'm afraid today's interrogation was even more unusual, so he hurriedly changed his clothes and sent another People go back to report.

When the sun was three poles high, the adults from all ministries had arrived again, and the people who reported the news also came back. Dongyan heard that Mrs. Xie and Yue'e went to Xiangye Temple, although he felt a little strange, because Mrs. Xie was a frequent visitor, so he also Never thought about it.

The lord of the third division was promoted to re-interrogate the case, and even the yellow gate of the Inner Palace the day before had arrived.Jing'an went to the hall, the effect of the medicine wears off at this moment, and the whole body returns to normal, but after all, it's not easy to make trouble all night.

Seeing that Jing An's haggard look was not as usual, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment asked, Dali Siqing had already explained the matter and exchanged breaths.Therefore, the adults of the third division also know that someone must be secretly manipulating this matter, and now it is just a show for the Huangmen.

Jing An went over the matter before saying earnestly: "It's clear that someone framed me and killed me while I was imprisoned. If I hadn't been rescued in time, I'm afraid the three adults have seen it right now. My body is left, three adults, please look into it."

At the time of the entanglement, someone from outside came in a hurry, but he was a servant of Dali Temple, but he didn't go to the hall, but walked around behind, and whispered something in Dongyan's ear, Dongyan's expression changed drastically immediately, Not caring about anything, he flung his sleeves and walked out, Jing An saw it and was surprised, it turned out that Dong Yan has always been a calm temperament, he is very reliable outside, he doesn't want to act rashly, which is rare.

Jing An hastily winked, and Zhou Da, who was on the sidelines, immediately followed after seeing the situation. The messenger was about to go out after talking with Dong Yan, but he was pulled back by Zhou Da. people let go.

When Zhou Da came back, his complexion was also very bad. After Jing An finished speaking, the three ministers in the hall were whispering to each other, Jing An looked at Zhou Da with his eyes, Zhou Da's lips moved a few times, Jing An froze, thinking that he was watching Too bad, Zhou Da frowned and said it again, Jing An stared at him, flicked his sleeves, turned around abruptly, and walked out.

Several adults in the hall are quite towards Jing An at the moment, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple Zhengqing both advocate releasing him, only the Secretary of the Metropolitan Procuratorate has some doubts, and while they are discussing, they suddenly see Jing An walking out, they are all stunned for a moment up.

That Huang Men was sitting upright, seeing Jing An like this, he immediately jumped up, put his body in front of Jing An, and said: "The case is not over yet, where is Lord Hou going?"

Jing An raised his eyes and shouted: "Get out!" He walked straight forward, as if he hadn't seen the yellow gate, the yellow gate was startled, seeing his complexion was very bad, like a tiger rushing towards his face As if coming, the evil spirit was overwhelming, Huang Men couldn't help but hastily backed up a few steps, and then dodged out of the way trembling, still in shock.

At this moment, Jing An flew out of Dali Temple, staring at the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment and the Minister of Dali Temple dumbfounded, the chief of the procuratorate inside got up and shouted: "Xie Xiaohou! Where are you going! Don't be lawless!" , Three or two steps have already gone far.

When Jing An went outside, he saw Dong Yan talking to someone, Jing An saw that it was someone from his family, he hurried over and asked: "Brother, what happened?" If it was normal, Dong Yan would He would have reacted, and must have scolded Jing An for being lawless, but at this moment, Dong Yan's face was bleak, listening to Jing An's question, he only said: "Mother... Mother and Yueniang were robbed by thieves on their way to Xiangye Temple."

Jing An had heard from Zhou Da earlier, and upon hearing Dong Yan's words, he woke up in a daze, helped Dong Yan up, and said: "Brother, don't worry, I'm here."

Dong Yan stared at Jing'an in a daze, and said: "What... what's going on? Mother is used to walking the road of Fragrant Leaf Temple, and nothing happened, and she has never heard of any thieves haunting the Fragrant Leaf Temple. , Respect..."

Jing An thought about it, his heart turned cold, and he said quietly: "I'm afraid this matter is not accidental, most likely it came for me, big brother, don't worry, I have my own opinion."

At this moment, Zhou Da waited for the horse, Jing An got on the horse and said: "Brother, don't worry, the two of them will be fine." He took the people and drove away in a mighty manner.

Dong Yan stayed where he was, and after a while, Huangmen came out angrily and cursing. When he saw Dong Yan, he stopped talking, didn't dare to say anything, and walked away with a low eyebrow.

Dong Yan was just staying there, when Dali Temple Qing trotted out inside, and asked for a closer look, Dong Yan hurriedly restrained his mind, and told the matter, Dali Temple Qing was also dumbfounded, and sighed: "It turns out that this happened, the reason is Xie Xiao Hou Bufa turned around and left...Now the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment and the Sizheng of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are also annoyed, and the eunuch made another scene...So I will go back immediately and explain to them."

Si Qing hurriedly appeased Dong Yan again, saying: "Xie Xiaohou is in command of Jiucheng, even if he went all over the city, he will definitely find someone, don't worry."

Where can Dong Yan rest assured, he had to thank Dali Siqing.The minister of the temple went in and explained with the Minister of the Ministry of punishment and the Secretary of the Metropolitan Procuratorate without mentioning it.

Let's say that Jing An's flying horse has returned to the Nine City Yamen, at the moment there is only one deputy commander in the Yamen, everyone is very happy to see Jing An coming back, Jing An enters, order all the generals of Nine City to come to the hall to discuss matters.Not long after, dozens of generals arrived, Jing An dispatched troops to order the generals, and sent a group of people to search outside the city, while another group of people was on guard inside the city to interrogate.

The generals were ordered to leave, and Jing An himself rode out of the city on horseback. When he arrived at the place where the incident happened, he saw a dozen corpses strewn all over the snow, most of them were responsible for escorting Mrs. Xie...Jing An felt palpitations, and secretly regretted... ...Just because he knew that the man in the dark was targeting him, so after he went to prison, he removed the person who was in charge of taking care of Yue'e at home, but he never thought that the enemy's intentions were so sinister.Jing An turned his head to look, but saw the surrounding barren mountains and wild mountains, not far in front of him was the Fragrant Leaf Temple, because of the snow, the footprints on the ground were clear, Jing An asked people to follow the footprints to find, but the soldiers searched on the mountains They walked for a long time, but got nothing, and because many people went to Xiangye Temple and Baiyi Temple to worship incense, the footprints on the road were messy, and there was no clue at all.

The soldiers made noise from noon to afternoon, and it was nearly dusk, but they didn't get anything.Jing An went back to Xie's mansion, Dong Yan was waiting for him, seeing him coming back, he rushed forward and asked: "What's the matter?" Jing An shook his head.

Dongyan Mumu took a step back, and said in a trembling voice: "Why is this so, why did they...why did they attack mother?" Jing An felt sad and felt guilty, and said, "Brother...I'm the one who made mother hurt." Thinking of Yue'e again, she shuddered for a while.

Dong Yan shook his head and said for a while, "Who do you think did this?" Jing An said: "I doubt the Tang family."

Dong Yan was startled, and said hesitantly, "You mean...Gong Zixiu?" Jing An nodded, and said, "Brother, you know that the Prime Minister's Mansion and our Marquis Mansion have never dealt with each other. Back then, I was demoted like Tang Jinsi. He went to the East China Sea, and I went to Ziyun in the northwest. The people of the Xiangfu were eyeing the position of the commander of the Nine Cities. It was a great opportunity for Tang Jinsi to be born, but I got it. Their shabby rules of the Tang family... Tang Jinsi If you are wronged by me, you will naturally hate me..."

Jing An sighed, and said: "What's more... I can only tell you, big brother, that when I was in Ziyun, there were many mysterious people who tried to assassinate me. Who has such a big handwriting?"

Dong Yan frowned, and said: "It's just that Mr. Xiu has always been famous..." Jing An said bitterly: "That person is very sinister, if he really did such a thing, I wouldn't be surprised, now I want to go there personally Xiangfu." Dong Yan said: "It can't be like this, if it wasn't for them, wouldn't you offend Tang Xiangye by going?"

Jing An said: "If this matter was not done by them, I would apologize. It was my fault for wronging them. The one who cleans himself will clean himself up, and they will not do anything wrong. Besides, our Tongxiang Mansion didn't deal with it, so what's the problem if we turn against each other a little more?— — But if it was what they did, I will demand blood from his Xiangfu!"

Dong Yan said: "Gong Zixiu is now in the East China Sea, how could he set up such a poisonous plan?" Jing An showed a look of hatred, and said: "Brother, don't you hear? Tang Jin is like that person, and he is planning a strategy , Victory thousands of miles away', known as 'Zhuge of the Later Generation'?... You praised him before. Even if he didn't have to come in person, if he planned well, he would easily reach there... Besides, recently I Upon hearing the news, Tang Jin seems to have returned to Beijing."

Dong Yan was startled, and said: "Really? He's back?" Jing An said: "It's absolutely true. It's just that this person hasn't shown his face, it's true that he really came back. Brother,—I've already figured it out, The people in Beijing who hate me the most, except the Tang family, have no one else who hates me so deeply. Even if this matter really has nothing to do with the Tang family, but Tang Jin is as smart and cunning as that person, so he must know some clues. If you ask him face to face, you may not be sure what you will find out.”

Dong Yan thought for a while, then nodded, and said: "Things have come to this, it has to be like this, but you have to remember, you have to be careful in this matter, you must know that both mother and... Yueniang are in the hands of others, the more you If you are in a hurry, you will fall into the tricks of the thieves, you must be careful and calm, you know?"

Jing An said: "Brother, I understand, I remember what you said." Dong Yan stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said: "Be careful now, take care of yourself." Jing An looked at Dong Yan Yan, smiled slightly, and said: "Don't worry, brother!" The two brothers looked at each other, Jing An was quite comforting, but Dong Yan's heart sank, he couldn't tell what it was like.

Immediately, Jing An took people out of the mansion, all the way to Xiang's mansion.Dong Yan stayed in the study room, thinking about everything, unknowingly, pulled out a book from the drawer, opened it, stared at the still folded letterhead inside, stared at it for a moment, then turned the book as it was. On the table, put the precious and important things in the drawer.

Dong Yan frowned and thought hard, and suddenly thought: "Why did mother go to Fragrant Leaf Temple today? Besides, I didn't hear about it when I left yesterday... It must have been a hasty decision. Could it be that she is really a member of the Prime Minister's family?" Why? Is it because the news is so well-informed?" Startled again, he thought: "If this is the case, there must be spies from there in this mansion..." Dong Yan thought about it, doubts abounded, and he was frowning and thinking hard , suddenly smelled a faint fragrance at the end of his nose, at first Dongyan didn't notice it, but after a while, the fragrance became stronger, Dongyan trembled slightly, stood up abruptly, but felt dizzy for a while.At this moment, someone outside pushed the door and came in gently.

(End of this chapter)

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