my wishful wolf

Chapter 146

Chapter 146
Lin Hua thanked Chunhong too hastily.Reluctantly, the cold rain comes in the morning and the wind comes in the evening.Rouge tears, keep people drunk, when will it be heavy?Naturally, people grow up and hate water and grow east.

"Happy Meeting" Li Yu
After a fire, his face was completely changed.Dong Yan remembered that that day he met a woman named Jing Yuan and asked a question, she answered in a daze, but he couldn't hear clearly, if he wanted to ask again, she had already left.

Later, Jing An was going to the Northwest, and the family was in a panic, he tried every means to keep him, but Jing An finally left, thanking the mansion dignifiedly, leaving him alone, the former mother's kindness and son's filial piety, the former brother's friendship, all gone, Alone, desolate to the bone.

Dong Yan couldn't figure out why his mother would be so cruel.Although he was sensible and prudent since he was a child, he was not as absurd and unruly as Jing An, but he thought to himself that Jing An was not that far behind. Yan Zeng was secretly jealous, so when the old Marquis passed the title to Jing'an, although Dong Yan was surprised, he still accepted it.

... What's more, with one mother, the tiger's poison does not eat children.

Suddenly one day, a murder case came from Dali Temple.Dong Yan was taken aback when he saw it. It turned out that the case was a woman who wanted to kill her own son.Dong Yan touched his heart, read the case file carefully, and ordered the woman who committed the crime to be brought to court.

The woman returned in court, her prison clothes were ragged, and she was ordered to look up, Dong Yan felt a slight pain in his heart when he looked at the face that couldn't hide its beauty.

Dong Yan said: "You woman, after your husband is gone, you should be an honest widow and raise your children. Why do you have an affair with outsiders and even want to murder your parents and children? You have such a vicious heart!"

In front of her, she seems to be a mother, but she is definitely not.However, no one answered Dong Yan's questions. After the fire, Tong Jing'an questioned the people involved in the case.Knowing the clue, the two brothers felt heavy in their hearts, Dong Yan thought, maybe the reason why Jing An left the capital was because the two brothers could not pretend to meet again as if nothing had happened.

Who wants to admit that my mother is that kind of person.

Dong Yan knew that besides this, his mother still wanted to harm Jing'an.So he didn't say anything, lest Jing An be sad.But while he was hiding it, he was still worried, Jing An is not stupid, maybe, one day...

Jing An chose to leave, probably, it was also a way of relief.

The prisoner in front of me had received several punishments in the Ministry of Punishment, and she just carried it on her shoulders. When Dong Yan asked, she said: "How could the little woman be like this? My lord, it is true that the little bastard is lawless because of the death of my father." , often disobedient, making trouble outrageously, the little woman scolded him a few times, he couldn't think about it, drank the fact, it has nothing to do with the little woman."

Dong Yan shouted: "Shut up, your neighbor, Lu Da, who sells pork, has already confessed that you entrusted him to buy arsenic, and you told him yourself that because your son found out about your affair with Lu Da, you intended to buy arsenic." If you expose it, you will be the first to act first, and want to kill people to silence it!"

The woman was really cunning, so she said: "My lord, Nalu Da has always coveted the beauty of the little woman, so he often came to tease her, but the little woman refused, so he made up such words to slander... Please be careful, my lord, and return the little woman." A person is innocent."

Dong Yan saw that she was still snarky after being tortured, and thought that the Ministry of Punishment was helpless, so he said: "Don't be so stubborn, I advise you to recruit, so as to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, you and Lu Dazhi The matter is not only based on Lu Da’s one-sided words, but also your neighbors have witnessed it, and the maids in your family have also testified, proving that you and Lu Da have had an affair for a long time.”

The woman changed her face when she heard this, but she still said: "It is possible to fall into a well." Dong Yan said angrily: "Shut up, human nature is, a tiger's poison does not eat its offspring, and you actually intended to murder your parents and children for the sake of an adulterer. Such a hateful person, what are you doing here, since you entered the Dali Temple today, I want you to try the methods of this Dali Temple."

The woman's face changed when she heard this, and Dong Yan said: "Are you going to tell me?" and pulled the woman down.

After the woman was dragged down, Dong Yan ordered people to pass on the young man who survived the catastrophe.After a while, the young man came to the hall with a pale complexion and a thin body. He knelt on the ground with a hoarse throat and was a little speechless.

Dong Yan knew that he had been dumbed down by arsenic poisoning, and felt a pain in his heart, he couldn't help but think of Jing'an.Then he asked: "Don't worry, can you write?" The young man nodded.

Dong Yan said: "Give him a pen and paper!"

The master next to him took a pen and paper and spread it on the ground for the young man. The young man looked at Dong Yan ignorantly, and Dong Yan looked at him and said, "Because you can't answer, so you can write down the questions on the paper. Did you hear that?"

Only then did the boy understand, and he nodded.

Dong Yan then asked: "This is the main hall of Dali Temple. The law is like iron, there is no room for relaxation, and it is not allowed to be played with! Therefore, if this official comes to ask you, you must tell the truth. If you conceal it, it will be bad for you and others. It's no good at all. You know what?"

The boy nodded.Dong Yancai said: "Is it true that your mother had an affair with the butcher Lu Da?"

When the boy heard this, tears welled up in his eyes.Dong Yan said: "You just write: yes, or: no."

The boy picked up the pen, his hands trembling, and after a while, he wrote "yes" on the paper.

Dong Yan felt very uncomfortable in his heart when he saw his state of mind touched.After thinking about it, he said, "Your mother wants to poison you with arsenic, but is it true?"

Hearing this, the boy shook his head hastily.Dong Yan said: "Think clearly, the butcher Lu Da has already confessed, if you want to cover up for your mother, it is useless."

The boy thought for a while, picked up a pen, and slowly wrote a line on the paper.

Dong Yan couldn't see clearly, so he sent someone to take it, and handed it to Dong Yan respectfully, Dong Yan looked down, shaking his body, but saw the words on it: If the mother is angry, there must be something wrong with the son, my lord If you want to use torture, please don't embarrass my mother.

Dong Yan looked at the slightly trembling young man, his chest constricted, it was hard to explain.

Dali Temple used two punishments, but the woman couldn't resist and just confessed.

He sent someone to report, Dong Yan nodded, and ordered him to come back to the hall again. When the boy saw him, he screamed hoarsely, and rushed over to help him. The woman struggled, and cursed: "You evil, it's all for the sake of you!" You have to suffer so much for your mother!" It was because of the torture, his hands and feet were weak, otherwise, he was afraid that he would do it.

Dong Yan's eyes were hot, and he shouted sharply: "Bring that woman up!"

Dong Yan asked: "Now, you will confess in detail what you have done." The woman knelt on the ground, her face was covered with blood, and said: "You are such a gentle gentleman, you are actually a real Yama...Little lady If you accept your fate, I will recruit you."

Dong Yan stared at her and asked, "Do you admit that you are planning to poison your own son to death?"

The woman said: "When the old ghost went, I was less than ten years old, and Nalu seduced me. I couldn't bear it, and I had a dewy love affair with Nalu. I pretended to be good... and I saved my youth. Qingku, at first, this bastard was still young, so he couldn't do anything wrong with me, but as he got older, he realized what happened... A few talkative neighbors saw some clues, so they told this little bastard, This little bastard got his heart set on him and forbade Nalu Da to come to his house. The little lady is a savvy woman, so she is not willing to let it go... She was pregnant by him over and over again, and she regarded him as a thorn in her side, so she simply... Don't do it endlessly..."

As the woman spoke, the young man burst into tears beside him, Dong Yan just listened, and asked: "One is your own son, and the other is an outsider, can you do it?"

The woman said: "My lord doesn't understand. When I married that dead ghost, that dead ghost was already on the verge of death. I barely waited for him for two years. He really died, but left behind this evil... If it weren't for him, I would have died a long time ago." He remarried, why did he end up here? And he made himself involved too... He is the evil of the previous life, and now he is here to collect debts!" ​​When he said this, he spoke loudly again.

Seeing that she didn't want to repent, Dong Yan became more and more contemptuous, furious, and said: "What a bitch, she still doesn't know how to repent, tell her to be charged, dragged down, and put in death row!" , went to ask the woman to draw a bet, and her own female messenger took the man down.When the woman was about to leave the hall, the young man pounced on him again, obstructing him in every possible way, but the woman just muttered and cursed without any affection at all.

Dong Yan's heart turned cold.

That night, Dong Yan went to the death cell of Dali Temple, sent someone to see him, he dared not neglect, asked him why he came, and took him to see the woman.

The woman was lying in a corner, dying, when she heard someone outside say: "Your Excellency, it's not polite to come here!" She opened her eyes, saw that it was an official who was interrogating during the day, and asked, "What's the matter, Your Excellency?"

With a wave of Dong Yan's hand, the jailer backed away. Dong Yan stepped forward, looked at the woman, and said, "I still have something I don't understand, and I want to ask you."

The woman said: "My lord, please tell me." Dong Yan said: "I still don't know why you managed to attack your own son. Today you are tortured, and your son still pleads for you. How can you bear it?"

The prisoner said, "My lord, this is just a bad fate. What can I say?"

Dong Yan thought for a while, and asked: "Your case reminds me of an old case. I still can't figure it out. I wonder if you can answer the question..."

The prisoner looked at him.Dong Yan said: "I looked through the old files and found that there was another case decades ago. It was a woman who had two children. She loved one of them very much, but hated the other deeply." , even like you, who murdered that child, but that child obviously did not hinder her, and never noticed her... private affair, but respected and loved her very much, why would she do this?"

The prisoner thought for a while, and said, "This is troublesome..." She smiled suddenly, and said, "It's unimaginable for a woman to be cruel. But my lord, when you talk about personal affairs, it makes me feel... Could it be that the woman loves you?" The child was born by her in an affair with an outsider, so she loves it very much, and the one she doesn't like is..."

As soon as he said this, Dong Yan yelled angrily: "Shut up!"

Dong Yan's face was like a ghost, he took a step back, and his body was hidden in the darkness. The criminal woman couldn't see his face clearly, but saw his robe fluttering, shaking non-stop, turned around in an instant, and fled as if .

Jing Yuan entered the door and saluted.Dong Yan said: "Please sit down." Jing Yuan said: "Thank you, sir." Then he sat on the chair next to him.The door was open, but there was no one there.The servants all obeyed Dong Yan's order and left far away.

Jing Yuan asked: "I don't know what the lord called me, what's the matter?" Dong Yan sighed slightly, and said: "There is something that I have never asked."

Jing Yuan said: "What is your lord talking about?" Dong Yan said: "You were...pregnant before, so, that child..."

Jing Yuan's complexion changed, and then she said: " father thinks it is an insult to the lintel, so...I am not allowed to stay..." Although she tried her best to calm down, her voice trembled slightly.

Dong Yan also felt worried, the two of them looked at each other silently, after a long while, Dong Yan suddenly said slowly: "This matter, our family has always been ashamed of you,... If you want, can you return to the vulgar, I... I will marry you You go through the door."

After hearing this, Jing Yuan was very frightened, looked at Dong Yan suddenly, and asked, "Your said..."

Dong Yan said: "After all, I am sorry for you... If you are willing, you will return to vulgarity, and I will marry you."

Jing Yuan looked at him for a while, her expression changed again and again.Dong Yan couldn't wait for her to answer, so he asked: "What do you think?" The two looked at each other, Jing Yuan shook his head slowly, and said: "My lord, I don't want to."

Dong Yan was taken aback, and asked: "Why?" Jing Yuan said: "What happened in the past, let alone not what the Eldest Young Master wanted... I am now in the Buddhist gate, and I am already pure, why bother to make trouble? The Eldest Young Master now She is the lord of the Xie Mansion, so she wants to marry a dignified official's daughter, someone like me who has lost her reputation... is really not worth it."

Dong Yan said: "Since I've said it, I can take care of everything, you don't have to think about anything else." Jing Yuan got up and said: "I have made up my mind, you don't have to ruin your reputation for me!" , turned around and walked out, Dong Yan got up and called: "Miss Jing Yuan!" Jing Yuan stopped and turned to look at Dong Yan. , Jing Yuan moved her eyes, tears fell to the dust, turned her head and said: "I am just a rotten tree, I just want the eldest son to be safe and sound. In front of the Buddha, I will seek a happy marriage for the eldest son..."

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.When Jing An came back to the mansion, Dong Yan and him talked for two hours in the secret room, when the two came out, their expressions were different.Jing An wanted to leave, but Dong Yan stopped him, and resolutely said: "Although I'm not very sure, but I still have eight or nine points, Jing An, how to deal with it depends entirely on you."

Jing An stopped walking, blinked his eyes a few times, finally turned his head to look at Dong Yan, and said: "What do you want me to do? - I have lost my moon and my mother, now, is it going to be gone again?" Brother?"

Dong Yan took a step back, the two looked at each other, their eyes were red, and at the end, Jing An said: "There must be someone who is in charge of this Xie Mansion, I have long been tired of this... I must go back to the Northwest, Big Brother also knows , fighting on the battlefield, life and death unknown, after thanking the mansion, I will entrust it all to my elder brother... I will forget all the things I said to me today, and my elder brother... forget all of them." After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked away.

Dong Yan was speechless, only choked up and asked: "Jing An, where are you going?"

Jing An also lowered his head and said, "I...I don't know..."

Dong Yan thought for a while, then said: "Recently, I heard that the bodhi tree in Baiyi Nunnery is very spiritual, and many people go to pray for blessings, why don't you go and see it?"

Jing An turned his head to look at Dong Yan, then nodded and said: "Brother, you think the tree is so withered, but will it still grow new branches?"

Dong Yan was silent for a while, for some reason, he thought of Jing Yuan's words about going away, and said: "In the dark, there is good fortune, and it's unknown if a dead tree will sprout new shoots." Jing An then went.

After Jing An went to Baiyi nunnery, he stayed for another day and finally returned to the northwest.Dong Yan bid farewell to Jing'an, sat in the study for a long time, took out the "Feng Hua Ji", flipped through it for a while, took out the peach blossom paper inside, read it again and again, finally raised his hand, and lit it on the lamp.

A spark of fire disperses and spreads, and it will only let go when it burns to the fingertips. The fire swallows the peach blossom paper, the words are crazy, and the thrills of the past are all burned to ashes at this moment, and the ashes are extinguished. Among the tears, whoever smiles at each other.

———I don’t like to watch Dong Yan play Jing Yuan, everyone just watch this, it’s the end.Don't look down—————

Two years later, the Ministry of Criminal Justice captured a notorious flower picking thief in the past, and found out that Miss Jing Yuan, the former servant of the household department, was defiled by him, and the flower picking thief was sentenced to death. I was wronged, and I was very emotional for a while.

Three months later, Jing An returned home with his family, and Jing Yuan returned to secular life.In another month, it is unknown what method Jing An used, Xie Dongyan, the Patriarch of the Xie Mansion, wrote a letter to marry Jing Yuan, and the emperor agreed.

The servant of the household department hurriedly recognized his daughter and went back. He was very happy with his old face for a while.Jing Yuan has always been indifferent, choosing a date, and Dong Yan married Jing Yuan into the mansion. Although everyone in the Xie mansion complained, but when they thought of Mr. Xie's main wife, they also had some extraordinary backgrounds... and Xie Jing'an was not A good friend, with his backing, no one would dare to speak.

That night, there was endless drumming outside.

In the bridal chamber, Jing Yuan asked: "Why did you marry me?" Dong Yan said: "This is the end of the matter, why bother to ask those questions." Jing Yuan said: "If it wasn't for Young Master, what would you do?" Dong Yan was silent After a long time, he said: "Ma'am... It's late at night, let's rest."

The candlelight was flickering, Jing Yuan slowly leaned over, leaned on Dong Yan's shoulder, and said: "You pretend I don't know... You have someone else in your heart, if it wasn't for a mistake, I wouldn't have been able to go with you. I was the one who made you tired. If you want to marry me that day, I am willing to do it one hundred times in my heart. However, if I marry you, your reputation will definitely be damaged. How can I agree... I don’t want to, but there is such a day .”

Dong Yan noticed that her tears were falling, so he stretched out his hand, shook her hand, and said, "Don't think too much... I don't have anyone in my heart anymore..." Even if there was, it was impossible, so he burned those, The previous youth and frivolity no longer exist.

Dong Yan then turned his head and smiled, and said: "This is also the fate of your marriage, as long as you are happy... just follow me, you are going to suffer." Jing Yuan hugged him with her arms, and cried with tears "Husband." Dong Yan agreed, lowered his head and hugged her slowly.

Red candles are flickering, and grass insects are chirping softly outside the window.When Lao Yue in the sky pulls the red line, it means marriage, evil fate, or the evil debts that he once had... A write-off.

(End of this chapter)

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