my wishful wolf

Chapter 27 Meijiaren Emei Dansao

Chapter 27 Meijiaren Emei Dansao

That night, some people came to measure Yue'e's clothes. These people were also experienced tailors. They had sharp eyes and did not rely on their bodies. The three of them just stood by and looked at Yue'e for a while, remembering clearly, and then left.In fact, these fairy families who participated in it originally had good identities, so most of the clothes and the like were prepared by themselves, and they were extremely gorgeous and exquisite.Because Zhang Qiao knew the situation of Yue'e's sister and brother, so he specially asked the tailor to come to his door so as to make preparations for Yue'e.

Now Yue'e and Yao Liang lived safely in the inn, and because the shopkeeper took advantage of Yao Liang and Yue'e, he treated them with more dedication and cared for them.

Su Qing came to the inn the next day, saying that he was on the way, and came to see Xiao Lang's hand.Yao Liang was talking to Yue'e, and the shopkeeper invited Su Qing to come upstairs, but Yue'e couldn't avoid it, so she had to sit down.

Su Qing checked Yao Liang for a while, during which Yao Liang chatted with him about this matter, Su Qing just nodded and didn't say much.Yue'e listened quietly at the side, thinking that he would give some pointers, but she didn't expect his reaction to be so flat.

Su Qing wrapped Yao Liang's hand again, and told him not to hurt him during this period of time, and wrote a prescription. After writing it, he was about to hand it to the shopkeeper, and asked him to send someone to the pharmacy to pick it up. However, Yao Liang reached out to take the item and said, "Doctor Su, I'll give this to the shopkeeper."

Su Qing nodded.Yao Liang got up and said, "Sister, I'll go out for a while." Yue'e said "hmm".Yao Liang opened the door and went out, but when he was about to leave, he did not forget to see the door was half closed.

In the room, there was a moment of silence.

The two were silent for a moment, and it was Su Qing who said first: "Yue Niang, you promised to go?"

Yue'e looked up at him and said, "Yes."

Su Qing lowered her eyes and said: "I didn't expect that you would agree." Yue'e asked: "Why do you say that?" Su Qing said: "It's just... I think your temperament seems to have changed a lot."

He hesitated, and spoke slowly.But Yue'e's heart skipped a beat secretly, she still acted nonchalantly, and only asked: "It has changed a lot?" Su Qing pondered for a moment, then looked at Yue'e again, and said, "Yes...I don't understand... Your temperament has really changed a lot. For example, the Wang family divorced his wife." He said slowly with a sad look on his face, "You told me before that entering the Wang family is like death. In general, there is no hope in this life, only waiting for death. I remember clearly what you said at the time,...but, but now..."

Su Qing thought.That day when he heard the news that Wang's family had divorced his wife, he ran out of the pharmacy in shock.I want to rush to Wang's house immediately to see if Yueniang is okay.He knew Yueniang's temperament, she was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, if she was really divorced, she would probably do something stupid right away.But I didn't expect that I ran into Yue'e with Yao Liang. Although her appearance was still as weak as before, there was no panic expression on her face, unlike the frail and frail girl who only hung her head and shed tears when they first met. woman.

This kind of Yueniang made Su Qing startled and had an indescribable feeling. He seemed to be faintly aware that the old woman who could only curl up and cry was different... as if she was lying in a cocoon Caterpillars break out of their cocoons and become butterflies.

In Su Qing's heart, she was unfamiliar with such a Yueniang, and it was hard to say.In particular, she refused to rely on him at all, and just wanted to leave. He looked at the still beautiful face in front of him almost blankly. What caused Yueniang to undergo such a change?

In the past, he made a wrong step and let her fall into the abyss.At the bottom of his heart, he will always remember that slender figure who was at a loss in the heavy rain, and her pitiful eyes when she was crying. At the beginning, he was tempted by Yueniang, even his parents thought he was fascinated by Yao Yueniang's beauty, only Su Qing I know, I want to save her, he is kind by nature, and he is also a doctor, even if he sees an injured kitten or dog, he will not hesitate to lend a helping hand, let alone Yueniang, but he is one step behind, watching helplessly Yueniang was dragged home by Wang Sihu.

For her, in his heart, there is always a guilt, an unspeakable affection.He couldn't speak.

And when Yueniang was divorced yesterday, when he stopped her, looking into her eyes with something extra, he finally said that sentence.

"You stay, I'll marry you." He could only say this once in his life, right?

It's the person in front of you.

If it was her before, when she was desperate, facing the helping hand she extended, she would have cried pear blossoms with rain... But, she rejected it. When she said those words, when she stepped forward to The moment he left, the shock and disbelief in his heart can be imagined.

Su Qing looked at Yue'e thoughtfully, his eyes were beautiful, and he had the power to see through people's hearts.Yue'e was worried, although she knew that Su Qing couldn't see anything...but based on Su Qing's understanding of Yueniang, it would be easy for her to notice the difference between herself and Yueniang, but she felt that this kind of thing was the most illusory What's more, people are subject to change, and she just insisted that her personality has changed, so what can he do?

Yue'e was thinking about whether to say a few words to let Su Qing know that she had "changed her temperament", so that he could give up completely.But I heard Su Qing say again: "Yue Niang, I told my father about you being divorced by the Wang family last night."

Yue'e was taken aback, but she didn't expect Su Qing to say this, so she asked, "What...what are you talking about?" Su Qing said, "Yue Niang, I want you to know that I really want to marry you Yes." Rao Yue'e's heart is as hard as a stone, at this time Hou couldn't help being stunned, looked at Su Qing in a daze, and said: "You..." Every word stuck in his throat.

Su Qing said: "Yue Niang, I know you are thinking of me, you don't have to worry about anything else, what I said will definitely count." His voice was gentle but firm, and he said, "I said I will marry you, and I will marry you." will marry you."

As Su Qing said, she stood up, took a step forward, but stopped again, only looking at Yue'e, and Yue'e also looked up at him, and after a while said in a shy voice: "What did you say? You just said As I said, my temperament has changed, don't you think... I am no longer the Yao Yueniang of the past?" These words have already been said clearly enough.

Su Qing shook her head slowly, a smile flashed across her mouth, and said: "The person I marry is just the person in front of me, what about the past and today."

Looking into his clear eyes, Yue'e suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

On the second day, outside the inn, there was chatter and chatter, and someone brought documents to the inn. The shopkeeper was so happy that he hung up firecrackers and set them off first. With the sound of firecrackers and the dispatch of the mayor to send the documents, everyone around immediately panicked. Got it, congratulations.For a while, there was an endless stream of people coming and going in the inn.

After a while, Zhang Qiao sent a sedan chair to pick up Yue'e, and Yao Liang accompanied Yue'e, afraid of going through the front door to show off, so he went out through the back door, all the way to the town, tried the sedan chair, and then turned back to the inn again.Just waiting for Emperor Ziwei's Christmas celebration three days later.

In the past few days, Yue'e thought over and over in her heart, thinking about what Su Qing said to herself before leaving that day.Seeing Su Qing's firm will, it seems that he really won't let go easily.His affection made her both sigh and moved, like a hungry child with a delicious pastry in front of her. She was so hungry, but she didn't dare to reach out to eat it.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed, and early in the morning of the third day, the people sent by Zhang Qiao had arrived and carried Yue'e to the mayor's mansion in the town, where the responsible woman immediately picked her up , the mayor knew that there was no one around Yue'e, so he specially prepared two smart and capable maidservants to help Yue'e tidy up.

A total of four people greeted Yue'e into the room, dressed Yue'e in the white-clothed Avalokitesvara dress that was specially made in a hurry, and pulled up her full head of black hair and combed it. There is no other jewelry in the dignified bun, only a piece of bright precious jade is inlaid in the center of the hair crown.

The maid who was serving looked at Yue'e's face and just clicked her tongue in admiration, she didn't put on heavy makeup for her, she just put a layer of powder on her face, lightly applied a layer of rouge on her cherry lips, and then brushed her face again. Finally, the eyebrows were adjusted with rouge mixed with cinnabar, and a bright red dot was placed on the center of Yue'e's eyebrows.

Everyone looked at Yue'e who was sitting upright, the two maids were dumbfounded, and even the make-up woman who was used to seeing all kinds of beauties praised repeatedly: "I have lived for so long, I have never seen such a lady. Such a beautiful woman, why does this face need rouge and powder, even the makeup is left... She really looks like a white-clothed Guanyin empress." As she said, she clasped her hands together and nodded silently.

After everything was tidied up, the sky had already lighted up, and the golden sunlight shone through the paper on the window sills, which foreshadowed that today must be a fine and sunny day.

Gradually, there was a sound of yelling outside, as if someone was beating the gong, and after a few yells, someone yelled again: "The hour is coming soon, all the immortal families are invited to come!"

After finishing speaking, the seventeen fairy characters who had already been decorated in each room in the courtyard waited for a long time. At this moment, accompanied by the servants, they opened the door and went out. In an instant, the mayor's yard seemed to be a fairy descending from the sky. , the mighty Heavenly King holding a pagoda in his hand, the Jade Emperor with a golden crown, the dignified and graceful Queen Mother, the white-bearded and white-haired Taibai Jinxing... All the fairy families are beautiful, bright, and competing for beauty, Brilliant and gorgeous, indescribably shocking and pleasing to the eye.

The mayor watched from the Internet, he kept stroking his beard and laughing happily, everyone looked at each other, these rich and noble people knew each other before, and they were clapping hands and exchanging greetings endlessly. Stepping out, the breeze blows slowly, the Guanyin Empress is floating in white clothes, standing facing the wind, as if standing on the clouds, she is so beautiful, she doesn't need to bother to make up, and no one can compare.

(End of this chapter)

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