my wishful wolf

Chapter 45 Xie Yurong Can't Eat It

Chapter 45 Xie Yurong Can't Eat It

Yue'e returned home, but met Wang Sihu unexpectedly halfway, and saw that his description had changed drastically, and his previous domineering spirit was gone. He took two steps and only looked at her.

At first, Yue'e realized that it was Wang Sihu, and she was still terrified, but when she saw his appearance clearly, and saw that he had a broken leg, she couldn't help feeling sore, and stood still.Wang Sihu looked at Yue'e and said: "I was provoked by others that day, and I did such a thing because of a moment of disagreement. Yue Niang, do you still hate me?" , but worried, said: "How can I hold grudges... You have suffered a lot because of this, and in the future... you can stay away from those people, and it is true to live a good life."

Seeing that she was standing far away from him all the time, she didn't look at him when she was talking, she just lowered her head, and her heart was a little cold. Hearing what she said, but slowly raised a little hope, and said: "Yue Niang , Husband and wife for a day and a hundred days of grace, can you read it in the old days..." Yue'e heard this sentence a bit different... immediately said: "Young Master Wang, stay here. The past is in the past, so why mention it again and again, It's useless. Your family divorces your wife, I will go down, you love me, it's irrelevant in the future, just talking about it will only hurt everyone's peace, why bother?"

Hearing what she said, Wang Sihu closed his eyes slightly, knowing that there was no hope, and said: "You are really determined." Yue'e said: "Sorry..." Wang Sihu said: "You don't have to be like this... I think about it now , It is true that I treated you badly in the past. No wonder you refused to look back." Yue'e said: "In the future, it is good for you to change your ways and find a stable wife and house. Why worry about unnecessary things?"

Wang Sihu nodded when he heard the words, and said: "You are right, it is indeed meaningless, but I will never forget you..." He took a step forward, but stopped hurriedly, and said, "Just don't worry, I have already I have been obsessed once, and I will never be like this again... Besides, I don't have nine lives to play with." Yue'e heard his desolate voice, so she looked up at him, Wang Sihu looked at Yue'e in a daze, and suddenly asked: "Yue Niang, That little Hou Ye general, is interested in you?"

Yue'e heard this, her heart skipped a beat, she hurriedly raised her eyebrows, turned around, and said, "What do you mean?"

Wang Sihu sighed: "I don't know, I just feel that that young general is very hostile to me. If you hadn't said that sentence that day, I'm afraid I would have died on the spot... In the future, I will go to the prison, and I will go to prison together with him." Most people let them out after a beating, but I kept it. Once, the young general came to see me in person. Although he didn't speak, I felt that..." Yue'e's heart was pounding. , Wang Sihu said: "After I came out, my mother told me that the general had seen you and treated fact, it's not are so good-natured and have a docile temperament. Which man won't you when you see him...that's all, I won't say anything, don't get angry."

Yue'e nodded slowly, and said: "Rumours are the most unreliable, not to mention you just think about what you have and what you don't do? It's better to think about how to settle down in the future."

Wang Sihu sighed for a long time, lowered his eyebrows and said: "I have never suffered such a big loss, but this time the lesson is enough, and I will change my mind in the future, just..." He raised his eyes and looked at Yue'e.

Yue'e paled, and said: "If nothing happens, it's time, I should go back." Biting her lips, she turned to avoid Wang Sihu and wanted to leave.Wang Sihu said: "Yue Niang!" Yue'e frowned and looked at him, Wang Sihu swallowed and said, "I heard that you are opening a shop recently, you... what are you doing?" Yue'e looked at him Yin Yin looked at herself, and sighed, then gently put the burning plum in her hand on the ground, and said: "I made this myself, if you like it, you can take it. But in the future... don't do this again , even if we meet, I will treat you as a stranger."

Wang Sihu looked at her obsessively, and nodded slowly.

Yue'e turned around, but she didn't breathe a sigh of relief, and was walking slowly.I could only hear Wang Sihu shouting behind me: "Yue Niang!"

Yue'e stopped, turned her head slightly, but saw Wang Sihu looking at herself, and said: "Yue'e, you have to be careful anyway, that master is not easy to mess with, I always feel that he has bad intentions for you,... you Take precautions."

Yue'e shook her head, she didn't want to hear this anymore, so she walked away.But Wang Sihu raised his voice behind him and said: "I know that Su Qing has always been unforgettable to you, and I have been waiting, it's just Yueniang... I'm afraid I can't get you, then Su Qing will end up with an extravagant wish! "

Yue'e was disturbed by Wang Sihu's few words, so she quickened her pace and returned home. When she saw the tiger's head naively approaching her, bouncing around her with its tail wagging like a windmill, she was in a better mood and squatted down. He came down to play with Hutou for a while, and licked Yue'e's fingers with his little tongue, making her laugh. Then he went to the backyard to look at his vegetable field and chickens, but suddenly realized that the little cabbages he planted were Some leaves were torn off, and even a chicken flew out, shivering and hiding in a corner, the hair on its body was torn to pieces, as if it was injured.

Yue'e was taken aback, and hurriedly went forward to check, and found that there were holes in the leaves of the cabbage, and saw that the chicken was so pitiful and scarred, so she hurriedly caught it lightly, put it in the bamboo pen, and then turned to look at the chicken. tiger head.

Strangely, when she entered the door earlier, she saw this little thing was so excited, and there was still a trace of chicken feathers hanging from the corner of its mouth... At first, she didn't take it seriously, but now she realized that it was the tiger's head who did the evil, but luckily he was still young, so he didn't If the chicken is killed, if it grows up, it's okay, I'm afraid three chickens can't be saved.

Yue'e was so angry that she grabbed Hutou, slapped him on the body, and cursed: "You learn to bully at a young age, so what's the matter when you grow up! What kind of bad temper is this?" Hutou At first, he didn't take it seriously, thinking that the master was teasing him, so he stretched out his tongue to lick Yue'e's hand. Later, he realized the pain from the beating, groaned twice, twisted and escaped from Yue'e's hand, He ran away in a hurry.

Yue'e still felt puzzled, found a bamboo stick, chased the tiger's head, and cursed: "If I don't teach you a lesson today, if I kill the chick someday, I will regret it. Come out, come out!" Hutou had never seen his master treat him like this before. He panicked, whimpered, and ran all the way into the firewood room with his tail between his legs. He didn't really beat him, but just wanted to scare him and teach him a lesson, so he pointed at him and cursed: "Come out, I must beat him hard today, let you remember, don't dare to do evil in the future!" Suddenly looked at the tiger's head With those two bright eyes, Xie Jing'an's description appeared in his mind. He suddenly appeared in the inn, and the moment he showed up, he was indeed amazed, even himself on top was shocked, and he sighed in his heart, "Beautiful." It's a pity that this beautiful boy is by no means as perfect as he appears on the surface, the next moment his vicious methods make her change instantly, from admiration in her heart to wishing to respect her and keep her away.

Who knew that he would appear in front of her intentionally or unintentionally, entered the room, and forced to give those furniture and things. He was half tyrannical and half persistent; Her inner ear rubbing against her temples made her feel terrified when she thought about it, forcing her to be careful when she went out recently... Seeing Wang Sihu again today, his leg is disabled, it may be a lifetime... Although he changed his words, it can be considered Misfortunes are what blessings depend on... and he also did it on his own, but Yue'e was still a little sad in his heart.But after thinking about it, if she hadn't been divorced at this moment, the miserable one would still be her.How could Wang Sihu have any repentance?What's more, the real Yao Yueniang jumped into the river a long time ago, even if she repents, what's the use?
However, thinking of Wang Sihu's last words always made Yue'e feel uneasy.Now seeing Hutou bullying Xiaoji and doing evil, she couldn't help but think of Hutou as Xie Jing'an in her heart, and really wanted to beat him well before she was reconciled.

When Yao Liang came home, he saw Yue'e holding a bamboo stick and glaring at the tiger head who was hiding behind the firewood.Yao Liang had never seen Yue'e like this before, so he immediately brought the bamboo stick over, and after asking clearly, he hurriedly persuaded Yue'e for a while, and then she slowly calmed down.

On the third day, Yue'e's shop opened, but there was a simple yellow letter on a red velvet background that was embroidered by someone: good plan.

On the opening day of the shop, there was only one string of firecrackers. Even so, there were quite a lot of people coming and going in an instant, especially those colleagues of Yao Liang, who had tried it and wished to buy more. Some people were mobilized to come. Although the neighbors were curious about what it was... those who hadn't seen it stood by and watched, but who doesn't like to join in the excitement?I finally saw that many people were rushing to ask for it, and they all bought it in packs. They carried it away happily, and those who were greedy opened it on the spot, grabbed a burnt plum, stuffed it into their mouths, and chewed it. , It is very sweet to eat.

The people nearby saw the grand occasion, and saw how delicious the food was, and the burnt plums looked good, but their skin was as transparent as emeralds. Busy also lined up, so the ten baskets of roast plums that Yue'e got up early to make were two or three hundred, and they were robbed within half an hour!
Yue'e thought that the first day was just a celebration, and she was afraid that people would not recognize the item, so she did something properly, but she didn't expect it to be sold so smoothly.The burning plums were sold out as soon as they were sold out, but there was still a long queue in front of the shop. Yao Liang also came to help, seeing the situation, he said, "I'm sorry everyone, today's ones are sold out, please come back in the afternoon or tomorrow." Those people patted their chests and stomped their feet, sighed constantly, and discussed to come earlier next time.

In the afternoon, Yue'e made more and sold out again.One day later, Yue'e closed the shop and went home with Yao Liang. After calculating the earnings of the day, they already had less than half a tael, and they were really happy.

Before going to bed at night, Yue'e prepared all the ingredients that were missing in the store, and only waited for the next day to get up to cook. The next morning was very early in the morning, and the chickens were not crowing. Yue'e got up early again, and Yao Liang also helped them. Bring the materials and rush to the store.Yue'e made the burning plums, and Yao Liang was in charge of lighting the fire. At dawn, fifteen drawers of burning plums were ready.As soon as the two of them were ready, some people came to smell the fragrance and talked one after another, saying: "I didn't taste this new thing yesterday, so I woke up early this morning, so I came here to buy it." Another person said: "I am lucky to share it. I ordered one, and it is really delicious! It is sweeter than steamed buns. I was hungry all night thinking about that taste last night.”

Now everyone bought it as they wished, but there were still those who came late, so they just shook their heads and said: "Who knows that you have to be early to eat?"

After Yao Liang finished helping Yue'e, he was about to go back to work. Yue'e picked up a few burnt plums that he had specially left for him to pack, and asked him to bring a bag to Zhang Qiao.Yao Liang took it away happily.

Yue'e rolled up her sleeves and cleaned up the leftovers. Because they came early, Hu Tou followed them when they went out. Yue'e was afraid that he would lose him, so she stopped him in the house and threw another The broken Shaomei was given to him, and the tiger head hugged the Shaomei, screaming excitedly after eating.

When she was almost busy, she suddenly heard someone say: "Huh? No more?" Yue'e thought it was a diner who was too late, so she said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, please come again next time..." Looking up, she suddenly He met the man face to face, and immediately took a step back in shock.

Hutou behind him finished eating the burnt plums and rushed over excitedly, barking twice.

The man rolled his eyes and said lightly, "Yo, there are dogs."

Yue'e's heart beat violently for a moment, she restrained herself, and said: "I don't know if it's Mrs. General... the little lady is rude." Across the counter shelf, she saluted Xie Jing'an.

Xie Jing'an's expression was a little lazy, and he was not as bright and wild as before, with a dress slanted on his body, he only looked at Yue'e at this moment, and said: "I heard that there are delicious food here, so I came to see it, really Gone?" As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked around in front of the cabinet.

Yue'e saw that his expression was calm, his face was a bit haggard, and his expression was lazy, so she thought to herself, could it be that he woke up early and came here on purpose?At this moment, the sun was slowly rising, and there was a golden light on the long street.

Yue'e then said: "It's really gone, I'm sorry General, wait until the little lady makes it again, and I'll invite you to taste it." Xie Jing'an frowned and said: "No, I'm very hungry now, I have to eat it today. No." Hearing what he said, Yue'e panicked again.Xie Jing'an had sharp eyes, but said: "What's under that cage?" Yue'e glanced at it, smiled and said: "It's nothing..." Xie Jing'an snorted, and said: "You just won't give it to me, right?" E listened to his words, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, and did not dare to speak up.Xie Jing'an squinted at her, didn't speak, stretched out his hand to lift the door curtain, and walked in, Yue'e was startled, and hurriedly said: "Hou Ye!" Xie Jing'an walked to the side of the cage, lifted the cover, and suddenly His eyes lit up, and he said, "Is this not for food? Why are you just lying to me perfunctorily?"

Yue'e hurriedly argued, and said: "Master Hou, this is broken and cannot be sold to customers, so I kept it..." This is true, she just took one from here to feed the tiger's head.

Xie Jingan snorted when he heard the words, and said: "Push three times and four times... Are you afraid that Ben Hou will eat you and not give you money?"

Yue'e was really afraid that he would say the word "eat", so she frowned and sighed, and said, "If Master Hou likes it, it's fine for your own use, why would you accept the money from Master Hou?" Xie Jing'an smiled slightly and stretched out two fingers He pinched a broken burnt plum, his clear jade-like fingers set off the transparent skin of the burnt plum, it looked so tight, he slowly stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and suddenly froze.

(End of this chapter)

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