Chapter 48

Yue'e finished selling the burnt plums in the morning, so she closed the door panel and was about to rest inside for a while. She was about to press the last piece on when suddenly the tiger's head barked twice. Yue'e stopped and looked outside, only to see Someone beat a gong in his hand, and ran across the market, shouting: "Everyone pay attention, pay attention, General Anyuan is going to set fire to the black pine forest, everyone, don't go near the pine forest, so as not to cause accidents!"

People on the street immediately talked about it. Some people were surprised, some people were angry, and some people said: "I can't catch the thief, but I want to burn the pine forest. The forest has been there for decades. It's too reckless to burn it." Said: "How about that? Those thieves just hid inside. If this goes on, I don't know how many lives will be hurt. This is also a way to kill the grass."

A cautious and seasoned person interjected and said, "Although this method has been solved, it's just that the wind is strong recently, and the pine forest is so strong that it's only one mile away from the nearest place in the town. If the wind blows, I'm afraid even the town will suffer." The old man said again: "The north outside the pine forest is the field of yellow sand. If the pine forest is burned down, the yellow sand will sweep in. I'm afraid life will be difficult. Alas, this Ann General Yuan is young after all, in order to kill the thief, he doesn't care about how we will live in the future." The younger generation felt that if the problem of the thief could be solved, this move could be tolerated.In an instant, some people were surprised and some were happy, some complained and some lamented, and there were different opinions.

Yue'e frowned, and slowly closed the door, then went back inside to rest, thinking in her heart: "It can't be such a coincidence, I just told Ah Liang about this method last night... Could it be that People also have a good heart, or they are impatient, and really want to burn the black pine forest once and for all? But with his character, he really can do it." Thinking of the face of the man in his mind, his body lying down slowly suddenly He bounced up again, looked down at his quilt pillow, thought that he had slept here before, couldn't help but sighed softly.After a while, I said to myself: "Why have I lived in this ancient time for a long time, and I have also been contaminated with those weird tempers. Is it true that I can't sleep because he slept? Why should I suffer myself for him?" Seeing that Yue'e had fallen asleep, the tiger's head curled up on the edge of the kang and fell asleep obediently.

Just when someone knocked on the gong to inform everyone not to approach the black pine forest, outside the black pine forest outside the city, Xie Jing'an led troops to station half a mile away, and asked the soldiers to station at the critical intersections around them, and judged by the wind direction. After the wind direction is correct, people are ordered to start a fire.

The soldiers piled up the haystacks, thorn bushes, dead branches, and rags that had been prepared in advance, at a place more than ten meters away from the forest, and lit the fire. The ground was burning, and suddenly the fire and smoke rose into the sky. The soldiers deliberately sprinkled some wet leaves on it to cover the momentum of the flames, only to make the smoke thicker and thicker. Sure enough, the smoke was billowing. , the flame fell down, and after a while the wind blew over, sweeping the smoke and dust into the black pine forest.

Jing'an stood on a high place upwind, looked down at the fire, saw that the smoke was small, so he ordered to add more fuel, the thick smoke flickered, like a black dragon invaded the forest, at first it was a small part, gradually it quickly spread Covering most of the forest, the forest trees are so high that you can't see what's going on underneath, but the thick smoke covers the forest, as if a thick fog has formed, and all the birds that live in the forest are frightened and fly away in an instant. up.

Seeing this, Jing An called his subordinates again and gave a few instructions.The subordinates led away, and a moment later, a group of soldiers came to the edge of the flame, shouting and cheering in unison, someone shouted: "The fire is on, the fire is on!" Roast it into a suckling pig." Some people cheered loudly, shouting: "In this way, those thieves will probably be burned to death inside." The crowd shouted loudly, thinking that they would create momentum, and their voices flowed along with the wind. Mixed with the crackling sound of burning thorn piles, the momentum was astonishing.

After a while, someone shouted again: "What a big wild boar has rushed out, everyone catch it quickly!" The soldiers thought that this man was ingenious and said something new, so they clamored and applauded loudly, but unexpectedly, they just shouted After that, they saw a majestic wild boar running out of the forest suddenly, everyone knew it was true, and panicked for a while.It turned out that the wild boar couldn't stand the smoke, so it rushed out, so the soldiers hurriedly raised their weapons to intercept the panicked wild boar.

Jing An looked at it for a while, and saw that the thick smoke had eroded half of the black pine forest at this moment, so he nodded, and was about to send people to look out, but saw the sentinel soldiers from the east, west, and north all came and went at the same time. The report said that they saw people rushing out of the forest in a panic, most of them had been captured and tied up, and a few rushed out and were chasing them.

Jing An was overjoyed when he heard the words, so he sent more people to go there. After hearing the report, he knew that the most thieves went to the north and west, and the west was the edge of the town. Just deploy heavy troops on the outskirts of the town, so they are not afraid of them rushing in. As for the north, it is a place where the defense is weak, because beyond the north is the desert, and the terrain on the northwest is steep, wild animals are infested, and people rarely go there. If these thieves don't If you don't know the path, I am afraid that if you enter the desert, it will be a dead end.

Although Jing An arranged for people to be in the north, he did not expect that the number of people fleeing to the north was beyond imagination, fearing that there would not be enough guards.For the sake of caution, Jing An left a group of troops to stay here, and he himself led the troops from the east along the black pine forest to the north. Sure enough, he saw a few fish that slipped through the net and were fighting with the soldiers. These thieves Even though he was in distress, he was still strong, they were some desperadoes, and they injured several soldiers, Jingan had been suffering from them for the past few days, he had already suffocated his anger, seeing the situation just as he wished, he pulled out the long knife from his waist , yelled and patted the horse forward, where the white horse went, the knife was bright, and a cavity of blood was splashed upwards, Jing An's long knife was pointed at an angle, the blood on the tip of the knife dripped down, and the horse passed by .That originally gorgeous face, like Shura's, was full of murderous intent. When Jing An's white horse galloped by, the thief behind him who was cut by Jing An just moved forward and fell to the ground. The soldier next to him could see clearly , the thief's neck had already been cut off by Jing An, the moment he fell to the ground, the other end fell to the ground with a thud, and blood rushed out.

Jing An didn't turn his head back, he pursed his mouth, held the long knife tightly in his hand and ran towards the next thief, the soldier who was fighting with the thief hurriedly jumped away, Jing An swung the long knife past, the thief raised the knife and followed He resisted with the blade, but saw Jing An's face was very evil and charming, his expression was even more like that of a Shura ghost, his mind was torn apart, his hand could hardly hold the blade, Jing An's long blade knocked against the thief's blade, and pressed forward , the thief's knife came out of his hand, Jing An was like a kitchen knife cutting tofu, the sharp long knife was dragged around his neck, and a bloody light shot into the sky again.

Jing An slashed at two people in succession, the murderousness became more intense, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense, he raised his knife and rode towards the next person, seeing Jing An's ferocity, he was already frightened, seeing the general's eyes seemed to be full of fear. The light of the knife came straight towards him like a life-threatening Shura, the bright knife was still dripping with warm blood, the man watched helplessly, before the Jing'an knife fell, he yelled loudly and fell to the ground unconscious.

These thieves have always murdered and plundered, committed all kinds of crimes, and have acquired the courage to be fearless, so even if they escaped, they still struggled to the death, thinking of killing one to earn another, but unexpectedly they would meet someone even more ruthless... When the thief saw Jing An, he hacked at two people and frightened one to death. He was so ferocious, everyone was terrified, dumbfounded, his bones and muscles were weak, and the previous fierceness was frightened away. They took the opportunity to swarm up and fell to the ground.

Seeing that this place was not in danger, Jing An led his troops and galloped towards the north again. Sure enough, when he came out of the black pine forest, he saw rolling yellow sand in front of him. Several soldiers shouted loudly and were chasing the thief who was fleeing into the desert. Seeing this, Jing An galloped forward, and when he was almost done, he lightly stretched the ape's arms, took down the longbow wrapped in gold silk behind his back, and pulled out the sharp long arrow wrapped in pig iron from the quiver beside his legs. , Zhang Gong set up an arrow, swishing and shooting, the arrows were all shot, the strong thieves who were hit by the arrows fell to the ground one by one, and were killed on the spot, and the guards around them cheered loudly.The chasing soldiers stepped forward and kicked the culprit twice. Seeing that all the culprits were shot, they were so dead that they easily dragged their arms and dragged the corpse back to their lives.

Respecting the surrounding area of ​​Anjingping, he was still uneasy, so he continued to ask the soldiers to guard, and he himself led the soldiers into the black pine forest to search, from north to south, and searched all over. Except for a few wild animals that had nowhere to go, some thieves stayed behind when they fled. All kinds of things under, and did not see other people.Only then did I feel at ease.

Jing An went outside and ordered the soldiers to put out the fire, leaving no sparks behind, and dug up the ashes and buried them, only then did they arrest a dozen thieves captured alive, and a dozen corpses, plus the All kinds of wild animals caught out returned victorious.

This battle was fought extremely beautifully, and Jing An finally let out a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart. When he returned to the town, the people who had heard the news in advance had already surrounded the long street, and Jing An ordered people to appease the hearts of the people, saying Earlier it was said that the burning of the black pine forest was just an expedient measure, in order to have the effect of knocking mountains and shaking tigers. In this way, those who were worried and dissatisfied with Jing An's move were relieved, changed their tone, and praised An Yuan again and again The general is both wise and brave.

Seeing that Jing'an was victorious and captured countless thieves, all the people clapped their hands and applauded. Some people picked up firecrackers and set them off. The long street was full of onlookers and applauded.

When Jing An returned to the county government, the magistrate of He County closed the wind and led the crowd out to wait. Jing An then ordered the living prisoners to be locked up in the county government prison, where they would be guarded and interrogated on another day. If someone claims it, they will be punished for consecutive sittings. If they are recognized by others, their family members will also be investigated. If they are unfamiliar faces, after the autopsy, they will be dragged to the county government square and exposed for three days, as a warning to others!

Ziyun County has never had such a severe punishment, but Hezhi County did not dare to say anything when he saw that this man was murderous and did not retreat.Only when Nuo Nuo promised, after Jing An finished his simple instructions, and saw that everyone was ordered to go to their respective places, did they go inside with He Zhi County, drink tea and rest.At the same time, He Zhixian ordered to prepare a banquet to clean up Jing'an's celebration.

(End of this chapter)

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