Chapter 62

After Yue'e drank the ginger soup, her stomach became warm, and the pain she had experienced before was relieved, so she was able to speak.Jing An watched from the side, saw that her originally pale face was gradually softening, and there was some blood on her lips, so she hurriedly said: "This ginger soup is so useful, I'll get you another bowl." Yue'e looked at him Hearing what he said, he covered his mouth with a smile, but hurriedly put on a straight face, saying: "If Hou Ye goes again, I'm afraid that even I won't be able to recognize who it is when he comes back." Jing An was ignorant. .

Yue'e's body gradually became stronger, although the pain was still tolerable, it was not like before, unable to move at all like a zombie, so she left Jing'an's arms and sat against the wall by herself.Jing An put the bowl on the table, but only stared at her.Yue'e looked at his face, he looked like a monkey, she wanted to laugh at the first glance, but Jing An herself hadn't paid attention to it, and on his body, the sleeves of the originally spotless white clothes were burnt everywhere, and the hem of the skirt was also burnt. Burnt black.Yue'e rested for a moment, she could see clearly, she sighed slightly in her heart, when she turned her eyes, she suddenly saw the bowl on the table next to her, Yue'e was slightly startled, her lips opened slightly to say something, but she held back.

After a while, Jing An cautiously asked: "Is it really all right? How could you have such a stomachache? I think you ate something wrong?" Yue'e shook her head, not wanting him to ask this question again, her eyes swept over the bowl In the past, he said: "Your Majesty has worked hard just now..." Jing An waved his hands and said: "It's just a small matter." If his face wasn't so messed up, and his body wasn't so wasted, what he said would have some dignity.

Yue'e moved a little and got off the kang, Jing An hurried over to help, Yue'e said: "It's ready, don't bother Lord Marquis." Jing An asked: "Why are you going down to the ground? Is there anything for me to do? It's better for you to rest more." Yue'e said, "It's not a good thing to lie down all the time." Then she left the room.Jing An only followed her.Yue'e walked out of the living room, and walked towards the kitchen step by step, Jing An saw that she was going to the kitchen, and then became nervous, and hurriedly jumped in front of Yue'e to stop her, saying: "Where are you going?"

Yue'e said: "I want to get something." Jing An said: "What to get, I'll help you." Yue'e said: "Hou Ye can't find it." She moved forward step by step, Jing An didn't dare to force her Ban, backed up step by step, and finally reached the edge of the kitchen, Yue'e saw the door half-opened, took a step forward, stretched out her hand to push the door open, Jing An took a step back, almost tripping over the threshold.

Yue'e looked into the kitchen, dumbfounded.

Vegetables were scattered all over the ground, as if it had rained tiny vegetables. Fortunately, I didn't buy much before.Some were trampled and muddy on the ground.All the cabinets were opened, pots and pans were moved, and none of them were in their original places. Under the pots and stoves, half of the firewood was inside and half was outside, and there were still embers that were not extinguished. There was a trace of fire, but the whole house was not ignited, which was already blessed by the gods.

Yue'e took a step forward in a daze, but saw that the pot table and the wall were covered with a layer of ashes. When she got closer, she saw that the good subway pot had been burnt yellow, and the bottom of the pot had a fragile color that was about to break. On the cutting board next to it, a kitchen knife stood on top of it, and it was chopped into the cutting board by force. Underneath were a few scattered pieces of potatoes, pieces of ginger, a few slices of dried shiitake mushrooms, and other suspicious objects. It's not a vegetable, Yue'e looked carefully, but saw that it was Yao Liang's new persimmon, which had been chopped to pieces before it could be eaten...

In this scene, it seemed that someone had fought an earth-shattering battle inside, and it seemed to be a deliberate spoof.Yue'e stood still, and finally found Jing An standing at the door from the messy kitchen.The man was lowering his head, as if he had a guilty conscience.

Yue'e thought for a while, and asked: "Master Hou... this is... you made it?" Jing An lowered his head and coughed a few times, and said: "This Marquis doesn't know why this happened... but I can't find that Jiang is How does it look like, tossing and turning, that's it." Yue'e asked: "Then why is this iron pot getting burnt?" Jing An said: "I did add water. But the fire never ignites, after waiting , the water dries up. I didn’t mean to do that.” Yue’e asked: “What about this kitchen knife?” Jing’an said: “I…”

Let him hold a kitchen knife with the long knife, and cut ginger and potatoes with the hand that cuts heads... Jing An thought it was a trivial matter, but when he got to the kitchen, he realized that he had never seen ginger before. I vaguely remembered that it should be a ball, so I searched around, and when I found something that belonged to the same ball, I raised the kitchen knife, but I always felt weird.

Jing An is also considered smart, as long as he is willing to learn, there is nothing he can't learn, but what is needed at this moment is self-taught, Jing An just wants to cut the potatoes, but unexpectedly the potatoes rolled away, and after a few degrees, they turned After cutting his own hand, Jing An was furious, he piled up the potatoes, ginger, garlic cloves and the persimmons he had found, and he raised the kitchen knife to make a mess... He couldn't do it, so he went to make a fire, It stands to reason that Jing An did a good job letting this person who has never been in the kitchen, or even knows what a kitchen looks like since he was born, enter the kitchen for the first time. He knows that the cutting board is for serving vegetables, and the kitchen knife is for cutting vegetables. I even know that such a big iron pot is for cooking, and I know that I need to add water to it first, but the water has been added, but when I start the fire, my face is covered with dust from the smoke, my eyes are sore and weeping, and I finally started the fire. It was crackling and burning, but he forgot that the water over there had been dried up. Jing An smelled the burning smell and got up to look, and saw that the pot had been burned red. Jing An was shocked, and hurriedly withdrew the firewood, panicked A piece of burning firewood jumps up and hits his face, thanks to Jing An's nimble skill, he raised his hand to block it, almost disfigured!
But how can you tell Yue'e about these things?Jing An hesitated, Yue'e sighed, and asked: "Master Hou, where did you get that bowl of ginger soup?" Seeing that she had seen through it, Jing An became listless, and honestly said: "I'll find the next door to make it. It is." Yue'e also found out that the bowl was not hers, so she became suspicious, so she stared at him at this moment, and Jing An said anxiously: "Benhou gave them the silver, and they also thanked him a thousand times."

Yue'e didn't know whether her heart was funny or painful, so she endured it and turned her eyes away.Seeing her sullen face, Jing An said: "I thought I could do well... but... I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to wait, so I went." Yue'e shook her head and said, "I know." I went to pick up the vegetables on the ground.Jing An hurriedly stopped: "It's all dirty, don't want it anymore." Yue'e said: "Some are still good, how can they be wasted?" Together, he was quick-witted, picked up the vegetables, and cleaned up the firewood under the stove, and splashed out any sparks with water.

Yue'e was going to do this, but when she saw Jing'an Kuaishou, she stood still, took a few clean bowls, and put the potatoes, ginger pieces, mushrooms and other things on the cutting board into separate dishes.Jing An packed up the firewood, came over, and said: "Do you still need these?" Yue'e nodded.He went to pull out the kitchen knife again, unexpectedly Jing An cut very deep, Yue'e couldn't pull it out for a while, Jing An hurriedly stretched out his hand, pressed the cutting board with one hand and gently pulled out the kitchen knife with the other, there was a slight sound on the cutting board below, and a big crack .Obviously it won't work in the future.

Yue'e and Jing An looked at each other, seeing his embarrassing look, she finally couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Seeing Yue'e's smile, Jing An felt relaxed, and said: "I... I don't know that it will be like this..." Yue'e shook his head, looking at his face, the person who was so clean and jade-like before, is now ashamed Yes, it's so unaccustomed, Yue'e thought about it, put into her bosom, took out a piece of handkerchief, said: "Master Hou, go get some water, wash your face carefully." Jing An was stunned, and then With a promise, he took the handkerchief over.

Seeing that he had found a washbasin, fetched water, and soaked the veil, Yue'e said: "Avoid the forehead." Jing An agreed, and only wiped his cheeks, Yue'e said: "The forehead seems to be burned. , Master Hou went to the medical center and asked the doctor to have a look." Jing An said: "It's nothing, it doesn't hurt much." No matter what she said, she just didn't leave, washed the handkerchief by herself, and after looking at it, she felt that the handkerchief was very It's big, but it doesn't seem like it's used by women, and I secretly marvel at it in my heart.

Seeing that he was measuring it, Yue'e took the handkerchief over and said: "I remember Doctor Su sent some medicine a few days ago, and one of them was burnt." Seeing that she put away the handkerchief, Jing An didn't think so Yi, said: "Really?"

Yue'e led him in, searched in the cabinet, and found a bottle of burn medicine.It turned out that Su Qing was careful, afraid that Yue'e would make some mistakes, so she prepared everything, but she didn't expect that it would come in handy for the first time, but it would be on Jing An.

Yue'e said: "I don't have a mirror here..." Jing An held the burn medicine and said nothing.Seeing that the redness on his forehead did not fade, Yue'e sighed, and said, "I'll help Master Hou apply the medicine." This is naturally what Jing An wished for.

Yue'e let Jing An sit down, opened the medicine bottle by herself, picked out some with a small spoon, and gently rubbed it on Jing'an's forehead, Jing An raised her head and remained motionless, Yue'e stretched out her little finger, and spread the ointment Smoothed it out for him bit by bit.Jing An previously only felt that his forehead was hot and a little painful, but now he only felt a coolness on his forehead, it really felt much better.

He tilted his head slightly, and saw Yue'e focused on his forehead, because she was a little closer, her breasts were in front of his eyes, her slender, white neck was exposed, and her beautiful chin was attached, looking at him with such concern, Very cute.Jing An was stunned for a moment, his eyes slipped back and forth unknowingly, and he suddenly remembered that he thought her wound was open and took off her clothes, that kind of spring color was all in front of his eyes, and he could clearly see it.At first, I didn't feel anything when it was critical, but now that I think about it, my heart beats fast for a while, and I can't help but think about it.

Yue'e carefully spread the ointment on his forehead, then heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "It's done." Looking down, she saw Jing An's eyes were drooping, her cheeks were slightly red, she didn't know what to think, so she put the ointment away , turned around and asked: "What's wrong with Master Hou? Does it hurt?"

Jing An turned his body sideways, but put his hands down on his thighs, and said: "No, you...can you rest for a while?" Yue'e saw that he was a little weird, and only thought that the wound from the medicine was painful, so she said: "I can't It's okay, Lord Hou, you just have to bear with it." Jing An's throat moved, and he finally agreed with an "um".

Yue'e felt a little tired after being so busy, but Jing'an was there, so she didn't dare to go to bed, so she just leaned on the side and rested slightly.

Seeing that she was silent, Jing An turned his head to look at her, seeing her eyes closed, peaceful and unprepared, he felt guilty for a while.

After an unknown amount of time, Yue'e opened her eyes, only to find that Jing An had disappeared.A thin layer of clothes was draped over her body, and it slipped off when she moved.Yue'e got up to look around, but the courtyard was also empty, so she knew that Jing'an had left.

Yue'e went back to rest by herself.In the afternoon, Yue'e got up when she heard voices from outside, but saw Yao Liang open the door and come in, followed by a person, it was Su Qing.Seeing something wrong with Yue'e's complexion, Su Qing stepped forward and asked, "Why is there such a difference in complexion?" Yue'e was about to prevaricate, but someone said: "She is not feeling well." Looking up, she saw Jing An herself He came in at the door, but changed his clothes, wearing a light purple robe, still undeniably beautiful, the wound on his forehead could not be seen unless he looked carefully.

Yao Liang said: "Master General, why are you here, please sit down quickly." Jing An said: "I sent some things over, and I just put them in the kitchen." Yao Liang didn't know why.Yue'e smiled wryly.

Here Su Qing also saluted Jing An, and then asked Yue'e in a low voice, saying: "What, what's wrong?" Yue'e frowned, but Jing An sat on the edge of the table and said proudly: "She has a stomachache, but It's ready."

Yue'e wanted to stop his mouth, Su Qing said: "How can there be a stomachache for no reason? Could it be that the medicine is wrong?" Jing An snorted: "Probably yes, I don't know what medicine you prescribed, I just take it A bowl of ginger soup made her feel much better."

"Ginger soup?" Su Qing was startled when she heard the words, and then looked at Yue'e, who was blushing and wished she could get under the quilt.Su Qing is a doctor, how could he not know the reason?Only that idiot...

Sure enough, Su Qing frowned, looking at Yue'e with a strange expression on her face, Jing An over there was complacent, and glanced here.But Su Qing bent over and whispered something in Yue'e's ear.Yue'e's face was flushed, so she nodded slowly, very shy.When Jing An saw this, he was shocked and hurriedly listened.

I only heard Su Qing say: "Why didn't you say earlier, those medicines of mine are really powerful... I will add two flavors when I go back. It won't be bad." Yue'e blushed and said: "It's okay, It's much better." Yao Liang asked at this moment: "Brother Su, is there something wrong with my sister?" Su Qing coughed lightly, and said: "'s just that the medicine is a bit strong, I just add a little medicine and it will be fine. " Yao Liang felt relieved, and thanked Jing An.Jing An was originally full of joy, but seeing Su Qing "whispering" with Yue'e, Yue'e blushed like that again, couldn't help being annoyed, the joy was gone, and she only dealt with Xiao Lang lightly.

After a while Su Qing said: "I'll ask the medicine boy to get it right away, and when I boil the medicine in the future, I will add some to each medicine." Yue'e bowed her head and agreed, and said, "It's nothing, don't bother." Nodding, bid farewell to Jing An, turned around and left.

Seeing that he was gone, Jing An got up, asked Yue'e, "What did you say to him just now?" Yue'e said, "No...what." go out.

When Jing An went outside, he saw that Su Qing was talking to Yao Tong, so he walked over slowly, seeing Yao Tong turned and left.Only then did he call: "Doctor Su?" Su Qing turned her head, saw him, saluted, and said, "Hou Ye." Jing An asked with a smile, "Is it true that you have used the wrong medicine?" Su Qing lowered her eyes, Said: "It's the careless people's negligence." Jing An's eyes were like a torch, and he asked: "Just now what did you ask Mrs. Yao?" Staring at him, Su Qing's face was as pale as water, Jing An couldn't help but think about it, snorted, turned around and left.Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue'e will be raised for two days, and she feels that her body is much better, and the wound is almost healed, so she can't sit still and got up.Cook housework.Thinking about reopening the shop.In the past few days, many villagers came to visit her and gave her a lot of gifts. Yue'e didn't know why at first, but later found out that everyone knew that she had made great contributions in the battle of destroying Heifengbao, so everyone was grateful.This day, Yue'e got up, and discussed with Xiao Lang about reopening the shop. Xiao Lang only let her take care of her for a few more days. After cleaning and tidying up, passers-by on the road greeted her one after another when they saw her. They were really enthusiastic, and Yue'e was very happy.

When the two arrived at the shop, they tidied up the shop a bit, and Yue'e planned to reopen it the next day.When someone saw that the shop door was open, they came to inquire, and Yue'e also told everyone to come back tomorrow.

The next day, Yue'e got up early, and Xiao Lang accompanied her, packed some materials and went to the shop. After a busy morning, he made a few baskets and brought them out. Xiao Lang finished the fire, and when he stopped, it was just The sky is shining, and someone is coming out of the street.

The cage was opened, and the white steam inside rushed out like a thick fog. The people who watched it were refreshed, and the fragrance spread out. Those folks who got up early came to try it.At this point, when the sky is fully lit and the sun jumps out, it has already been sold for less than half.

Yue'e urged Xiao Lang to go to the Yamen again. Seeing that the rest had been done, Xiao Lang went too.Yue'e was busy all by herself.

There were more than a dozen burnt plums left in the cage, and fewer people came. Yue'e thought about it, then packed up those few, put them in a food box, and didn't sell them anymore. Just say it's sold out.

Because she had rested for a long time before, she was a bit uncomfortable with the busyness. Yue'e felt a slight pain in her chest, so she wanted to put on a few door panels and rest for a while.Just as she was turning around, suddenly a figure flickered at the door, Yue'e looked up, and saw that it was Jing An, dressed in vigorous armor, with tassels hanging from her temples, jade belt around her waist, black boots, and a riding whip in her hand, she said loudly: "I'm late again?" Yue'e saluted hurriedly and said: "See you, Lord Hou." Jing An frowned and said, "Don't you know how to leave some for me?" Yue'e was in a dilemma, so she said: " I don't know how Master Hou wants to eat." Jing An snorted, and said: "Forget it, it's better next time, hum." Saying this, he glanced at Yue'e, turned around and left the door, Yue'e hesitated, originally he wanted to He was called to stop him, but he got on his horse after going out, and rolled away on the horse.Yue'e looked back at the food box, shook her head with a smile, and said to herself: "You are so impatient." Then she closed her eyes slightly, and leaned against the wall to rest.

Not long after, Su Qing really came, stood by the door, and asked her how she felt recently, and if there was anything wrong.After Yue'e answered one by one, she brought out the food box and said, "You have been worrying about me for the past few days. Keep these burnt plums for eating." Su Qing looked at her, smiled slightly, and said, "Take your troubles." .” Nodded and took it.Yue'e said: "If you are busy on weekdays, you don't need to come to see me. There is no serious problem." Su Qing smiled and said, "I'm not busy." Then she looked at her and said, "Take care of your body, don't be too tired. Now, I have to rest well." Yue'e agreed.Su Qing looked at how clean her shop was, and said, "Are you going back? Shall I see you off?" Yue'e said, "Do you have anything else to do?" Su Qing said, "I'm free right now. matter." Immediately, he pressed the door panel for Yue'e, and then went to accompany Yue'e's house.

(End of this chapter)

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