my wishful wolf

Chapter 90 Use Qiang Jing'an Again to Realize Your Heart

Chapter 90 Use Qiang Jing'an Again to Realize Your Heart

Although she hadn't seen that person's face clearly yet, Yue'e recognized at a glance that that person was Xie Jing'an!He seemed to come out of nowhere, fell from the sky, and it was as if he had always stood in front of her and never left. Time was turned back, but it was as if he had returned to Ziyun County. The similar scene was that he came here in the morning wearing clothes, and let out a laziness : Today is early enough...

Yue'e took a step back, trembling slightly, but the man remained silent, staring at him through the cabinet.Yue'e almost thought it was her own illusion, but she couldn't blink her eyes, and couldn't move her hands. He was imposing.

The man looked at her, and time flew back and forth in front of the two of them, dragging out scenes of the past.

The past is like smoke, many years have passed, how many people have been separated, how many people have died, how many people will never meet again for the rest of their lives, why does he appear again? !

Yue'e looked at Jing'an.Jing An also looked at Yue'e, for a moment, he suddenly turned around, moved his feet, stepped towards the door next to him, lifted the curtain, and walked in.

Only then did Yue'e wake up, knowing that he was not an illusion, this real feeling couldn't be more shocking.She backed up to the side of the cabinet, glanced at him, but didn't dare to look again, so she looked elsewhere, like a little rabbit jumping in panic in her heart, just because she encountered a fierce tiger coming.

Jing An entered the door, took a look around, he was wearing a white fox fur, a white hat on his head, still wearing a red sandalwood bridge inlaid with a silver star Tang sword on his waist, but this time it was long.He was spotless, as if he had fallen directly from the clouds.

Seeing his extremely indifferent expression, Yue'e almost suffocated for a moment.

Jing An stopped looking at Yue'e, looked down, looked at a table by the wall and the stool next to it, then he walked over and sat down slowly.

Yue'e didn't know what she was going to do, escape?Can you escape?

Jing An sat down, staring at the table, after a while, Fang said lightly, "I'm hungry."

Yue'e didn't know what to do, let alone why he said this, at this moment she was so stiff that she couldn't even move a finger.

Jing An said again: "I'm hungry, take something to eat." His voice was as indifferent as before.

Only then did Yue'e understand, so she turned around dully and came to the side of the wooden cabinet. She moved her eyes and found several tall people standing at the door. Looking carefully, one of them was Zhou Da.

Now he was looking at her, with an indescribable look in his eyes, it seemed pity, helplessness, and ruthlessness.

Yue'e lowered her head with tears in her eyes, grabbed two burnt plums, shook her hands, and dropped them again. She picked them up again and put them on the plate. Suddenly, she felt a little cold again, so she turned to the bottom of the cage and touched them. , Sure enough, it is still warm.

Yue'e took seven or eight burnt plums and put them on a plate, avoiding Jing'an, only at the other end of the table, slowly put down the plate.From beginning to end, I dare not look at him.

Jing An still didn't move, just looked at the plate of burning plums.Yue'e backed away slowly.Had he never recognized her?Are you passing by?No... How could he still have such delusional thoughts, obviously Zhou Da recognized her.

But what is he... doing?
Yue'e stared at Jing An, but saw that after a moment of silence, he slowly raised his hand, pinched a burnt plum, put it in his mouth and ate it, and quickly pinched another one, he ate very quickly, It’s almost the kind of big mouth, Yue’e has also seen many starving people, because they are anxious and hungry, so they eat fiercely and gobble it up, but she never dreamed that a person like Jing’an would also It will be like this - gobble it up.

It was a kind of eating that was shocking to watch.As he ate it with big mouthfuls, the tears in his eyes also fell down big and big.

Yue'e saw it clearly.

She suddenly remembered that when he was injured and lay in bed in Ziyun County that day, he once said that he wanted to eat the burnt plums she made by himself. to others", and now...

There was a sea of ​​people everywhere, but he finally found him.

Yue'e couldn't bear to watch it, and even wanted to pour him a glass of water and tell him to eat slowly, but it didn't work, Yue'e watched Jing'an and slowly slowed down, and stuffed the last burnt plum into her mouth, as if It took all the strength to swallow the burning plum.

Terrified, Yue'e suddenly wanted to run away, she took two steps towards the door, before going out, Zhou Da appeared at the door with a calm expression, although she didn't say a word, it was enough for Yue'e to understand: there is no way to escape.

She stopped, Jing An stood up slowly behind her, Yue'e turned to look at him, Jing An turned around, against the backdrop of white clothes and white hat, those eyes were extraordinarily red, red as if bleeding .

Jing An said: "Come here." Yue'e shook her head, bit her lip, and remained silent.The corner of Jing An's mouth twitched, and he took a few steps forward, Yue'e retreated step by step, and retreated to the corner of the wall, the wind outside was more violent, blowing the curtain inward, like a dark cloud, instantly blocking Yue'e's sight.

Jing An stepped forward and reached out to pinch her face.Yue'e turned to look at him, and instinctively called out: "Xie Jing'an." Jing'an smiled and said, "Do you still remember my name?"

Yue'e felt pain in her heart, choked with sobs and trembled, and said, "Thank you, Lord Marquis, why are you here?"

Jing An laughed out loud, and then said: "What do you think?" Yue'e said: "Hou Ye..." Jing An exerted force on his hand, the smile had turned into a smirk, and said: "Pretend to be a man, don't be fooled Interesting. Yao Yueniang, you are smart enough, but it's a pity that this Marquis is smarter than you."

Yue'e was in pain and said: "Master Hou, what do you want to do, I'm already far enough away from you!" Jing An said: "Really? It's a pity that it's not enough!" She bowed her head slightly and kissed her.

Yue'e was surprised, and beat Jing An's body hard, Jing An just ignored him, his movements were violent, lips and teeth intersected, it was like a battle on the battlefield, but he was unstoppable and unstoppable.

He treated her as if he had eaten a plate of burnt plums just now. He was so hungry that he couldn't wait, as if he had been hungry for a thousand years.

There was the sound of the wind whistling outside, Yue'e could only hear her violent heartbeat and his beast-like panting, but her body seemed to be crushed by him, it didn't belong to her, Jing'an seemed to tear her to pieces, or tear her into pieces. Such a bite-by-bite bite, Yue'e could even feel that his lips were broken by him, and a fishy-sweet smell permeated faintly.

I don't know how long it took before Jing An left, Yue'e suffocated, bent over and exhaled heavily, Jing An watched her movements condescendingly, reached out and took off the hat she was wearing, and threw it aside.

Because it was convenient to wear a hat, Yue'e only braided her hair inside and hid her hair in the hat. At this moment, her long hair was pouring out like a waterfall, and she couldn't help being surprised.

Jing An stared at her, smiled slightly, put his arms around her waist, easily lifted her up, and went inward, saying: "If there is also a bed here, it would be a match made in heaven."

Yue'e was hugged by him, with her feet dangling in the air, and hurriedly shouted: "Master Hou, Lord Hou! Let me down!" Jing An kicked the door open, looked at the back room in front of him, couldn't help laughing, it turned out that here The house in my house is much more spacious than the previous one in Ziyun County. It really has a kang inside and complete bedding.

Yue'e was terrified and struggled desperately, Jing An kicked the door shut, carried her to the bedside, pressed her under him without saying a word, bowed her head and kissed her.Yue'e's lip was bitten, and there was another stabbing pain, but she could only whimper.Jing An slightly let her go, but bit her ear lightly again, and said in a low voice: "Run away, even if you run away to the ends of the earth, I have the ability to find you back, Yao Yueniang, now you run away again! ——How much you play, this Marquis will accompany you!"

Hateful and annoyed, his voice was shrill and angry, and while he was moving, he pulled hard at Yue'e's waist, tore off her belt, and opened the thick coat, revealing a graceful figure inside, Jing An's hand From top to bottom, he stroked slowly, and said: "This method is very good, other men can't see it, um, I like it very much." Then he tore at her collar, bowed his head and kissed her.

Yue'e struggled and screamed, Jing An still used the old method, bound her hands and pressed her waist with one hand, he could almost press her waist on the kang with one hand, Yue'e said hoarsely: "Master Hou , don’t tell me to hate you anymore, wouldn’t it be good for everyone to be strangers to each other, what are you doing! What are you doing! Do you have to force me to have nowhere to go!” The voice was hoarse.

Jing An said: "Who allowed you to be like this, who allowed you to be in different places, who allowed you to be strangers to each other?! What did you promise me? Did you forget all of it? This Marquis did not forget, you promised to stay, you You promised to be by my side! Now you say that I forced you to have nowhere to escape?! You..." He gritted his teeth several times, looked at Yue'e, but suddenly suppressed his anger, laughed, and just said : "But don't worry, from now on, you will not be able to go anywhere, you will only stay by my side, Yao Yueniang, if you don't believe me, you can try again, if this Marquis tells you to run away again, this Marquis will never look for you again Yes,—see it?"

He untied the Tang knife from his waist, held it in his hand, and said calmly: "If this Marquis loses you again, I will just take this knife and kill myself!"

Yue'e stared in a daze, but at this moment she calmed down, watching Jing An throw Tang Dao aside, slowly unfasten her clothes, took off her cloak, stretched out her arms, hugged Yue'e in her arms, and held her The clothes were torn off, revealing Shengxue's skin, Jing An kissed it, and with a little force, a red mark was left, Jing An watched happily, kissed again and again, the marks gradually increased, Jing An seemed fascinated, and said: "Why? Keep silent, do you know how I have lived this year? Well, I look forward to seeing you every day, and I dream of hugging you like this, just like now..."

With tears in her eyes, Yue'e said: "Master Hou, why do you want to see me?" Jing An said: "Why? I don't know, I just want to, and I feel restless thinking about it." Yue'e was silent.

Jing An lightly bit her ear and said: "Why don't you speak, speak quickly and let me hear."

Yue'e said: "Master Hou, how did you find me?" Jing An said: "I want to find someone, of course there is a way." Yue'e said: "And then what?" Jing An said: "How? You Speaking of..." She tore off her clothes and lowered her head.

Yue'e blinked, Jing An held her hand, as if tasting something delicious, he lowered his head and clicked his tongue, Yue'e groaned in a low voice after suffering the pain, and said: "You don't know what to do, ha, just like last time , act on instinct, right, Lord Marquis?"

Jing An's lips brushed against the soft spot, he couldn't put it down, and said: "Yes, what you said is true, what you think is what you think." The other hand slowly moved down, Yue'e couldn't resist his strength, and said : "You are always like this, you don't care about other people's pain and death, don't you know why I ran away, because I know you are such a person, only for your own selfishness, and don't care what others think, I followed So what about you? Another day you fall in love with someone else, and you will still be unscrupulous, and you will not remember what I am at that time. "

After hearing this, Jing An paused slightly, Yue'e twitched her long eyelashes, and said: "To you guys, a pretty girl is just a plaything that you can play with as you please, Hou Ye, do you like it?" If you don't like it, then throw it away. It doesn't hurt or itch, but I have thought about it. I am a person in court, I am a country woman, I have no power and power, but I am also a human being, Lord Marquis If you do this, you will kill me, have you thought about it?"

Jing An's fingers touched the snow-skinned red tassel, it was probably cold, she tilted up delicately, a little stubborn, a little seductive, Jing An said: "Back then, I told you that I wanted to take you back to Beijing. Your name, you..."

Yue'e said: "Master Hou, I haven't forgotten what you said, but I remember it very clearly. You asked me to be a concubine, didn't you? I heard Xiaokui said that you don't have a concubine room, let me be a concubine , is already a great honor, I should be grateful, right? But, Lord Hou, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, not to mention being a concubine, even if Master Hou asked me to be a wife, I would not dare to follow you !"

Jing An pinched that place with his hand, turned his head but stared at Yue'e's eyes, and asked, "What did you say!"

Yue'e looked at him, she didn't feel hatred, but only felt pity, and said: "Master Hou, you have chased me here so hard, but I found it for you in the vast world. I have nothing to say. There is no need to hide it now, I just love you." Tell the truth, Marquis, you are by no means my beloved. You are an excellent general, but not an excellent husband. You are brave and resourceful, but I don’t think you have any intentions. In my eyes, it's nothing more than a 'reckless and abandoned'. If I don't leave, what will I do if I stay? You asked me if I liked Su Qing. I'm sorry, Lord Hou. I lied. I don't like Su Qing very much. I just like the feeling of being with him, he is an ordinary man, he is not as noble as you, Lord Hou, not as handsome as you, not as powerful as your martial arts...he is not as good as you in anything, But he is suitable for me, he really loves me, and I will be very good with him, it must be very good. But you, Lord Marquis... I was terrified when I heard what you said, I just felt scared, more I feel like running away."

Jing An stared at Yue'e and said sharply: "I'm true to you too. I told you that I have never paid so much attention to a woman in my life. If I only treat you as a plaything, why bother to find you? If I don't love you as much as Su Qing, why would I almost risk my life to save you and Xiaoliang? Why don't you think about it, why don't you believe me!" Yue'e opened her mouth and said, "I dare not, and I can't .”

Jing An looked at her, and suddenly said after a while: "What are you afraid of? You..." Yue'e also looked at him, but didn't speak.

Jing An frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "You just said that you don't like Su Qing?" Yue'e was startled, and said: "I..." With a wry smile, shouldn't he care about this at this time?
Jing An thought deeply, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Then who do you like?" Yue'e turned her head and said, "I'm just a person whose life is as thin as paper, and I have no right to like others. I just want to live in peace That's all."

Jing An thought about it for a few times, his throat twitched, and finally he became quiet, looked down at Yue'e, and said, "Yao Yueniang, now I'll ask you again, do you like this Marquis?"

Yue'e shook and said, "No."

Jing An gritted his teeth and said slowly: "Say it again!"

Yue'e was silent for a moment, but still said: "No."

Jing An stretched out his hand, slowly rubbed her soft body, looked at the pain on her face, and said: "Last chance." Then his hand slowly moved along the chest to the abdomen, pressing and circling slightly.

Yue'e shrunk her body, but did not dodge, Jing An narrowed her eyes, stared at her expression closely, and said threateningly: "Hurry up."

Yue'e closed her eyes, tears rolled down her eyes and slid into her temples, Yue'e finally said, "I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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