The Supreme Abandoned Daughter of the Mad Doctor

Chapter 113 Burning the Evil with Fire, the Dharma-Ending Era

Chapter 113 Burning the Evil with Fire, the Dharma-Ending Era (8)
"Take me to have a look." Hua Weirong said directly.


Hei Yu got up immediately, and together with Hei Huang, took Hua Weirong to see the Lingquan.

Heihuang didn't speak all the time.

On the way, Hei Yu was still feeling emotional, "Actually, we monsters now need less and less spiritual power to transform into form, and it has even reached the extreme. Of course, because the spiritual power required to transform into form is too little, we After taking shape, our strength is halved, and we are at most the same as ordinary people who are stronger, or even worse than ordinary people. But even with such a low requirement, we can't do it now. Once the spiritual spring is completely dried up, our family tradition Cultivating exercises can't allow us to obtain spiritual power from the heaven and the earth, then... future generations will never be able to transform into humans again."

Black Feather's voice was extremely lonely.

In the past, for monsters, turning into a human was a symbol of strength. Only the most powerful monsters could fully transform into a human.

But now...

No wonder Kuroba was lonely.

Hua Weirong suddenly asked, "Why are you so obsessed with turning into a human? Isn't it good to use the monster's body as a monster? Such a deep mountain environment should be the best hunting ground for your monster's body. and habitat."

The desolation on Heiyu's face became even worse in an instant, "Shangxian, you still don't know enough about the human world. Ordinary people in this world... no, they shouldn't be called mortals anymore. They are even worse than us demons who have transformed into human beings." Much stronger. Although their bodies are not as strong as ours, and their sensitivity is not as good as ours. However, their intelligence is really terrifying. Those thermal weapons they invented are simply...invincible!"

"Shangxian, it's not that Heiyu doesn't have confidence in you. If human beings want to deal with you, you must be... difficult to fly. So Shangxian, Xiaoyao reminds you, don't expose your identity in front of people casually , and don't do something out of the ordinary. Once you attract the attention and vigilance of human beings, then you... will be in great trouble. Hey, that Mr. Jing seems to be a trustworthy person, but... your identity It’s better not to casually mention these things to mortals in the future.”

Black Feather said with emotion.

Hua Weirong didn't blame him for being disrespectful, after all, what Hei Yu said was the truth, and it was the truth she also admitted.

Hua smiled slightly, "You're right. I'm glad you can recognize your status, strength, and current situation. You won't be disrespectful to mortals and act recklessly just because you are a monster with magic power. In that case, As long as mortals make up their minds, you monsters will still die without a burial! As for me, don’t worry. I am... a real mortal."

Hua Weirong's words made Heiyu's heart tremble, but he dared not refute anything, he could only secretly warn himself to be careful.

Hei Yu smiled and said, "Shangxian, this is why I advocate not to intervene in the case of drunk driving and murder. It is best to let ordinary people solve their own affairs. Bring Xu Zai here later, and the matter will be handed over to you." It would be much easier for him. The culprit hurt his wife and son, and made their family almost divided. If Xu Zi knew that the culprit was at large and just found a scapegoat to bear his anger, he would definitely Check this matter to the end! Xu Zai's identity is also very special among mortals, and it's easier to do it!"

Hua Weirong took a look at Hei Yu, "It seems that you have been doing well among mortals these years, and you are very clear about the way to do various things."

Hei Yu smiled apologetically, "It's something I can't do, it's for self-protection. Shangxian, look, the spring of Lingquan is right in front of you."

While talking, they had come to a strangely shaped stone.

The stone is not big, only [-] centimeters square.

However, the base of the stone is connected to the mountain.

The spiritual spring that Hei Yu mentioned was seeping from the cracks in the stone, and the seeping spring just fell into a groove in the center of the stone.

"It was collected once a few days ago, so this time... there is only a trace. You see, it has been five days, and this spiritual spring has not condensed to a single drop!" Hei Yu sighed.

Hua Weirong just glanced at it, and lost interest.

Can this also be called Lingquan?

It's ridiculous!
After looking around, she said, "This is not a spiritual spring at all. There should be some spiritual stones in this mountain. It's just that for some reason, the spiritual power in the spiritual stones leaked out, and these spiritual powers Mixed with the dew between the mountains and rocks, it forms what you call a spiritual spring."

As soon as this remark came out, Hei Yu's complexion became even worse.

"Don't move for the time being, just continue to collect the spirit spring slowly according to your current method."

Hua Weirong came to a conclusion, then turned around and walked back.

Kuroba sighed, knowing that his hope had been completely shattered.

"Let Heitong follow me, and be my mount for 30 years, and I'll give him a fortune." On the way down the mountain, Hua Weirong said calmly.

Black Feather's eyes burst into brilliance in an instant, extremely pleasantly surprised.

Even Heihuang had a look of surprise.

Hei Yu immediately shouted, "Hei Tong, hurry up and meet the Immortal!"


A palm-sized black bird flew out of Heiyu's pocket and circled the painting several times.

The bird, which was originally only the size of a palm, suddenly became bigger.

When it stopped and stood beside Hua Weirong, it was about the same height as Hua Weirong.

If any martial arts fan sees it, they will definitely shout in surprise: This is the divine sculpture!

Hua Weirong touched its head, and Heitong's head immediately rubbed against Hua Weirong's palm.

Feeling Heitong's intimacy, Hua smiled slightly.

Turning to look at the surprised Heiyu couple again, "Okay, let him follow me. Three years later, I will definitely give him a fortune."

"Thank you, Shangxian, thank you, Shangxian!"

Heiyu and Heihuang wanted to bow down again, but they were stopped by Hua Weirong's eyes.

Only those who are weak in heart, low in strength, and desperately need to be recognized by others, will show their superiority and strength through such boring actions as making others kneel down to him.

And truly powerful people don't care about these things at all!

"Alright, Hei Yu, let's change back. You are too eye-catching. Remember, after going out with me, don't change into this without my permission. Do you understand?" Hua Weirong said seriously.

Heitong nodded immediately, and gave two intimate calls to show that he knew.

Hua Weirong nodded.

Her clothes are relatively simple, if black feather is put in it, it will bulge into a big bag, which is not very good-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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