Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 116 Making a Formation

Chapter 116 Making a Formation
Controlling the sound of putting down things, watching the fat man always sleep and play all day, he shook his head.I sleep every day, and I sleep when I get back.Will be called Fatty instead.

I really don’t understand why some people can get almost as little without practicing.Fatty's snoring is louder than Tianlei every day. He is sleeping with sweet dreams, but his abilities are similar.

Well, at least it has the ability, although the usage is wrong.But barely understood.After all, he is a noble son, so there are countless panacea at home, and the growth of spiritual power needs to be improved by external force.

So don't look at the fat man as an intermediate healer, and his level seems to be very high, and he will be promoted to a senior healer in a short time, but in fact he can really fight alone, and even an ordinary junior healer can fight. Gotta win him.

Qianye Shangxie shook his head and sighed, why bother so much.Looking at the summoning formations on the table, Qianye Shangxie shook his head and decided to start making formations.

Carrying the formation to the bed, pulling down the curtain, Qianye Shangxie sat cross-legged, with hands in mudra.Mobilize your aura to control your mental power, don't make mistakes.Afterwards, he mobilized his mental power to turn it into a real body, pointed at it with the tip of his hand, and began to draw symbols.

The first talisman was very difficult to draw, Qianye Shangxie held his breath, and carefully quilted Hua Zai.Because the talismans are limited, no mistakes can be tolerated.

Qianye Shangxie didn't have time to chain, so he could only carefully draw it bit by bit.It is very difficult to not only master the original master's painting method, but also draw it by yourself. Qianye Shangxie paused several times before he could draw it.

After finally drawing a picture, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked at it, and nodded: "The fourth-level one is better, if it is the fifth-level one, it will definitely not be so easy."

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he felt that not only was his mental power exhausted, but his spiritual power was also consumed.Looking at the few remaining talismans, Qianye Shangxie nodded.

"Draw another one, then tease it a bit, and then finish it." After drawing the talisman on the second formation, Qianye Shangxie's face was pale and bloodless.Qianye Shangxie knew that Zhang Hua was a bit reluctant here.

However, after looking at the effect, it was still good, so I breathed a sigh of relief and put the good words aside.Qianye Shangxie began to recover his spiritual power and adjust his breath.

The teasing was almost over, Qianye Shangxie shook his head, feeling that he still had a headache.He simply mobilized some red legions cautiously and charged into his consciousness.

The Red Legion really lived up to expectations, and it was like the best medicine for repairing the body.In the spiritual consciousness, the mental power was restored, although the repair method was to make Qianye Shangxie suffer another serious injury.

But this does not hinder the benefits of this approach, at least it makes Qianye Shangxie feel less uncomfortable.

Controlling the Red Legion that refused to give up, making him reluctantly return to the arms of the large army, Qianye Shangxie heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as Meng opened his eyes, he still felt dizzy, which was the sequelae caused by the Red Army playing in Thailand. After the dizziness passed, Qianye Shangxie felt much better.

Only then did he regain his mental strength and continue to spend these talismans.It took two or three, Qianye Shangxie wiped off his sweat, and needed to rest once more.The last time I only took one, after I finished painting, I wiped off my sweat, breathed a sigh of relief, and put them aside to dry, taking this opportunity, Qianye Shangxie went out for a meal to replenish energy.

Looking back, it was probably dried, Qianye Shangxie nodded.In addition, the formation above has been drawn, and the next step is blessing, and after blessing, let the two become one.

Everything else is easy to say, blessing is the most difficult, because if you don't control the strength well, it will cause backlash, and you will feel uncomfortable.Combining two into one can be simpler, but it takes more time.

Taking a deep breath, pulled down the curtain, sat back on the bed, and Qianye Shangxie began to give blessings.Only the array that has been blessed can be used, otherwise it is a discarded work.

This is also the reason why most people can draw formations, but they cannot make him effective.Of course, the formation method is also extremely difficult to draw, but in comparison, drawing the formation method is probably the easiest one of the steps.

Carefully controlling the speed of blessing, Qianye Shangxie did not dare to be distracted, and now even the slightest distraction will not work.The so-called blessing is to activate the formation, and to activate the formation requires one's spiritual power to run on it.That is to say, how to spend it, now you have to control how to use your spiritual power.

It's good not to need to control the mental power this time, but the spiritual power is not easy to control.They have their own thoughts. Once they are not well controlled, they will go wrong, and if they are not careful, they will backfire.

Qianye Shangxie naturally knew about it, so be careful now, the spiritual power is controlling the progress of the spiritual power, which is completely opposite to before.Carefully point to the progress of spiritual power.

Sensing that the spiritual power wanted to resist, Qianye Shangxie quickly slowed down and controlled the spiritual power to push forward bit by bit, for fear that if they were not careful, they would run away by themselves.

After controlling it for a while, he was probably tired of setting up another sect, or he was looking for a chance to make a final blow, so Qianye Shangxie didn't dare to take it lightly.Especially at such a critical moment, the more peaceful the spiritual power is, the more serious the 'rebellion' will be.

When it comes to the most crucial one, once this one is settled, the blessing of this formation is considered to be over.Qianye Shangxie didn't dare to relax, and even his muscles tensed up.

Keep a close eye on Lingli, watching when he wants to be restless.It's almost here, it's almost here, Qianye Shangxie slowed down and mobilized all his mental power for fear of accidents.

What to be afraid of is basically a well-known saying through the ages.The more you worry about this, the more it will appear.Qianye Shangxie had already used his full speed and surrounded his spiritual power the entire way.

Probably the spiritual powers also felt that this was their last chance, so they rushed desperately, all restless, Qianye Shangxie saw this, stopped quickly, and carefully suppressed them.

The suppression should not be too ruthless, otherwise it will only make them more irritable, so they can only be carefully suppressed and controlled.Qianye Shangxie stared at them, seeing that they were short of a distance of less than a thumb's finger, the spiritual powers began to be dishonest, a little anxious and anxious.

Qianye is furious, since you guys are disobedient, don't blame me.Thinking this way, he mobilized all his mental power to surround the spiritual power, but he ignored them struggling and bumping inside.

An encirclement of copper and iron walls is formed, and it will not be deformed no matter how bumped it is.Then, he carefully compressed them and led them forward.

Not far away, something happened again.Probably because they were suppressed hard, the spiritual powers began to gather into a small ball, attacking in one direction, Qianye Shangxie sighed, and looked at the distance, only two fingers covered the distance.

He loosened his control over them a little, hoping that they would give up this fatal blow of compressing into a ball for the sake of being so sensible.

The Spiritual Power Sect relaxed its control, obediently let go of itself, Qianye Shangxie carefully suppressed them, and led them forward bit by bit at a slow speed.

Finally finished one, Qianye Shangxie heaved a sigh of relief, the formation was blessed and opened, and a dazzling light was emitted from it.After a while, Guangguang Xiaosan and Qianye Shangxie looked at the blessed formation.

Looking at the original call formation again, I decided to complete one first.So get ready to combine the two.To combine two into one, you just need to carefully control your speed and outlying islands. It takes time, but there are no uncertain factors.

Qianye Shangxie's colleague who sighed put the two together, and the credit slowly pressed towards their junction, exuding spiritual power.Then they merged together slowly, Qianye Shangxie closed his eyes, there is no need to stare at this.

But you just need to check the strength from time to time.I took this opportunity to fix the trial, and when I opened my eyes again, it was already at the end, and it was almost finished.

Jue Ming on the other side did the same.But Jue Ming's ability is much stronger than Qianye Shangxie, not to mention the mental power, so the speed of doing it is comparable, even much faster than Qianye Shangxie, a novice.

Jueming often makes formations for himself, so he can deal with the fourth-level ones, and he is handy.Jueming has only completed one fusion here, and Qianye Shangxie has also completed one fusion.

However, Qianye Shangxie started with blessings secondly.And Jue Ming's second one can also be directly fused.But both of them are very fast, and Qianye was already handy when he was second to Shangxie.So it's quick to do.

After the second one was ready, Qianye Shangxie didn't fuse it right away, but then blessed the third one, the fourth one, the fifth one, and the sixth one.After finishing all six blessings, Qianye Shangxie was so tired that he was about to collapse.

Taking a deep breath, he took a seal forcibly, and practiced for a while to make up for the deficit and consumption of spiritual power.Then he opened his eyes and glanced at the five formations that were only one step away from the last step. Qianye Shangxie slowly stretched out his palm and released his spiritual power, then closed his eyes to observe them with spiritual power.

It was dawn, and Qianye Shangxie's sixth formation was almost completed.Not long after, the sixth formation, which is the last formation, was finally finished.

Heaving a sigh of relief, looking at the six formations, Qianye Shangxie nodded, they were all of the fourth level, and the quality was similar, so he took one at random and dripped a drop of blood to identify the master.

In this way, this will automatically be on you, unless you die, otherwise you will not be able to lose this no matter what.Of course, after using it this time, I will basically never use it again.

Qianye Shangxie took a look and made a mother formation, linking these six together, it is equivalent to these six are sub formations, so that everyone can be connected.

After finishing it, he dripped a drop of his own blood on the mother formation, and left with a few formations.Attend class first, and after class, find a place for everyone to gather.

After working in the class for a small morning, Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran found Jueming and Ertou.It was decided to go outside the academy to find the other two.

First, I gave everyone a drop of blood to recognize the Lord, and then asked for another drop of blood to put on the mother formation. After everything was done, I found Bailitang and the others.

In the same way, after everything is done, Jueming will take out his own and give it to everyone.Still recognizing the master with a drop of blood, Jueming obviously also made a mother formation.

Qianye Shangxie nodded after looking at it, and dripped a drop of blood on it.Jue Ming's Mother Formation might be around the fourth grade plus, which is obviously better than Qianye Shangxie's.

"Okay, it's done." Ertou put his fingers in his mouth and said, "This is a waste of so much blood." Yue Qingran rolled her eyes: "At least my life will be guaranteed in the future."

Ertou nodded: "That's the same reason. Is there anything missing? I didn't think of it." Yue Qingran shook his head: "There shouldn't be any, if you really can't think of something, buy it now."

Everyone agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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