Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 125 Start the Expedition

Chapter 125 Start the Expedition

"Well, everyone, go back and have a good rest. We'll leave when the sun comes out tomorrow morning. It's best to leave early and come back early."

After speaking, everyone set off to go back.Along the way, the town looks even more beautiful at night.Jueming walked ahead in silence all the way, while Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie looked around while walking.The most overexcited one should be the biceps. It is no longer the incompatibility when I first came, but I have already adjusted my hot feeling.

Yue Jiqiu walked at the end, obviously thinking about something.Bailitang looked east and west, and several people walked back happily along the way.

Early the next morning, the people along the way got up early, brought enough water, and went straight to the destination.Yue Qingran has seen it, and there is a shortcut to take.That is to walk east along the place where everyone saw the red light spot together yesterday.

You can bypass the crowd and take a shortcut to get there.Several people nodded and walked over there together.Around noon, everyone had already entered the desert.

There are many uncertain factors in the desert. For everyone's safety, Yue Jiqiu gave everyone a pill and asked everyone to swallow it in their mouths at a critical moment.

At the same time, the slight coolness brought by the above makes everyone feel comfortable.Jue Ming raised his vigilance, and the aura circulated around his body to prevent accidents from happening.

It was very safe on the way in, but in the desert, everyone's pace and speed became significantly slower.Everyone walked non-stop all day, and after the sun was about to set, everyone saw the red thing again, as if it was guiding everyone forward.

"Look there." Ertou pointed in the direction, Jueming glanced at the temporary map in his hand, and nodded: "Let's go there, or we will deviate."

Yue Qingran sneered: "This is about to become a lighthouse, it's only for guiding the way." After walking in that direction for a while, it was too dark to see the road, so Jueming asked everyone to rest here.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if we walk a little longer, it's not a big deal anyway." Ertou said nonchalantly.Jueming shook his head: "There are many uncertain factors in the desert, we can't just be so reckless."

"Rest at night, or you will lose yourself." Ertou nodded: "As you please, I don't care about it, can't you?" .

Then he quickly controlled his irritability.Shen Sheng said: "Let's stop here and try not to wander around at night. I will light the torch and everyone will keep watch."

Yue Qingran said first: "I'll keep the first half." Jueming nodded: "We're in a group of three, the first half and the second half, everyone chooses."

Ertou said: "I'll come for the first half, otherwise I won't be able to sleep, and the night watch is just right." Qianye Shangxie quietly occupied Yue Qingran's side, and it was just like that.Jueming nodded: "Okay, we have three left to take care of the second half, remember to wake us up."

Qianye Shangxie raised his head, indicating that there was no problem, and everyone just camped and rested.The three people in charge of the front page sat by the fire, and had nothing to do, so they simply entertained themselves.

In order not to stir up the rest of the other three people, everyone kept silent.The first page was only halfway through, and a sense of danger made Yue Qingran vigilant.

Qianye Shangxie looked at a certain place ahead and narrowed his eyes.Ertou stood up and let go of the value in his hand: "I'll go and see." After finishing speaking, he was about to leave, but Qianye Shangxie hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't act nonsense, it's not too late to go and have a look before making a decision, but you can't go alone. I'll go with you, Qingran, you stay here and watch everyone."

While talking, several other people who sensed danger also opened their eyes with clear eyes.Jueming looked around: "We are probably surrounded, but if they are livestock, they should be afraid of fire. Be careful, everyone, go and have a look, and pay attention to safety."

Qianye Shangxie nodded, followed Ertou cautiously to the front.Out of sight of the flames, the figures of the two disappeared into the vast night.

Of the remaining four people, one of them took out a stick with flames from the fire, and the four of them stood back to back.Each is alert to the surrounding environment.

The sound of "shashasha" came from far and near.Several people were more vigilant, surrounded by spiritual power.He only heard his voice but did not see his shadow, which made everyone a little confused.

At the same time, he became more alert.Being able to see no trace, or else it means that the opponent is very fast, or it can only mean that the opponent is still hiding in the dark.Hearing this voice was very familiar, Yue Qingran couldn't help but froze for a moment.

After listening for a while, Yue Qingran's whole body was tense, and he said through gritted teeth, "Pay attention to your feet, it's the sound of a snake." As soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes widened and they paid attention.Yue Qingran sighed secretly in her heart, she would encounter this kind of thing every time she went out.

What the chamber of commerce encountered in the woods was a wooden snake. Could it be that the so-called boa constrictor that walked in the desert like no one's land?

I hope that pythons don't live long in the desert, no, I hope that such things as pythons don't exist at all.

Waiting for the other party to reveal his true form, Yue Qingran cursed secretly: "Damn it, shouldn't this kind of python live in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers? Why did it go to the desert to join in the fun?"

"Tell me in detail." Jueming hurriedly asked.While the other party has not acted yet.It's just that it doesn't feel good to be stared at by a python.

"This kind of python, no, it should be said that pythons basically live in places with abundant water sources, especially virgin forests. Few pythons survive in the desert, but that doesn't mean they don't exist."

While talking, Qianye Shangxie had already run back, and seeing that there were still people there, the boa constrictor became vigilant, spit out a message, and stared eeriely at the two people who came in behind.Qianye Shangxie took a deep breath: "We are surrounded by big and small pythons, we are completely surrounded."

After speaking, seeing the biggest python, he widened his eyes: "I guess he brought it here." After speaking, he stared at the big python in front of him.

"Damn, how come there are so many? Are you kidding me? They all want to kill off their children and grandchildren? Or do they want to be completely extinct here?" Yue Qingran frowned. It's okay if you meet one or two, but it is said that they have already been surrounded. , which is puzzling.

"Maybe they came here for some reason, maybe it's just that they are dying and have nothing to eat." The two heads joked nonchalantly, but actually stared at the python closely.

As long as the opponent makes a move, it may not necessarily be that the two heads will be the first to rush out.

"Stop making trouble, if we don't deal with them today, I'm afraid it will be a bad start." Bai Litang teased.He licked his tongue, not worried about the python attacking at all.

Probably Bailitang's smile was too obtrusive, or the python sensed hostility, howled and rushed over.At the same time, the surrounding 'rustle' resounded endlessly.

After spitting, Bailitang rushed over with a smile, and Jueming hurriedly said: "Pay attention to the distance, and the area behind us absolutely does not allow any pythons to come."

Everyone stood in a circle around the city, with their backs facing their backs.Therefore, the area behind everyone is not allowed to approach, and the distance between everyone is well controlled. It looks like a circle from a high altitude.

The boa constrictor has a large body, and the most worrying thing is not letting the boa constrictor have a chance to wrap itself around its body.Seeing the boa constrictor approaching again, as if it was about to form a circle, Yue Qingran quickly avoided it.

"Be careful, don't let them entangle you." Yue Qingran opened her mouth to remind others while dodging.Er Tou probably has never seen such a thing in his life, and he couldn't help frowning: "How can I kill this game?"

"The snake hits seven inches." Qianye Shangxie said flatly.At the same time, he raised his hand and slapped the approaching snake's head. "Can I kill him? The kind that sees blood?"

Ertou and Qianye Shangxie were the closest, and the two began to communicate in a low voice.But everyone present could hear it.Before Qianye Shangxie could answer, Jueming roared: "No, this is a desert, and there will be more ferocious things underground at any time. With the smell of blood, it may not be what comes over."

Ertou didn't care: "At worst, let's run for our lives, what are we afraid of." Jueming roared: "It's easy for you to say, our breath is left here, where do you think we can escape to?"

Glancing at Jue Ming, the second head said indifferently, "OK, OK, what are you talking about. We won't fight back, we deserve to die here, right?"

Jueming snorted: "Don't kill them unless it is absolutely necessary, just drive them away if you have a way." His tone of speech softened a lot.

Seeing that the other party's tone softened, the two heads shrugged, circling around the python, and stopped talking.

"When will we be better? After a long time, not only us, but they will also be annoyed? It's easy now, how about after a while? It's getting dark in Hong Kong, and the second half of the night is very long."

Bailitang hovered around the python with ease, and complained a few words by the way.Yue Jiqiu didn't answer this question, and said directly: "I just want to ask, why I have sprinkled the powder but it still doesn't work?"

The second head was stunned for a moment, unable to dodge in time and almost being caught by the python.Yue Jiqiu glanced at it, and said shyly, "Ah... sorry, I forgot what you ordered, ahem, I forgot to sprinkle the powder."

The corner of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched, and he asked back: "What did you say?" The two heads avoided the boa constrictor, took out the medicine powder from his bosom, and lowered it out: "Moses rose asked me to sprinkle the medicine powder around, I forgot."

After finishing speaking, he shrank his neck and looked guilty.Bai Litang said beside him: "Your mother, you almost killed us, and now you tell me that you forgot? What is your intention?"

No wonder Bailitang was angry, even Jueming showed anger on his face.Rose Moon looked at it, and said calmly: "It's not too late to sprinkle it now." A word woke everyone up.

Ertou quickly sprinkled the powder around everyone.The boa constrictor sniffed it, screamed, and ran away.The leader was gone, and the remaining soldiers retreated.

The danger was lifted, Yue Jiqiu was not in line with the calmness just now, and grabbed the second head by the collar: "Do you know that your move almost killed us, when has this been, and you are still so sloppy?"

"Do you think it's enough to just forget it? Have you ever thought about the possibility that we may die here, and we will not die with peace. You said it very lightly. From the very beginning, I wondered what is your purpose for coming here."

"You said it was chosen by your teacher. I have no objection. It's okay. Whatever you say is what you say. But you should at least be serious, right? How long has it been since you've been so careless? The place we're in is a desert. , a place where you can die at any time if you are not careful."

"You don't know, maybe there is a scorpion's nest under your feet. If the other party comes up and bites you accidentally, you don't know how you got poisoned. I asked you to sprinkle the medicine powder, which is responsible for everyone's life. How did you do it?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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