Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 127 No secrets at all

Chapter 127 No secrets at all
"What's that?" He pointed to the red dot not far from everyone.Qianye Shangxie muttered puzzledly: "I didn't see it at the time, why did it appear now?"

Looking at everyone, everyone did not see it, and it is not clear how it appeared.

"What's going on here? Let's go up and have a look." After speaking, several people stepped forward.I don't know if it is everyone's illusion, but I always feel that the red dot seems to have moved a bit.

"It's strange, this red dot can actually move?" Er Tou said what he saw.Jueming touched his chin: "It may not be a dead thing, everyone be careful."

Seeing this, Bailitang said, "Let me do it." After speaking, he took out the wooden stick that had been in his hand all the time, told everyone to stay away, and stabbed it all at once.

There were two 'squeaks', and the scene that followed surprised everyone but also felt a little funny.It turned out to be an ordinary jerboa, a common animal in the desert.

Just don't understand why this jerboa has a red tail tip.Seeing the jerboa glaring at him, Bailitang shrugged loosely: "I didn't do it on purpose, who knows what you are."

The other party didn't know whether they understood or what, they still gave two angry 'squeaks', but at least they didn't launch an attack and they didn't compare to everyone.

Bai Litang rubbed his chin: "Speaking of which, can't you put your tail a little deeper when you're free? A small red dot scares us into thinking it's something. It's not surprising to poke you."

The jerboa squeaked twice, grinning angrily.Seemingly convinced that the little mouse would not dare to come out to attack everyone, Baili Tangnan started a bad joke with the other party.

"Yo Yo Yo, what are you talking about? I don't understand. Are you saying that your teeth are very white? Show me, tsk tsk, they look uneven, it's hard for you."

Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie shook his head, the other party's rare evil taste, he should satisfy the other party himself.

Everyone couldn't bear to watch a speechless jerboa jumping up and down after being bullied, and covered their ears.Then he opened his eyes and looked curiously at this rare scene in a hundred years.

Being bullied so anxiously, the jerboa jumped up and was about to bite Bailitang.Yue Jiqiu hurriedly shouted: "Be careful." The jerboa is not an ordinary mouse, and it is not a good thing that can survive in the desert.

At least the jerboa has a high jumping ability, so few people can beat the opponent.It is easy for the opponent to escape, and it is also easy for the opponent to attack you in the desert.

They come and go without a trace, and they will run away after attacking. If you want to find it, you may not be able to find it.Therefore, at the moment when the jerboa attacked, everyone's hearts went to their throats.

Although the lethality is not great, it is not that simple to be kicked or scratched by the opponent at close range.Bailitang smiled indifferently and looked at the little mouse.

The jerboa jumped, but then everyone breathed a sigh of relief.I don't know why, but the other party can't jump.As soon as it left the ground, it was pulled back.

Bailitang probably discovered this before treating a mouse like this. "Don't you want to hit me? Come on, come on. Can't hit me? Don't bluff if you don't have the ability. It scared me a lot."

Yue Qingran pursed her lips, and turned her head helplessly.I really don't understand why Bailitang likes to bully a jerboa so much.The jerboa screamed angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

Facts have proved that the jerboa is trapped, and because of this, there will be a little bit of its tail that will be illuminated by the sun before that time, and then let this group of wicked people see it.

In the end, Bailitang showed great kindness and made trouble with the other party when he was gone.It was getting dark.Lighted a torch in front of this rat.After thinking about it for a while, Bailitang probably understood the reason.

"This mouse is trapped without knowing how to save it." After speaking, he glanced at the mouse.The other party seemed to be refuting the name of the mouse, and shouted unceremoniously.

Bailitang smiled evilly and turned around. "This mouse..." the jerboa squeaked louder.Bai Litang took a deep breath and smiled: "Let's ignore him, listen to me carefully."

Then, ignoring the jumping mouse's objection to the address, he continued: "This mouse probably got stuck here because something got itself entangled."

The mouse nodded in agreement.It looked funny and made everyone laugh.

"The wind and sand in the evening were very strong, so the mouse was buried. His cave itself is in the desert, so it doesn't matter. Bailitang was bought by the buyer, and the wind blew up in the evening, and the wind and sand were blown away. .”

He looked at the mouse, took a sip of water, and said, "Then his tail was exposed. It happened that the sunlight hit the reflector and we saw it by chance."

"At night, the wind changed direction and he destroyed himself with the sand that had just been blown away, and then this silly mouse was buried."

The mouse was very dissatisfied with the title of "silly", and wanted to bite each other angrily.But the entangled body made it impossible to jump up, let alone bite Bailitang.

This kind of ending can be said to be unexpected, but it is not mysterious at all. I thought it might be some kind of snake scales or something, but it turned out to be an ordinary mouse that cannot be more ordinary.

The only unusual thing was probably that it was a mouse that he could understand human speech.

Jueming sighed: "In this case, let's go back tomorrow. The old man has used two days, and the speed of going back should not be too slow. After returning, we can talk about some news in time."

Regarding this kind of disappointment, it is inconvenient for everyone to say more. Since you want to go back, there is no problem.It was still the home page, and everyone got up early the next morning.

The pig has protected the law this time, Bailitang looked at the place where it was buried, and sighed. "Wait for me for a while." After finishing speaking, he walked to the place where the jerboa was, squatted down and prepared to release the jerboa.

Yue Qingran smiled.Everyone watched from a distance.Bailitang scraped away the buried sand and woke up the jerboa that was dozing inside.Seeing that it was Bailitang, the Jerboa bared its teeth in a daze.

However, he was too sleepy to appear harmless.And the naive appearance of the jerboa makes everyone really unguarded.Startled, he picked up the jerboa.

I saw that what entangled him in the ground was a long rope floating over, probably the kind of rope someone used to tie rice. The jerboa may be used for playing, and he accidentally entangled himself in it. .

Sighing, he let go of the other party.Then he said softly: "Next time, don't mess around. We are good people. Although we teased you, we didn't catch you back anyway. If someone sees it, it may not be treated well."

The Jerboa understood what Bailitang said, and understood something.Strangely staying in Bailitang's arms, he didn't run out.Bai Litang went on to say: "Hurry up and go, be careful next time. Let's go."

After speaking, he put down the jerboa, turned around and walked in front of the large army. "Let's go." Jueming looked at the jerboa behind him who hadn't left, and nodded.

The jerboa watched everyone's backs go away from behind, and walked back bouncing until they were out of sight.Along the way, Yue Qingran suddenly said: "Jerbos can understand our speech, it has spirituality. Isn't it also a spirit beast?"

Bai Litang nodded: "Of course, otherwise what do you think? Those who can understand us, as long as there are no accidents, are basically spirit beasts. A few monsters can also understand."

Nodded: "So is this a spirit beast or a monster? I didn't see any aura fluctuations in his body. With his IQ, I don't think the opponent's aura will be very high."

Bailitang touched his silence.Yue Jiqiu snorted: "It's a monster, you should ask me about it. Although I am a pharmacist, I can still distinguish spirit beasts from monsters."

Yue Qingran became interested: "How do you tell the difference?" Yue Jiqiu shook his head: "It's very simple, look at the eyes. As long as there is aura flowing in the eyes, they are all spirit beasts. Those without aura flowing are naturally monsters and ordinary people. animal."

Yue Qingran nodded: "So that's the case. Why does the pharmacist have to distinguish these things?" Yue Jiqiu rolled his eyes: "Could it be possible that you saw that pharmacist who was so stupid that he had a demon around him?" Beast, make medicine yourself?"

Yue Qingran shook her head: "I don't understand." Yue Jiqiu rolled her eyes: "If you have spirit beasts by your side, you will have a stronger perception ability when refining medicine."

"If you are accompanied by a monster, then there will be no pain, and maybe the perception ability will be reduced to nothing. So in order to understand the spirit beast, the key is to be thin. This is a lesson that must be learned. Do you think Everyone is a fool?"

Yue Qingran glanced at Rose, snorted, and walked aside calmly.Qianye Shangxie frowned as he looked at Ertu who had rarely spoken since the way back.

Jueming also saw it, frowning and didn't know what to think.Later, it was Bailitang who shook his head at the two of them, and mouthed: "Give him some time, let him figure it out."

Qianye Shangxie put away his worries and nodded.Jueming withdrew his gaze and continued to lead the way.After walking for a long time, everyone frowned: "Jue Ming, is this the way to go? Why am I not lifting properly?"

Jueming nodded: "Something is wrong, let's listen and take a look." After speaking, he wanted to see where the red was, and then suddenly remembered that he had been let go long ago.

"We forgot to make a mark. It's easy to get lost in the desert." Yue Qingran thought for a while, looked up at Tai Rang, and lowered his head in despair: "Is there someone who looks at the sun to determine the direction? I think don't know."

Qianye smiled evilly: "It's not the sun, but the moon and stars. It's not suitable now." Yue Qingran frowned: "Is there no sun? I thought it was the same."

"The sun is not impossible, it's just that after seeing it, I don't know what to do. After all, he hit the range. After reading it, I only know that we are going in the right direction, but I can't identify the specific direction."

Yue Qingran nodded: "Okay, what should I do then?" Jueming looked at the sun: "Follow this direction first, the direction is right, maybe it's just a little bit off, look at the stars at night Just know."

Yue Qingran nodded: "Listen to you." After speaking, everyone continued to move in this direction.After it got dark, everyone looked at the moon, and Yue Qingran was the first to lose the battle: "I don't understand, you should look."

Qianye Shangxie shook his head and smiled faintly.A few who understood looked together, chose a direction, and everyone left overnight.

This time I chose the right direction. Although it was a bit difficult to walk at night, it was the right route after all.Before noon the next day, everyone had already returned to the place where they started.

"We've only been walking for five days. Looking at the food, we only ate five days' worth." Qianye Shangxie said while looking at the food in his storage bag.

(End of this chapter)

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