Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 129 The Mesmerizing Medicine Cauldron

Chapter 129 The Mesmerizing Medicine Cauldron

Since he chose the medicine cauldron by himself, Rose was a little sadder than usual.However, Ertou, who had no interest in this, had a much harder time. He went around three times to the left and three times to the right, but couldn't choose anything good, which made Ertou a little bit powerless.

"Brother, when will it be over? Do you want to exhaust me to death?" The second head couldn't take it anymore, and followed behind with a sad face and dejected face.Yue Jiqiu smiled lightly: "Aren't you very lively? What are you afraid of. And I can't adapt to such a little intensity. What should I do in the future?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the two heads solemnly.The second head frowned, and said with a wrinkled face: "No, you let me go around such a small place three times, of course I am not interested in it personally."

Yue Jiqiu raised her eyebrows: "Oh? Why am I still interested?" Are you trying to say that I am not human?Rose didn't say a word in the second half, but the meaning was already obvious.The second quickly shook his head.

"I mean, I'm not interested in this, so it's been a long time, and I see the same thing, I have a headache." Yue Jiqiu snorted, looked at the two heads, and nodded: "I'm sorry you don't dare It has other meanings. Forget it, follow your mind, if you really can't stay, you can go back first. "

Two heads looked at Ye Qiu: "What about you? When are you leaving?" Yue Jiqiu shook his head: "I'm not sure, where we are going soon, I have to choose a better medicine cauldron. The battle inside must be Violent and in need of a tonic."

There was an unspeakable request in the eyes of the second head, and he shook his head suddenly: "No, I will choose with you." Yue Jiqiu was surprised, smiled and didn't say much.

Seeing the newly placed medicine cauldron, Yue Jiqiu looked at it carefully, shook his head, and said with some disappointment: "Is it true that a medicine cauldron that suits me has been announced?"

Ertou looked at Yue Jiqiu in amazement, not understanding why it was so difficult for him to choose a medicine cauldron.Yue Jiqiu rolled her eyes, there was no way to explain this kind of thing.

The second head saw that the person next to him happily chose a medicine cauldron that looked good, and then walked out happily.Looking at the person next to him, it took so long to choose a medicine cauldron.

"I said, what kind do you want? Wait a little while until it's dark, just choose something similar." Only then did Yue Jiqiu realize that it was almost dark.Thinking that the herbal medicine store would not open after dark, he hurriedly left with Ertou in a hurry.

The second head didn't know why, so he had to follow. "What are you going to do?" Seeing Yue Jiqiu's fast footsteps, Ertou was really helpless.

Yue Jiqiu turned around and said, "The herbal medicine store will be closed soon, and I haven't bought my medicine yet." The two heads said helplessly, "It's not too late to buy the medicine tomorrow, right? What about your medicine cauldron?"

"You can still buy the medicine tripod after you come back. The night is the key to the traffic. It's different from the medicine store. So let's go quickly to see if there are any good medicines left. If we are late, we really have to wait until tomorrow. gone."

After finishing speaking, the two left in a hurry.When I arrived at the medicinal material store, I chose some medicinal materials at will, or money must have been lost wherever I passed.

Rose doesn't care what kind of medicine it is, what effect it has, as long as it looks good and looks juicy, it will be picked up.Of course, this is in the eyes of the second head.

In fact, Rose Rose was selected after careful observation of these medicinal materials.It's not the so-called picking a big white radish, just take it if it looks good.Ertou pays the bill at the back, and Yue Jiqiu picks the "big white radish" in the front. The two are busy and enjoy it.

He weighed the herbs in his hands, and Yue Jiqiu pinched his waist and smiled in satisfaction: "Let's go, let's go back. See if there is any good medicine cauldron waiting for me."

Ertou looked at the things in his hand with a mournful face, and said, "I'll send the things back first before coming here, okay?" Yue Jiqiu looked at it and said, "You can go back directly, don't follow me, and act like a flower protector." what happened."

"I'm an old man, how can I be found? You go back." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and gave the second amnesty an amnesty.Ertou got the amnesty, and ran back as if fleeing.

Afterwards, Yue Jiqiu walked back casually, sluggishly pacing inside, waiting for the new medicine cauldron to come out.As he said, a batch of Yaoding will come out soon, so Yue Jiqiu followed closely and continued to watch.

Finally, she took a fancy to a medicine cauldron that glowed with purple light, Yue Jiqiu was overjoyed.Quickly said: "I want this medicine cauldron." At the same time, a voice came from the side: "Buy this."

The two pointed to the same medicine cauldron, and Yue Jiqiu looked at the arrogant little girl next to him in surprise.I don't understand, can there be such a juicy little girl in this kind of place?the answer is negative.

Then it's the daughter of someone's family, and the purpose of coming out here is probably for that ghost flower, right?Yue Jiqiu smiled lightly, took out the fan from his pocket, and opened it.

Hu Mei hooked her eyes and looked at the other party. "I said miss, this one seems to be my first choice." After all, the other party is the eldest lady, snorted, turned around and left without looking at Yue Jiqiu.

Behind him was an attendant, holding something in his arms, which had already blocked his face.Seeing Yue Jiqiu, she smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, you can choose another one, and we will pay for it."

Yue Jiqiu shook her head and flicked the fan in her hand: "No, no. It's not about money. I can see that your lady is a collector, right? I don't know how important the medicine tripod is to a professional, right? ?”

"I've been picking here all morning to see this one that makes my heart flutter. You said I would give it away easily? Are you kidding me?" Yue Jiqiu was really angry, if it was easy to just buy one, it would be fine , Is it necessary for me to watch it all afternoon?Can the other party solve it with a word?It doesn't matter, I have money too.

The little girl who walked to the door turned her head and saw that her attendant was talking to the man who robbed her of her things. A trace of hesitation flashed across her face: "Xiao Yi, come here soon. Have you bought the things? It's really slow."

There was a trace of embarrassment on the face of the attendant named Xiao Yi, and he bowed slightly to Yue Jiqiu: "I'm sorry, my lord, can I trouble you to change it? I'm just a scary person. If I go on like this, I will be punished when I go back."

Rose Moon has no extra sympathy, maybe when they go in to look for ghost flowers in the future, they will make their opponents.Yue Jiqiu looked at the clerk, he had already packed his things, but he didn't know who to give it to, and he was embarrassed.

Yue Jiqiu gave the money without saying a word, and hugged her.Xiao Yi's face turned pale: "Are you trying to make things difficult for me? We are all intimidating, so we must obey the master's orders, otherwise we will be embarrassing."

Rose didn't raise her head, she walked around Xiao Yi, ready to go outside.The little girl at the door probably also saw the scene inside, and stood angrily outside the door, blocking the door.

"Get out of the way." Yue Jiqiu said flatly, without delivery, but the indifference in her voice made the little girl flinch.Then the dead duck mouthed hard: "Give me this, and I will let you go. No one has ever snatched anything I fancy."

Yue Jiqiu smiled faintly: "Really? Then I'm the first." After finishing speaking, she jumped up, flew over the eaves, passed the little girl, and then turned her head and smiled faintly at her without looking back. away.

The little girl was so angry that her face was pale.Shouting to the inside: "Xiao Yi, if you don't come out for me, go and drive him back. I'm going to make an order, bring him back."

Xiao Yi had a bitter face, seeing that the other party was an expert, but when it came to spiritual power, he would definitely not be able to beat him.Didn't the little master's words kill him now?

Xiao Yi hurried out: "Master, the other party is a pharmacist. I'm afraid this medicine cauldron will become the other party's property after a while. Unless he dies or he gives it as a gift, he won't be able to get it." of."

The little girl didn't care so much, and said directly: "Then let him die. Someone dared to steal what I fancy, he is too brave." Xiao Yi's face changed, and he looked at the little girl with a gloomy expression. .

"Master, you want me to kill him? Just for a medicine cauldron?" The girl nodded logically: "Of course, as I said, no one is allowed to steal what I like."

Xiao Yi's expression was not good, but he didn't say much.He just took his order and walked away without looking back.On the way to pursue the other party, Xiao Yi only felt an unspeakable anger surging in his chest, staring at his eyes, he really couldn't figure out why some people are so cruel and merciless, they don't regard human life as life, for what is inevitable, Don't hesitate to kill the killer.

However, Xiao Yi shook his head and smiled wryly.Pity.I'm just a lowly bitch, not worthy of being respected by others.Moreover, I can only obey orders, and my responsibility is to obey. If the master asks to kill, he can only kill.

After finding the trace of the other party, Yue Jiqiu obviously didn't know that someone had already killed him, so he was still walking idly on the street.Holding the medicine cauldron in his hand.

Suddenly, I felt a burst of murderous aura that was not strong, but with endless sorrow, and stared at me closely.Yue Jiqiu paused, changed direction and continued on, turning into a small alley.

Xiao Yi naturally knew that the other party had discovered him, so he followed in without talking nonsense.From the very beginning, I never thought of killing the other party. The murderous intent was to remind the other party, and then I was ready to be killed.

Yue Jiqiu's level of ability is based on his own IQ, even if he fights to the death, he can't hurt the other party at all, so it's better to just wait to be killed casually.Ever since I received this order, I have been thinking about how to get rid of it.

I just want to see the other person, then speak clearly, and then kill myself directly.It is more imposing to die in one's own hands.Xiao Yi smiled lightly, and followed in without hesitation.Although there is only one dead end to go in.

(End of this chapter)

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