Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 136 The Pregnant 'Male' Rhino

Chapter 136 The Pregnant 'Male' Rhino

The rhino braced his body and stood up.Several people held it up so he wouldn't fall.The resentment in Rhino has disappeared because of everyone's words, and he chose to trust this group of people when he was dying.

Facing the sky, he roared, with fearlessness towards death, regret, and gratitude to these people.After calling, the rest of the beasts seemed to know that someone helped this good friend, and responded one after another.

Those who were able to come over had already surrounded the rhinoceros, keeping in mind the aura of several people, and turned on the green light for their journey.It just won't be the case for other people.

But this was enough, Yue Qingran never thought it would be like this, it was just because of the injustice that this rhinoceros with only spiritual power encountered.

The rhino fell down regretfully, with a contented and relaxed expression.Just pity his child, it's not time yet, in fact, this rhino has a child in its stomach.

This is the most regrettable point for Rhinoceros. Premature children cannot be born, so Rhinoceros can only leave regretfully.Before leaving, he felt his child subconsciously.His child is now probably comparable to a human six-month-old baby, but not yet born.

But this is enough, at least I left without any resentment, and without any pain.

Qianye Shangxie and the others did not give up inputting spiritual power.But the rhinoceros had already solved the knot in his heart and fell asleep peacefully.

By doing this, they just hope that the rhino can reduce the same pain.This matter came to an end.Because everyone has not yet reached the center of the forest, everyone decided to bury her beside the strong men who wrote in the center of the forest.

So Qianye Shangxie carried the rhino out, and everyone filled up the pit, planted the grass next to it, and walked away with the rhino's body.

These behaviors are seen by a spiritual monkey.Yue Qingran also knew that this was a monkey who came to visit a friend, so she didn't try to stop her, but she didn't know that this monkey was here to inquire about news.

Qianye Shangxie, who picked up the rhinoceros and was about to leave, felt that something was wrong with the rhinoceros in its stomach, why was there always something moving?And the speed of the movement is getting faster and faster.

Qianye Shangxie had a bad idea and quickly put down the rhinoceros.Rose followed behind and bumped into the rhinoceros. "What are you doing? Damn! Bad luck."

Rose Moon couldn't help but swear.Qianye Shangxie looked at the rhinoceros' belly in horror: "Guess what's here?" Bailitang also keenly noticed that the rhinoceros' belly was in the east, and the corners of Yue Jiqiu's eyes twitched: "I don't remember that I can see the eyes. Too disabled to tell it's a male rhino..."

Jueming rubbed his forehead helplessly: "What kind of thing is this?" Yue Qingran looked at Yue Jiqiu and Qianye Shangxie, and shrugged: "Who saw that it was a male rhinoceros? Why didn't I see it?"

Yue Jiqiu coughed in embarrassment: "Then what's this below?" He opened the rhinoceros' belly, pointed to the thing standing out from the rhinoceros' lower body, and was speechless.

The corner of Qianye Shangxie's mouth twitched, rationally choosing not to participate in this topic.Let them study this question for themselves.Qianye Shangxie turned around and sat on the tree trunk next to him, looking at the other people surrounding the rhinoceros.

The second head touched it boldly, and cut it: "I don't know what this is, but it is certain that there is something in it. What should I do now? Get it out?"

Yue Jiqiu scratched her hair: "Male rhinoceros can still be pregnant? Can I study him?" Jueming rolled his eyes: "Will the noisy key die inside when we get to the center of the forest?"

Yue Qingran nodded: "Well, it's like this. So what should we do if we have to?" Qianye Shangxie stood up, walked over, and directly pressed the rhinoceros' stomach without saying a word.

"Since we can't let him disembowel him, let's press her stomach and try to press it out." The corner of the second head's eyes twitched: "Are you sure you won't press out the moving things inside?"

When Qianye Shangxie heard the words, his hand paused for a moment.He raised his head and looked at the two heads: "Why don't you come? Think of a way. Otherwise, no matter what is inside, it will die inside."

Just when several people didn't know what to do, Yue Qingran heard the sound of the earth shaking.Qianye Shangxie frowned, picked up the rhino's body and ran up the tree.

Seeing this, Yue Qing also climbed up the tree.The rest followed suit.The blow after climbing the tree waited quietly, looking at the dust flying in front of him, he couldn't tell what had affected everyone.

After a while, the black shadow became bigger, from far to near.It's a giant orangutan.Walking in front of Qianye Shangxie and the others: "You all come out, thank you for downplaying the resentment of sister Rhino."

The chatterers on Qianye obviously missed the point.Yue Jiqiu cursed: "Damn! It's an old sister? This is a mother? What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Saying that, Yue Jiqiu jumped down, stood under the tree, and looked at the gorilla who was much taller than herself.The orangutan didn't know what Yue Jiqiu was talking about, so he just asked, "Where's sister Rhino?"

Qianye Shangxie jumped down and placed the rhino in front of the orangutan.The orangutan looked at it, moved its eyes, bent down and touched the rhinoceros, and said regretfully, "We never knew where the rhino sister was hidden."

"Thank you for saving him." Jueming waved his hand: "This is what we should do, and this is a coincidence." The orangutan nodded heavily, picked up the rhinoceros, and prepared to leave: "I want to bury it in my By his side, no one can disturb him."

Jueming looked at the rest of the people, and everyone nodded to him.Jueming stopped him: "Wait a minute, please stop." The orangutan was puzzled, and looked at Jueming: "What else do you need?"

The stars that can talk are naturally old spirit beasts that have lived for a long time, such as the giant turtle spirit that Qianye Shangxie saw.So is the current orangutan, which should come as no surprise.

Everyone felt nothing but the novelty at the beginning.There was a trace of fear at first, but it was dispelled by Yue Jiqiu's cursing voice.

But now, the orangutan looked back and spoke in a voice that made people feel intimidated.Like if you don't tell me why, he's going to kill everyone.

Jueming looked up at the orangutan fearlessly: "Senior, there is something inside this rhinoceros." After speaking, he looked at the orangutan in surprise.The orangutan was very surprised at first, but later combined with the situation of the rhino in the past few months, he figured out why.

"This, is there any help?" He quickly put down the rhinoceros, and saw that the rhinoceros' stomach was still moving slightly, but it had become very weak.Thinking about it, how can a rhinoceros with spiritual power be compared with an ordinary rhinoceros.

Naturally, he has the ability to protect his child from dying quickly in a short period of time. Perhaps the rhino has also used all his spiritual power to protect the child in his belly, right?

Qianye Shangxie stepped forward and said boldly: "Either press it out, or disembowel it and take it out. Although the former can guarantee the integrity of the corpse, it won't mean that the rhinoceros will be pressed to death. The latter , naturally you can hold the baby rhino to survive, just need to take good care of it."

The orangutan hesitated and scratched his head: "Okay, open his stomach, at least give him a queen." Qianye Shangxie nodded to the others, and Rose, as a doctor, stepped forward .

Quickly used a knife to cut a hole in the rhino's abdomen, but no one knew whether the rhino was male or female.But since people say it's the mother's, it must be a child in the womb.

Although it is definitely not full-term, but with the protection of all the gift bags at present, it probably won't be too weak.If you can take it out at this opportunity, and instill everyone's spiritual power, it should be able to save your life.

Rose doesn’t know the structure of a rhinoceros, so I can only carefully cut a hole where the little rhino moved. Anyway, the big rhino is dead, so I don’t feel any pain. Just take out the small one. As for the specific cut No one cares about where the hole is.

The incision is also superficial, only touching the skin.I'm afraid that if the opening is too big, it will hurt the little rhino inside.I said that everyone doesn't understand the structure, so I can only be careful.

After cutting it open, everyone saw a piece of meat wriggling. Yue Jiqiu didn't know what this piece of meat was, so he could only hold it out carefully with both hands. After holding it out, the meat ball stopped moving.

Yue Jiqiu concluded that this was probably just a piece of meat.The orangutan looked at it, and couldn't bear it. Yue Jiqiu said flatly from the side: "Except for taking out the baby, I will put the rest back. Then the stomach will be sewn up, at least to keep it intact."

After hearing this, the orangutan breathed a sigh of relief.

Rose continued, and after taking out another piece of meat, he saw the little rhinoceros wrapped in spiritual power and a faint membrane. The membrane was probably for protection, right?Just like humans.

Breaking the membrane, the water inside the membrane wetted the little rhino, Yue Jiqiu took out his old clothes, dried the little rhino carefully, and handed it to Jue Ming next to him.

Jueming and the others took a look at the little rhinoceros. Although it had spiritual power to protect it, the little rhinoceros was on the verge of death due to the lack of mother's supply for a long time.

Rose methodically put back the things that came out of the rhino in order, sewed his stomach up, then turned around, and handed the rhino to the orangutan.

Another group of people put their hands on the little rhinoceros one after another, and the spiritual power was slowly injected into the little rhinoceros' body along with their hands, which played a very good protective role.

After finishing the work at hand, Yue Jiqiu also turned around and joined everyone's actions, doing her best.The orangutan looked at everyone's actions, and it would be a lie to say that they were not moved.

They can do this for the sake of surrounding the mother and son without reservation, which is already very good.

The input of spiritual power is almost enough, if there is more, he will not be able to bear it.Everyone slowly closed their hands.Yue went in to have a look at the little rhinoceros. He hadn't opened his eyes yet, but at least his breathing was steady.

Jueming got up and handed the child to the orangutan: "Our spiritual power can protect her from eating or drinking for a period of time, but after all, it is a child, and the body is the most important thing. Although I don't know what your requirements are here, I think it should be almost."

"You have to find the nutrients this little rhino needs to ingest as soon as possible to ensure his health. Since he was born earlier than other rhinos, he will naturally be physically weaker."

"Although with the help of my mother's spiritual power and our spiritual power, my body will still be a little worse. We won't say much about the rest. We still have to hurry. Please rest assured, we have already taken care of this dead rhino. "

Jueming looked back at everyone, and everyone put their hands on their hearts: "We guarantee that we will avenge the rhino, so please trust us, we will definitely do this."

(End of this chapter)

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