Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 145 The Ghost Flower Turns into a Ghost Fruit

Chapter 145 The Ghost Flower Turns into a Ghost Fruit

Yue Qingran went up, and directly found the old man who made her unhappy several times.Seeing Yue Qingran approaching and entangled him, the old man didn't follow Shan Da, and directly led Yue Qingran to the rest of his team.

A group of people came up, surrounded by Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran looked at it coldly, not too panicked, but too much use of spiritual power caused a certain amount of weakness.

Qianye Shangxie squinted and saw that Yue Qingran was in trouble, and felt that the old man was becoming more and more difficult to see, so he also went to stop the old man.

The old man smiled, and said in a strange tone: "Yo, one just left and another came, what, is it fun? If that's the case, old man, how about I play with you?"

After finishing speaking, the old man fought Qianye Shangxie.Qianye Shangxie only received the opponent's palm, and felt the energy and blood in his body surging.The old man's palm was cold, and then he felt as if he was frozen all over.

The old man stood still and smiled: "Little guy, it's just one palm, you're going to become an ice sculpture? That's really fun." Qianye Shangxie's eyes darkened, mobilizing the spiritual power in his body to help it run.

But the spiritual power seemed to be sick, sluggish and motionless.Qianye Shangxie remained calm, but secretly worried.At this time, there are still many Red Legion that have not been refined, and they are about to move.

Qianye Shangxie thought, so what?What about being controlled?As long as you can win the opponent, it will be fine.Simply, he took a deep breath, and then released all the red legion.

After being restricted for a long time, the Red Legion was a little out of control. Qianye Shangxie didn't even think about controlling the opponent, and his brain was occupied in an instant, and blood red appeared in his eyes.

Vaguely, I heard a strange voice, "Kill, don't leave a piece of armor, kill." Qianye Shangxie didn't think about controlling himself, so when these words appeared, Qianye Shangxie chose to obey.

Kill, just kill this person, kill, leave nothing behind, kill this group of people, kill them all.

Yue Qingran was dealing with another group of people, a total of three people, but fortunately, their ability was average, compared with Yue Qingran, it was still a little worse.But unable to stand the crowd, Yue Qingran was a little tired.

Yue Qingran had already practiced the first level of Yueshi Kung Fu, so Yue Qingran simply used Yueshi Kung Fu.Once the Yueshi comes out, who will fight?

It's a pity that group killing skills can't be learned now.The only thing Yue Qingran knows now is how to use ingenuity to kill the opponent.With the help of the opponent's spiritual power, without consuming one's own spiritual power, kill the opponent and use their own spiritual power.

Use their skills, their spiritual power, kill them.This is just a firefighter, but it has to be a statue.Yue Qingran has been studying for a long time, and recently she has been comprehending, and she finally knows it.

Their Yuezhi exercises have no name, they are only divided into levels, the first level and the second level.Only divided into functions, do not need any name.Yue Qingran didn't bother to think about the name anymore, the first floor is the first floor.

Controlling a person, Yue Qingran carefully watched the opponent's moves, and then imitated them using the last Yue's skills.Due to lack of ability, Yue Qingran can only imitate two or three layers up, but this is enough.

Lying alone, Yue Qing didn't want to leave any trouble, so she directly used the phantom to kill the other party without any reaction.Killed one person, successfully made the other two angry and frightened.

Obviously, these people had never killed anyone before, and now they saw a dead person dying so close in front of them, and they felt a little scared in their hearts.

In this case, Yue Qingran will take this opportunity to position her Shura image, so that they will be afraid of him in the future, at least these young people who are together will be afraid of him in the future, so that they can never die. future trouble.

I don't know if it's the blood that made me excited, Yue Qingran felt that his bloodthirsty factor had come out, maybe his appearance was too terrifying, these people all shivered.

Yue Qingran showed her white teeth, and smiled sinisterly. Using Phantom and the first level of Yue's Kung Fu at the same time, three people whose levels were higher than her were killed without any effort.

Looking at the old man again, he has already been retreated steadily by Qianye Shangxie Peter.Yue Qingran looked at it with satisfaction for a while, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Looking around, I was surprised to find that the ghost flower had already started to change, turning into a ghost fruit.No wonder, the weird smell that appeared during the fighting process disappeared, that's why.

But this change, so what if the people who Zheng concentrated on fighting discovered it?There is no use for it.But, no, it wasn't just this that was wrong.

The intuition in Yue Qingran's heart told him that there was one more thing that was very wrong, but he didn't know where it was.Looking at other people again, there is no such strong feeling.

However, as long as you see the old man, you will feel this way.Yue Qingran focused on Qianye Shangxie, but was even more surprised to find that Qianye Shangxie's current state was very strange, as if he was being controlled by something.

Yue Qing was in a hurry, no wonder, an old man who was a great spiritual master, even an old man who was already at the peak of a great spiritual master, how could he be forced to retreat by Qianye Shangxie, a senior spiritual master.

So that's the case, Qianye Shangxie, what's wrong with you?Yue Qingran didn't know why, but she was suddenly extremely worried and flustered.Qianye Shangxie's current state is not the one he knows, such Qianye Shangxie makes Yue Qingran startled.

Qianye Shangxie looked over expressionlessly, and when he saw Yue Qingran, he averted his eyes without any emotion.Yue Qingran's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Qianye in disbelief.

The current appearance of Qianye Shangxie is like that of 23 who was with him for a while. Because 23 killed too many people, he wanted to kill everyone when he saw it. .

23 had the same feelings as his own, or even had no feelings, but at that time, 23 looked over with insensitive eyes, just thinking about killing people, that's the kind of eyes.

Later, 23 broke free and looked at him with struggle and sadness, but in the end, because there was no one to kill, he killed himself piece by piece.

But when he did this, he didn't feel anything, he muttered 'kill, kill' and then just acted like this in his hand.As long as he smelled blood, he would be satisfied, and finally died like this.

It is also because of this that they decided to transfer the training for everyone. It is no longer aimless and endless killing, so they have learned other things.

Because of this, Yue Qingran avoided the fate of 23, and Yue Qingran successfully walked out of it.

But now, Qianye Shangxie looked at him numbly, without any emotion in his expression.Why didn't Yue Qingran worry about this?
What Yue Qingran has always advocated is to control oneself well.Only in this way can he survive by his side, but now it seems that Qianye Shangxie's appearance should have been disdainful and despised by Yue Qingran.But Yue Qingran was only worried.

"I said, since he's like this, you might as well just be with me." Yue Jiqiu came up to join in the fun, Yue Qingran's face darkened, and he punched him, which really turned into an internal strife.

"Yue Qingran, what are you doing?" Jueming saw it, and hurriedly pulled Yue Qingran and Yue Jiqiu away to keep them at a distance.Yue Qingran looked over with gloomy eyes, and gritted her teeth: "You'd better not provoke me, don't talk nonsense, otherwise..."

Yue Jiqiu looked at Yue Qingran, the playful expression on his face restrained, serious: "I'm serious, this person is not good, very bad, I don't like it. But I like you, you..."

"Shut up! Mouth!" Yue Qingran squeezed out these two words from between her teeth, broke away from Jueming's hand, and rushed forward.

Jueming looked at the empty palm and shrugged his shoulders: "You talk too much." Yue Jiqiu was expressionless and serious: "I'm really human, and I'm serious about discussing this matter, Qianye I don't like this guy."

"But he is very good to Yue Qingran, and Yue Qingran also likes him very much." Jueming said indifferently.Yue Jiqiu couldn't deny it: "It doesn't matter, I will let him forget about him. It won't be too long to remember. Don't worry, Yue Qingran will forget Qianye Shangxie, she will definitely."

Jueming felt chills all over, Yue Jiqiu's eyes were too persistent now, and the New Year was too deep, making Jueming feel chills all over.Such eyes should not appear on Yue Jiqiu, but now...

Shaking his head, Jueming also saw the ghost flower that turned into a ghost fruit, so he stopped.Several people had already stood beside Jueming, but only Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran were still in front.

Some people have discovered it, but they can't get rid of it, even ghost fruit, so they continue.Rose also returned to its previous appearance, not as before, as if it was just an illusion.

But Jueming knows that these are true.Rose made up her mind to do this.Jueming, as a teacher, as their friend, would not allow such a thing to happen.

Yue Qingran rushed forward and stopped Qianye Shangxie: "Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie." The old man breathed a sigh of relief and did not take the opportunity to make a move: "This little guy is interesting, but it's not good if you can't control yourself of."

"Shut up, it's not your turn to speak." Yue Qingran roared back angrily.The old man's expression changed: "Titanium! Little baby, you speak so loudly, it's not my turn to speak? You want to hit me."

After speaking, he rushed over.Yue Qingran hastily let go of Qianye Shangxie, and turned to dodge.While moving, the old man rushed over again.

Relying on the softness of her body, Yue Qingran pressed her legs and chest together, narrowly avoiding it.The old man followed the trend and dropped his palm, Yue Qing had nowhere to hide, so he simply compared his speed with the old man.

Yueqing fell downwards, and the old man lowered his palms.Yue Qingran was a bit slower than the old man, but leaned over, the palm landed on half of her body, and the other half missed.

Even so, despite the protection of spiritual power, Yue Qingran still felt sweet in her throat.A mouthful of blood was coughed up.

When Jueming saw Yue Qingran's hand, he didn't care so much and rushed over.Yue Jiqiu stopped the other two who were about to go forward: "It's just adding to the confusion if there are too many people going, the three of them are enough."

Yue Jiqiu looked at Qianye Shangxie meaningfully.You'd better wake up to Qianye, otherwise, Yue Qing will forget about you.

(End of this chapter)

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