Chapter 158
Rose asks for medicine but fails, and worries alone.Originally, he thought that King Guihai would give things to him for his daughter's sake, but he didn't expect that he would ignore his daughter.

Sure enough, it is a penny-pinching iron cock.So what to do?Among the medicines given to Yue Qingran, this is the only thing missing. Do we have to wait ten or eight years?

Seeing the king walking here, Yue Jiqiu didn't plan to care too much, just passing by.However, I don't know how the king knew from Liu Er that this medicinal material was for Yue Qingran to refine medicine, so he actually offered it with both hands.There is still that kind of gentle smile on his face, it just looks creepy.

"Do you have anything to do?" Yue Jiqiu looked at the Lord of Guihai Kingdom, and really didn't want to talk to him too much. "I heard that you missed a piece of medicinal material for Yue Qingran's refining medicine? Is it unique to our Guihai country?"

Although I don't know where the news came from, it is indeed true.Yue Jiqiu bluntly said: "Yes, it is unique to your place. I thought Liu Yu'er would get it after a long time, but I didn't expect..."

Without saying a word, the lord ordered his subordinates to take out the medicinal material from the medicinal material storehouse and hand it to Yue Jiqiu. "Is this okay?" Yue Jiqiu was very surprised: "Why, you just gave me such a precious thing?"

The lord smiled: "It's nothing, the most important thing is to give it to useful people, don't you think so?" It's not clear, but he is willing to offer it with both hands, and he has no reason not to accept it.

"In that case, there will be more lords." After Yue Jiqiu finished speaking, he stood up and said goodbye.I am eager to study this medicinal material.The lord of the country was behind him, looking at Yue Jiqiu's leaving figure, he smiled meaningfully.

"Liu Er, you have made a great contribution, so let's go." It turned out that Liu Er knew about this matter, and because of the agreement between Yue Jiqiu and himself, he had no choice but to go to the king.

I would rather be punished, and I hope this matter can be clarified, at least, I am not a person who breaks promises.Unexpectedly, when the king heard that it was for Yue Qingran, he immediately got up and left.

From the looks of it, the bet was right.Liu Er got up and left.The lord of the country sat here alone, facing the moon, and smiled as he looked at it. He didn't think about it, it was really Yue Qingran.

Rose Moon went back and directly put the things in the refining furnace. I have studied these things a long time ago and can control them accurately.It took two days and one night to refine the elixir.

Holding the molded elixir, he found Yue Qingran immediately.

"Come on, the thing has already succeeded, and it's just waiting for you to take it." Yue Qingran was helpless, seeing Yue Jiqiu's crazy look, she also knew that he was doing it for her own good.Ready to eat right now.

"Don't, don't, don't eat like this. I'll call you the formula of double cultivation next, and you will grow up faster." After speaking, he told Yue Qingran the main points and formula of double cultivation.

"Okay, okay, you can eat." Yue Qingran was helpless, "Who will you sleep with after eating?" Yue Jiqiu took it for granted, "Of course it's me."

Qianye Shangxie happened to pass by here, and originally wanted to find Yue Qingran to go out for a walk, but he didn't expect to hear this.He walked in with a dark face, grabbed Yue Jiqiu, and threw it out.

Turn around and close the door.Looking at Yue Qingran: "Eat it, I'm here." Yue Jiqiu was thrown out, and dissatisfied went up to knock on the door.Qianye Shangxie roared: "It has already started, if you want him to go crazy, you can knock on the door as much as you want."

Yue Jiqiu resentfully stopped, and walked back.

Yue Qingran took the medicine pill, followed the formula of Yue Jiqiujiao, and practiced double cultivation with Qianye Shangxie.Inside and outside the door, two worlds.Outside, Yue Jiqiu sat at the door, waiting.

By the way, listen to the various voices inside.Although I don't really want to crack the door, but for this kind of thing, I have to be outside at any time. If something really happens, I can go in as soon as possible.

Although maybe, if you go in by yourself, it won't play any role, but at any rate, it feels comfortable to look at.

The whole night, and early the next morning, the evil god Qianye came out refreshed.Seeing Yue Jiqiu sitting at the door, he stared: "What are you doing here?"

Rose clapped her ears, and said as it should, "Stay at the door to prevent accidents. You have to know that if you are not careful about cultivation, you will die without a place to die."

Qianye Shangxie glared: "You stayed outside all night? Then..." Yue Jiqiu nodded, "I've heard what I should and shouldn't have heard." He had an expression like that you and me .

Qianye fell into the evil for a moment, and his face changed unpredictably.In the end, Qianye Shangxie said provocatively, "I've seen everything I should see and what I shouldn't." The expression was still the same.

Yue Jiqiu gritted his teeth angrily: "It was supposed to be my double cultivation with him, why did you come out of nowhere and make a fuss? Do you know the specific steps? If something happens, can you take it?"

Qianye Shangxie buttoned his ears impatiently, imitating Yue Jiqiu's appearance: "So what? At least I won't tolerate Yue Qingran having a double break with someone else, no matter who it is."

Yue Jiqiu gritted her teeth, but she was still helpless.When Yue Qingran knew that she was going to have a weekend break with him, her expression was unpredictable.When he saw Qianye Shangxie coming in, he was keenly aware that Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief for a moment.

So, he is still on guard against himself.No matter which aspect it is.That being the case, what do you have to say? "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you. Are you okay?"

Qianye Shangxie had a determined expression: "With me here, what will happen?" Yue Jiqiu gritted his teeth, flicked his sleeves angrily, and left.

"Why are you mad at him?" Inside, Yue Qingran's voice sounded.Qianye Shangxie hurried back to the house, seeing Yue Qingran became more charming and charming, and the traces on his face had completely disappeared.

"No, it's just that I'm not happy when I think of him going to sleep with you. Besides, he actually listened outside the door all night." Yue Qingran heard that, a blush flashed across her face, followed by a murderous intent.

Qianye Shangxie smiled happily.I knew that Yue Qingran would be like this.What he dislikes the most is that this kind of private matter is overheard by others.Ridiculous is one thing, eavesdropping is another.

Seeing Yue Qingran's eyes that wanted to kill someone, Qianye Shangxie was much happier. "How is it, have you advanced?" Yue Qingran nodded: "I have successfully advanced."

Qianye Shangxie breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good." Yue Qingran has now broken through to a high-level spiritual master and has become a great spiritual master.Qianye Shangxie's current level is not as good as Yue Qingran's, but Weiyue Qingran in the middle is happy.

Yue Qingran smiled, and stood up: "Now, I'm also a strong man." Qianye's Shangxie was small, and put his arms around Yue Qingran: "Yes, this time, no one will dare to provoke you easily .”

"Okay, let's go for a walk?" Yue Qingran shrugged, "Then let's go for a walk." After speaking, she put on her veil.Qianye Shangxie nodded in satisfaction: "Do you know how beautiful you are now? In order to prevent you from being peeped by others, I decided to hide you. Do you agree?"

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes: "You think you are a sick person? You are mentally abnormal." Qianye smiled evilly: "No, my mental strength is very good."

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes, how could she explain to him what she meant by being mentally abnormal?Forget it, that's all he thought. "Haven't I already put on a veil? At least it can alleviate a lot of unnecessary things."

"That's not okay, I'm still not happy, otherwise, you just don't go out like this. Don't go out in the future." Yue Qingran gave Qianye Shangxie a hard elbow.

Qianye Shangxie bent down in pain, looking at Yue Qingran. "You have too little confidence in me. Do you know that you are actually very attractive? Don't I still trust you?"

Qianye Shangxie was dissatisfied: "But do you know that when Yue Jiqiu said he wanted to sleep with you, but you didn't show it at all, my heart was about to break."

Yue Qingran really didn't know how this glib Qianye Shangxie appeared, so she had no choice but to rush forward and grab Qianye Shangxie's mouth: "Quickly tell me, who are you? It's fake, right? This human skin mask is so realistic."

Qianye Shangxie was taken aback for a moment, then laughed. "Yeah, look, my human skin mask is not bad, right? I am your admirer, now I will express some of my thoughts and thoughts about you."

Yue Qingran lowered her hand helplessly: "No, I have someone. That person is the most jealous. If I let him know, I'm afraid I will be made into ice and sealed forever."

Qianye smiled evilly: "This is a good idea." Yue Qingran rolled his eyes: "You are enough. I will double cultivation with him, how is it possible. I just showed up before I could refuse you."

Qianye Shangxie smiled: "I knew it was like this, I knew it." Yue Qing was helpless, looked at Qianye Shangxie, and looked at him carefully: "Man, let me say it again, you are mine, Likewise, mine is yours. Have a little faith in me."

Qianye Shangxie narrowed his eyes, and looked at Yue Qingran with a smile: "I am becoming less and less resistant to you. What should I do? And after being with you, my jealousy is getting stronger and stronger."

Rolling eyes: "That's because you are not capable enough, go back and practice hard." Qianye smiled evilly: "Didn't you say you want to go out with me, so you will send me away?" Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shang Xie smiled coquettishly: "Who the hell is dawdling here and refuses to go out?"

Qianye Shangxie curled his lips: "I'm afraid that you will be abducted."

"Tch, can you give me some confidence? You just don't believe in your own charm. Will I be abducted? Since I met you, I found that my requirements are getting higher and higher, and most people can't match my eyes. "

"Can I take it as you complimenting me?" Qianye Shangxie asked while rubbing his chin. "Of course." Yue Qingran smiled evilly, leaned back on the chair, and watched Qianye go evil.

"Tsk tsk, I don't have enough concentration, don't do this, or you will definitely not be able to get out today." After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, he looked at Yue Qingran and smiled.

"Really?" Qianye Shangxie nodded.Yue Qingran stepped forward and rubbed Qianye Shangxie's body.Then push away: "Okay, let's go out."

Qianye Shangxie looked helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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