Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 162 Moonlight Boy

Chapter 162 Moonlight Boy
After waiting for half an hour, the rest of the people came out with their harvest.Seeing the children beside Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie, they were stunned at the same time.Yue Qingran shrugged, pushed Qianye Shangxie, and left this matter to him.

Qianye Shangxie smiled wryly, and thought: You really think highly of me.Yue Qingran turned her head and looked elsewhere.Bailitang walked over with a smile, first looked at the child, and then looked at Qianye Shangxie with a smile on his face.

Qianye Shangxie smiled wryly, rubbing his head and explaining the cause and effect.Bailitang looked at the young man and asked, "Why, are you still planning to release him?"

Yue Qingran nodded: "I have this idea, what about you, what do you think?" Bai Ling'er saw the boy's appearance clearly at this time, smiled, and rushed over: "Wow, he is so cute. Miss Miss , look at his ears, so cute, so cute." As he spoke, he rushed over to look around the boy twice, and then touched the boy's pointed ears with his hands.

The boy blushed and dodged.After Bai Ling'er discovered this, she became even more presumptuous.Bai Litang felt a little uncomfortable after seeing it, so he nodded and agreed: "Then let's take him with us when we go tomorrow."

"No." Yue Jiqiu said. "Since there are so many people auctioning him today, if we go in with others tomorrow, he is likely to be caught again. There can never be too many greedy people."

The boy heard it, and his dodging movement stopped.His face was a little ugly.Bai Ling'er also stopped what she was doing: "Then what should we do? Let's take him away? This is not good."

Yue Qingran was secretly annoyed, blaming herself for not thinking carefully.If the boy was released and then arrested, then his 20 yuan would not be worth it.

When everyone was present, everyone decided to talk while walking.Standing in the doorway and talking is not the case.

"Take it with you first. If I say, we will send you back the next time we come over, would you like to?" Yue Qingran asked the boy seriously.Next time, it means that everyone will return to the original road after playing a lap, and will pass here again.

The boy lowered his head, clenched his fists, hesitated for a moment, and then raised his head: "I have no parents." Yue Qingran was puzzled: "What?" The boy looked at Yue Qingran and reiterated firmly: "I have no parents." gone."

"My parents are dead, where are you going? I'll follow there, okay? I'm also very powerful. Speaking of which, I can transform into a human form, so I'm already half-spiritual, so I'm very powerful."

Yue Qingran paused, looked at Qianye Shangxie, and at the others.Everyone looked at each other.To be honest, if this child is released to the mountains, he will still be arrested.

Of course Yue Qing will not be lucky enough to meet him again, this is just one more time.What's more, Yue Qing is reluctant to part with it, the child's clear eyes will become different the next time she sees her.

But if you bring them with you, then this group of people is enough to be evil, talented and beautiful. If you add a cub that is as pure and cute as a cub, the consequences will be disastrous.There's bound to be more to come.

Qianye Shangxie thought about it, and reluctantly agreed: "Forget it, haven't we caused enough trouble anyway? It doesn't matter if you add one more. One more is not too much, and one less is quite a lot. Take it with you. Anyway, it will still be useful. Woolen cloth."

Yue Qingran's eyelids twitched, his eyes rolled, thinking about it, the trouble he caused is enough, so what if there is one more him?Watch aroma with several people.Everyone didn't have one, so they decided to take this boy with them.

The young man probably also knew that everyone agreed, and he was a little happy. He looked at everyone with clear eyes and gratitude.These people who have been in the rivers and lakes for many years have treated all kinds of gazes, but this clear water gaze is really a blessing for everyone.

The boy's gaze made everyone unable to resist.

Qianye smiled evilly, and looked at the young man: "Choose a name. I will go with us in the future. By the way, let me tell you first, due to our personal problems, we are only keen on all kinds of inaccessible forests, deserts, etc. Kind of like that. So we don’t choose places with a lot of people as places for exercise, so we will often go to places with few people when we have nothing to do in the future, and the danger is naturally great.”

The teenager nodded.In the past, Yue Qingran didn't understand why everyone thought of the forest when they talked about finding a place to exercise their strength.It now appears that this is indeed the case.The forest has tall trees, unknown land creatures.

It is even more unknown what lies deep in the forest, it is indeed a good place.Apart from the ocean, this is probably only comparable to the forest.

Everyone can't enter the ocean, because we can't breathe like fish, so our abilities are limited.But the forest is not painful. There will be many scary or unseen species in the forest. For everyone, it is the best way to exercise.

The second is the desert, but the experience in the desert is to exercise everyone's willpower and endurance. There will not be too scary and huge things in the desert.

The fierce ones that will appear are probably desert wolves, right?The second is some poisons such as scorpions under the sand.As soon as Yue Qingran changed her mind, she recalled the last trip to the desert, shook her head, and threw it out.

The last trip to the desert was really meaningless.Should it be said that the leader is too outstanding, or should it be said that everyone is very lucky.

"Okay, kid, come up with a name for yourself." Yue Jiqiu looked helplessly at the people whose eyes had drifted to where they didn't know.The boy looked at Yue Jiqiu, his eyes were still clear.There is still confusion inside.

"I don't know." Yue Jiqiu rubbed his forehead, really couldn't stand this child.If someone else looked like this, Yue Jiqiu would definitely ridicule him mercilessly.

But if it was really this boy, he would look at everyone with those clear and innocent eyes, and people would be powerless to resist.

"Yue Qingran, you are responsible for naming the child you brought over." Yue Jiqiu mercilessly called out and taught Yue Qingran.After much deliberation, I finally gave the child a nicer name.

Of course, Yue Qingran's so-called good-sounding is what he thinks is good-sounding.Not everyone agrees. "Well, the one I brought back naturally has the same surname as me, so let's call it Moonlight. Otherwise, the moon is also fine, you choose."

Qianye Shangxie sighed, and silently prepared to go to his room first.

The young man didn't have much idea about the name. After thinking about it, the moon is a real thing, and the moonlight is too vague a concept, so the young man smiled: "Then let's talk about the moon."

Yue Qingran raised her chin in satisfaction: "How about it, not bad. What a beautiful name." Yue Qingran's naming skills were taught by a senior.The money has been mentioned, the name and so on, it has already appeared and is easy to remember.

Has appeared, whether it is vegetables, fruits, or animals.As long as you have this surname, you can.Easy to remember, naturally, which fruits and vegetables are easy to remember.

Goshawk, Carambola, Hudie, these are all homonyms and are surnames, so easy to remember.Yue Qingran just followed suit now.Moonlight, no matter which one, is very good.

Most importantly, he is easy to remember. "Exactly, Yue Jiqiu sleeps in a room alone, and you and Yue Jiqiu sleep together. Six people, exactly three rooms."

Yue Jiqiu smiled wryly, thinking that he could live in a room alone, but he didn't expect to have anyone living with him in the end. "Who?" The young man looked at Yue Qingran blankly.

Yue Qingran patted his head: "Come on, let me introduce these people to you one by one." Excuse me, and introduce everyone in turn.The boy could still remember at first, but then his eyes became a little confused. Obviously, there were too many people, and he couldn't remember them all at once.

Yue Jiqiu took the moon back to his room first and asked him to identify the door.Yue Qingran looked at the two from behind, and said, "Actually, I want him to be called Moonlight. So, Moonlight Boy, how nice it sounds. But since he likes the moon, let's call it Moonlight."

Qianye Shangxie was speechless, looking at the time: "Go to bed early, let's go with the people from the hunting and killing union tomorrow morning. I have inquired, there is a hunting and killing union here, where can I get the task, and where can I find someone Take us away."

"Really? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?" Qianye Shangxie pointed in one direction: "Over there, the union is very big. So we can take a look first and then decide."

"Okay, okay. Let's take a look together tomorrow." After speaking, Yue Qingran waved to Bai Ling'er, and the two went upstairs together.Qianye Shangxie and Bailitang looked at each other, sighed at the same time, and went upstairs.

Early the next morning, everyone got up and prepared to go to the so-called hunting union to have a look.

When we arrived at the hunting union, many people were already there.However, most of them are union members with guild badges, outsiders like Xiangyue Qingran are still in the minority.

Quite a few of the quests are carried out in a place similar to the front desk.Yue Qingran and the others also went to have a look curiously.In fact, there are still many tasks.Some want beast crystals, that is, the crystal nuclei in the bodies of some Jiling beasts or murderers.

Others want animal skins, animal eyes and the like.And the bonuses are great too.Yue Qingran looked at it and nodded continuously. "Should we take on a mission or something later?" Yue Qingran looked at everyone and asked.

"You can rest for a while. We just came here to find someone to take us in and have a look. It's better to form a team than this." Qianye Shangxie hurriedly stepped forward and stopped Yue Qingran's mouth.

The people next to them heard that a few of them came to ask for a combination, so they hurried up: "Would you like to join us? We accepted the task. They are the people who hunted and killed the union."

Qianye Shangxie followed their line of sight and saw several people who were with this man, all of them were union hunters.They all have the unique emblem of belonging to the guild on their chests.

His gaze turned to his own people, looked at them, and raised his eyebrows: "Are you interested?" Bai Litang looked at it and asked the man, "What mission did you take?" The man touched his head and said embarrassedly: "Yes , we picked up the beast crystal."

Beast Crystal, is this task difficult to say, but easy to say.Especially if there is a quantity required.Ordinary beasts do not have beast crystals, only those spirit beasts with a certain level will have them.

However, if it was a spirit beast, how could it be easily defeated?Difficult look At that time, they were just looking for someone, and they forgot a very serious issue, which was the overall strength of Yue Qingran and his group.

If their strength is too poor, then this matter will be difficult to complete.It seems that they also ignored it just now, so they have such an embarrassing expression.

(End of this chapter)

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