Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 164 Hunting and Exchange

Chapter 164 Hunting and Exchange

The acquaintances on both sides chatted for a while, and everyone set up camp and prepared to rest.Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran, Yue Qingran was silent, Qianye Shangxie was helpless.

"Okay, let's continue with the previous rules. Bai Ling'er and Yue Yue don't need it, and the rest continue with the previous rules. The first half of the night for the two of you, and the second half of the night for the two of you."

After speaking, spread the things underneath and let everyone rest.Yue Qingran remained silent, and did not even look at Qianye Shangxie.Boss Shi looked at their ambiguous words and didn't understand why.

"What are you guys talking about?" Qianye Shangxie didn't pay attention to it, and just stood in front of Yue Qingran: "What's wrong?" Yue Qingran pursed her lips and said, "Excessive hunting will cause bad things. Impact, why hasn't anyone thought about that?"

Qianye Shangxie smiled wryly: "It's different, no one would have thought of these things before they were in danger, and some of them are really in need. I can't say anything."

Yue Qingran was silent, she pursed her lips, and after thinking about it, she was not suitable for the current state.Looking up at Qianye Shangxie's concerned face, he felt that he had suddenly lost his mind, so he smiled.

"Okay, I got it. Let's put it away." Qianye Shangxie finally felt relieved, and Boss Shi had been waiting for an answer.Qianye Shangxie turned around and saw it, and explained: "We just arranged for a night watch."

Boss Shi looked at these people and understood. "Oh, you take yours, we also have people guarding here. Everyone accepts their own team."

Yue Qingran listened and remained silent.Qianye Shangxie didn't care, after all, from the beginning, they were the only ones who didn't get involved, and it had nothing to do with Boss Shi.

After collecting it for a while, Qianye Shangxie didn't know what he found, so he became vigilant.Yue Qingran also felt it, took out the dagger and stood up, staring closely at the front.

Relying on his astonishment, Boss Shi discovered the danger, and quickly blew a whistle to wake everyone up.At the same moment as the whistle blew, Yue Jiqiu and the others also got up.

In the end, Bai Linger was woken up by the sound of the whistle, she opened her eyes in a daze, and saw that everyone was on guard, and she knew that there was nothing she could do, so Bai Linger chose to stay where she was.

After a while, a fierce light came from the darkness, Yue Qingran saw it, but didn't know what it was.Boss Shi and the others who have been hunting here all year round know: "Ah, high-level spirit beast, snow fox."

"Snow Fox?" Yue Qingran asked back, recalling various information about Snow Fox in her mind.Snow fox is a kind of paste, but their blanks are invulnerable, and only become soft after death, which is the best material for blankets.

Of course, it can also be made into snow fox vests and the like, all of which are excellent materials.Also, which pair of eyes is the most beautiful in the snow fox, so many people will give hunting orders for the beads made of snow fox eyes.

This is only a high-level spirit beast, so it is very likely that there is a beast crystal.This is probably why Boss Shi is happy.In fact, they can also get the blanks of Xuehu, and then take them outside to exchange for money.

After watching for a long time, he found that Xuehu had no intention of coming over, but only a part of his body was exposed. Boss Shi was puzzled, and Qianye Shangxie and others didn't know the reason.

Xuehu stared straight at everyone, with a vicious fox face on it.It seems to be confirming something.Sniffing with his nose, he finally determined a direction, let out a low growl, and rushed over.

Seeing that it was not aimed at everyone, Boss Shi clearly asked everyone to stay put, the so-called wait and see what happens.Since Xuehu's target was not everyone, everyone relaxed their vigilance, but they really didn't know where they offended each other.

Incapable, Xuehu's blue fire spewed out, burning two people to death, and the remaining four were still fighting desperately.

"Where did they mess with this snow fox?" Boss Shi looked curiously at the group of people fighting not far from him, and asked the announcement next to him in puzzlement.The person next to him shook his head: "I don't know, but I heard that they killed a little fox, probably for revenge?"

"Then you deserve it, and you don't have any morals. Haven't you already said that, you can't kill the little one unless the other party doesn't want it. Otherwise, you can't kill it easily. It's not moral. It deserves it. Don't help."

When Boss Shi heard this, he became angry.I didn't expect the other party to dare to do this, it was really immoral.Yue Qingran listened, with a fierce look in her eyes.Qianye Shangxie hurriedly stopped them: "If they are not dead, we will help them. If they are dead, don't go there."

Yue Qingran pursed her lips, restraining her murderous aura.In the end, all these people died under the snow fox.Xuehu killed the enemy and roared to the sky with a desolate voice.

Yue Qingran couldn't bear it, but she also knew that she couldn't die and come back to life, no matter whether it was a human or an animal, she could only silently watch the snow fox finish her revenge, stare at the others, and step back bit by bit.

The others didn't intend to do anything, they just watched the snow fox go back bit by bit with awe.How to say Jingwei, this snow fox is really too powerful.

It is a kind of great courage to come here alone in the presence of so many people, and it is also called being overwhelmed.This snow fox must love her cubs very much.

If someone in that group of people wants to be a group with those people, then this snow fox may also die here.But even so, he still dared to rush over and avenge his child under the eyes of so many people, his courage is commendable.

It was also because that group of people really bullied the fox too much, so everyone chose to turn a blind eye and keep silent.Seeing the disappearance of Xuehu, everyone exercised their muscles and bones, and slept in their own places.

Although there was still some time before the second half of the vigil, since the two of them had already woken up, there was no need to wake up for the vigil before falling asleep, so the handover was carried out directly.

Qianye went up to the evil building and fell asleep on the side while seeing the moon clearly.At dawn, everyone decided to use this time to go hunting when neither the beasts nor the people woke up, it would be more effective.

But this is just human thinking. For spirit beasts, they can rest anytime and anywhere, so there is no time when they are not awake.

Our several teams are moving forward together, each has practice with each other, and the distance is not too far.

"I found it, I found it." As he said, he didn't know who was guarding the entrance of a cave, and the other was running around to release the news. "What did you find?"

"The entrance of a cave should be a place where small spirit beasts live. It shouldn't be wrong for us to guard here." Boss Shi was very satisfied after hearing this.

Glancing at Qianye Shangxie's bullet door, Qianye Shangxie had no objection, and everyone walked towards the cave together.

It is indeed a small cave, and rabbits, moles and other small animals probably live in it, right? "Are you sure there are no cubs in there? I don't want revenge."

Boss Shi said half-jokingly. "Don't worry, no, it's empty and there's nothing inside." Boss Shi nodded, "That's good, that's good. Not killing cubs is the purpose, and it cannot be violated."

After finishing speaking, walk over. "Will you do it later or should we do it?" It was the boss who asked the other party's leader.The leader of the other party was silent for a moment, picked up a blade of grass from the ground, chewed it in his mouth, and spat it out: "Hey, you guys do it, let's rest on the sidelines. Next time we will do it."

Boss Shi didn't care too much, he understood: "Okay, let's do it this time, next time we don't care if it's a huge monster, are you sure?"

"Tch, I'm so old, I'm afraid of you? I'm not a vegetarian either. It's settled." Mr. Shi laughed.

Turning around and coming back, he said to Qianye Shangxie and the others: "Everyone, let's see what to do. We will hunt and kill the animals this time, so you can see what to do. Do you want to stay near the entrance of the cave, or what do you want to do?" ?”

Qianye Shangxie and the others looked at each other, but Yue Qingran didn't speak.He has always ignored this, as long as he can practice his hands, he can do whatever he wants.

"We will guard a part of the cave entrance, and the rest will be with you." Bai Litang said.After finishing speaking, he looked at Boss Shi.Boss Shi didn't expect that someone from them would be with him, so he was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly agreed.

"Then how about it, Bailitang, me and Yue Qingran, the three of us are responsible for guarding the entrance of the acupuncture point, and Yue Jiqiu, you and I will be responsible for fighting with Boss Shi later, how about it?"

Rose has no comment.Follow Qianye Shangxie's arrangement.Yue Qingran frowned: "I'm also responsible for the action." Qianye Shangxie was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Okay then, Bailitang, you rest. Wait for me to guard the acupuncture point, then rest, and take care of the two of them by the way." One." After speaking, he pointed to Bai Linger and Yue Yue.

Bailitang opened his mouth to refute, but was stared back helplessly. "Okay, let's do it like this." So, the number of people was decided like this.

A few of them left, and the rest of Qianye Shangxie were responsible for guarding around the entrance of the cave, waiting for the unknown animal to come back.After collecting for nearly an hour, the little animal who didn't know what it was was considered to be back.

Sure enough, it was confirmed that it was a rabbit.It's just that this rabbit doesn't look like a good bird no matter how you look at it.It should be said that it is not as simple and cute as ordinary rabbits.

"Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, check if there are any other caves nearby, everyone, please pay attention." As soon as Boss Shi saw that it was a rabbit, he immediately told his teammates, and asked the second and third children who were with him to look elsewhere.

After a while, the second and third child came back and found other caves.

"Well, you two find a way to tell them and let them pay attention. Before the rabbit comes here and finds out."

When she found out it was a rabbit, Yue Qingran thought of this question.Sure enough, seeing Shi Lao Er and Shi Lao San leaving quietly and coming back after a while, Yue Qingran kept paying attention to this side all the time.

Seeing Yue Qingran's gaze, Shi Laoer understood what to do and made a gesture.Pointing in two other directions.Yueqing understood clearly, and looked at Qianye Shangxie: "There are rabbit holes on both sides, you two go and guard it."

"Okay. Where is it?" Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran pointed to Shi Laoer.Qianye Shangxie followed Shi Laoer away.Bailitang also got up and left with Shi Laosan.

After a while, the rabbit came.Seeing the scheming rabbit, he didn't immediately Jingdong, but walked around, Yue Qing didn't move, just waited.

Seeing that it was about to startle, Mr. Shi shouted: "It's time to start." Yue Jiqiu ran over, and the rabbit sensed the danger, and immediately approached the hole.

Yue Qingran appeared and stopped the rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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