Chapter 172
"Anyway, it's true. When you were alive, you were born by Beisheng when you went to the toilet. It's normal to die like this." After finishing speaking, Bailitang took a sip of water.Yue Qingran looked at Bailitang and took a sip of water.

Yue Jiqiu said gloomily: "If you put it this way, the toilet is a good place." Pfft... A sip of water, two people, sprayed it out at the same time.

"Go to hell with me." Bailitang shouted angrily, looking at Yue Jiqiu.Yue Ji Qiushu smiled angrily.

"Okay, hurry up and find someone to come over." Qianye Shangxie looked at the few people in the cerebellum, and sighed helplessly, although after stopping these things, his stomach was also reflux.

As for Bai Linger and Yue Yue, since it was too late, I let them go to bed first.Because this place is very unfamiliar to everyone, everyone is in the same room.

That is to say, if something really happened, there would be someone to take care of it.It's just that there is not enough space, so many people have to use the floor.The moon and Bai Ling'er also just took a nap.

Wait a while to explore the palace at night, even if they will be found and captured, they must be taken with them.At this time, everyone must not walk away.In this eerie place where every minute temple is alone and every minute gives birth to a child.

In this place toilets are a good place to be.

Qianye Shangxie took a look at Bailitang, and Bai Auditang hurriedly waved his hands: "No, I'm determined not to go. Do you know how shocked I was? To lie to me, I have to pretend to be suddenly enlightened."

"When I heard this, I had only one reaction at the time, and that was to find a place to mobilize the spiritual power in my body. They were already frightened and disordered."

"So, I am determined not to go this time. Going to your area, I can't bear it anymore." Seeing Bailitang being tortured like this in less than a day, Qianye Shangxie couldn't help feeling sympathetic.

How many scourges are out there that will make him like this.I dare not go out.

At this time, someone knocked on the door. "Children, I see that you are not asleep yet, what's the matter?" Everyone looked at each other and said that Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, it's not easy, someone came over.

Yue Jiqiu hurriedly took out the medicine from the bag, Yue Qingran saw that everyone was ready, so she went to open the door and welcomed the other party in with a smile.

The other party is a woman in her 50s, but it is said that women here can make a wish to have children after they are ten years old...

So, now, he has a child who is more than ten years older than everyone.The youngest is said to have just been born before the door was opened for everyone.

After letting the other party in, he couldn't help but ask the other party to sit down, and when the other party didn't know why, he quietly asked him for some fragrance.Then, the other party was in a mess.

"Do you know who you are?" Yue Qingran asked.Stack nods.Yue Jiqiu rolled her eyes: "You can answer these questions even before you smell them."

"Ask something private. It's just something difficult to answer." Yue Jiqiu said on the side.Privacy, what is privacy?
"Um...what's your size?" Pfft... Bailitang looked at Yue Qingran with suspicious eyes.Yue Qingran rolled her eyes.Looking at Bailitang: "Or you can ask."

Bailitang shook his head, signaling Yue Qingran to continue.When Yue Qingran saw this question, the other party would fight without hesitation, looking at Yue Jiqiu: "Is this a good thing or not?"

Yue Jiqiu shook his head: "I don't know if it will have any effect on the people here." The other party looked at these people in confusion, and asked, "What exactly do you want to ask? What's the matter? Why are you embarrassed?"

It seems that this medicine is not working now?Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows and looked at Yue Jiqiu.Yue Jiqiu sighed, touched his head, and nodded lamentably.

"We just want to ask you if you know how to get to the palace." The other party breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought what were you asking? The palace is very easy to get to. Have you seen the 'food'? Just make a wish."

Yue Qingran's eyes darkened for a moment, and she didn't know what to say.Co-authoring this food now also acts as a teleportation array?
Bai Litang joked: "You don't need to go to the toilet this time?" Who knows, the other party actually replied solemnly: "Go, why don't you go to the toilet? Except when you are eating, you don't go to the toilet. Whether it is a child or a dead person, You have to go to the toilet."

Bailitang touched his nose, raised his eyebrows, and hid aside.He refuses to take part in this wonderful conversation.Also refused to study that so-called good place...

Yue Qingran really wanted to spit out a mouthful of water, but after seeing the other party's expression, Yue Qingran finally felt the pain of Bailitang.

"That's it, we understand, thank you." After finishing speaking, he pushed the other party out involuntarily.At this time, everyone needs to close the door and adjust the breathing that is already disordered.

"Okay, let's go." After finishing speaking, Yue Qingran looked at everyone. "Let's go, let's go see the toilet, a good place, and that amazing food."

After speaking, he called up a few people who were sleeping and thinking about where.Everyone prayed over the food together and put money on it.In order to realize it as soon as possible, everyone deliberately put a big one.

So, before they left, everyone felt a little uncomfortable in their stomachs.In fact, it wasn't pain, it just felt like my stomach was growling. At the same time, it gave everyone the urge to go to the toilet.

So, everyone went to another magical place—the toilet.When we got to the toilet, everyone looked at the toilet in such a small place.what to do?Go in one by one?
"Let's all go in, you can teleport when you reach the toilet." Qianye Shangxie said with a smile.Everyone decided to go in.So, as soon as we entered the toilet, before the door was closed, everyone felt dizzy for a while.

Opening his eyes again, he had arrived at the so-called palace.And everyone stands in the middle. "If someone assassinates this, wouldn't it be miserable if it was sent directly to the emperor?"

"Maybe, here, the emperor is something casual, right? The most indispensable things here are toilets and food." Yue Jiqiu said indifferently.

Everyone thought about it, and it seems that this is indeed the case.The appearance of successive emperors seems to be just to support the existence of these foods.It is said that if the emperor dies, then the food dies.

Therefore, the emperor is a very safe position.The safest jobs in the world.Everyone must protect him.Then, the new emperor on Weibo has to find food in the first place to supply everyone's needs.

Therefore, the emperor is most likely to know where the so-called things were obtained.

"It would have been better if we knew it was teleported to the emperor, we didn't think about it." Bai Ling'er said in a low voice. "Yes, if I knew this was the case, I would have chosen to go before the emperor."

"But it doesn't matter, you can find it here." To be honest, the emperor is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't even need a guard.

It can be seen how little everyone cares about the emperor's safety.At the same time, it also reflects how safe the emperor is.

The phantom bow is still very big. After everyone searched around, they finally found the emperor who was reading a book there. "The emperor still reads books or approves memorials?"

"Probably not, maybe I'm reading some forbidden book." Yue Jiqiu looked at Bai Litang's puzzled expression, and said indifferently.Bailitang lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Who?" Yue Qingran walked out.Look at the emperor. "Who are you? What's the matter?" Yue Qingran smiled and said, "I want to know where the food is obtained from. Have you seen green leaves growing on the food?"

The other party was surprised, it seems that there is no taboo in this country.

"The ones that grow green are the public's food. They can't provide food for everyone, but they can also make everyone's wishes come true." Yue Qingran rolled her eyes, the male one... the tree is still divided into male and female?

"So, where can I find them?" The other party looked at Yue Qingran: "Can't you solve your problem with food? Do you have to find so much food?"

Yue Qingran has already decided not to ask the other party those weird questions. "Well, let's do it this way, you just need to walk along the lines drawn on it, and then you can find food. However, if it wasn't for the emperor's blood, a lot of food wouldn't listen to you."

That's strange, no wonder he said something that could be regarded as taboo so easily.I see. "Thank you, I just want to see what the so-called public food looks like."

Yue Qingran mumbled a bit, then took the simple map drawn by the other party, suddenly raised her head, and asked, "If I make a wish, can you take me there directly?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, and pursed his lips: "Probably possible. But no one has ever made such a wish. You can try." Yue Qingran nodded and walked out.

It looks relaxed, but in fact, it is covered with black lines.What kind of country is this, what the hell is this thing?
Seeing Yue Qingran come out, everyone was covered with black lines.But finally got the so-called thing. "Do you want to try to make a wish?" Bai Linger asked cautiously.

He understood that this was a weird place that couldn't be any weirder, but it didn't matter.As long as I can be with everyone, no matter where it is, it doesn't matter.

Yue Qingran looked at each other and nodded: "Let's try it in the palace." After speaking, he found the food in the palace.After making a wish, he also took out the biggest black cake and put it on the side.

After a while, I really felt like I was going to the toilet.Everyone ran away.Then, when I opened my eyes, I saw a pile of food...

"I can't stay in this perverted world anymore, even if it's a dream, I should wake up, right?" Baili Tangzhou scolded.

"If it's a dream, you probably have to wait until dawn." Yue Jiqiu hit him mercilessly. "Look around here, Moon, are you familiar with it?"

Yueqing asked the moon shivering beside her affectionately.To be honest, Yue Qingran was also taken aback when she saw these weird things just now.But thinking about it now, it would be nice to go back, these are all indifferent.

The moon smelled the smell around, shook her head: "There is nothing I am familiar with here."

"So, is this the forest we encountered when we came here just now?" Bai Litang looked at the moon and asked.

"Probably not, because the food here is too weird." Before the moon could answer, Qianye Shangxie replied after looking around.Bailitang cursed: "Go forward and see what to do."

"That's the only way to go." After Yue Jiqiu finished speaking, she walked forward.Yue Qingran looked around.Now all they encounter are food, moreover, they are all public food.

Walking inside, the moon sniffed it, with a happy expression on his face: "I am familiar with the smell here. I am familiar with this place." Yue Qingran also smiled when she heard this: "That's good, take us away. When we come, you can also smell it." Unfamiliar place."

(End of this chapter)

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