Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 174 Street Fighter

Chapter 174 Street Fighter
Qianye Shangxie raises his eyebrows, is a street fighter, and is planning to eat human flesh?Not bad, don't be afraid of nausea. "Okay, let's go upstairs and eat."

I don't want to cause trouble, even if it is, let's talk about it after everyone has finished eating.As soon as the front foot went upstairs, at the corner, I heard a shout from the door: "Is the human meat that the young master wants to eat ready?"

The waiter in the shop complained endlessly, and quickly led Qianye Shangxie and the others to open the door of a guest room: "You guys can eat here now. I will come up later."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qianye Shangxie and the others to reply, he hurried over.Qianye Shangxie and the others were staring at the author here, and after a while, various voices came from downstairs.

Anyway, there was nothing to do, so everyone just lay down in the corner and took a look.Of course, Yue Yue and Bai Ling'er were the key protections, so they didn't dare to let them see them.

"Bawang, your human flesh has to be stewed for a while, or it won't be cooked well, take a look, or you will come back later?" The waiter saw Bawang who was already sitting there, thinking to himself, what else? So that they can go up quickly, otherwise if Bawang sees it, he will be very angry.

"Why did you come here? Are you the only waiter? What about your waiter? Where are you going?" The waiter wiped off his sweat, bent down and said respectfully, "They all went to stew meat for you, so I'm the only one .”

"Hmph, since that's the case, I'll wait here. Go and see if my meat is ready." After speaking, he sat on the chair and looked at the waiter.

The waiter in the shop complained endlessly, and there were still a group of customers upstairs who hadn't ordered food. Under the current situation, they would be very depressed if they couldn't get down or eat.

Glancing at Bawang, he was sure that Bawang had not given any orders, so the waiter hurried to the back kitchen.

Yue Qingran, Qianye Shangxie and the others looked at each other, looking at this so-called street fighter, really wondering where this bully really is?
looks?It's really scary, but it's far from Overlord.figure?Forget it, Yue Qing didn't want to mention the flesh all over her body.As for what Wei Yi said was scary, it was probably the rough voice and heroic movements.

Cannibalism?Yue Qingran sneered.I have eaten the freshly peeled living human flesh before, with blood on it, so I just ate it.

At that time, when the instructors were training, they let everyone eat plates of bloody beef that had just been served mixed with chili.With that characteristic disgusting taste, and the so-called side dish-chili.

Since then, Yue Qingran has never thought about trying the taste of chili.So, is this considered a bully?What a joke.

With a scar on your face, do you think you are a gangster?With that gun in your hand, do you think you are the Chinese armed police?What a joke.

This is the situation now, he will become the overlord, just because he is favored.However, it is also possible that it not only has a strong background, but also has strong capabilities.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it would have been a pile of dead human flesh by now.Yue Qingran rubbed her chin, and suddenly she missed the plate of fresh beef with chili peppers back then.

I also began to miss the days when I was forced to eat my companions.There is no fire, no seasoning, how can you have the time to make a fire for you to make seasoning?Just eat it.The freshly sliced ​​meat was eaten bloodshot.

Yue Qingran began to miss her.

After winking at Qianye Shangxiehe, Yue Qingran rushed to the back kitchen without making a sound.When the Overlord is not paying attention.

When I arrived at the back kitchen, I saw a person with a lot of meat left.It seemed that the chefs couldn't bear it either, so they cut corners.This is just right.

When no one was paying attention, Yue Qingran found Chili and these people.After a while, the meat was stewed and brought up.Yue Qingran smiled.

Seeing that everyone breathed a sigh of relief, taking advantage of this moment, Yue Qingran dragged the dead man who still had a lot of flesh left out.

Although you can eat so-called raw meat, it is better to eat less.I don't think I can rely on these for today's lunch.Then Yue Qingran would go crazy.

But just look at the overlord, he might not be able to bear it if he eats one by himself, and he will be fine after two bites.After all, we are human beings, and cooked food is everyone's favorite.

Qianye Shangxie saw Yue Qing ran out, it was nothing.But after a while, Yue Qingran dragged a bloody human bone to the Overlord, unceremoniously sliced ​​the meat, poured the chili on it, and started eating.Seeing this scene, Qianye Shangxie frowned.

Even if it is to stimulate the other party, there is no need to make things difficult for yourself, right?Is that thing really edible?Qianye Shangxie walked down unconsciously, and sat next to Yue Qingran.

Yue Qingran frowned when she saw that the other party picked up a piece of human flesh with chopsticks, and praised the chef with relish after eating it.sat beside him.

Overlord is greedy for beauty, this, needless to say, can be seen by looking.Seeing Yue Qingran, the eyes of the other party changed.So he ignored the two things in Yue Qingran's hands.

One is a chili jar and the other is a human skeleton.Yue Qingran put the bones on the bench, then stood up, stepped on the chair with one foot, stood on the ground with the other leg, looked at Bawang, and smiled.

"Did you kill this person?" Overlord glanced at him, his expression changed.The quilt is covered with blood, anyone will feel bad after seeing it, right?

The waiter saw Yue Qingran, and his eyes widened.This, isn't this from the group of people just now?how……

A bad premonition, sure enough, seeing Yue Qingran walking in front of Bawang, the waiter's expression changed, and he prayed for Bawang's mercy.Who knew that Yue Qingran actually took away a dead person?
Yue Qingran saw Bawang bent down and vomited for a while, then raised his head, his face was ugly: "You, who are you? What do you want to do?" Yue Qingran took out the dagger and shook her head: "I don't want to do anything, just I want to ask, can I eat it?"

Overlord smiled obsessively: "Do you want to eat the beauty? Of course you can. You can eat as much as you want. Eat it. Eat it." After finishing speaking, he handed over his own bowl.

Yue Qingran revealed a delicate look, looked at the other party, stretched out her slender hand, and retreated Wan in front of her.However, the so-called Jiao Didi's eyes are to block the evil smile at the corner of his mouth.The so-called slender hands are for him to see the red blood stains on them clearly.

Good job, the other party saw it.Yue Qingran smiled and said, "Eat it, I'll watch you eat it." What he said in his heart was: eat it, eat more, and then I will show you a show, so that you will be disgusted with meat for the rest of your life.

The other party obviously misunderstood. Hearing such a gentle voice telling him to eat more, his eyes fell on the other party.He didn't even look at the contents of the bowl, and stuffed them into his mouth indiscriminately.

Yue Qingran looked at it, and after confirming that the other party had a lot of human flesh in his mouth, and had swallowed a lot, he said, "I want to eat it too!"

"No one, eat, eat, don't starve." Yue Qingran smiled, took out the dagger, and quickly, before the other party could see clearly, the human skeleton on the chair had been seen in half .

Take half of them and put them on the table, so that the other party can see clearly.He quickly sliced ​​a piece of meat, sprinkled it with pepper, brought it to his mouth, and looked at the other party with a smile.

He opened his mouth and ate it with a smile on his face.

The face of the other party changed drastically, not only the other party, but also Qianye Shangxie and the shop Xiaoer who are always paying attention to this place, as well as those diners who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic and eager to see how these two people develop.

Seeing Yue Qingran eating a piece of raw meat without changing his face, there were sounds of vomiting all around.When Bawang saw it, he also pushed Yue Qingran away, hid under the table and vomited non-stop, wishing to spit out all the meat he ate.

It's one thing to imagine it, it's another to see it with your own eyes.Seeing Yue Qingran eat meat alive from the person he killed just now, no matter how powerful the Overlord is, he couldn't resist the normal physiological reaction.

Yue Qingran watched all this calmly, expressionless.After chewing, he swallowed the meat in his mouth, looked at Bawang, and didn't squat down to look for it.

I still have some range now, and I really haven't eaten for a long time.If I go down and see these filth, I'm afraid I will spit it out.Then turn a blind eye to this game.

"Bawang, what's the matter with you? Have you stopped eating? Come up quickly, I still want to eat with you." Yue Qingran knocked on the table coyly with the most disgusting and craziest voice in her life.

There are also some people who think that Yue Qingran just wants to disgust the other party, so it looks very limited, but they will never think that Yue Qingran will eat it.Now hearing Yue Qingran speak, it was confirmed that Yue Qingran had eaten, and many people also started to vomit.

Like a chain reaction, with the first comes the second.One after another, the entire hall was filled with a strange smell.In the end, Yue Qingran couldn't figure out whether it was because she saw her eating meat, or because the smell was so bad that so many people vomited.

Qianye went through a lot of filth without changing his face, walked up to Yue Qingran, and sat beside Yue Qingran with a cold expression.Yue Qingran looked at it, her eyes widened, could it be...

Could it be that Qianye Shangxie also felt disgusted and started to hate these things?
Sitting for a while, Qianye Shangxie frowned, grabbed Yue Qingran's hand, and pulled Yue Qingran up to the second floor.Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie who hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end, not knowing what it meant.

When passing by the clerk, Qianye Shangxie ordered: "Get water." The clerk was clever, looked at this cold person, and felt that he was better than the overlord Hainan.

Tremblingly, I quickly went to the back to fetch a pot of warm water and sent it upstairs.

At this time, Qianye Shangxie had brought Yue Qingran into the house.I didn't look at Yue Jiqiu and Bailitang who looked shocked or even ugly on both sides, just went into the house.

Neither Bai Ling'er nor Yue Yue saw it, so they were very puzzled by it. Looking at the atmosphere between the two, the sensible person didn't speak.

When the water came, the two Bailitang also came in.Qianye Shangxie wiped Yue Qingran's hands, and said in a cold voice, "Next time, don't do such a thing by yourself, it will make you uncomfortable."

Only then did Yue Qingran feel relieved, it turned out that she was not disgusted, but just worried about herself.He will be uncomfortable, and this man will feel that Yue Qingran's actions make him uncomfortable.

Yue Qingran smiled: "This, in fact, it's not that I haven't eaten it before, so I've gotten used to it long ago." Although it wasn't about this before, it was misunderstood by Qianye Shangxie and others.

They mistakenly thought that what Yue Qingran said was that before they met them, they were often abused like this, so they got used to it.Therefore, Yue Jiqiu said with an angry face: "Luo family, I am at odds with you. You actually let you eat raw meat. This group of beasts."

Yue Qingran froze for a moment, then came to her senses, stuck out her tongue, and didn't explain.I don't know how to explain it, they just think that's it.Anyway, he really has no feelings for the Luo family.

"Let's eat, I'm so hungry." Yue Qingran rubbed her stomach, feeling that the nausea had passed, and asked for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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