Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 177 Meeting Yexi

Chapter 177 Meeting Qianyexi

Yue Qingran nuzzled: "What do you think? Regarding Qianyexi's sudden appearance in a place full of plagues, what do you think is his purpose?"

Qianye Shangxie frowned, and the first thing that came to his mind was: "Could it be the plague or something that he created? If you think so, then it is not impossible to lure the Lord of Guihai Kingdom to come here."

Yue Qingran stroked her chin and remained silent. "It's unlikely." Bailitang said. "I think the possibility of his coming may have something to do with Yue Jiqiu."

Yue Jiqiu, who was involved for no reason, hid himself: "What does it have to do with me? Didn't you come to find me to let me go back?" Bailitang looked at Yue Jiqiu with clear eyes.

"Damn, don't talk nonsense, I've already said that I'm going to travel around the world, how did he know that I would appear here?" Bai Litang thought about it, and it was the same thing.

"Then could it be that he came to look for you, young master?" This was the only possibility left.After listening to Bailitang's words, Qianye Shangxie suddenly realized.No wonder I felt something was wrong.

It turned out to be here. "The last time we knew about Qianyexi, Qianyexi was returning to Haiguo, and we haven't found any news since then."

"So I always felt that I shouldn't come to Guihai Country, and now I finally found the reason." Seeing Qianye Shangxie's sudden realization, Yue Qing frowned.

"What's the reason, explain it clearly." Qianye smiled evilly: "Because this is Qianyexi's lair." Bailitang also suddenly realized.Qianyexi is very familiar with this place, because this is his range of activities.

Within his range of activities, it is very easy to avoid people who inquire about his traces, and it is even easy to find out the arrival of a person.

Knowing that he was looking for him, Qianye Shangxie suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.Fortunately, it wasn't to trouble Yue Qingran, if it was to trouble Yue Qingran, Qianye Shangxie promised that he would kill him without missing his old feelings.

The corners of Yue Qingran's eyes twitched, she actually came to find Qianye Shangxie, Yue Qingran expressed that she was very angry.Qianye Shangxie has a lot of peach blossoms, and the quality is not good.

I don't know when, Yue Qingran suddenly became a jealous person, he hated people around Qianye Shangxie, especially those stalking rotten peach blossoms.

After glaring at Qianye Shangxie viciously, Yue Qingran snorted haughtily, turned around and left.Seeing this, Qianye Shangxie could only touch his nose with a wry smile, speechless.

Bailitang glanced at Qianye Shangxie sympathetically, and went back to his room.Everyone went to their respective rooms, and in the end, only Qianye Shangxie was left thinking about how to make Qianye Xi give up.

For Qianyexi's actions, Qianye Shangxie ignored them, because they were all indifferent things.But now because of Qianye Xi, Yue Qingran was angry, which made Qianye Shangxie worried.

You must know that the consequences of Yue Qingran's anger are no small matter, he must resolve this matter properly, otherwise Qianye Shangxie has a premonition that his days ahead will be very exciting.

On the second day, several people still went out to work, leaving Yue Qingran here alone.Qianye Shangxie looked back three times worriedly, Yue Qingran rolled his eyes when he saw it.

In the end, Qianye Shangxie reluctantly left the inn.Yue Qingran looked out of the window boredly, and as expected saw Qianyexi again.

The second time Qianyexi felt someone watching her in the same place, she had to be suspicious.If it was just once, it could be said that I was too sensitive, but for the second time, I can't be too sensitive, right?
Sensitive in this place, not sensitive in other places, obviously because someone here is watching him.

Qianyexi stood her ground and looked at the inn.Because no one lives there, the name of the inn has fallen into dust, and it is not clear what it is.

However, Qianyexi still intuitively felt that there must be someone living here.Walking in and looking around, the plaque at the door has fallen back, so how can it be spotless and so clean inside.

The only explanation is that there are people living here.It is not known who lived there.Knowing that Qianyexi had seen her, Yue Qingran quickly rolled over and hid above the eaves.

Qianye Shangxie was worried that Yue Qingran would be alone, so he went back early. As soon as he entered, he felt the presence of a stranger, so he quickly found a pillar to hide.

Hiding her aura, looking around, where did Yue Qingran go?A stranger came in here, and he didn't hide his aura, so it must be because Yue Qingran was not here when he came in.

So, where did Yue Qingran go?
Qianye Shangxie looked around but couldn't find Yue Qingran, so he had to give up this thought.He obediently hid his body.Looking around, he saw a good hiding place. Qianye Shangxie soared into the sky, and before anyone could react, he ran to the beam of the house.

Qianyexi looked around cautiously, and checked upstairs and downstairs, but he didn't see the so-called figure.Qianyexi couldn't help but start to reflect. Is it because I've been too nervous recently, that's why I'm so sensitive?

Maybe it's not a human being looking at me, maybe it's just an animal or something?Qianyexi smiled at her own thoughts, shook her head, jumped out of the window and left.

Seeing that it was actually Qianye Xi who appeared in front of him, Qianye Shangxie frowned again.Before he had any reaction, Bailitang appeared.

Bailitang came in and found that there was no popularity there, so he couldn't help but wondered: "Yue Qingran, Qianye is evil? Where did the two of you go?"

Hearing Bailitang's cry, Yue Qingran jumped down from the roof: "I'm here." After finishing speaking, Qianye Shangxie also jumped off the beam: "I'm here."

Two people, one upstairs and one downstairs.Qianye Shangxie heard Yue Qingran's voice, raised his head, and saw Yue Qingran standing there indifferently, with a cold face.

"What's going on with you two, what are you doing outside?" Qianye Shangxie glanced at Yue Qingran, but Yue Qingran didn't say anything.

"I felt a stranger's breath when I came in, so I hid myself." Yue Qingran snorted: "I saw Qianyexi, so I took a few more glances, so he came up to search After a while."

Qianye Shangxie nodded, expressing his understanding. "Qianyexi? He appeared here?" Yue Qingran nodded: "That's natural. I saw him yesterday, and I saw him today. I don't know what he is doing here and there."

"Maybe it's to find you?" After finishing speaking, he looked at Qianye Shangxie meaningfully.Qianye Shangxie gave Bailitang a fierce look.

Bai Litang shrank his neck, a little puzzled.Seeing Yue Qingran's murderous gaze under Qianye Shangxie's signal, Bailitang realized what he had done wrong belatedly.

"Ah, haha." With a dry laugh: "You two chat, I'm going to pick herbs, haha, you go ahead." After finishing speaking, he rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and slipped away.

Qianye Shangxie scratched his head, looked at Yue Qingran, hesitated for a moment, and walked over.Yue Qingran kept a cold face, watching Qianye Shangxie approaching.

"Qingran, you know, I never thought about these things, these are just rumors and have nothing to do with me." Qianye Shangxie clarified, Yue Qingran responded with a cold snort.

Qianyexi walked out, and suddenly saw a familiar figure from behind at the corner, and Qianyexi paused.That is... Bailitang?Qianyexi looked at the place where the figure disappeared and frowned.

I just came out from there, could it be that the inn is where they live?Qianyexi couldn't help but want to go back and take a look.I stood there and thought about it, and decided to go back and have a look.

What if it really was where they were?Didn't I just miss it?After walking aimlessly for so long, I finally saw their figures.

Qianyexi walked back excitedly, just in time to see the figure of Bailitang coming out, this time he was really right, it was really Bailitang, so, Qianye Shangxie and the others are really here.

Walking in full of excitement, he saw Qianye Shangxie hugging Yue Qingran, who had an awkward expression on his face.Qianyexi paused, and stood at the door without moving.

Yue Qingran saw Qianyexi appearing, and pinched Qianye Shangxie's waist fiercely.Qianye Shangxie came out of Yue Qingran's arms with grinning teeth, and saw Yue Qingran staring at the door without moving.

Following his line of sight, he saw Qianye Xi with an expression that he couldn't put into words.Qianye Shangxie was the first to react, and greeted Qianyexi with his arms around Yue Qingran.

"Let's see who this is. After betraying me, I'm still living so happily." The sarcastic tone made Qianyexi feel distressed and embarrassed for a moment.

But after seeing Qianye Shangxie hugging Yue Qingran's hand, all the distress and embarrassment turned into hatred.The hostile eyes stared at Yue Qingran closely. If the eyes could kill, Yue Qingran might be the one who was killed.

"What are you doing here?" Yue Qingran didn't care about the sarcasm between the two of them, and frowned at Qianyexi unkindly.Qian Yexi raised the corner of her mouth: "Zen, am I still not allowed to come in here?"

"Are you here to seek Qianye's evil?" Yue Qingran's words directly stiffened Qianyexi's smile. "If you're looking for him, then just tell me what's going on. I'll be on the side and won't interfere with you."

After finishing speaking, he withdrew from Qianye Shangxie's embrace, stood aside, staring at Qianyexi, and guarded against his outrageous behavior at any time.

Qianye Shangxie, who was still a little annoyed at first, laughed exaggeratedly after seeing Yue Qingran's childish actions.Yue Qingran glared at Qianye Shangxie, pursed her lips and did not look at him.

Qianyexi was stunned, he had never seen Qianye Shangxie with such a bright and hearty smile.Now such emotions have appeared in another person.

(End of this chapter)

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