Chapter 184
Young master, you are only going out for two days to deal with things, not to die, nor to never come back.Is there any need to be so dejected?It's like we abused you.

We are all good people, okay?You are treating us like villains.We are all good people. Hey, good people.Young master, is it really okay for you to do this?

Helpless, Bailitang was in a mess, watching his decadent young master leave.It seems that what I have done is a bit too much?Did he really become a villain?

However, Bailitang did not see it.After leaving Bailitang's field of vision, Qianye Shangxie's waist was straight, and he was so handsome that he was arrogant.

Qianye Shangxie felt that his goal had been achieved, and his housekeeper would definitely soften his heart, so next time, wouldn't he let himself do these damn things at such a critical moment?

Thinking of Bailitang's guilty look, Qianye Shangxie was in an inexplicably good mood.The corners of his mouth curled up.However, thinking that I will be separated from Yue Qingran for such a long time, I don't know when we will meet again.

If Bailitang knew about Qianye Shangxie's thoughts, he would definitely complain.Young master, you only went there for two days, even if you lost half a month, you can still see Yue Qingran after you come back.

Don't let me think that I am a vicious man who ruined your relationship and forced Yue Qingran to marry someone else.Bai Litang's words were not wrong, Yue Qingran almost married someone else.

But these, everyone has already thought of it.It can be brought here, nothing more than Tang Aotian, who is peeping at Yue Qingran, is here.

Qianyexi wanted to do meritorious service and destroy the relationship between the two by the way. This approach couldn't be better.Hand over Yue Qingran to Tang Aotian, why not do it?
Yue Qingran has no ability to resist, so Qianyexi can still get the status and money she wants.By the way, there is also a chance to reconcile with Qianye Shangxie, and even get Qianye Shangxie.

Such a good thing, how can we not let Qianye Xi carefully plan?
He had thought of such an ending a long time ago, so Qianye Shangxie didn't have too many other feelings.It's just that I'm a little worried that Yue Qingran will do something in a fit of anger.

Yue Qingran obviously had already made plans before this, even from the fact that Yue Qingran has been so calm, it can be seen that everything is probably in the calculation.

However, although at this time Yue Qingran has already broken through as a senior spiritual master, and also thought that she would be sent to Tang Aotian's side, but she just didn't expect that what happened next would surprise her.

This can be said to be a huge surprise, and it can also be said to be a huge fright.But now I don't know.Right now, Yue Qingran, Bai Linger, and Qianyexi are in an inn, eating and drinking.

Finally, he knew the scope of the Yaori Empire. Bai Ling'er was sick a few days ago and had vomiting and diarrhea, probably from food poisoning.Now it’s finally over, and several people are also a little excited because they have arrived at the place, so Qianye Xi took everyone to have a good meal.

So, now, these few people are still at the border of the Sun Empire, but the few people now have arrived in a small town.

After eating, Yue Qingran sighed.From the looks of it, it might be impossible for everyone to arrive tomorrow.Thank goodness for arriving tomorrow night.

Early the next morning, Bailitang followed Mr. Tang Mu for a stroll around here, getting acquainted with the surrounding locations and so on.Easy to escape and save people.

Because he knew that Bai Ling'er was by Yue Qingran's side, Bai Litang didn't feel worried.Playing a Pianpian son now will be incisively and vividly.

When Tang Mu met Bailitang, he asked curiously, "I don't know where Brother Qian is?" , come back in a few days."

Tang Mu nodded his head knowingly, and secretly wrote it down.Behind Bailitang, there is a mysterious 'father'.But if Tang Mu knew that Bailitang didn't have a father, and didn't even know who the family members were, would he be so angry that he vomited blood?

Now, everything is unknown.Bailitang walked around with Mr. Tang Mutang all day, and then returned to the inn exhausted.

By the way, Tang Mu was surprised when he saw this dazed big cat for the first time. "I don't know the other son who is with you..."

"Another young master? He left with Brother Qian. Come back in a few days." After speaking, he pinched the back of the cat's neck vigorously without changing his expression.

The cat let out an aggrieved cry, turned around helplessly, and buried its head in Bailitang's arms.Bailitang has been able to accept the teasing of a male cat without changing his face.

Bailitang was already used to the tomcat's occasional acting like a baby. "Yo, your cat is very interesting." Bai Litang snorted calmly.

Then, there is no more.The two of them walked all the way, the cat showed its face at first, and then began to sleep soundly.

Then, not long after, it was dark, and a few people went back.

Bailitang literally sat paralyzed on the edge of the bed.Throwing the moon in his arms: "Okay, do what you like, I'm exhausted."

Yue Yue glanced at Baili Tang with grievances, and whimpered and changed back to her original shape, lying cross-legged under the chair, licked her paws, and then closed her eyes.

Everything is peaceful in Bailitang, but Yueqing has not been found all day.I can't help but wonder, is it possible to arrive tomorrow?By the way, is the young master coming back tomorrow?

As it turned out, Yue Qingran and the others did not arrive until tomorrow.Because of them now, gloriously lost their way.In a forest.

Fortunately, the forest was not too big, so they walked out safely before dark and walked back to the right path.But also because of this, time wasted. I understand that they only completed more than half of the journey today, and there is still a lot left to finish tomorrow.

As for Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie arrived here that night and was ready to deal with matters here.Indeed, as Bailitang said, many people here are already ready to move.

However, seeing Qianye's evil appearance, he couldn't help but put away his ambitions.Qianye Shangxie flipped through the ledger here, and took a look at the recent affairs.

In this way, it has been done until midnight.In this way, Qianye Shangxie took a nap, and then gave the Qianye family's immortals and people who were about to make a move. This way, it also delayed an afternoon.

Therefore, Yue Qingran did not arrive as scheduled, and Qianye Shangxie also did not arrive as scheduled.

Bailitang saw the hidden carriage that Yue Qingran was in, and threw a stone into the carriage.Yue Qingran saw it and threw it out.

Bai Litang smiled and understood what it meant.Yue Qingran told everyone to stay still and wait for time.Qianye Shangxie arrived at the place where Bailitang was located the next afternoon.

"How is it, is Yue Qingran here? Where is it now?" Bai Litang rolled his eyes.He ran back anxiously, his eyes were bloodshot, unexpectedly the first thing he did was Yue Qingran.

"It's already arrived, it arrived yesterday afternoon. The moon is following the exact place." After finishing speaking, he broke Qianye Shangxie's hand.

"Tch, I came back so quickly just to find Yue Qingran. Also, you really don't know how many documents are piled up there to see? I was tired all night."

Bai Litang rolled his eyes: "Young master, you deserve it right?" Qianye Shangxie rolled his eyes, sat down, and drank a few sips of water.

"Tell me, how is it?"

Bai Litang also sat down: "I've prepared the night clothes, we'll find out when we go and have a look at night." After speaking, Bai Litang lay down.

"That's good, is the moon following?" Bai Litang nodded his head: "Young master, go and rest for a while, and then we can go."

After speaking, Baili Tan exited his room automatically and consciously.Qianye Shangxie was also unambiguous, and lay down on the shoes directly, and fell asleep.

As soon as Yue Qingran arrived at her supposed residence, she heard the sound of a cat meowing.Qianyexi didn't care about this, after all, this house is a deserted house, some cats and dogs are normal.

Bai Ling'er's eyes lit up when he saw the cat.Hugged it over: "What a cute cat." Qianyexi snorted, if Bai Linger likes it, then keep it, anyway, it can't be kept for long.

"Come and play if you like it." Yue Qingran saw it and said coldly.Bai Linger's eyes brightened even more.Holding the cat, she reported it to Yue Qingran: "Miss, look, it's really cute. Don't you think so?"

Yue Qingran glanced at it indifferently, and shook her head: "I didn't see it. But I think cat meat is delicious, do you want to try it?" The cat shrank back and looked at Yue Qingran in horror.

Yue Qingran smiled ferociously.Bai Ling'er also looked at Yue Qingran who was showing a ferocious smile in horror, took two steps back, and shook her head: "No, Miss, such a cute cat, don't eat it, okay?"

Yue Qingran snorted expressionlessly: "You can do whatever you want, but if you bother me, be careful that I really eat meat." Bai Ling'er quickly weighed the cat's weight: "Did you hear me, don't You provoked the lady."

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Yue Qingran: "Otherwise, he will be eaten." The cat meowed in response.Fortunately, Bai Ling'er and Yue Yue have already been ordered to act.

But Yue Qingran was too realistic, even the moon who had been vaccinated was quite frightened.His eyes were full of horror, even Bai Ling'er believed it, and really thought that Yue Qingran would eat the moon for this so-called truth.

Yue Qingran sighed, turned and went back to the house.Did I act too much?Why are the two children looking at me so unfriendly?
(End of this chapter)

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