Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 186 Bai Linger's Whereabouts Are Unknown

Chapter 186 Bai Linger's Whereabouts Are Unknown

The current state of Bailitang is enough to explain everything.At least, his worries about Bai Ling'er were not fake.No matter what the status of the worry is, at least Bai Ling'er still has hope.

"It's not bad that Bai Linger and Yue Qingran walked together. But Tang Aotian only brought Yue Qingran closer to the palace. There is also Qianyexi, but only Bai Linger's whereabouts are unknown."

After finishing speaking, Yue Jiqiu looked at Bai Ling'er.Always feeling hungry, the relationship between Bai Linger and Bailitang is unusual.As expected, Bailitang stopped everything he was doing: "What did you say? I'll send someone to look for it."

With Kabailitang flustered, Qianye Shangxie suddenly felt much better.At least, when Yue Qingran disappeared from under his nose, he was so nervous.

Now, seeing someone who is more nervous than himself, Qianye Shangxie's mood has changed for the better. "Bailitang, don't panic. Take your time, Bai Ling'er is powerless, and she will definitely not be abused."

"At most, it was taken to a secret place, maybe it will be used to threaten Yue Qingran. Tang Aotian is not Qianyexi, Qianyexi doesn't use his brain when doing things, Tang Aotian is not like that."

Yue Jiqiu helped Qianye Shangxie speak.It's really because I don't want this person who can use his brain to mess up because of a little girl.

"That's right, Tang Aotian is much smarter than Qianyexi. Such a Tang Aotian will naturally know the importance of Bai Ling'er to Yue Qingran. Therefore, the other party will definitely not treat this girl badly. It's just a threat to something that exists."

Yue Jiqiu nodded and continued: "If Yue Qingran wants to escape, then she must take Bai Ling'er with her. If Bai Ling'er cannot be found, Yue Qingran will not be at ease if she takes it out."

After speaking, he looked at Bailitang.Bailitang also knew that after going through this, he understood that these unnecessary concerns were unnecessary.Bai Ling'er is too weak, if he becomes strong, he won't want to deal with him.

Thinking of it this way, knowing that Bai Ling'er would not be in danger, he felt more at ease.It's just that he didn't know exactly how the thought in his mind came from.

"Then I know, let's continue to find a way to let Yue Qingran come out first. If Yue Qingran shows up, everyone will have more strength, and we should be able to find Bai Linger."

After finishing speaking, he took a deep breath: "Speaking of which, as you said, Bai-collar day is too weak, and the strong don't bother to bully her. Therefore, we can rest assured of his safety."

Rose Chiuya was playing with a small teacup with the appearance of Qianye being enchanted. "I'm curious, why did Qianyexi sacrifice her life to Tang Aotian."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qianye Shangxie and smiled evilly. "Do you want to cooperate? An enemy's enemy is a friend. Although I have never understood why this sentence is so."

Qianye Shangxie raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?" Yue Jiqiu shrugged: "You want to hear the truth?" Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Jiqiu as it should, and listened attentively.

"Well, from the very beginning, I never thought about getting the two of you together. I don't think you are suitable. But now, looking at you, it seems that you are having a good life. In that case, why should I stop it?"

"Speaking of which, after stopping it, I will be the one who gets hurt. Especially after encountering this incident, I think the two of you will handle it well and calmly. As I expected, each of you is calmer than the other. "

Smiled, and spread his hands: "If that's the case, why should I deny my own Patriarch's decision?" Qianye Shangxie suddenly realized.No wonder, why Yue Jiqiu is hostile to herself.

It turned out that it was not a rival in love, but simply because Yue Qingran would be the head of the Yue family.As the head of the family, find someone who is in the right family, and find someone who will never betray.

Qianye was evil, and he was good enough.But his identity is too terrifying.There is no guarantee that Qianye Shangxie will betray Yue Qingran in the near future, or how his family will treat this relationship.

"Don't worry, my Qianye family is my own now, and I don't agree with it. I will let him die without a burial. Yueqing is mine, and it will be my whole life."

Yue Jiqiu nodded, expressing understanding.

"So, do you need to cooperate?" Qianye Shangxie glanced at Yue Jiqiu with a look of reason. "Your Patriarch is in trouble. As the man of your Patriarch, it's only natural that you should help me."

The corner of Rose's mouth twitched, why, why?How can you say these words so confidently.How embarrassing is this?

Qianye smiled evilly, and waited for Yue Jiqiu's answer with all his leisure. "Okay, that's easy. When I was an imperial physician in the Sun Empire, I knew about Qianye Xi."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qianye Shangxie. "Speaking of which, the members of your Qianye family are all hard-backed people. There is no reason for Qianye Xi to sacrifice his life for Tang Aotian for no reason."

"So, I asked once. As a result, Qianyexi said that he was not very willing about this matter, but he was forced to do so." After speaking, Yue Jiqiu put the tea cup in his hand away, got a glass of water, and took a sip.

"Since it's a last resort, and since everyone in your Qianye family is such a backbone, do you think that if you bring out the things that Qianyexi is holding back, will Qianyexi help?"

"I remember that one of the family mottos of your Qianye family is that you must repay your kindness, right?" Qianye Shangxie nodded silently.

"So, let me ask you, do you know what Qianyexi's most important thing is?" Qianye Shangxie thought for a moment, and frowned: "Qianyexi has no relatives. I brought them here back then."

Yue Jiqiu raised his eyebrows: "Don't tell me that they are threatening you. I don't believe that Qianyexi will be restrained because of this." Bai Litang didn't know what to think, and clapped his hands together.

"By the way, Qianye Xi had no father or mother at the time, because she was separated from her parents. Later, it seemed that Qianye Xihe found her parents, and their life has always been very good. She also treated Qianye Xi very well. "

"Qianyexi didn't feel alienated from her parents because of being alone all these years. If you use your parents as a threat, do you think it's possible?"

Qianye Shangxie turned his head. "It's possible that Qianyexi finally found her parents through this blood connection. Naturally, she can't go to her parents at another time because of this reason. God knows how much Qianyexi longs for her parents."

Yue Jiqiu clapped his hands: "That's it. Let's find her parents first. Just contact Qianyexi by the way. I don't believe Qianyexi will never come out."

Qianye Shangxie raised his eyebrows: "What if you don't come out?" Yue Jiqiu looked at Qianye Shangxie with ambiguous eyes. "What do you mean?" Qianye Shangxie had a bad premonition.

"I have very high contacts in the Sun Empire, which may be more useful than you. Therefore, I will be responsible for finding and rescuing Qianyexi's parents. At that time, I will exchange Qianyexi's parents in exchange for Yue Qingran .”

"What you have to do is to find Qianyexi and find a way to get him to agree to cooperate with us." After finishing speaking, he clapped his hands, smiled, and raised his eyebrows triumphantly, as if to say, "how about it?" ?Not a bad plan, huh? ' look.

Bailitang smiled and waited for Qianye Shangxie to reply.Qianye Shangxie rubbed his forehead, always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't change it.

"Okay, although I don't know why there is a feeling of being calculated, but I agree with what you said. You are responsible, please take pictures of Qianyexi's family."

After finishing speaking, she looked serious: "You don't care if it's for Yue Qingran or what, family members are innocent and should not be victims of war." Yue Jiqiu also agreed with these words and nodded with a serious face.

"Okay, that's it. Do you have a way to get Qianyexi out of the palace?" Qianye Shangxie nodded naturally. "That's natural. Don't you know that Yue Qingran stays with the moon?"

"Okay, let's go, go to bed. I'm sleepy." After finishing speaking, Qianye smiled wickedly.He waved his hand and walked back to his room with an indifferent face.

"Where do you sleep?" Bailitang glanced at Yue Jiqiu.Yue Jiqiu shrugged: "I have a special mansion."

"Damn it! Tell me earlier, we'll live there." After finishing speaking, they found Qianye Shangxie, the two of them packed their luggage, and then left with Yue Jiqiu.

During the whole process, Yue Jiqiu didn't even have a chance to speak, and was taken away by these two people.Yue Jiqiu couldn't help but shook his head: "Are you bandits?"

"You didn't tell me sooner that you have a place to live. Why would we stay in the imperial city? Do you know how expensive it is?" Yue Jiqiu rolled his eyes, looking at Qianye Shangxie with sad eyes.

Qianye Shangxie looked around, deliberately ignoring Yue Jiqiu's eyes calling for help.

"Ah, isn't this Brother Qian and Young Master Baili?" He heard a familiar voice, but felt very strange.Qianye Shangxie frowned and looked at the person who came.

"How did you get involved with him?" Bai Litang was surprised: "What's wrong with him?" Yue Jiqiu frowned, disapproving: "You don't know, this man is cruel. He usually looks good, In fact, he is a ruthless master, especially, don't let him value you."

Bai Litang smiled happily: "I can tell you the truth, I have already drugged him. He won't have a chance to touch any of us."

Yue Jiqiu gave a child a teachable look: "That's right, in fact, I've already prescribed the medicine once, and it offended me last time, so it's okay, I don't care anymore. Don't worry, there is no antidote."

After speaking, I smiled.The smile is very tactful.Qianye Shangxie shook his head involuntarily: "Why are you guys more insidious than the other? It's really scary. I won't provoke you again."

Yue Jiqiu glanced at Qianye Shangxie, with a deep meaning in his eyes.Tang Mu also came over while several people were talking. "This is... Isn't this the Royal Physician?"

(End of this chapter)

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