Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 195 Talking about Hearts in Adversity

Chapter 195 Talking about Hearts in Adversity
Bailitang was poisoned, and Bailitang knew it himself.Bailitang's long sword did not pass through Luo Qingqing's body, nor did it even injure Luo Qingqing at all, and Bailitang knew it.

Bailitang's long sword passed through the body of a scapegoat next to him, and Bailitang knew it all the more.Bailitang just shook his head.Knowing that he was doomed, he still wanted to say: "The most poisonous woman's heart."

Luo Qingqing raised her eyebrows triumphantly and smiled: "So what?" Bai Litang supported his body, feeling exhausted, looked at Luo Qingqing: "Obviously they are your subordinates, you just let them block you to death. "

"That's my subordinate. It's their pride to die for me. It's none of your business."

"It's okay, it's your business, it has nothing to do with me." After speaking, Bai Litang took a deep breath and mobilized his spiritual power secretly.Although the operation of spiritual power seemed to be very bad, Bai Litang didn't care.

As long as you can escape.

"Hehehe, Bailitang, just wait to die. Do you know that the more you use your own spiritual power, the faster you die?" Hearing Luo Qingqing's words, Bailitang didn't respond, but behind him Bai Ling'er, who was carrying it on her back, was shocked.

"Are you injured? Are you poisoned?" Bai Ling'er broke free from Bailitang and opened her eyes.At this moment, Bai Ling'er couldn't believe what he saw.

Is this, the man covered in blood, really the Bailitang I know?Except for that still gentle look in his eyes, that look that reassured him from the beginning still belonged to this man, Bai Linger didn't know everything else.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm fine, these are not mine, but someone else's." After finishing speaking, Bai Litang wanted to appease the girl who was trembling with fright, but when he raised his hand, he found that the blood on his hand was even worse. many.

After a pause, he lowered his hand.As soon as he lowered his hand, his hand was held by someone.Looking up, seeing Bai Ling'er's slightly timid but firm gaze moved Bai Litang's heart.

"Don't worry, it will be fine. Don't worry." After speaking, Bailitang felt that the long sword in his hand could no longer support his body, and Bailitang staggered.

"It's okay!" Bai Ling'er hurried forward and supported Bailitang.

Bailitang shook his head, looked at Luo Qingqing firmly, and smiled: "What do you want to do? What do you want to do? If it's to find Qianye to get evil, then you will never be able to do it in your life."

Luo Qingqing ground her teeth secretly, staring at Bailitang. "So what? As long as you both die, I'm happy too. Especially, when one of you can die, but the other can't even die..."

Bai Litang's expression was shocked: "What do you want?" Luo Qingqing took a step forward and led Bai Ling'er away from Bai Litang's side under Bai Litang's gaze.

Bai Litang watched the other party take Bai Ling'er away, but he didn't even have the ability to do it.He could only helplessly watch Bai Ling'er and himself stand on the opposite side.

"Now, I'll give you a choice, cute little girl." Bai Litang glared, "What do you want to do?" Luo Qingqing put her finger on her mouth and made a 'shh' look.

"Don't make any noise. Little girl, I'll give you a choice. If he keeps on like this, he will soon die a terrible and painful death."

"You don't want him to die so painfully, do you? How about giving him a quick and easy death? How about killing him yourself?" Bai Ling'er widened her eyes in horror and her pupils shrank.

"Don't, don't!" Bai Ling'er struggled desperately. "I can't. If you don't kill him, then I can only let you watch him die in such pain."

Bai Linger's eyes widened in horror, and she covered her mouth: "Don't, don't, don't, kill me, don't treat him like this." Bai Litang's heart was pierced.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, don't be afraid, it will be fine, you promise him, I guarantee that I will not die." Bai Ling'er refused to listen, and kept shaking her head.

"Bai Ling'er, Ling'er, be obedient and do as she says." Bai Ling'er covered her ears and screamed: "If you don't listen, I won't listen. You are not tender like this, you can't be like this. Alive, how do you let me live?"

Bailitang was silent, he didn't know how to answer this question.Bai Ling'er doesn't have such a firm nerve, she can't survive after killing the person she loves.

Bai Litang forgot that Bai Ling'er is a pure child, if he is allowed to live like this, no matter what, he will not pass the test in his heart.

If so, it would be better to let yourself die.

However, Bailitang gave a rare wry smile, now he can't even move himself, he can't even commit suicide, what should he do?Is it really necessary to force Bai Ling'er?
Suddenly, when Bai Ling'er was being forced to make a decision, and Luo Qingqing watched coldly, and did not forget to add insult to injury, a masked man appeared.

A masked person doesn't have high martial arts skills, but it's enough to deal with Luo Qingqing.It's not against him, it's just a delay at this time.

"The antidote, temporarily suppress the toxicity in your body. Specifically, you go to the boss for the antidote." Said in a low voice, in a tone that Luo Qingqing couldn't hear.

Bai Litang suddenly understood who the other party was.Nodding with difficulty, he took the antidote.Seeing that the person he got was about to run away, Luo Qingqing frowned.

Luo Qingqing moved her body, trying to stop her, but the masked man moved and stood in front of Luo Qingqing: "Boss said, we must keep the two of them, we cannot let them die."

After speaking, he fought with Luo Qingqing.It was not so much a fight as a cat and a mouse.To tease the mouse.Luo Qingqing's little skill is useless here.

Yueshi does not produce waste people.Therefore, even the least capable person has his charming side.At least, those who have the ability to stand out in front of the same few people will be recognized by the Yuezhi.

Luo Qingqing gritted her teeth, Yan watched Bailitang's face recover a little, then mobilized her spiritual power, and led Bai Ling'er to escape here.

"Who sent you, why did you interfere with my good affairs?" The masked man said coldly, "I have already said that the boss does not allow them to die."

"I didn't want them to die." The masked man frowned: "That's not okay, the boss said, I can shoot when I see the right time. So I think the way just now is enough."

These were naturally what Yue Jiqiu said, but what Yue Jiqiu meant was to let him keep an eye on these two people, and help them whenever necessary, just don't kill or disable them.

In the situation just now, Bai Ling'er might go crazy at any time.So, he couldn't help but shot.

He took Bai Ling'er out of there, found a flat ground, put Bai Ling'er down, and comforted him in a low voice.Seeing that Bai Linger had calmed down, Bailitang heaved a sigh of relief.

The colleague who breathed a sigh of relief meant that Bailitang began to lose strength and the wound worsened.Bai Ling'er was taken aback, Yan watched Bailitang limp on the grass.

Before I stepped forward to help, the moon rushed over.Fu Bailitang adjusted the opponent's posture, with a guilty expression on his face: "I'm sorry, I have been watching, I am worried that I will cause trouble for you by rushing over, I am sorry..."

"It's okay, I don't blame you. If you show up, I'm afraid I will blame you." Bai Litang said weakly, and closed his eyes. "How are you, Bailitang?"

Bai Ling'er rushed over excitedly, shaking Bailitang.Bailitang opened his eyes and narrowed them. "I'm fine, let me rest for a while, I'll be fine, don't worry."

After speaking, he closed his eyes.After hearing this, Bai Ling'er felt relieved, and pressed herself next to Bailitang, and also closed her eyes.I haven't felt so at ease in a long time.

When Bailitang opened his eyes again, he felt something moist around his mouth. He opened his mouth slightly, and someone followed it into his throat.

He opened his eyes, squinted his eyes, and saw the dazzling gaze through the gaps in the leaves.He raised his finger to block the glare of the sun, turned around, and saw Bai Ling'er carefully pursing his mouth.

Seeing the lotus leaf in the child's hand, Bai Litang smiled: "Little girl, why don't you take a good rest?" Bai Ling'er pursed her lips and shook her head: "It's already the next morning.

Bai Litang nodded: "That's it, I understand." After speaking, he moved his body. "Let's go back, the toxins in my body need to be detoxified by Rose. By the way, go back and see what's going on with them."

Bai Ling'er was worried: "But, with your current appearance..." Bai Litang shook his head and laughed: "Can you still not trust me? I won't let you worry."

Bai Ling'er nodded in agreement helplessly.That afternoon, Bailitang and Bai Linger left the Luo family's sphere of influence while it was still dark.

Then, a small village was felt.There were not many people in the village, Bai Ling'er and Yue Yue used their pitiful baby faces to trick a villager into trusting them, and then they stayed.

Fortunately, the villagers were very friendly. Knowing that Bai Ling'er's 'brother' was injured, they all brought over the medicinal materials from their homes.Bailitang took a few herbs that were useful to him, and returned the rest.

After applying the medicine to himself, he adjusted the spiritual power in his body.Indeed, as Luo Qingqing said, as long as the spiritual power is used, the spread of the toxin will be accelerated.

Although suppressed by drugs, it cannot effectively expel the toxins from the body. It can only suppress the toxins in the body and prevent them from spreading.

This was enough. Bailitang practiced for one night, and his condition recovered a little. The next day, everyone continued on their way.At this time, Yue Qingran and the others had already started preparing to announce their identities.

(End of this chapter)

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