Chapter 203

In the past few days in Guihai Kingdom, everyone has not gone anywhere, so naturally they don't know what happened to the Lord of Guihai Kingdom.When Yue Qingran heard the news, she couldn't tell what it was like.

The lord of Guihai Kingdom has disappeared, and none of the guards accompanying him have returned. Now, Guihai Kingdom has no owner! "Is this country's main character going to play?"

Now, the king of Guihai is taking over the country of Guihai, temporarily replacing the address of the country.Fortunately, this prince has always been against the position of the country's lord, otherwise, he might be said to be usurping the throne and seizing power.

"How about it? If you have nothing to do, how about looking for this missing lord?" Bai Litang lay on the table and asked everyone boringly.

"Not interested..." Yue Zhanran said lightly.Lord, you are very kind to yourself, but if you don’t have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.This principle is not unknown, so Yue Qingran doesn't want to care about this matter.

"Then, what should we do? Anyway, we have nothing to do. We may be able to win over my lord when we get to his territory. Don't you want to unify the Three Kingdoms?"

Yue Qingran touched her chin: "Unify the three countries? If the three countries fight cancer together, it would be boring. However, I don't mind becoming a state of confrontation between the two countries."

"What's the situation?" Bailitang became interested and sat up straight.

"I'm thinking, is the Three Kingdoms one barrel, or the two countries against each other?" Bai Litang touched his chin: "It's really not moving, are you thinking too much?"

Yue Qingran burst out laughing. "Forget it, we'll talk about this later."

"That's right, let's talk about what we are going to do now. Return to the Lord of the Hai Kingdom, save or not?" Yue Qingran spread his hands: "I don't even know where the person is, so why?"

"That's... not to be rescued?" Yue Qingran nodded: "That's natural, it won't do any good if it goes on for a long time, so why do you need to be rescued?" Sighing, Bai Litang climbed down again.

"Let's find a place to play around here." Qianye Shangxie rubbed Yue Qingran's forehead, Yue Qingran raised his eyes, and smiled at Qianye Shangxie

"Okay, is there any good place to play around here?" Yue Qingran shook his head, and Qianye gave Yue Qingran an evil look: "In this case, why don't you go find the king? Wouldn't it be nice to let them owe us a favor? "

Turning his eyes, he was thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

"Good idea, then let's go find this group of people, as long as there are no accidents, we will definitely find traces." Qianye Shangxie Xinsang looked at Yue Qingran: "However, the premise of this is... Let me practice until I become a great spiritual master."

After finishing speaking, without looking at this group of messy tasks, he left gracefully without looking back.

"Well, the time to plan the action is after Qianye Shangxie comes out of retreat. Now, let's find a place to talk about some news, at least you need to know the path they took."

After finishing speaking, he smiled back at the messy crowd, and followed Qianye Shangxie away.

Bai Litang became cold: "Damn it! Does this mean that I will do this job?" Bai Ling'er looked at Bai Litang sympathetically and nodded.Bailitang cursed angrily, and prepared to go out helplessly.

The hem of the clothes was pulled, Bailitang paused, and lowered his head: "Yu Xiran, what's the matter?" you!
Yu Xiran had no expression on his face: "I'll go with you." Bai Ling'er said with a bitter face, "Why don't you play with me?" Yu Xiran turned around and glanced at the other party: "You are too wordy!"

After finishing speaking, he followed Bailitang out.Bai Ling'er looked at their backs aggrievedly from behind.After Bailitang walked out the door, he said: "Don't say that about him, everyone has good intentions."

Yu Xiran was silent for a moment, then nodded: "I know." Bai Litang was annoyed: "I know? Knowing that and still saying that, do you know that this will hurt everyone's hearts?"

"I know." After finishing speaking, he walked to the side silently and stopped a person who was like a guard. "Do you know what happened to the Lord? Will the Lord come back?"

Bailitang patted himself on the forehead, feeling as if he wanted to slap himself to death. "Sorry, this is my child, not sensible, sorry sorry."

Bailitang pinched, think about yourself, when did you apologize to others like this, and now you have to do it because of this brat... After finishing speaking, bow your head, I'll go, where is the brat?
Looking again, Yu Xiran has already gone far.The one standing there... seems to be the daughter of King Guihai, right?Looking at it like this, the two of them chatted happily?
Bai Litang thought for a while, if he went forward, he would definitely not be able to avoid this woman's entanglement, why not just hide aside like this, anyway, the kid will come back soon.

Just as he was about to dodge, he saw the brat turn around and point at himself.Bailitang looked around and knew that the kid was referring to himself.

Looking at Liu Yu'er again, her confidant saw her with a look of excitement.Bailitang sighed, today this is impossible to escape. "Miss Liu Yu'er!"

Bailitang couldn't hide, so he had to take the initiative to pass.

Liu Yu'er looked at Bailitang complicatedly, and then at the kid beside her. "He's your father?" Bai Litang's jaw dropped in shock. Damn, what did this kid say?
Just about to deny it, Yu Xiran nodded: "Yes, my father." Liu Yu'er covered her mouth and said, "Why didn't I know before." Yu Xiran said proudly, "I didn't know before."

"What do you mean?" Liu Yu'er looked curious.Yu Xiran went on to say: "My mother told me before she died, and asked me to come to him. Otherwise, I would never know that I still have relatives."

Bai Litang sighed, knowing that this wolf cub was really looking for a way out for him, he took a step forward, and rubbed Yu Xiran's head vigorously with his hands, Yu Xiran grinned, but couldn't resist.

On the face, Bailitang smiled all over his face, looked at Yu Xiran lovingly, continued to exert force with his hands, and said, "Yeah, this child, I have suffered a lot from this child, I don't even know that Yu gave birth to me. son."

"This child is smart." The corner of Yu Xiran's mouth twitched, and he stopped struggling. "That's it, then go ahead, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Bai Litang stopped the other party: "What did you talk about just now?" Yu Xiran tugged on Bai Litang's sleeve: "I just asked how the king is doing."

Bailitang looked at Yu Xiran in astonishment: "Why did you ask?" Liu Yu'er smiled and said, "Don't worry, he didn't ask about strength. You don't have to worry about Mr. Baili."

Only then did Bailitang feel relieved.Slightly nodded to Liu Yu'er: "Then don't bother me, please." After speaking, he took his 'son' and left first.

"My dear son!" Bai Litang bit heavily on the word 'son'.Yu Xiran paused for a moment, and waited for Bailitang to speak expressionlessly: "Why don't I know, when did I have an extra son?"

"Someone pesters you, it's not good for me to help you secretly?" Bai Litang had nothing to say.What's the deal with being overwhelmed by a child?

"Okay, okay, whatever you want. Anyway, I can't say enough about you." After finishing speaking, he rubbed Yu Xiran's head: "Tell me, what news did you talk about?"

Yu Xiran looked around: "Don't you think you should please me first? Because of me, today's task was successfully completed." After speaking, he looked at Bailitang, still expressionless.

However, there was a smug look in his eyes.

Bai Litang looked at the other party angrily, and reluctantly agreed: "Okay, okay, let's talk." Only then did Yu Xiran twitch the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and an invisible arc appeared.

Probably smiled.

"The lord of Guihai Kingdom was taken away by an unknown spirit beast on the way of hunting, and there is no clue until now. The only thing we know is that several guards were taken away together."

Bailitang stroked his chin: "An unknown spirit beast? What kind of spirit beast is that?"

"You said you were unknown, how did you know?" Yu Xiran looked at Bailitang with contempt.Bailitang sighed: "I'm just curious."

Yu Xiran was silent. At this moment, when the food was served, Yu Xiran didn't even look at Bailitang, and started eating by himself.

"Little guy, has anyone told you that you should let me eat first?" Yu Xiran raised his eyes: "I never knew there was such a rule. Now, I want to eat, will you allow me?"

Bailitang sighed, this child is too difficult to discipline. "Allowed, allowed, why don't you allow it." Yue Qingran's favorite brother, how can he pluck the hair on the top of his head?

After returning, he told Yue Qingran the news.As soon as Yue Qingran heard that an unknown spirit beast had taken the country's lord away, her face suddenly glowed with excitement.

"What?" Bailitang shrank his shoulders in fear.Seeing this, Yu Xiran silently took a step away from Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran pondered for a while, and coughed: "Think about it, if it's an unknown spirit beast, can we have fun? Something more fun than saving people, is it a spirit beast, or don't you know? Famous breed..."

Bailitang understands that saving people is secondary, the main thing is to try this unknown species of spirit beast. "Okay, whatever you want, after Qianye Shangxie comes out, you can ask him, if he agrees, we have no objection."

After hearing this, Yue Qingran sighed: "Qianye Shangxie will definitely not agree, he will definitely say how dangerous this place is. Otherwise, what is our own future? Wait for him to come out and look for us."

Bai Litang resolutely denied: "Impossible, you don't even think about this matter." What a joke, Yue Qingran's history is enough, but there are several of you, two without spiritual power, and one who has not yet broken through to the advanced level. Healer, at such a level, how can one advance?

"Spiritual power is important?" Yu Xiran asked puzzled.Bai Litang glanced at the other party and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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