Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 219 Three Groups Go to the Capital of the Sun

Chapter 219
Yue Qingran also followed, and Bailitang didn't even say a word from the beginning to the end, and the two left in a hurry.Bai Litang was stunned for a moment, hugged Bai Ling'er, and cried, "The two of them...really! Hey! These days are so miserable, there is no human rights. Before I even spoke, these two left."


Bai Linger's face was flushed, and she patted Bai Litang's back stiffly all over, and said softly: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be sad, that's how they are, just get used to it."

After finishing speaking, Bai Litang felt his body go stiff, and grinned involuntarily, as if he had said the wrong thing.

Quickly continued: "You still have me, and you still have me." Bai Litang secretly laughed out of Bai Ling'er's sight.Poor Bai Ling'er, not to mention being eaten tofu, but also to comfort others.

"Okay, it's okay, get some rest early, we'll leave early tomorrow morning." After speaking, he took Bai Ling'er to find a place to rest.

Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie were walking, when they suddenly thought: "What about the good books in Zangshuge? Also, how do you take away those panacea and all kinds of treasures?"

Qianye Shangxie gave Yue Qingran a stern look: "You idiot, don't you know there is a thing called a 'storage bag'?" Yue Qingran blinked her eyes, and then she understood, and she suddenly realized "oh" With a sound.

Qianye smiled wickedly, gritted his teeth and ruthlessly rubbed Yue Qingran's hair, and was met with Yue Qingran's dissatisfaction and protest.Feeling stingy, he let go, looked at Yue Qingran's messy hair with satisfaction, and smiled.

Yue Qingran was dumbfounded for a moment when she saw Qianye Shangxie laughing.He froze for a moment, shook his head violently, and then came back to his senses.Thinking that I was sober all my life, I would be accepted by this evildoer.

When Qianye is not smiling, he has a noble and indifferent sense of beauty. When he smiles, he feels like bathing in the spring breeze even in the cold weather.

Yue Qingran turned to the alley, no matter what time he was cold-hearted and desolate, but he could be easily disturbed by Qianye Shangxie, which shows how powerful this evildoer is.

"You look stupid?" Qianye Shangxie smiled amusedly.Yue Qingran snorted and ignored the other party.

"Let's go, go and see how they are all cleaned up, it's already afternoon, as much as you can go." After speaking, he pulled Yue Qingran, regardless of Yue Qingran's awkward temper, and walked over directly.

Yue Qingran was dragged away by Qianye Shangxie, but her mood improved, and she followed behind Qianye Shangxie with a smile on her lips.Looking at these scenery, I suddenly feel like those young students in modern times.

It seems to be pretty good. Those who have not experienced it seem to have experienced it.also good.

They were divided into three groups. Before it was dark at night, the first group was ready and ready to go.Qianye Shangxie felt a little headache when he saw the mighty team behind him who couldn't see the tail.

"Do you know how many people there are? Just don't let anyone fall behind at that time. I declare in advance that everyone is in a hurry, because the Chihan Royal Family may not come over at any time, so everyone must gather at the time I set. No wait. For whatever reason."

Qianye Shangxie used his spiritual power to spread this sentence far away.Knowing that the students in the back had heard clearly, Qian Ye and Commerce Industry were satisfied to lead the team forward.

Ge Xingkong originally wanted to be the last one to leave, but he couldn't bear Qianye Shangxie's various persuasion, and even Yue Qingran said clearly: "If you don't go with the first group, then we have a way to let you go." You are forced to go."

After finishing speaking, he smiled sinisterly, "For example, all kinds of drugs, or take away directly after being knocked out. Ge Lao, you know your current situation better than anyone else. It's not the time for your city wall. Don't let everyone worry. is the most important."

After finishing speaking, Ge Xingkong looked at Ge Xingkong with a sincere and sincere expression.

Ge Xingkong couldn't stand the gentle persuasion methods of these two men, so he reluctantly agreed.Thus, there was an extra Ge Xingkong in Qianye Shangxie's team.

Ge Xingkong walked with everyone, should he pay attention to the state of the students behind him?However, this distance is still not a problem for everyone. Even if they are not students taught by Teacher Zhou, those who can be here are not idlers.

It's not the kind of ordinary students who complain about a little distance.Xinghui Academy, no cowards.It is because of this that even if you really can't hold on anymore, no one will ask you to give up, and you will grit your teeth and follow.

This is Xinghui Academy, and this is the academy established by Ge Xingkong, bringing out batches of good students.

Qianye Shangxie also saw their efforts. In fact, these distances are really not too far away, but there are too many people, so everyone can only walk forward, otherwise it will be much better.

Ge Xingkong couldn't bear it any longer, but seeing that his students didn't complain, he naturally followed suit.Many students can no longer walk on their own, and need to rely on the release of spiritual power to support themselves.

Even so, Qianye Shangxie didn't make everyone stop and rest.I have already discussed with Yue Qingran and the others that I can walk for at least a day and a night before I can rest.Just to get the time out.

To prevent Xinghui Academy from being found by Chihan's royal family again.Therefore, for these time, Qianye Shangxie and the others decided to rush for a day and a night in a row, and then rest.

Neither Yue Qingran nor Bailitang had any objections, and the speed of Ganlu was determined according to everyone's tutorial, but seeing the students of Xinghui Academy who were all adapted to the stock season, Yue Qingran felt that it was still possible to consider speeding up.

The second group was Bailitang and the others. Bailitang also wanted to make Qianye go to evil, so he made his request ahead of time.At the same time, it also tells you how long you have to walk before you can rest, and why.

Compared with Qianye Shangxie, Bailitang gave everyone a strength to persevere, instead of an indefinite journey.

It has been a whole night since Qianye Shangxie and his group went out.Thinking about it, Qianye Shangxie and the others had gone a long way.Bai Litang set off with the team. Along the way, because of Bai Ling'er, Bai Litang still didn't dare to speed up.

"How are you? Are you tired?" Seeing Bai Ling'er's pale face, Bai Litang felt a little distressed.On this hot day, Bai Ling'er insisted on not saying a word as she walked so fast.

Bai Linger shook her head and smiled.Lips are pale and dry.Bai Litang hurriedly passed his own water to Bai Ling'er, making Bai Ling'er dizzy.

Bai Ling'er looked at the water handed in front of her and shook her head: "I'm not thirsty yet." While speaking, her voice was hoarse.Bailitang was a little angry: "Not thirsty? It's all like this, drink water quickly."

Because it takes a whole day and a night to walk without stopping, everyone prepared everyone in advance, and no rest was allowed on the way.

Therefore, the water source is limited, and it is not possible to drink water if you want to. After all, there is still a long way to go.Bai Ling'er also took this into consideration, so she didn't dare to accept it.

But seeing Bailitang like this, if I really don't drink, I'm afraid Bailitang will be angry.He took two sips in small sips, and then gave it back to Bailitang.

Bai Litang glanced at Bai Ling'er, and then considered his own ability. With the middle-term ability of Bai Litang's senior spiritual master, it should be fine.

With such a small distance, it is probably no problem for an intermediate spiritual master to walk non-stop.Not to mention myself.Thus, Bai Li Tang squatted beside Bai Ling'er.

"What are you doing?" Bai Ling'er took a wrong step and looked at Bai Litang squatting in front of her, showing his back. "Come up quickly, don't delay the schedule."

Bai Ling'er bit her lip and looked at Bailitang.Bailitang also knew that his tone was not good, so he pursed his lips and turned his head.Sure enough, the stubborn child's eyes were red.

"Okay, okay, can't I be wrong? Come up quickly. There is still a long way to go, you are so stubborn, you really have to be tired and faint before you are reconciled? I am worried, come up, and be obedient."

Bai Ling'er was angry and sad at first, but after hearing what Bai Litang said, she blushed and her eyes were still red, but this time she was moved.

He climbed up obediently, and said aggrievedly, "I'm sorry to bother you." Bai Litang got up and said as he walked, "What are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense, I'm just worried about you."

Bai Ling'er lay on Bailitang's shoulder, and gave a soft 'en', enjoying the treatment that no one else had.

Yue Qingran's group was the last one. They waited until night and set off after dark.Before setting off, Yue Qingran just said: "I don't care about those who fall behind. You can rest after the night after tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he led the team to set off without saying a word.

The night after tomorrow passed, and I thought the sky was bright again.Yue Qingran looked at the current time and calculated, probably after tonight, Qianye Shangxie and the others should rest.

I hope everyone rests in the same place, which means that everyone's itinerary is similar.

As for Bailitang and the others, they might not be able to rest until tomorrow night.Teacher Zhou replied a long time ago, so Yue Qingran's team didn't have anyone holding back.

The three groups left the original Xinghui Academy in this way, and they all set off on the road to the Sun Empire.Before Yue Qingran left, she set fire to the original Xinghui Academy.

It is said that everything has been taken away, everything that can be taken away has been taken away, and what cannot be taken away has also been destroyed.So, next week, take Zizai to set fire to it, and let the Chihan Empire completely break this heart.

As for this matter this time, Yue Qingran is cold, and I, Yue Qingran, will come back in person to ask for an explanation.

"Yue Qingran, where have all their teams gone? Do you know?" Ertou and the queen of Jueming Palace followed Yue Qingran in order to prevent the school from being burned down.

Jueming followed in the team, walking calmly, ignoring the heavy breathing beside him.The second head couldn't bear the loneliness, and wanted to talk to the people next to him, but seeing the person who was out of breath, let it go.

Although everyone is walking, but no matter how you and Yue Qingran, Qianye Shangxie, and Bailitang, their speed is not slow.Even catch up with the speed of running.

The steps are very big, so it is very difficult for the students who follow behind.In particular, Yue Qingran said, don't use spiritual power unless it is absolutely necessary, this can be regarded as a kind of exercise.

It is because of this that everyone is holding on now. If there is no one who uses spiritual power first, they will not use it.It has been four or five hours now, and the sky is about to light up again.

The usual training is only a few hours, and now everyone has almost reached the limit, but they are still carrying it.

(End of this chapter)

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