Chapter 222
Ge Xingkong waved his hand: "Forget it, don't force it, everything can't be forced, it's not bad that the two sides are surrounded by mountains and the other side faces the lake, this kind of good place must have that kind of natural heaven and earth aura gathering treasures, It’s just that it may be difficult to find, I believe there must be one here, I will take a walk around here in a few days, by the way, see if there are any large spirit beasts here, try to expel the ones that can be expelled, and find a place if they cannot be expelled circle it."

The same is true for Yue Qingran.These mountains are not man-made, which means that they are all natural. How can such a pure natural place not have some good places.

"Okay, don't worry about this matter, I'll be responsible for it myself." Looking up and down, with a look of distrust, Yue Qingran couldn't help but say, "You? With your current body, are you sure?"

Ge Xingkong was choked and coughed: "What's the matter? Don't trust me?" Yue Qingran hurriedly shook her head: "No, it's just that you are like this, it's really inappropriate. I, Qianye Shangxie and the others Take responsibility, and you can rest in peace."

"Don't embarrass Yue Jiqiu anymore. Your appearance is already enough to make Yue Jiqiu suffer. If something happens again, he, the lord of the country, will go crazy."

It's hard to imagine how the moon jumps in autumn, but it must be fun.Yue Qingran curled up the corners of her mouth and smiled wickedly.Ge Xingkong sighed, and knew that the current state is not suitable for running around, and it is easy to cause chaos.

In desperation, this matter had to be handed over to them.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, just do your best. Speaking of which, is it a waste of your time?" Thinking about it, Yue Qingran and the others have been here for so long, it seems that they still have things to do. What about?

"What are you talking about, we have something to do there? We have nothing to do all the time. We just idle around and play here and there all day. Now we finally have something to do. Can we not be happy?"

Yue Qingran glared at Ge Xingkong fiercely, not letting Ge Xingkong say such words.Wouldn't it be a good thing to be able to help one's master?
Ge Xingkong knew he was wrong, touched his nose in embarrassment, shrunk his neck and looked away.

"It's very beautiful here at night. Go to the top of the mountain at night, and join Qianye Shangxie to see the night view." Ge Xingkong couldn't help changing the subject, so Yue Qingran continued to be angry.

Yue Qingran listened, her eyes lit up, she turned her eyes, looked at Ge Xingkong's fawning face, hummed, turned around and left.Seeing Yue Qingran's appearance, Ge Xingkong knew that he must have calmed down, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

After Yue Qingran went back, she discussed this matter with Qianye Shangxie, and the two decided to walk around the two mountains twice.After all, because I didn't have time on Sunday, I only saw this mountain from a distance, but I didn't go down to have a look carefully.

Now, taking advantage of this opportunity, Yue Qingran decided to take Bailitang and the others for a walk and practice.As Ge Xingkong said, there must be something good here.

After all, to be able to open up such a beautiful mountain range naturally, there must be a certain degree of God's will.By the way, expel those larger spirit beasts that could endanger the lives of the students.

In a sense, Yue Qingran still likes this look very much.Yue Qingran was born as the kind of person who doesn't like to be restrained, and helping out is completely voluntary.Like now, it's a good choice to be able to stop and go and play while helping out with some good deeds.

Qianye smiled evilly and nodded in agreement.

The Xinghui Academy has an advantage here. The Xinghui Academy occupies a large area in the mountain forest.This means that if these few people walk in this mountain forest, they don't have to worry about running out of food.

Because people from Xinghui Academy can be seen anytime and anywhere.Just arrived at a new place, although everyone is still a little strange, but it is just strange to everything outside.Still familiar with the school.

That's why many students are willing to walk around the academy in a small area to experience some experience, even if they just learned how to survive in the wild.

And here is a good place specially designed for all kinds of couples.Therefore, many students came out to play in teams.

It was because of this that if Yue Qingran and the others ran out of food, they could go back to the academy to get it anytime and anywhere.Various conveniences are provided for them.

Because of this, after Yue Qingran and the others made their decision, they set off early the next morning.Starlight Academy has a large area, so they don't have to worry about getting lost in it or running out of food.

Therefore, everyone set off on the road with confidence.Yue Qingran decided to take a look around the lake first, in a sense it was also a tour of mountains and rivers.

"How is it, isn't this lake good? I feel comfortable physically and mentally just looking at it." After finishing speaking, he walked around the lake.Qianye Shangxie followed helplessly: "Isn't there one in the academy?"

Yue Qingran curled her lips: "Didn't you build that one yourself? Although it used mountain spring water, it was still artificially repaired. It's different from this one. Isn't this one formed naturally by yourself?"

"Look at this look, it's not bad." Yue Qingran said to play, shaking his hand in the water.

"Okay, okay, stop playing. Drop two fish, and then grill them and eat them." After finishing speaking, he started to prepare for fishing.Seeing this, Bailitang hurriedly followed Qianye Shangxie, and pulled the two of them to fish together.

As for Bai Ling'er, Yue Yue and Yue Qingran, they had already been enjoying themselves while playing together.

"Yue Qingran and Yu Xiran, stay away and play in the water, both of you are boys, don't come near us." After Yue Qingran gave the order, she threw the two boys aside, and she and Bai Linger took off their clothes and stepped on the ground. Play in the water.

Qianye Shangxie finished catching fish, found them, and saw that the two boys were already swimming in the water naked, and the girls were afraid of the cold, so they stepped on the water in their sleep.

"Come out and eat." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.When he left, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

After eating good fish, a few people continued walking without stopping.Walking around the lake, Qianye Shangxie looked east and west, and always felt that this place looked familiar.

"Have I seen this place before? Have we been here before?" Qianye Shangxie asked suspiciously to Bailitang next to him.In my own impression, I seem to have been here with others.

It's just that at that time, it was certain that there was no Yue Qingran, otherwise Yue Qingran would definitely have an impression.

Yue Qingran snorted, making sure that she had never been to this place before.Then Qianye Shangxie came here with others before.

Bailitang was also a little confused. "Young master, I've never been here! Have you ever gone out with other people before? As far as I can remember, you've never gone out alone. Every time I go out, I follow."

After speaking, I also felt that what I said was wrong.Yue Qingran looked at Bailitang with a half-smile.Bailitang patted his mouth: "Except for the time you met."

After Yue Qingran died when he met Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie ran out by himself.No, it was framed to come here.

Bai Litang smiled and patted his head.It was always his own fault.It was because I was too sure, so I lost the real young master, but lived with a fake young master for so long.

"No, I must have been to this place. I even have the impression that there is a cave here. By the way, it is that cave, and there were people in that cave before."

He waved his hand to everyone and asked everyone to follow.Sure enough, a cave was found, and there were indeed traces of people living in it.There are tables, beds, and tea sets inside.

"Quickly tell the truth, who did you come with?" Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, pretending to be angry to force a confession.Qianye Shangxie rubbed his forehead: "I forgot."

After thinking about it carefully, his eyes lit up. "I forget who I came with. It seems that the person didn't want me to know, so he tampered with my memory. It should be the person who opened my tendons before."

"Isn't it your previous patriarch who opened the veins?" Qianye Shangxie shook his head at Yue and Qingran's question, "No, it was the person he was looking for. I don't know who that person is. of."

Seeing that the two connected, Bailitang quickly stopped: "Don't think too much, do you have any impression of this place?" Qianye Shangxie nodded: "I know a place, although it is not a gathering place for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but it is also almost."

Wherever I take everyone, there is a natural hot spring with steam coming out of it.

"Try the water temperature, you will feel it is very hot. But in fact, after entering, the pores of the whole body will relax." Yue Qingran stretched her feet in and tried it.

it is as expected.The pores of the whole body are relaxed, and this geographical location is very suitable for cultivation.If you practice in the hot spring, although the aura of heaven and earth here is not dense, it is much more than other places.

"That's about it. A place like this is simply perfect. Although it's not the gathering place for heaven and earth spiritual energy as imagined, it's almost the same anyway."

Yue Qingran talked about playing, and carefully walked around twice, wanting to see more spiritual energy there.

"How did you get the aura around you?"

Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "I don't know, but there should be something buried in the ground near here, and that thing supports everything around. This is what the patriarch told me back then."

Yue Qing nodded clearly: "That's it, then I understand." It seems that there should be some treasures stored underground here.Over the years, Treasure has its own spiritual power.

That's why it's possible to radiate spiritual energy around you.

"The task is complete, everyone go back. That's it for today." After finishing speaking, he took everyone back.

(End of this chapter)

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