Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 224 Re-Chapter College Learning Knowledge

Chapter 224 Returning to the Academy to Learn Knowledge
"It's not weaned yet, it's just a kitten." Qianye Shangxie looked at the kitten, which was only the size of a palm, well, the kitten was not the size of a palm, and frowned.

"Okay, let's go. Get some milk for this kitten when we go back." Yue Qingran had already spoken, so Qianye Shangxie could only lead the team to move on.

Qianye Shangxie was born with the aura of being a team leader, no matter where he went, people could follow him convincingly.At this time, even Yue Qingran didn't have the courage.

A born king!It's a pity that it's not bound.

On the way, Qianye Shangxie finally couldn't stop asking: "Why does Yu Xiran want this wild cat? If he wants it, don't you have several spirit beasts?"

Only then did Yue Qingran remember that there were still a few spirit beasts in her storage bag.It was taken away on a whim at the time, but it has never been released since then.

Fortunately, there is still a certain amount of space in the storage bag, and there are even flowers and plants, so that they can play and make noise by themselves.Otherwise, I'm afraid my pocket would have been scratched by them long ago, right?

"He is just very touched by the word 'wild'. If you say 'just a kitten', he probably won't care that much." Qianye Shangxie was puzzled: "Why?"

Yue Qingran pursed her lips and organized her words: "Well, because he used to be a wild child. No one wanted him, and he used to be as dying as he is now."

"So, he doesn't like the word 'wild' very much. This word means that no one wants it. If he encounters something related to the word 'wild', he will try his best to do his best."

I have met it before, when Yu Xiran saw a stray dog, he once asked himself: "A stray dog ​​is wild, right? Something no one wants?"

Yue Qingran forgot how to answer at that time, but later the dog was rescued by Yu Xiran.Later, Yue Qingran gave the dog to the Animal Rescue Base.

Yue Qingran knew that Yu Xiran had never liked anyone, so he tried his best to be himself.When he felt the love of his family, he just desperately tried to do better.

Because only in this way, no one will want it.

"Forget it, as long as he likes it. It's just a kitten, and it can still be raised for a living. However, after we go back, we're almost done playing, and we should continue to go back to the academy to study."

Yue Qingran paused, feeling a little distressed.No wonder, so many students are unwilling to study, unwilling to go to school.At the beginning, there was indeed a sense of freshness, a feeling that had never been experienced before.

But later, Yue Qingran really got used to the carefree life where she could go wherever she wanted.If she got up on time and reported to school on time, Yue Qing would definitely go crazy.

Yue Qingrana prefers to wake up casually, practice casually, go out for a stroll casually, and maybe stay there because of a little thing at any time.

Yue Qingran's bitter face made Qianye Shangxie more balanced.It seems that I am not alone who does not like this feeling.

"Haha, go to class with me in a few days. It is always beneficial to learn more knowledge." Yue Qingran could hear Qianye's evil gloating, but there was nothing he could do.

There is a saying called "too many skills do not overwhelm you". Yue Qingran understands that the more you know, the better you will develop in the future.However, Yue Qingran's heart is not here, what about her friends?

I don't care what position I have in any country, I just want to be more at ease.

"Can I not go? I don't intend to really do anything. I just go when I'm idle and bored. Now that I'm not bored, can I not go?"

Qianye Shangxie shrugged: "I'm sorry, the old man Ge Xingkong personally ordered us two to go." After finishing speaking, he ignored Yue Qingran who had already petrified, played a little song, and walked leisurely forward.

"Master Dean, what are you going to do?" Qianye Shangxie shrugged, God knows what Ge Xingkong is thinking about.With a sigh, Yue Qingran kept up with Qianye Shangxie's pace.

Behind them, several people had already started to fall behind.

"Wow, so cute, so small." Bai Ling'er walked more and more slowly, and finally blatantly ran to Yu Xiran's side, and touched the wild cat cub in Yu Xiran's arms.

The moon is also very curious, after all, this cat is his relative.Although he is not as advanced as himself, after his own shape changes, he will look like a cat.

It's just bigger than a cat.

So, now the moon is also looking at the cat's structure curiously.Bailitang could only helplessly walk beside these people, so as not to cause any accidents to them.

Especially, Bai Ling'er and Yue Yue, who are powerless.

"If things go on like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to reach the top of the mountain before dark, so we won't be able to see the sunrise. Let's go and see when we get there."

Yue Qingran said something helplessly behind her.Behind him, no one talked to Yue Qingran.

"These people, dare you not listen to me?" Yue Qingran was furious, walked over, and picked up the dying kitten in Yu Xiran's hands, which might die with a little force.

"Ah!" With an exclamation, Yue Qingran glanced at Bai Ling'er who was exclaiming: "Hurry up, or you won't be able to reach the top of the mountain when it gets dark. You don't want to walk at night either."

There is a saying called 'When you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts'. Although there is no basis at all, it still has a certain meaning of intimidation.

Bai Ling'er shrank her shoulders, pouted her lips, and followed behind Yue Qingran with her neck shrunk strangely.Yue Qingran proudly looked at Qianye Shangxie.

Qianye Shangxie sighed and continued to walk ahead.

This time, no one was left behind, and Yue Qingran holding a cat was equivalent to gaining a reason for followers to follow.So, no one left behind.

It was already dark, and several people were almost reaching the top of the mountain.From a distance, you can see the top of the mountain beckoning to everyone. "Speed ​​up and try to arrive before it gets completely dark."

After finishing speaking, Qianye Shangxie and the others speeded up.Bailitang was worried that Bai Ling'er would not be able to keep up after dark, so he automatically and consciously squatted in front of Bai Ling'er, wanting to carry Bai Ling'er on his back.

Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Do you want to carry me?" Yue Qingran said to Qianye in front of her.Qianye Shangxie paused, turned his head, and thought for a moment.

Squatting in front of Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran grinned, gave Yu Xiran the cat in his hand, and then jumped onto Qianye Shangxie's back.

Bai Ling'er blushed a little, but she couldn't see it clearly in the dark.However, Bailitang still clearly saw Bai Linger's flushed cheeks.

Seeing Yue Qing went up unambiguously, Bai Ling'er felt a bit coy and then lay down on the ground.

Yu Xiran looked at this and that.Suddenly evoked a smirk. "Why don't you two compete to see who reaches the top of the mountain first."

Pointing to the top of the mountain in front, Yu Xiran stood between the two, looked to the left, and said with a smirk.

Qianye Shangxie turned his head to look at Bailitang, and Bailitang also looked at him.Raising eyebrows: "Would you like to try? You can't use spiritual power, just rely on foot power."

Bai Litang thought for a while: "Okay, you two will be the referee." After finishing speaking, he said to Yu Xiran who was beside him.

Yu Xiran nodded, and with an order, the two ran away.

Yu Xiran and Yue Yue glanced at each other and followed closely behind.Bai Ling'er and Yue Qingran also stood up excitedly, cheering for the man who was carrying their backs.

Yue Qingran smiled, this kind of experience that has never been experienced before will always be filled by others in this place, in such a time and space of a different world.

This feeling is better than ever.

When I ran to the top of the mountain, I didn't use my spiritual power, and I was a little out of breath, but everything was fine.When Yu Xiran and Yue Yue ran up, they had already started tidying up their tents.

"You guys, who arrived first?" Yu Xiran asked out of breath, supporting her back.

Qianye Shangxie and Bailitang looked at each other, and finally smiled at each other: "Who arrived first? I don't know. It seems that they arrived together?"

Bailitang nodded: "Yes, together."

Yu Xiran raised his eyebrows: "Okay, then there is no punishment. I wanted some punishment."

"Come on, little brat, stop making trouble." Yue Qingran stepped forward, rubbed Yu Xiran's head, and reported it to the kitten in Xiran's arms.

After staying in Yu Xiran's arms for a while, the warmed up kitten regained some energy, began to meow, and was able to walk two steps on the ground.

It's just that this cat is not very good at walking, so it can barely stand for a while and take a step.Qianye Shangxie and the others took out the food they had prepared, cooked a pot of soup, and saved some for the kitten.

Eat and drink well, vigil vigil, practice practice, and rest will naturally rest.

The next morning, Yue Qingran got up early, sat cross-legged in meditation on the open space, and waited for the sun to rise.Qianye Shangxie heard the voice and followed him.

Seeing Yue Qingran was there, she naturally sat beside Yue Qingran.Bai Ling'er and Yue Yue didn't need to practice anything, they just waited to watch the sunrise.

The rest sat on the side one after another, cross-legged and meditating, waiting for the moment of the most powerful spiritual power to appear during the day.

The sun was already high enough, and the few people who had cultivated opened their eyes.Bai Ling'er was already sitting listlessly on the side, a little bored.Yue Qingran stepped forward, picked up the kitten lying on the ground, and patted Bai Linger's shoulder.

Bai Ling'er's eyes lit up, and she quickly stood up.

"Let's go, if it's a little later, it's going to be hot." Qianye Shangxie hurriedly led everyone back.At noon, several people had already arrived at the gate of Xinghui Academy.

"Are you back?" Ge Xingkong smiled like a fox, looking at these people.

"Why are you here? It's a hot day." Yue Qingran was surprised. "Isn't there nothing to do, so I keep an eye on you, for fear that you will run away." Yue Qingran rolled her eyes, glared at Ge Xingkong, and went back to practice.

Qianye Shangxie smiled, and gave the kitten in Yu Xiran's hand to Ge Xingkong: "Help take care of it, so that you won't be bored." Ge Xingkong curled his lips: "Who do you think I am? Look at it for you , think beautifully!"

Bailitang covered his mouth and laughed secretly, shaking his head.

(End of this chapter)

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