Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 227 The Luohan Mountains According to Consonance

Chapter 227 The Luohan Mountains According to Consonance
After walking for a while, Qianye Shangxie checked the direction, listened carefully, and probably could hear the sound of water flowing. "What is this place?"

Here, the temperature is obviously different.This is the temperature that the Luohan Mountains should have.

Qianye Shangxie also noticed the difference here. It is estimated that the evil guy who can create air-conditioning may not be as powerful as Lingxi, so Lingxi will not be disturbed by foreign objects here.

Walking to the edge of the water, Qianye Shangxie squatted down, his fingers messing with the lake water.The corner of Bailitang's mouth twitched... Now, how much courage does it take to stir up the lake water with your fingers?

"Young master, how about trying this?" Bai Litang pointed to the willow branch next to him.Qianye Shangxie turned his head, looked at it, and shook his head: "No need, this is pretty good."

Turn back and continue to mess with the lake water.After playing for a long time, there was finally some movement in the water.

With dissatisfaction in Lingxi's eyes, he slowly revealed his head.

"It's you..." Lingxi was pleasantly surprised when he saw that it was Qianye Shangxie.Qianye Shangxie smiled slightly: "It's rare that senior still remembers me, it's me, I'm back."

At this time, Qianye Shangxie is no longer what it used to be.At this time, he was a young man full of vigor, with confidence and arrogance in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, I haven't seen you for more than a year. When I see you again, you have grown to this extent."

Lingxi climbed up slowly, looked around Qianye Shangxie, and praised.Qianye smiled evilly, nodded, and let the consonant gaze look at him.

"How do you remember coming back? Although I have been staying here all the time, I can still know the news outside. I have heard everything about you. Are you Yue Qingran?"

The last sentence, looking at the girl next to Qianye Shangxie, said to this girl.

Yue Qingran nodded, for this spirit beast that could talk, Yue Qingran felt that the world was so big that there was nothing surprising about it.Although I have never seen spirit beasts that can become refined and can speak, they still exist.

This is the first time seeing it, Yue Qingran still respects it.The cultivation of spirit beasts is no better than that of humans, and it is more difficult for them to cultivate.

Looking at it like this, to be able to speak, there must be a very long period of cultivation time, and it must be very lonely.

Those who can endure loneliness are naturally not ordinary.

"Yes, I am Yue Qingran." Yue Qingran restrained all her arrogance, just to respect the old man.Lingxi opened her mouth and smiled.

"Go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, what are you doing here this time? En?" Lingxi paced and crawled twice.Qianye Shangxie looked at the people in Bailitang, and Yue Qingran turned to Qianye Shangxie.

"Since you are here to inquire, it is natural to tell the whole story." Yue Qingran took a step forward and told the purpose of coming here.

"Are you here to find Baiducao?" Lingxi was stunned for a moment after hearing the cause and effect.If turtles had expressions...

Yue Qingran and the others looked at each other, nodded, and fixed their eyes on Lingxi.

"Well, it's not peaceful here recently. I don't know what's here, so the vicinity has turned into an ice cave, which is too gloomy to stay in."

Raising eyebrows, Yue Qingran asked: "But, isn't your place very nice? The temperature here is very suitable." The giant turtle Lingxi smiled proudly.

"Otherwise, do you think I will be stumped by this mere abnormality? My place has been protected by me. No matter what it looks like outside, my place is the most normal Luohan Mountain Range."

"I see. As expected, you are the most powerful old man." Qianye Shangxie praised this old boy who seemed to be waiting for praise without hesitation.

Lingxi raised his head, squinted his eyes and smiled: "You're still very good, I like you."

Yue Qingran couldn't help laughing.Several people in Bailitang hurriedly turned their heads away, their shoulders kept shaking.Qianye Shangxie looked at the sky, scratched the back of his head, helpless.

"Okay, old man, do you know why the Luohan Mountain Range is so abnormal?" The giant turtle Lingxi looked deeply at the center of the deep forest, feeling nostalgic and disappointed.

Logically speaking, this kind of expression should not appear on a turtle.It is really not easy to be able to show your loss, your sadness, and your nostalgia so vividly.

Although there is a difference in the names of the turtle and the bastard, Yue Qingran thinks that there is no difference in the eyes, the size and so on are similar.

It is not easy to see so many emotions in the eyes of such a mung bean.

Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of doubt in each other's eyes. "Senior, what's the matter? You might as well just tell me."

Qianye Shangxie stared straight at Senior Lingxi, Lingxi was stunned, and looked at Qianye Shangxie blankly. "Speak directly? How should I say it? This is a difficult story to tell."

Lingxi was a little confused, how could he tell such a difficult story?Can you understand?
"Senior, don't worry, we won't interrupt. You can talk slowly. At least, it will be better if you say it. There won't be too much psychological burden."

Yue Qingran said in a seductive voice.Lingxi looked at Yue Qingran with dull eyes: "Really?" Some doubts.Yue Qingran nodded sincerely: "Really."

"Oh, then I said it." Winking Bailitang, several people sat quietly on the stone beside them, listening quietly, listening to Lingxi's talk about the Luohan Mountains in that era.

"The Luohan Mountain Range was not like this before. The former Luohan Mountain Range was really just like the name. It was very cold. Just like when you first came in, it was gloomy and cold."

The Luohan Mountains had their name a long time ago.At that time, no one had ever entered the Luohan Mountains, only different spirit beasts, following various survival rules in the biological chain.

Senior Lingxi is just a weak turtle following the law of survival.Careful cultivation, careful survival, careful... secretly in love with the goddess in his heart.

It was a beautiful elf, and the elves are already extinct now.A beautiful green elf landed on Lingxi's turtle shell calmly.

That innocent girl regarded Lingxi's tortoise shell as a slightly darkened stone.Lingxi was practicing at that time, when someone stepped on the tortoise shell suddenly, he lost his breath and was dying.

The girl found out that it was a turtle practicing cultivation, and she was so frightened that she didn't know what to do.Only by finding someone from the same clan could he barely save Lingxi's life.

Later, Lingxi silently fell in love with this simple single-celled creature—the elf.

This elf will always bring sunshine, warmth and laughter to the entire cold Luohan Mountains.All the elves are lovely and kind, and they will bring peace to the whole forest.

It's a pity that such good times don't last long.

Wherever elves appear, there will be humans hunting and killing elves.With the entry of human beings, the Luohan Mountains no longer abide by the rules of nature and live in peace and stability.

Human beings who are greedy for profit began to want to subdue wild beasts and spirit beasts for their own use.Several friends of Lingxi were also forced to sell their souls and became puppets.

They wantonly hunted and killed elves and spirit beasts.Consonance rose up to resist with everyone, but unfortunately, the result was that his companion wanted to kill and hurt.

Because they have never encountered human beings before, and the spirit beasts that abide by the laws of nature do not interfere with each other, so they will not want to kill each other.

The result of this is that the justice team where Lingxi is, the team that maintains peace in this mountain range has been persecuted.The number of elves has also decreased.

It was also at that time that Lingxi saw his goddess for the last time.

There are only less than ten elves left.The former elf family spread all over the Luohan Mountains, bringing joy and happiness to the entire Luohan Mountains.

Now, there are only ten dependent ones left.

That innocent girl came to Lingxi with tears all over her face. She said that she would join her tribe in cursing this mountain range until one day, human beings will pay for their greed.

Lingxi had no time to stop it, and could only watch the Luohan Mountains, which was always as warm and warm as this house, become like this even though it was cold all year round.

The smoke was everywhere, and the girl followed the last few tribesmen to seal and curse in the middle of the Luohan Mountains.

Lingxi watched all this happen and end, but was still powerless to stop it.Finally, Lingxi was desperate.With despair, he sank to the bottom of the lake and devoted himself to cultivation.

When I came out again, I saw the Luohan Mountains. There were people coming and going, but there were very few people.In the Luohan Mountains, the temperature is suitable, but no matter what, Lingxi feels cold.

Too cold to be here without her, too cold.Without them, the Luohan Mountains would be too cold.Many spirit beasts who had experienced that incident chose to remain silent.

At this time, I don't know where all the practitioners are, some may be cultivating, and some may have died.

Lingxi only knows that he is still watching the outside, and that he has not given up contact with the outside world.But what about those people?Those who have been through these things, what about the beast?

Dead dead, wounded wounded.When no one can hurt them anymore, they are also tired.Tired heart.

This time, Lingxi exposed his head again, but was shocked to find that outside, the cold air, the air flow, no matter how you look at it, it seems to have returned to those years.

Those eras that abide by the rules of heaven and earth and obey all laws.

With tears in her eyes, Lingxi waited for her return.Even if this is just a vain dream, even if after waking up from the dream, the consonance is still at the bottom of the lake.

Woke up from the dream, and the consonance was at the bottom of the lake, that's right.However, when Lingxi showed his head, he found that it was indeed so cold outside.

Lingxi took a deep breath, the coldness is good, but Lingxi couldn't bear it.No one can touch any traces left by that person.

Lingxi found the little spirit beasts who were here, and asked them to see the situation outside.It's just that someone touched that taboo, which will only make those elves, those controlled spirit beasts, leave behind more resentment, and finally swallow the entire Luohan Mountain Range.

(End of this chapter)

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