Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 239 Finding the Formation Eye Sealing Formation

Chapter 239 Finding the Formation Eye Sealing Formation
At that time, Qianye was evil, he just knew it.If he can't kill his younger brother, then his younger brother will leave him.Qianye Shangxie simply thought that his younger brother was a toy that belonged only to him, and if someone else took it away, he would be sad and unhappy.

"Why did my brother leave?" The young boy looked at the knife that was still dripping blood, and then looked at the wide-eyed, but relieved mother next to him.

The young brother still tightly grasped the corner of his clothes, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Because, if you don't kill him, I will take him away. He will do better than you. At that time, your brother will not know you, and you will never see him again."

The boy turned his head and looked at the man innocently: "If I kill him, will he always be by my side and let me see him forever?" The man shook his head: "No, but he will be with your mother .”

"Look, it's not very good that you are with your father and your brother is with your mother. Both of you are with your relatives. You are not lonely like your mother, right?"

The boy nodded seriously: "Yes, I don't want my mother to be alone. But, I also want to be with my mother." A trace of impatience flashed in the man's eyes: "No, you have to be with your father."

"But... I don't know my father at all, why should I stay with my father?" The man's hand hanging on one side was tightly clenched, and even Qianye Shangxie was worried, whether he said something wrong at that time , the one who died was himself.

"Do you know the meaning of killing him?" The man took a deep breath, glanced at the servants kneeling on the ground, and asked the puzzled boy with a blank expression.

"I don't know." The man smiled: "Killing him means making him unable to breathe, unable to speak, and unable to appear in this world again."

The young man looked at the man vigilantly, and protected his younger brother behind him. "Then I won't do that, my brother, I won't hurt him, he will stay by my side."

The man smiled, grimly. "Really? In that case, let me show you the consequences of your decision."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to the side: "In this yard, except for the vegetation, except for these two children and me, everything else, including the bugs, will be killed."

Then, the boy saw the hell on earth.Obviously, blood was already splashed all over the ground, but this person still didn't die.He was obviously missing an arm and a leg, but this man was still howling, he just couldn't die.

Qianye Shangxie looked at a stump under his feet, and then looked at the blood on his feet. The sticky, warm, bloody smell filled the tip of his nose.

The younger brother, who still doesn't know anything, is just terrified.The younger brother's screams, the woman's wailing, the man's begging for mercy, and moans filled the small courtyard.

The young man trembled: "Don't, don't, don't do this. What did you ask me to do? I'll just do it." The man smiled and waved his hand, and those people who appeared suddenly disappeared strangely.

"Kill the child next to you." The young man glanced at his still ignorant younger brother, picked up the blood-stained knife that fell aside, and mercilessly cut off his younger brother's neck according to the method taught by the man. Throat.

The younger brother still didn't understand, but felt a little uncomfortable.With his own hand, he held his brother's clothes tightly, unable to speak, but curled up in pain.

Qianye Shangxie's eyes were red, such a scene has obviously been forgotten.He only knew that his younger brother was dead and killed him with his own hands, but he never knew that his younger brother was dependent on himself until his death. When his younger brother died, it was so painful.

The young man stood on the side with his head bowed. His younger brother's body was already stiff, but he still didn't move.He was deceived. These people, even if they stopped killing them, they would still die.

Will die from bleeding dry.

The boy watched their painful and twisted deaths with his own eyes.The younger brother's hand is still holding the corner of his clothes, and his body is already stiff.

The man accompanied the boy, looking at this hell on earth with satisfaction.Look at the boy's merciless killing of his younger brother, and applaud: "Good boy, you did a great job, and you mastered your strength very well. I knew that you would be a very good boy, and your learning ability is very good." good."

The man's gentle palm gently caressed the boy's trembling body.

"You lied to me..." the boy almost roared angrily.His voice was hoarse, his eyes were red, and he seemed to be enduring something.

The man shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows: "What did I lie to you?" The young man opened his mouth, wanting to say: You lied to me, you said you didn't want their lives.

But later, the boy finally realized that from the beginning to the end, the man never said that he would save them.Just agree not to touch them again.

The boy stood there until it was dark.At first, the man was still by his side, and later, when the man had something to do, he left.The boy stood in this hell on earth, standing quietly.

In the whole yard, I was the only living person, and the surrounding area was full of dead bodies, some killed by myself and others.He has his own relatives and innocent servants.

That was the time when Qianye Shangxie transformed.Since then, Qianye Shangxie has never believed anything again. He listens selectively to what the man says.

He has always had his own choice about what others say.

The man is very satisfied with this, at least, what he wants is not a puppet.Qianye Shangxie's resistance and everything Qianye Shangxie did were in his eyes.

He appeared next to Qianye Shangxie with calculations, guiding Qianye Shangxie, making him move towards the point of no return bit by bit.

It wasn't until half a year later that he discovered that Qianye Shangxie's congenital tendons were blocked, so he forcibly opened all of Qianye Shangxie's tendons.Qianye fell into the evil, and under his calculations, he walked to that point step by step.

Two years later, Qianye Shangxie killed the other party.Then I realized that this person was not his father at all.It was the patriarch of the Qianye family.

Qianye Shangxie's father had already been kicked out of the patriarchal position because of his resistance.The person I think about and hate is actually nothing.

It's just that in the Nuoda family of the Qianye family, those who were lucky enough to challenge their father and imprisoned his father.

Qianye fell into a daze at the evil, and after a year of decadence, he finally cheered up and led Qianye's family to become stronger little by little.

Qianye Shangxie looked at all these illusions with a blank face, in which he witnessed his whole life.until now.All the truths that I don't want to see, those that I want to forget, and those that I want to hide in my life are all here.

Qianye Shangxie became even more determined to seal this formation.These things must not be disclosed to anyone, these are all my secrets.

Qianye Shangxie caused this formation to fail.I thought that Qianye would lose control and go crazy after seeing it.It's just that after Qianye Shangxie saw this, he just became stronger.

Those pasts have become the past.Countless days and nights when I couldn't sleep, I spent it alone like this, alone, silently mourning my mother and my brother.

Also, the father who has never met.

Qianye fell into an evil spirit and never saw his father.never.

"Is this your third door? It's a shame." After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, he walked over bravely.If this is the third door, then if you walk through it like this, will you pass through?
Qianye Shangxie, who walked past, did not see the illusion dissipate in the formation as he wished.Qianye Shangxie looked at the scene where he killed his younger brother over and over again, with a look of disdain.

Close your eyes, it's not that you don't want to see, but you are perceiving the existence of Shengmen.At this moment, Qianye Shangxie felt his spiritual power return.

At this time of anger, sadness, and then calm down, my spiritual power returned.What slowly flowed out of that red bead was his spiritual power.

Now that the spiritual power has returned, what kind of container is used to store it is not a concern of Qianye Shangxie.

Using spiritual power to detect the door of life, coupled with the redness in front of his eyes, Qianye Shangxie walked a few steps in one direction, and after that, all the formations were destroyed by themselves.

Qianye, who entered the garden evilly, saw the formation.After finding the eye of the formation, Qianye Shangxie was not as happy as he imagined, but calmly began to search for how to seal the formation taught by Senior Lingxi.

After finding a way, Qianye Shangxie lamented that his spiritual power came back in time.At least at this time, I need spiritual power very much.Without spiritual power, there is no seal.

Sitting cross-legged, his hands formed seals one after another, covering the formation.

Time and time again, all that was consumed was his own spiritual power.Qianye Shangxie only made 31 knot seals, and then he lost his spiritual power.

The predecessors said that the seals must be consecutive, a total of [-], and there must be no mistakes.Therefore, at the moment when there was no spiritual power, Qianye Shangxie bit the pill in his mouth.

The spiritual power recovered quickly, and Qianye Shangxie continued to seal.Dou Da's sweat flowed out and fell into the soil, Qianye Shangxie had no time to take care of it, and continued to form seals.

Half an hour later, Qianye Shangxie crushed the second pill.At this time, the knot seal has reached sixty.Later, the knots became less and less, but the time to crush the pill became faster and faster.

An hour later, Qianye Shangxie had formed a hundred seals, but there was only one pill left in his mouth.After biting the last one, Qianye Shangxie gritted his teeth, and after making seven knot seals, there was only one, and it was also the most critical and important one.

The one that consumed the most spiritual power, Qianye Shangxie had no spiritual power.Gritting his teeth, he squeezed out a bit of spiritual power and forced himself to make a seal.

Sweat, blood, mixed in the soil, has formed a puddle.

The hands were flipping, flipping non-stop, and every time they flipped, some spiritual power was generated.The film and television drained the last trace of his spiritual power, and Qianye Shangxie was only short of the last two moves.

Take two deep breaths, your hands are as heavy as a thousand catties, flip it twice, and the last knot seal is completed, covering the eyes.

Not wanting to know the consequences, Qianye Shangxie only knew that he passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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