Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 25 Wooden Snake

Chapter 25 Wooden Snake
"Wooden snake." Yue Qingran answered after listening to the voice.

Organ glanced at Yue Qingran in surprise, Yue Qingran and Organ looked at each other, Organ's eyes flickered, lowered her eyes, and returned to her usual appearance.

"Wooden snake? What kind of snake is that?" Feng Xing scratched his head, instead of answering Feng Yong's question, he looked at Organ and Yue Qingran.

Yue Qingran looked at the guys around him who had absolutely no common sense, and scratched her head helplessly, not knowing what to do.Organ replied blankly: "Spirit beast, wood snake."

"Uh... what we're asking is specific."

The wood spirit looked around, but couldn't find any sign of the snake, so he asked again cautiously in embarrassment.

Yue Qingran looked at the organ, and knew that he had already reached the limit of his answers, and if he continued, he might go crazy.

In desperation, he had no choice but to go into battle himself.

"Wood snake, it's a kind of green grass snake that doesn't eat people. But this time period can't be guaranteed, it seems to be hatching young snakes. The older ones should be four meters long, and the younger ones are one meter long. .Well, they are good at disguising, so everyone should be careful when walking, and don't step on anything that shouldn't be stepped on."

After Yue Qingran finished speaking, the two brothers Mu Ling and Fengxing Fengyong looked around without missing a single corner, and then exchanged glances.

Yueqing nodded clearly, and Fengxing led everyone to move on.It's just that everyone started to become cautious.

'嗖嗖' '嗖' There were several sounds of objects quickly brushing against the leaves. Everyone vigilantly patrolled around. The wood spirit stared at a bushy place behind him. Green appears there.

"Be careful, it's a wooden snake." The wood spirit also saw it and reminded everyone.

When everyone heard the sound, they all turned their heads to look at the direction the wood spirit was staring at. After staring for a long time, they saw the clue.A little green snake was swimming fast, spitting out red letters, and looking at Yue Qingran and the others from time to time.

"Could it be... just such a little thing?" Feng Yong looked at the little green snake, which was obviously innocent and harmless.

"Don't ignore it, brother." Fengxing never let down his vigilance.

"Okay, okay, but he goes his way, we go our way."

"No, this snake is very sensitive, be careful of him attacking." Yue Qingran retorted subconsciously when she heard Feng Yong's words.

Feng Yong looked at Yue Qingran in surprise, belatedly remembered that he had zero experience in the jungle, looked at Feng Xing, saw Feng Xing nodding to him, turned away helplessly, and listened to Yue Qingran's opinion.

"Then what should we do now? Wait?" Wood Spirit asked.

"Wait." Feng Xing replied.After hearing this, everyone stared at the green snake in turn, while the rest sat on the ground to rest their muscles and bones.

Soon, the green snake probably felt that the people passing by were meaningless, so it turned around and swam away.

"Huh!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and moved on.

Not long after walking, Feng Yong froze and stopped there.Everyone noticed Feng Yong's anomaly immediately, and all turned their heads to look at him.

Feng Yong's face gradually turned pale, and he looked at Feng Xing with a mournful face.Said: "Brother, I seem to have accidentally stepped on an animal's egg just now... What should I do?" Yue Qingran's gaze quickly became sharp.The rest of the people were all lucky with their aura, and they patrolled the surrounding wind and grass with a wide field of vision.

Organ walked to the place where Feng Yong stepped on the egg, looked at the broken egg, and suddenly changed his expression.

Yue Qingran noticed that Organ's face had changed, and Feng Xing, Mu Ling, and Feng Yong also noticed the same thing.Feng Yong's face became ugly, and he realized what he had done wrong.

"What should I do?" Feng Yong asked for advice with some confidence.

"What kind of bill is this? Is it from the wooden snake?" Yue Qingran looked at Feng Yong, sighed, and asked the ugly-faced organ next to him.

Yue Qingran only knows the habits of the animals here, but the research on egg species is not enough.Yue Qingran had never seen an egg of this color in the previous world.

"This is from the Wooden Snake." Yue Qingran breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what Feng Qin said, as the Wooden Snake was relatively easy to deal with.

However, what Organ said later made everyone gasp.

"However, this is not an ordinary wood snake. This is the wood king snake, the king of wood snakes, the only mutated snake egg laid by a mutated snake. Do you think it will let us go?"

After the organ finished speaking, she looked at the heavy face of her teammates, and her face was gloomy.

Time does not allow everyone to think too much, Yue Qingran pulls up the wood spirit and quickly walks to the front.While walking, he said: "Go quickly, before you find him." Feng Xing reacted instantly, grabbed Feng Yong and the organ, and walked forward at a faster speed.

"Mu Ling, you take Yue Qingran and go quickly. Feng Yong and I take the organ. Go quickly."

Fengxing distributes while walking.Here, only Yue Qingran and Fengqin are low-level spiritual masters, so in the face of adversity, the high-level ones can only take the low-level ones along.

After hearing this, Mu Ling didn't say a word. With luck and spiritual power, he led Yue Qingran and walked quickly inside.

"Everyone, hurry up, go inside, the place that the Wood King Snake dare not go in will be fine." Yue Qingran said.

After Fengxing heard this, he led everyone into the forest with all his might.

"I'm sorry everyone, it's my fault." Feng Yong said while walking.

After walking briskly for a while, the spiritual power in Yue Qingran's body was almost exhausted, so everyone stopped.

Everyone leaned against the tree panting, adjusting the aura in their bodies.Feng Xing took the opportunity to say: "This is probably the middle-level spirit beast area, and the Wood King Snake should not dare to come in."

"I hope." After Yue Qingran said three words, she entered the state of breath adjustment.Yuyue Qingran realizes that she is too weak. If she encounters a similar danger again, Yue Qingran may not be able to escape unscathed.

The wood spirit wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the organ: "I heard its sound, it is chasing after us. And it is staring at us, it is near here."

Hearing the words of the organ, Yue Qingran opened her eyes, and listened intently to the movement around her. Not long after, she really heard a slight "huhu".

"Oh my god, isn't this the intermediate zone? How dare you come in?" Mu Ling complained softly, but took out the dagger seriously and looked around.

Feng Yong also took out the small weapon he made, and at the same time he started to brainstorm information about the Wood King Snake.

If the wood snake is an innocent and harmless creature, then the wood king snake is definitely the opposite of the wood snake.

The wooden snake upholds the idea that if people do not offend me, I will not offend others, and if people offend me, I will offend others.But the Wood King Snake is indeed a once-in-a-hundred-year fierce snake.Don't look at it, but there is only a difference of the word 'king', but this one word has widened the gap between the two.

The Wood King Snake is ferocious by nature, and it is an absolute egg protector, and is used to attacking actively. The snake teeth have a small amount of anesthesia effect, and it is good at camouflage and color change.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong's face became even uglier. He never thought that one day he would have to confront this kind of animal.

Especially when the opponent is a vicious snake who is good at changing color and camouflage.

Yue Qingran always pays attention to everything around her.This is one of the abilities of a killer.Nothing can escape Yue Qingran's perception.

Although this kind of snake is difficult to deal with, it is not a very dangerous spirit beast.

"As long as it is a snake, it must have weaknesses. It is certain to be afraid of fire and smoke." Feng Xing pondered for a while, then took action, ready to find some wood to live on.

Yue Qingran supported his forehead and said: "But, don't you think it's more convenient to kill?" Feng Xing paused and began to review the situation again.

"Then let's compete for endurance, and wait to fight it."

Yue Qingran looked at the murderous aura emanating from Feng Yong's body, and said, "Relax, don't be so murderous."

Swarm uncontrollably glanced at Yue Qingran, Yue Qingran growled lowly: "Shots are sensitive animals, you will make them uneasy."

Although Feng Yong heard it, he couldn't control his fear of the unknown.Yue Qingran thought helplessly, the more times this happens, the better.

At this moment, Organ realized that something was wrong, and his intuition told him that danger was coming.Yue Qingran also instantly entered a state of alert. It was an indescribable feeling, and her intuition told her that there was danger.

Seeing Yue Qingran's guarded appearance, Feng Yong couldn't help but said, "You clearly told me not to be murderous, but you see..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the organ and Yue Qingran staring at him seriously. He looked at himself with gloomy eyes.

The wind shut his mouth.

Under the signal of the organ, Yue Qingran looked at the top of Feng Chong's head, and her face was frightened and defeated.

Organ's face was not pretty either.Feng Yong saw that everyone would turn their heads to look at the top of his head, no matter how dull he was, he understood that the Wood King Snake was staring at him, and it was probably on top.

A huge wooden king snake hovered above Feng Chong's head, exposing two-thirds of its body, with its mouth open, revealing its white teeth, looking straight at Feng Chong.

"Don't move around." Feng Yong felt a little light behind him, and twisted his body uneasily.Feng Xing hurriedly reminded.Because following Feng Chong's movements, the Wood King Snake also slowly stretched forward a bit.

Feng Xing took the small knife from Mu Ling's hand, and stared closely at the Wood King Snake.

The Wood King Snake also noticed a group of people staring at it in front of it, and let out a hissing roar to warn Fengxing and others.

Yue Qingran took two steps to the side, missed her body and let Feng Xing slowly walk in front of Feng Yong.

The organ stood on the other side, and the wood spirit stood obliquely in front.After several people stood up like this, Feng Xing said: "I will swing the knife later, you just use this opportunity to rush to the organ immediately, do you hear me?"

Feng Yong's face gradually returned to calm, he looked at everyone trustingly, and let out a 'hmm'.

Feng Xing took several deep breaths, sighed, and stared at the Wood King Snake closely.The Wood King Snake sensed everyone's killing intent towards it, and acted quickly, lowering its head abruptly, ready to catch Feng Xing's body.

(End of this chapter)

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