The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 101 you chase me chase

Chapter 101 you chase me chase
Where did Fiddlesticks go?

Shen Mo looked around cautiously, sensing the surrounding situation through his spiritual sense.

Although this is his dream, his spiritual sense and abilities and equipment are all projected into the dream.

The reason behind this is hard to understand, but feeling the holy light emanating from the master woodcarving in his arms, he felt more at ease.

Trying to cast a weapon blessing on a simple sickle can also be successfully enchanted.

Silence felt that this one should be stable.

A beep sounded in the head.

[Successfully entered the dream space, successfully summoned Fiddlesticks the Scarecrow. 】

[Follow-up mission release: Please avoid Fiddlesticks in the dream, and successfully activate the three sealing altars distributed in the dream space, and seal Fiddlesticks again with the help of the altar. 】

"·····" Shen Mo read the mission prompt carefully, and couldn't help but muttered in his heart, "Avoid the Scarecrow? Can't I have anal sex with him? Where are the three altars?"

Looking as far as I could, the tens of meters in front of my eyes were shrouded in a faint scarlet blood mist. Except for the knee-high weeds that would turn into dirty blood, there was no altar there.

It appears Silence must find the three altars while dodging attacks from Fiddlesticks.

Mo Mo subconsciously took a step forward, but just as his feet landed on the ground.

About 30 meters away from him, a black shadow flashed out of thin air.

It was a body made of straw poles holding a sickle with a wooden handle. On the head covered by the sackcloth, there were gloomy eyes and an extremely exaggerated mouth.

It's Fiddlesticks the Scarecrow.

Mo Mo's heart tightened, he suddenly set up the simple sickle, and stared at Fiddlesticks who suddenly appeared with full vigilance.

He was sure that there was absolutely nothing there just now.

Fiddlesticks seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Flash?! Or Teleportation?!"

Shen Mo guessed the enemy's skills, stared at the scarecrow warily, and unconsciously heard the sound of crows screaming in his ears, surrounding his ears, making people feel chills behind him.

In line with the principle that the enemy can't move and I can't move, one person and one grass are in such a stalemate.

I don't know how long it has passed, Shen Mo saw that the scarecrow was still motionless, and couldn't help marveling at his concentration.

"Let's do it, Fiddlesticks!" Momo taunted, wanting to provoke the enemy and see what the enemy's methods are.

However, Fiddlesticks remained motionless, steady as an old dog.

"..." Seeing that the other party ignored him, Mo Mo took a tentative step forward.

Fidetic on the opposite side suddenly disappeared in place, and moved forward by about one or two meters in the next second.

This time Mo Mo looked carefully, the other party was indeed using a skill similar to flash.

Moreover, he moved almost simultaneously with the silence.

Silence frowned slightly, and there was a faint guess in his heart.

Could this guy not move by himself? !
Silence took another tentative step forward.

Fiddlesticks also flashed forward a meter or two.

"Sure enough!"

Shen Mo suddenly realized that this guy's setting is indeed that if the enemy does not move, I will not move, and if the enemy moves, I will move.

In line with the spirit of exploration of a great scientist, Silence couldn't help but take a step back.

Fiddlesticks disappeared again, and when he appeared, he moved forward another meter or two, getting closer and closer to Silence.


Shen Mo scolded in his heart, "Aren't you being foolish, I go forward and you go forward, and I go behind and you still go forward, don't you talk about the rules of the game?!"

Shen Mo estimated the distance between himself and Fiddlesticks again, and after the trial just now, there was only less than 30 meters left.

30 meters is not far, but it is really too close.

According to the enemy's flashing distance, at most thirty steps, the enemy will be able to touch his face close to his face, making intimate contact.

Does this mean that Silence must find three sealing altars within thirty steps?
Mo Mo looked around again, and within a radius of 30 meters, there was no sign of the altar at all.

How does this work? !

Keep your mind spinning in silence, and let your smart brain occupy the high ground as much as possible.

If Fiddlesticks didn't play tricks, as long as Silence stepped more than two meters away, the opponent would never be able to catch him.

But this must be based on the fact that the other party is not cheating. According to the current situation, the other party is obviously a shameless dog!
Mo Mo took a long breath, no matter what, what he had to do now was to find the three sealing altars as soon as possible.

As for whether the other party is playing tricks or not, he can only use soldiers to cover the water and soil, and play by ear.

Ever since, Shen Mo leaped back decisively, taking a distance of about three meters. With his current physical fitness twice that of ordinary people, it is not difficult to do this.

Fiddlesticks followed Silence, and also flashed forward the limit distance of two meters.

Three minus two equals one.

The distance between them has obviously increased.


Silently rejoiced in his heart, secretly thinking that he was indeed a genius.

One person and one grass are so happily playing the game of chasing each other on the endless prairie.

Shen Mo searched in one direction. He didn't know where the sealing altar was, so he could only kill him in one direction and keep searching.

It didn't take long for Silence to find the first altar.

This is a six-pointed star altar composed of five huge stones. In the center of the huge stone is a stone platform with a scarlet six-pointed star.

Mo Mo knew in his heart whether he could activate the sealing altar as long as he stood on the stone platform.

According to the method just now, Mo Mo jumped again, jumped onto the platform, the stone slab under his feet rose slowly, and the scarlet brilliance was faintly visible, and it was successfully activated in just a dozen seconds, emitting a faint red light.

The first altar is activated!
Mo Mo secretly rejoiced, secretly thinking that this task is not difficult at all!

So, he stepped forward again for a distance of three meters, and when he looked back at Fiddlesticks behind him, a strange scene happened.

Fiddlesticks also flashed forward, but this time, he flashed a distance of five meters.

Five minus three equals two!

The distance between Silence and Fiddlesticks shortened by two meters.

"Huh?! He cheated!"

Shen Mo's heart sank, secretly thinking that the situation was not good.

Fiddlesticks' flashing distance actually jumped directly from two meters to five meters. With such a gap, Momo would be caught by Fiddlesticks before he found the second altar.

As for the consequences after being caught, although the mission did not clearly state it, Silence believes that it is definitely not a good thing. It is very likely to be killed, or the mission fails to release Fiddlesticks.

No matter what kind of consequences it is, it is a consequence that Silence is unwilling and unable to bear.

He must now find a way to bridge the gap between the two.

Otherwise, waiting for silence will be a hand-to-hand battle with Fiddlesticks.

(End of this chapter)

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