The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 103 I didn't expect you to be such a person

Chapter 103 I didn't expect you to be such a person

Who stayed up in the middle of the night and ran to the wilderness to peek at Silent Chi Guoguo's body? !
Is the WiFi at home bad?

Or the mutton skewers in the night market are not fragrant anymore?

Or are the girls on the street ugly?
What are you trying to do here in the middle of the night? !

In Mo Mo's heart, ten thousand prairie beasts roared past, and suddenly looked back, only to see a young girl with a bewildered expression standing behind her.

This person is silent and still knows the truth.

Li Di? !
How could it be Li Di? !
What is she doing here?
After thinking about it silently, he realized that it must be the Niu team who came to deal with the ghoul incident. They found that there were traces of new tires on the side road, so they sent Li Di to check the situation.

Unexpectedly, Li Di collided with Shen Mo who had just completed the task by accident.

"Silence, I didn't expect you to be such a person! Obscene, shameless, exhibitionist..."

When Li Di saw Shen Mo turned around, his eyes subconsciously swept under him, his face turned red in shock, he quickly covered his eyes, and said contemptuously, "Put the clothes on me quickly!"

Silent and ashamed, he hurriedly stood up from the grass, and replied unwillingly, "How can you scold someone? It's not you who was seen naked, but I was the one who suffered!"

"You..." Li Di was furious, and stomped on the spot angrily, "Who wants to see you, look good, put your clothes on right now, and explain to me why you are here ? What are you doing again?"

"No! You apologize to me first." Mo Mo let the autumn wind blow on his skin, and said confidently.

"Apologize to you?" Li Di felt that the silence was unreasonable. How could there be such a rascal in the world.

Li Di was bitten to death in her heart, she would never apologize to Shen Mo.

Just when the two were at a stalemate, there was a sound of footsteps behind Li Di, and the colleague who was investigating with her heard the movement here, and hurried over.

"Li Di, did you find anything there?" An extremely rough male voice came from the two, only about ten meters away from the two of them. If it wasn't for the dark night and overgrown weeds, they would definitely be able to Silence at a glance.

"Hey! Don't wear clothes if you have the ability." Li Di covered his eyes and said with a smirk, "I found out, come here quickly!"

Shen Mo's face changed slightly, and he realized that the situation was not good, and he didn't want to see everything in full view under the eyes of everyone.

"Li Di, you are cruel, but remember, you owe me an apology!"

Putting down a word, silently tapped his feet, picked up the clothes on the side, plunged into the grass, and disappeared after a few breaths.

"Huh?!" Li Di listened attentively to the movements around her, but suddenly she was surprisingly quiet. She turned her face away cautiously and looked out through her fingers, but there was no trace of silence.

"Actually escaped, do you think you can escape? A monk can't escape from the temple if he escapes. Although this kind of behavior in public is not a crime, it is an extremely serious immoral behavior and must be given to you. Some punishment."

Li Di slowly put down his hands, feeling so coquettish, and only then did he have the time to check the situation around him.

"Huh?! What is this?"

Li Di saw the strange patterns on the ground at a glance. These altars used to summon the scary scarecrow Fiddlesticks, although they were trampled by Silence when they left, most of the traces still remained.

"Why did Shen Mo lie on these weird patterns? What was he doing just now? Could the murder in the car be related to him? But the bull team said that it was Shen Mo who called the police? He also said that Mo Mo was his own!"

There were 1 questions in Li Di's mind, and he couldn't figure out why even after exhausting his brainpower.

The woman's intuition told her that there must be something hidden between Niu Dui and Shen Mo that she didn't know.

At this time, her colleagues also rushed over.

"Li Di, what did you find?"

Li Di recovered from his contemplation, and hurriedly replied, "It's nothing, it's just a child being naughty and making strange patterns with straw."

Li Di subconsciously concealed things about Shen Mo from her colleagues. She felt that Team Niu trusted Shen Mo so much, and there must be a reason for him.

Niu Dui is the most honest and conscientious policeman she has ever seen.

There must be a reason why he did it.

But now, Li Di became more and more curious about the reason why the Bulls were so trusting and silent.

What kind of person is Silence?
Although he didn't have much contact with him, his weird behavior and incomprehensible words deeply stimulated Li Di's curiosity.

Women, it's natural to be curious.

Therefore, she must investigate clearly.

Let’s say Shen Mo put on his clothes, walked through the weeds, and returned to the BMW without much effort. He kicked the accelerator and drove away without stopping.

When Shen Mo returned to Laifu Woodcarving Shop, it was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

Parking the car in the usual parking space, Shen Mo prepared to go back to the store first and then check tonight's harvest.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw a black shadow hovering in front of the Laifu woodcarving shop.

Taking a closer look, it was Zhang Pengju who came to the woodcarving shop last night, that is, the person with yin and yang eyes who appeared in the daily task.

"I haven't looked for him yet, but he came here by himself!"

Silently murmuring, he walked towards Zhang Pengju.

When Shen Mo got close to Zhang Pengju, he frowned involuntarily, because he saw a ghostly aura behind Zhang Pengju, which was obviously a ghost.

Ju'er, you just gained the ability, how did you provoke a ghost so quickly?
hum!The silent spiritual sense was opened, and he glanced at the ghostly aura behind Zhang Pengju.

Hey, it's still a coquettish female ghost, your boy is very lucky!

Looking at Zhang Pengju's face silently, there was an unidentifiable paleness, which was obviously caused by being sucked by ghosts.

Today's juniors don't know how to restrain themselves when they suddenly gain abilities. Can things like ghosts be casually handed over?
People belong to yang, ghosts belong to yin, if yin and yang are not in harmony, one of them will be hurt.

Fortunately, he was not obsessed with ghosts and knew to come to him.

Silence collected himself, and coughed loudly, "Zhang Pengju, why are you here again?"

Zhang Pengju, who was squatting at the door of the store, just realized Shen Mo, quickly stood up, saluted Mo Mo respectfully, and said, "Brother, you are finally back, I have something urgent for you!"

Silently glanced at the alluring female ghost behind Zhang Pengju. She had devoured Zhang Pengju's essence and had faded away from her dead appearance. It was hard to see how she died.

"Since there is something to do, then you all come in!" Shen Mo said as he opened the door of the wood carving shop and motioned for them to enter the shop.

"They..." Zhang Pengju muttered, knowing in his heart that Silence had already seen that he had brought a female ghost, and hurriedly patted, "Brother is really unpredictable, and she can see her details at a glance. This ability is unprecedented. , there will be no one to come after. Think about the long distance of heaven and earth, alone..."

Zhang Pengju stammered several sentences, but he couldn't go on "independence".

The female ghost behind him was excited, and echoed, "I'm so sad and tearful!"

"Yes, I am crying alone!"

Mo Mo said contemptuously, "Come on, I'm uneducated, and I can't even flatter you. I can't spit ink, so I just speak bluntly."

"..." Zhang Pengju pondered for a moment, then raised his thumb and said, "Brother Niubi!"


Why is bull coin so powerful?
Because it's so big!
Silence is not willing to be praised so much, even if such praise is out of commendation, it still sounds very uncomfortable.

He waved his hand, interrupted Zhang Pengju's non-technical words, and asked bluntly, "It's so late, why are you looking for me?"

"Hey," Zhang Pengju complimented, "Didn't I see your extraordinary skills, big brother, and I want to ask you to help me save this poor female ghost!"

"Extend?" Shen Mo looked up and down the alluring female ghost with weird eyes, and then looked at Zhang Pengju's pale face, "You don't look like you are here to ask me for an exhortation."

"..." Zhang Peng was speechless and rubbed his hands in embarrassment. It seemed that the elder brother misunderstood his relationship with the female ghost, so he hurriedly explained, "Brother, there is nothing between us and Xiaowen... Xiaowen , she is pitiful, she was hit to death by a car at a young age, and now she can't reincarnate, and can only be a lonely ghost, please show mercy and help her to save her!"

"Innocent?" Shen Mo snorted coldly, grabbed Zhang Pengju's shirt suddenly with one hand, and tore it with his palm, tearing off his T-shirt directly, exposing his upper body.

"Ah! Brother, you..." Zhang Pengju paled in panic, and quickly covered his body with his arms, showing panic and panic.

Brother, what are you doing here?Is it even more difficult to save a female ghost?With such a good intention to save ghosts, why do you have to put yourself in it?

Shen Mo shouted angrily, "What do I think, you can see for yourself."

Mo Mo pointed to Zhang Pengju's back and chest covered in dark red bloody handprints, and sighed long and hard.

"Young people must know moderation,
Don't raise your tail to the sky when you get super powers,
Ghost, is it something you can provoke? ! "

Zhang Pengju looked down at his upper body, and was immediately startled by the bloody handprints all over his body, breaking into a cold sweat. He didn't expect that his kindness in saving Xiaowen would cause such damage to his body, let alone that Xiaowen would actually hurt him.

"Xiaowen... this handprint... did you do it?"

Zhang Pengju looked terrified, and subconsciously moved away from the female ghost named Xiaowen.

Xiaowen's blood-red eyes quietly watched Shen Mo and Zhang Pengju, and did not reply, but the ghostly aura gradually began to pervade her body, which was tantamount to telling Shen Mo that she was very unhappy.

Because silence exposed her conspiracy.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and said in his heart, "It seems that the female ghost is indeed a monster. Last night, he absorbed Zhang Pengju's essence and erased his memory. No wonder he was still counting the money for the female ghost after being sold."

Mo Mo escaped the master woodcarving from his arms very casually, and slapped it on the table in front of him. Although the holy light in the woodcarving did not activate, the female ghost Xiaowen on the opposite side trembled as soon as the woodcarving appeared. , feel the horrible breath on the wood carving.

The grimace of the female ghost Xiaowen finally changed. She seemed to be weighing and hesitating whether she should give up Zhang Pengju, whom she finally ran into.

He is the only one who has been able to see her for so many years, and the only one who can easily devour her essence.

Such a person, to a lone ghost like her who has not yet matured, exudes great allure just like the flesh of a Tang monk.

In a word, the female ghost Xiaowen couldn't bear Zhang Peng to give up this piece of meat.

"You'd better not stop me, otherwise, I'll suck you dry too!" The female ghost Xiaowen's grimace changed, becoming extremely ferocious and terrifying, revealing her ghostly appearance when she died, and it was unbearable to look directly at her.

Zhang Pengju's heart trembled. Hearing this, he had confirmed that the wounds on his body were caused by the female ghost.

But he didn't expect that ordinary ghosts like Xiaowen who don't have enough resentment to turn into ghosts can only devour the essence or flesh of people with aura if they want to advance.

Zhang Pengju was not originally the person Xiaowen wanted, but because Silence helped him resurrect, by accident, his body was filled with spiritual energy, and his yin and yang eyes were awakened.

This gave the female ghost Xiaowen the possibility and opportunity to devour the essence.

Facing the threat from the female ghost, Mo Mo sneered, "You want to suck me dry? You can try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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