The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 105 Goblin's Horn

Chapter 105 Goblin's Horn
Earthen Jar Jewelry Pocket Jar!

What kind of props will it open?

Shen Mo was about to open the earthen pot with full expectation, but when his hand was about to touch the earthen pot, he couldn't help but froze in mid-air, subconsciously looking at the wood carving of Zashiki Doji's demon body beside the computer desk.

That's Zashiki Doji Nannan, the silent mascot!

Mo Mo realizes that it is a very unwise choice for him to open the can by himself. It is the most correct choice to give the earthen can to Zashiki Doji and rely on her luck attribute to fight for a future.

"Nannan, are you asleep?"

Shen Mo withdrew his non-chief's hand, turned around and came to the computer desk, and asked in a low voice.

"Boss? Boss? I'm already asleep!" Nan Nan replied childishly from the woodcarving of the demon body.

"..." Mo Mo's face was darkened, "I can still talk when I'm asleep, don't you think I'm a fool?"

Mo Mo raised his hand and lightly patted the wood carving on the monster's body, and muttered sharply, "Don't sleep yet, come out and do a favor for the boss. You did a good job. The boss will give you a bonus and buy you a skin."

"But Nan Nan has already bought all the heroes and all the skins!" Nan Nan's voice was weak, obviously unable to arouse the slightest interest.

"Hey, you're still too young."

Silence couldn't help but sneered, and said in a teasing tone, "Nannan, the National Day will be in a few days. Based on my understanding of Lao Ma, there will definitely be a new skin set in LOL. Do you want it?"

"Huh?! Really?"

The red light of the demon god wood carving flashed, and Nan Nan's figure landed in front of Shen Mo, staring at Shen Mo curiously.

"Of course it is true. This is the old Ma family's old routine. New products and new skins are launched during the holidays, and they are doing exclusive and limited gimmicks to increase the collection value of products. After the end, it is omni-channel promotion. Although there is no Obviously let you buy it, but look at the new skins, all of them are so dazzling, so cute, every game is dangling in front of your eyes, if you don’t buy a few, you will be sorry for their hard publicity, right? "

"Buy! Buy! Buy!" Nan's ugly eyes stared like stars, as if he was already imagining the scene of super god five kills in gorgeous skin, and jumped on the spot anxiously.

"Buy, but you have to help me open a jar for the boss first."

"Jar? What kind of jar?" Nan Nan tilted her head in confusion. She had to be invited to open something like a jar. The boss is really a strange human being.

"That's it, a love-hate little bitch."

Shen Mo turned around and handed the earthen pot pocket pot on the desk to Nan Nan, preparing to teach her how to open it and the so-called pot opening skills.

But he couldn't help but stop when he got to his mouth. The so-called can opening skills didn't seem to make much sense in front of Zashiki Doji Nannan.

In Nan Nan's eyes, no matter what skills are not, with her European imperial temperament, she can just click on them casually.

Nan Nan touched it casually, the pocket pot of the clay pot gave off a dazzling brilliance, and began to shake violently, breaking open from the inside out, gradually revealing the treasured props inside.


The clay jar was shattered and turned into little stars that dissipated, but there was an extra item in Nan Nan's hands that he had never had before.

It was a small and exquisite horn pendant worn on the waist. It seemed to be made of ox horns. Some kind of mysterious totem pattern was carved on the body of the horns. It looked like a human being but not a human, a beast but not a beast, and animals were indistinguishable.

Shen Mo was stunned, wondering why the jewelry pocket pot of the earth pot would produce a waist pendant, he never remembered that there was such a thing in the equipment.

Besides, don't you feel uncomfortable with the hard horns hanging around your waist?

He took the horn pendant from Nannan with puzzlement and apprehension, and began to check its attributes.

【Goblin's Horn】

Accessories: Special Summoning Items (one-time)
Rarity: Rare

Equipment attributes: none

Additional skills:
[Summoning Goblins: When the horn is blown, there is a 50% chance to summon a goblin warrior to assist the summoner in attacking the enemy, and a 20% chance to summon a ten-person goblin squad to assist the summoner in attacking the enemy. There is a 1% chance to summon a goblin squad of hundreds of people to assist the summoner in attacking the enemy, and a 0.0001% chance to summon an army of ten thousand goblins to assist the summoner in attacking the enemy.Goblins exist for 60 minutes. 】

"Summon props!"

Mo Mo held the horn of the bull's head in a daze, a burst of ecstasy engulfed his heart, and he was so excited that he couldn't take care of himself.

What is the value of this item?
It was not difficult to see from the silent reaction that he liked the goblin's horn very much.

This is an extremely rare summoning item, although the summoned item only has a time limit of six to ten minutes.

But it is definitely a big killer that can be used as a trump card.

Silence directly ignored the goblin warriors and the team in front of him, and his eyes fell directly on the goblin army of ten thousand people.

It is a little bit reluctant to blow out a goblin warrior with his luck, but if Zashiki Warji blows it, even a 0.0001% chance can be regarded as a 100% sure hit.

A fully armed and well-equipped army of ten thousand goblins!

Tsk tsk, just thinking about it makes people excited!

That was an army of ten thousand people.

Silence can't help but think of the heroic figure of waving his hands and pointing thousands of horses and thousands of troops, gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

It is almost comparable to the proud bone named Ainzi Ur-gong.

"Nannan, you are amazing."

Shen Mo praised Nan Nan from the bottom of his heart, and directly recharged her 1 yuan as he promised to buy the National Day skin set.

Although Nan Nan couldn't figure out why Shen Mo had such a soft spot for Niujiao, but he was very happy to get the money.

Just order a pot and get money, it's so happy that you don't want it.

Both of them were extremely happy, happier than the windy man in Summoner's Canyon.

Nannan was called out and had no intention of going back to sleep, so she simply continued to gallop in the Summoner's Canyon.

She is now level 15, and she will be able to participate in the qualifying match when she reaches level [-].

Just thinking about it makes those proud masters tremble.

Silence put away the goblin's horn as his biggest trump card in the future.

In order to complete the task of the scary scarecrow before, the vampire's transformation potion has been used as the hole card.

The appearance of the goblin horn just made up for the lack of hole cards.

Silence set his sights on the 150 aura value again, weighed the pros and cons, and finally decided to save the aura to upgrade his own level.

And the special prop of the stand-in scarecrow is naturally another trump card for life-saving.

After arranging the income from this mission, I took a shower in silence, and then lay on the bed to get ready to rest.

Before going to bed, I thought about Uncle Lame and the others. They would go to the grave tomorrow morning, so I was really worried about them.

The sound of Nan Nan typing on the keyboard kept ringing in Shen Mo's ears, which made it even more difficult for Shen Mo, who was already worried, to fall asleep.

That being the case, Shen Mo simply took out his mobile phone to grind his sleepiness.

As usual, I swiped the Blast Sound app, took a look at the woodcarving video works that were already completely cool, and shook my head silently and helplessly.

Originally, he planned to upload a video about Zashiki Boy Nannan's demon body woodcarving on the Bangyin app, but after Ma Shisan's warning, he dismissed the idea.

The less people know about Zashiki Doji Nannan at Laifu Wood Carving Shop, the better.

The Toshiba Club in the island country is like an invisible sharp sword hanging over Nan Nan's head, and if he is not careful, it will fall again and hurt Nan Nan.

Silence and Extinction will not let this happen, because Nan Nan is too important to him.

Mo Mo has endless jars waiting for Nan Nan to open them with Ouhuang temperament.

How to allow Nannan to be hurt!


Nannan's crying sound came from the computer desk untimely, the voice was trembling and choked, it was heartbreaking.

Mo Mo suddenly got up from the bed, thinking that the guys from Toshiba Club came here, would they be exposed if they played a game?Don't carry it like this.

"What's the matter with you, Nannan?"

"Woohoo~ This poodle keeps catching me...I can't even leave the house. Woohoo!"

Nan Nan cried very sad, almost desperate, one can imagine how bad her gaming experience in this game must be.

Shen Mo stepped on the drag hailed, hurried to Nan Nan's side, and took a look at the game.

As usual, Nan Nan finished with Empress Ashe, her support was Nanny of the Sons of Stars, and her laning heroes were female guns and poodles.

A poodle assist is a rare case.

It was also the first time Nan Nan met. She was not familiar with the poodle's skills, so she didn't even make a big piece in 15 minutes, and was caught to death twelve times.

Now the nanny has been caught and hangs up, and Nan Nan was tortured to death in the spring just now, crying loudly in despair.

With a record of 0/12/0, her Queen Ashe not only summoned wild sprays from her teammates, but also full of malice and ridicule from the opposite poodle.

Silently stunned, he didn't expect Nan Nan to lose so miserably, did her luck not work?
Or maybe she just ran out of luck after opening the jar.

Or lol is not just a contest of luck, skill is also very important.

Silence doesn't matter so much, he has to teach this poodle a lesson now, he is really too arrogant and cruel.

"Nannan, let me teach the opposite poodle a lesson."

Mo Mo comforted Nan Nan who got up, and sat on the competition chair, waiting for Ashe to be revived.

Ten seconds later, Shen Mo used the mouse to control Ashe to leave the spring. Now he needs to develop as soon as possible, as long as he drags out a large item, he can counterattack.


As soon as Ashe walked out of the spring, she let out a miserable scream, and fell powerlessly on the Summoner's Canyon, and the computer screen instantly turned gray.


Nan Nan: "Woooo! It's that poodle again!"

That damned nasty poodle is at it again.

It kills Ashe instantly, it only takes [-] seconds.

One hit kills.

Silently furious, typing furiously on the keyboard, "I want you, a poodle, to be wanted on the whole Internet."

Poodle: "Can't you afford it?!"

Silence: "Believe it or not, I crawled along the network cable! I will teach you how to be a human being."

Poodle: "**you**"

Silence: "You wait!"

Shen Mo looked back at the rhubarb wood carving on the desk and shouted, "God, go to Yancheng University and find Lin Ling'er!"

(End of this chapter)

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