The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 110 You are surrounded by me

Chapter 110 You are surrounded by me

Silence didn't deliberately hide his hostility, the simple scythe he set up had already made clear his position.

Under the sense of spiritual perception, Shen Mo saw through the girl's real body. She is a zombie, a zombie from 800 years ago.

No matter how good-looking she is at the moment, it can't change that she is an 800-year-old stiff.

Such an old zombie dares to pretend to be tender in front of Shen Mo, it's like an old birthday star who eats arsenic and thinks his life will be long.

Thinking about Xiaowen, the female ghost who was coquettish in front of him last time, one can guess what will happen to the waiting girl.

"Face the slash!"

Silence let out a loud shout, and swiped out a simple sickle, making a tentative attack, wanting to see the girl's details.

The girl seemed to have been on guard for a long time, her pink feet were connected, and her whole body danced like a butterfly. She escaped the silent slash very gracefully and gorgeously, and landed on another stone carving again.


The original stone carving under the girl's feet cracked at the sound, and the cut surface was smooth without any burrs, which was even more perfect than contemporary cutting.

The girl glanced at the severed stone sculpture and muttered indifferently.

"You are so impatient, I thought you would ask me more questions!"

The girl Fendai raised her head slightly, smiling coquettishly, "Aren't you curious about my identity? I'm very curious about you!"

Silence sneered, "Why are you curious? It's just an 800-year-old old zombie."

The girl's face froze instantly, and she said angrily, "Say it again!"

"It's just an 800-year old..."

The stone sculpture under the girl's feet shattered as if it had been blasted, and the girl on it turned into an afterimage, walking in the air, displaying a peerless movement technique, approaching silence. The slender hand has turned into terrifying scarlet claws at some point, exuding a terrifying corpse aura, overwhelming and overwhelming.

Silence had already been prepared, otherwise he wouldn't have provoked the other party several times.

With a flick of his wrist, three low-level talismans stuck up, the master woodcarving pinned to his waist flew across the air, and collided with the girl's scarlet claws, causing a loud noise and dazzling white light.

Under the burning of the holy light, the girl's scarlet claws melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, until they burned to her jade hand, and under the pain, she backed away in horror, her feet covered in powder, and landed in the center of the hall.

Seeing the master's woodcarving meritorious deeds and the girl retreating in defeat, Shen Mo thought that her strength was no more than that, so she rolled up a simple sickle and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Wait a minute, you can't hurt me!" the girl kept muttering, "I am Princess Yeli Lost, the daughter of General Tatar. If you hurt me even a little bit, my father will not let you go."

Mo Mo revealed her true color, Mo Mo had already guessed her identity a little bit, and now that she was confirmed, she wanted to capture her alive and take her as a hostage to blackmail the Tartar general who turned into a corpse king.

As for the girl's name taboo, Shen Mo couldn't help complaining.

"Lost princess in the night? When your father named you, there must have been a story that had to be told."

Ye Li lost: "???"

Is there an allusion to her name?Why has she never heard of her father?

In fact, such a name was very common among the Mongolians in the Yuan Dynasty, but it sounds somewhat ambiguous in modern times.

Just when Ye Li was lost in astonishment, Shen Mo stepped forward, relying on her own speed and the blessing of elementary talismans, she suddenly appeared beside her.

Devil's Hand!

A devil's hand filled with evil suddenly protruded out, and it held Ye Limiza tightly and imprisoned her, knowing that she couldn't get rid of the shackles of the devil's hand no matter how hard she struggled.

Although evil things such as zombies are not included in the Six Paths and Five Elements, it is extremely difficult to trap them with ordinary Taoism.

But the silent devil's hand is the power of the devil, and using the power of the devil to deal with the zombies has a miraculous effect.

This may be the reason why foreign monks like to chant scriptures!
Shen Mo didn't delve into this issue, as long as he can capture the zombie girl and take her as a hostage.

"Don't do this, let me go!"

Ye Li lost in exclamation repeatedly, wanting to resist silence, but found that she could not use her huge strength at all, the evil claw that appeared out of thin air seemed to be devouring the corpse energy in her body, making her weaker the more she struggled , on the other hand, the stronger the devil's hand is, the stronger it is.


Silence sneered, and shouted at Ye Li, who had become a prisoner, "You are in my hands now, and your life and death are in my hands. From now on, I will ask you to answer. If I feel that you are Lie, I'll crush you like a fly."

Contempt and unwillingness appeared on Ye Limi's flawless face, and he said angrily, "You offend me so much, I will never tell you anything..."


Shen Mo twisted with one hand, and the hand controlling the demon suddenly shrank, and under the strangling force, Ye Li's lost body trembled and screamed again and again.

Although she is a zombie, she shouldn't be afraid of physical blows, but the devil's hand is constantly devouring her corpse, making her zombie body weaker and weaker.

Corpse breath is to zombies what blood is to human beings.

When the blood is exhausted, life and death.When the corpse energy is exhausted, the zombie will die.

Ye Limi had never been tortured like this before, before Shen Mo had resorted to many means, she had already surrendered.

"Don't smoke anymore... I said, I can do everything according to you."

Shen Mo took a contemptuous glance, "You fell down before I exerted any strength."

In the back of his mind, there were a hundred weird ways to torture zombies waiting to be tested.

Why is it the first move, and Ye Li lost his knees?This makes Silence not at all fulfilling.

"Let me ask you, where is your father, King Tartar?"

Ye Li lost and blurted out, "I don't know."


Mo Mo exerted force suddenly, making her stiff and trembling again.

"You don't know, who are you lying to? How could you not know. Who would believe such a fake nonsense. "

Ye Li lost his face showing pain, and groaned, "I really don't know, I only know that this underground palace is built according to the imperial palace, the front hall is guarded by three thousand corpse soldiers, and the back hall is the place where our family members are buried. Where it is buried, I really don't know."

Silence was stunned, feeling that Ye Liluo didn't seem to be lying, chewing on the details of the words carefully, couldn't help but tremble.

"Are you waiting for your family members? You mean besides you, there are other people buried in the apse?"

Ye Li lost his head and nodded, "Yes!"


A gust of wind blew and hit Shen Mo's back. When he turned around and looked, there were dozens of luxuriously dressed zombie ghosts in the empty place.

They are the family members that Ye Li lost.

They were definitely not in the palace just now, why did they suddenly appear here?

Ye Li lost his way and explained, "Our family members were trapped in this apse by the warlocks. With your aura of life, you disrupted the formation and got rid of the centuries-old shackles."

That's how it was, the silence suddenly dawned, and then sternly shouted at the family members who had just appeared.

"You are already surrounded by me, immediately put down the weapons in your hands, and capture them without a fight!"

Ye Li lost: "..."

Family of the Corpse King: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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